F3 Knoxville

Left vs Right

THE SCENE: Just like the perfect date. Not too hot, not too cold.  All you need is a light jacket!

Left and right theme today.  All excercises have delayed symmetry…
15x Left Straddle Hops IC
15x Right Straddle Hops IC
10x Travoltas (right side)
10x Travoltas (left side)
10x Buddy the Elf (left side)
10x Buddy the Elf (right side)
15x Sundials (left side)
15x Sundials (right side)

Mosey up to the Forbidden Parking Lot, line up on the curb…
10x single-leg calf raise
Mosey to other curb
10x calf raise on the other leg
Mosey back
R&R 3x, getting a bit faster each time.

Mosey on up the Matterhorn.
Stop halfway up and BooBoo Bear Crawl (bear crawl with one leg) for 25yd
Switch legs and continue BooBoo Bear Crawl for another 25yd
Mosey to the Pavalon

Perform the following exercises all on one side, run up the hill and back, then repeat with other side
10x Hanging Knee Tucks
15x Merkins – one hand and one foot on the bench
20x Step-ups (same leg)
15x One-sided LBC
10x One-handed Dips

Everyone made it through the list at least 4x (twice on each side)

Mosey back to the cones on the Matterhorn and BooBoo Bear Crawl back down.

Mosey on to the boats for 5x One-Handed 6-Count Body Builders (same as 8-Count but skip the Merkin) with each arm, then head back to the AO

15x Side Crunches each side.
15x (or so) 4-ct Freddy Mercury
16 HIMs this morning.
This politics season we have left and right duking it out as usual, which was what prompted this Left and Right Q, but as I worked on the details, God brought to mind a totally different left and right context in Matthew 6:

Beware of practicing your righteousness before other people in order to be seen by them, for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven. Thus, when you give to the needy, sound no trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may be praised by others. Truly, I say to you, they have received their reward. But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your giving may be in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you.

Two points from the above… The first is the obvious one – Don’t do good stuff for recognition from man. Second is just one word – “When”, not “If”. It should be the default that we are going to help others – Be on the lookout for opportunities to practice “When”.

Lovely concert during the beatdown from trumpet virtuoso Sparky!
F3 anniversary 11/3-4 – Sign up for picnic! Service ruck 11/17. Sign up online (links for both on GroupMe)

The Dora Circuit

THE SCENE: Dog Pound 10/2/18, perfect weather

Warm UP:
Funky yoga stretches
10 Merkins
Partner up
The Dora Circuit
Partner 1 does exercise while partner 2 runs to cones. (50+- yards apart)
Dora #1
100 Merkins
200 squats
Move to next cone
Dora #2
50 inch worms
100 imperial walkers 3count
Dora #3
250 LBCs
100 Shoulder tap merkins
100 Squat jumps
100 curb dips
100 calf raises
100 merkins
Mosey back to AO
Mary: box cutters, hello Dolly’s and Peter Parkers


Sticking your neck out for what’s right.

I used an example of my wife stepping up and taking on several people that were not doing what was right. She was willing to put her neck out there and take on a lot of work, lose relationships and even have people talk bad about her even though she did nothing wrong.

Its tough to stand up sometimes when you know if you do it could cause heartache. But, we need to stand up for what’s right and not let bad things happen as we turn the other way. I was very proud of my wife and I learned that she is not afraid to put herself on the line for what’s right.
Great to see all the still sore GoRuckers out there loosening up those muscles. Awesome job fellas!
F3 olympics coming up soon

A Little Bit of Everything

THE SCENE:  upper 60’s & clear



  • Cherry pickers x 5
  • Side Straddle Hops x 20
  • Mountain Climbers x 20
  • This/That stretch


  1. Mosey to the walking track
    • Run the track Route 66 style.  Start with 1 Squat and 1 Big Boy at the first light pole.  Increase by one rep at each light pole.  Total of 15 poles….I think.
  2. Pick a battle buddy and wheelbarrow across the parking lot.  5 Merkins at each parking space line.  Switch at the end of the lot and come back the same way.
  3. Mosey to the end of the parking lot by the playground.  Descending ladder.  Run to the top of the hill by the bathrooms after each time down the ladder.
    • 10 Spread Eagle Merkins
    • 9 Squat Jumps
    • 8 Big Boys
    • 7 Plankjacks
    • 6 Iron Mikes
    • 5 Box Cutters
    • 4 Shoulder Taps
    • 3 Lunges
    • 2 Superman Swims
    • 1 Burpee
  4. Mosey back to the AO parking lot for some Pyramids
    • 25 Merkins, run to top of hill
    • 25 Merkins, 25 Big Boys, run to top of hill
    • 25 Merkins, 25 Big Boys, 25 Squats, run to top of hill

No official Mary, but plenty of abs/core today.


Swirlie, Judge Judy, La-Z-Boy, Ratchet, Shameless (FNG), Shooter, Mayberry, Bartman


John chapter talks about sin – specifically about the ramifications of having sin in your life and how it affects your walk with Christ.  the Bible says that all sin committed in darkness will be brought into the light.  I shared about how my oldest son is struggling with adult sized sin for the first time as a 15 year old and how I am dealing with that.

For the record, Frosty and Butters were there today too – but they walked around with backpacks on the whole time.   Something about getting ready for a 12 hour Go-Ruck tonight???

F3 Olympics coming up 11/3

Rain = Pavalon work!

THE SCENE: 70 and raining



Stretch for a minute, then mosey to the Pavalon

Descending ladder.  Work your way down, then run to the gate at the top of the hill.  Rinse/Repeat eliminating the lowest number each round until your last round is just 10 Pull ups.

  • 10 Pull ups
  • 9 Decline Merkins
  • 8 Roll up V up
  • 7 Box jumps (step ups for those of us with sore feet)
  • 6 Burpees
  • 5 Thrust Merkins
  • 4 Dips
  • 3 Knee ups
  • 2 Ultimate Merkins
  • 1 Double Burpee

No Mary – no time

8 men:  Frosty, Mayberry, Butters, BlueCross, Unibrau, Wagon Wheel, Sparky, Bartman

Ephesians 5:25-33.   Husbands love your wives like Christ loved His church.



F3 Olympics:  weekend of 11/3;   Tough Mudder: 10/20 in Atlanta;   GoRuck/Dirty Bird this coming weekend

Three headed monster

THE SCENE: Calm, Humid, 70sih

Little of everything… Merkins, Alabama ass-kickers, jog, burpees, tempo squat, jog, BLIMPS

  • Aiken legs –>  Bernie Sanders  –> 50 yd sprint (x2)… Legs blasted, check
  • Bear crawl ring of fire –> center circle of the MRSA field. There was no safety on the ground or on your hands.
    1. 360 degrees of bear crawl –> 10 merkins.
    2. 180 degrees of boo boo bear crawl –> 10 werkins.
    3. 180 degrees of boo boo bear crawl (opposite leg) –> 10 werkins.
    4. 180 degrees of crawl bear –> 10 derkins. Arms smoked.
  • Doracides – 400 iron mikes, 250 Big boy sit-ups, and 250 dry docks.
    • partners take turns chipping away while the other runs a suicide style sprint with burpees at the turn around point. At least the end was near.


Just cause we had 3 minutes left…. gas pumpers and peter parkers.

17 strong.

After God threw man out of the garden of Eden, the first thing he did was form clothes for them. How do we extend grace to our children even when we punish them?

F3 olympics…. not sure when, but sounds like fun.