F3 Knoxville

Tallest Tower Wins

THE SCENE:   Mid 30’s….cold!



  • SSH x 20
  • Burpees x 10
  • OH Press x 10
  • This/that stretch
  • Cherry Pickers


  1. Split into 2 teams.  Each team had 4-5 CMUs, 4-5 pee rocks, a 70lb kettlebell and an 87lb steel gas can.  Mosey/ruck as a team to the paved hill by the restaurant carrying all of the team’s weight.  Once we reached the hill it was time to build some towers.  Each team had to climb the hill with all of their weight.  Once at the top they could drop 1 item of the team’s choosing and perform 3 burpees as a group.  Then take everything else back down the hill where the group performed 5 squats with whatever weight you were holding at the time.  Rinse & repeat until all weights have been left at the top of the hill.   Teams competed to stack the weight at the top of the hill into the tallest tower possible….tallest tower wins!  All in all it was a pretty good workout….each team made 11 trips up the hill carrying different amounts of weight.
  2. Mosey/ruck everything back to the AO.
  3. Suicide lottery for the remaining time.  There was a bucket filled with exercises.   PAX choose a ticket lottery style and we do the exercise on the suicide course.  The following were chosen:
    • Bear crawls
    • Nose Wipers x 5
    • CMU squats x 10


  • 4 ct Flutter kicks holding CMU x 10
  • 4 ct Slutter kicks holding CMU x 10
  • Big Boys with CMU x 15
  • Peter Parker on the CMU

18 PAX:  Mayberry, Frosty, Sparky, Bowflex, Underhand, Zygote, Detention, Slide Rule, Flute Loop, Waxjob, Tank, Peach Fuzz, Booger, La-Z-Boy, Shooter, Smoker, Junk, Bartman


Ecclesiastes 4:12 talks about a chord of 3 strands and that it is not easily broken.  This is often talked about in light of marriage, which is absolutely correct.  We need a chord of 3 strands (husband, wife, Christ) to have the strength to endure all life throws at us.   But I believe the “3 strand” analogy also applies to other facets of our lives.  Friendships, work relationships, mentoring relationships…I could go on and on.   The question is:  are you allowing Christ to be a part of all of your relationships?  Are you squeezing him out so that there are only 2 strands, or are you letting him in to provide the strength of the 3rd strand?


  • Lots of travel this week…I hope everyone stays safe on the road and enjoys the Thanksgiving holiday!


Roll Your Own Beatdown


Insanely warm for min-November.  About 50 with a decent breeze.  Weird overnight conditions – no dew at all.  Will have to rely solely on perspiration for evidence of commitment to the beatdown.
Standard welcome, 2 FNGs today!


  • Zero Burpees
  • SSH x30 IC
  • 2 Burpees OYO
  • TN rocking chairs x15 IC
  • 4 Burpees OYO
  • Forward Nose Wiper Merkins x10 IC
  • 6 Burpees OYO
  • Al Gore Tuck Jumps IC (I think we might have gotten 6
  • 8 Burpees OYO
  • Windmills x15 IC
  • 10 Burpees OYO
  • LBAC x15 each way IC

Blacksnake around the park, long way around to the playground, stopping halfway for 10 more burpees
At the playground: 1 and 1, 2 and 2, etc up to 5 and 5 of pull-ups and headstand pushups
Bernie up the hill and mosey to the soccer field. Partner up for a game of chance.

On a table are two dice, one white and one blue. White one specifies exercise, blue one specifies mode of transportation:

  • Squirkins x20 each
  • Pattycake BBS x35
  • Hi/Low 5 Burpees x15
  • Over/Unders x10 each
  • Partner Pistol Squat x15 each leg
  • Partner Leg Throwdowns x25 each


  • Wheelbarrow
  • Partner Drag
  • Partner Carry
  • AYG Sprint
  • Bear Crawl
  • Leap Frog

Roll both dice (doubles earns 5 burpees immediately – Only happened once), travel 30 yards as specified by Blue die, then do exercise specified by white. Return to the table, switching partner role for transport as necessary.  Plank etc. for the 6, R&R

Right before returning to the AO, we were at 45 burpees for the day (not counting the partner Hi/Low). Everyone crank out 5 more for the even 50, then mosey to the AO.


  • Boat/Canoe (no rowing today.  Too hoarse to sing due to a cold last week…)
  • Hello Dolly x20 IC
  • Peter Parkers with Tank
  • Side Crunch x15 IC each side
  • Abbreviated Merkin Ring of Fire (Round of 5, then 4, no time for 3-2-1)

15 PAX strong, including 2 FNGs: Welcome to Steve Glenn – Mr. Clean (Respect) and Robert Alexander – Bratwurst
Last week I had the privilege of chaperoning my daugher’s 7th grade class trip to Washington DC.  Friday morning before we left we were able to attend the changing of the guard and a wreath laying with taps at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.  It’s one of the most moving things you can witness there in Washington, and if you can watch that without misty eyes and a lump in your throat you’re a harder man than I.  We shouldn’t isolate our thankfulness and gratitude to God and these honored dead to two days a year.  In some countries, the gathering we participated in today could have ended in jail or worse for us.  Let’s try daily not to take what we have been blessed with for granted, and pray for those that are in worse situations.
I hate that everyone wasn’t able to make the GrowRuck, but barring that I can’t think of a better way to spend the morning. I missed everyone this week while I was hacking up my lungs! Hope you men can avoid the crud going around. Big props to Peach Fuzz for rounding out the burpees with an extra effort! Great drive from everyone this morning.
2.0 Workout this afternoon.

The Deck is Stacked Against You

THE SCENE: 33 cold & clear



  • SSH IC x 20
  • Merkins IC x 10
  • Cherry Pickers IC x 5
  • This/that stretch
  • Line up & go light pole to light pole with the following
    1. High knees
    2. Butt kickers
    3. Karayoke run (both ways)
  • 5 burpees OYO


  1. Mosey to the ball field for relay race
    • Split into two teams.  Team 1 stay at home plate, team 2 go to 2nd base.
    • First man starts by bear crawling to the next base & then sprinting the rest of the bases.
    • Team holds plank until the man running gets back.
    • Perform 10 merkins as a group before next man takes off
  2. 11’s on the hill by ball field
    • Jump squats at top / Decline Merkins at bottom
    • must box jump concrete bleachers while going up the hill
    • alternate bernie sanders every other trip up
    • alternate forward bear crawl every other trip down
  3. Mosey to CMU pile & play some cards
    • Draw cards from the deck using the card value as the number of reps.  Face cards = 10;  Ace = 11;  Joker = 30 second stargazer
    • Hearts = burpees;  Diamonds = CMU goblet squat;  Clubs = CMU curls;  Spades = 4ct Iron Mike
    • Didn’t quite make it through the deck before time ran out.    Heavy on the burpees out of the gate!

No Mary today….out of time!


11 strong:  Dinghy, La-Z-Boy, Butters, Mayberry, Tank, Choir Boy, Doubtfire, Showcase, Sweet Tea (FNG), Shooter, Bartman

Today is Veterans Day.   It’s a day to remember those who were willing to answer the call and say “yes” to our nation’s military.   Thank you to all of our Veterans for the sacrifices they’ve made so that we can enjoy the many freedoms that we take for granted all to often.


Remember to keep our brothers climbing Mt. Leconte in your prayers today.


2.0 workout coming up on Dec 3rd.   More to come from Tank on this.


THE SCENE: Moissssssstt


Side straddle hoppity x 20 cadence

Bit o duck walking

Baby arm circles forward and backwards x 12 cadence

10 merkins

short mosey

  • 20 Gob squats with CMU, 20 Burpees, 20 merkins…. Followed by 19 of each etc. Ended after ~10 minutes
  • mosey to the hockey rink
  • Alligator crawl 1/2, bear crawl 1/2
  • At the end we did some fun flutter kicks….. ended up being in cadence
  • 3 Sprints across the rink

Wandered outside to the parking lot

Superman swims followed by a long sprint across the lot

More superman swims

Hello Dolly x 20 Cadence

Sprint back to the beginning

10 merkins

20 Gorilla humpers

Mosey to Tennis Court

Wheelbarrow 1/2, Lunge 1/2  ~2 sets…. It was time to run again


Indian Run to the Matterdorn (dom…. dum… korn… thorn…. THOR?) hill

Lunge 1/2 the hill followed by a run to the AO

17 PAX
This morning I shared a quote from one Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn’s books, The Gulag Archipelago. The quote was referencing those that were able to survive the brutality of the system, particularly during interrogations after being arrested.

What do you need to make you stronger than the interrogator and the whole trap?

From the moment you go to prison you must put your cozy past firmly behind you. At the very
threshold, you must say to yourself: “My life is over, a little early to be sure, but there’s nothing to be
done about it. I shall never return to freedom. I am condemned to die — ^now or a little later. But later
on, in truth, it will be even harder, and so the sooner the better. I no longer have any property
whatsoever. For me those I love have died, and for them I have died. From today on, my body is
useless and alien to me. Only my spirit and my conscience remain precious and important to me.”

What I gleaned from this is that our spirit and minds are something that we can truly say belong to us. We can allow these things to deteriorate and we will become weak, or we can be strong mentally and stick to our value structures. In multiple points throughout the book, Solzhenitsyn suggests that the ones who survived are the ones who relinquished the suffering and grounded themselves spiritually and mentally. So, be strong. Be disciplined. Live according to your values unerringly.

Hike LeConte this weekend led by Abscess and Steam


THE SCENE:  54 and gloomy

Imperial Walkers x 15 IC
Windmills x 15 IC
Cherry Pickers x 15 IC
SSH x 15 IC
Mountain Climbers x 15 IC
Plank Jacks x 15 IC
Squat x 15 IC
   Burpees x 5
   Lunge each leg x 10
   Imperial Walker x 15
   Merkins x 20
   Plank Jacks x 25
   Squats x 30


Quads v. Abs
Outhouse Mosey to across-the-street
Squat / Slap Ground / Jump x 10 OYO
Inchworm 20 yards
LBC x 25 IC
Duck Walk 20 yards
Chinook Squats – Chinook Arm Circles x 3 / Squat x 15 OYO
Ice Skaters x 20
WWII Sit-up x 15
Ice Skaters x 20
Copperhead Squat x 15
Karaoke Right Face 20 yards
Superman/Banana x 10 IC
Karaoke Left Face 20 yards
Gorilla Humpers – Wide Monkey Humper x 15
Backwards Run 20 yards
American Hammer x 20 IC
Fire Hydrants x 15 Each Leg IC
Frog Jump 20 yards
Rosalita x 20 IC
Frog Jump 20 yards
Happy Jacks – SSH x 5 / Jump Squat x 2
Inchworm 20 yards
Mosey back to AO

Shoulder Blasters
Just a quick story and encouragement around planning for the unexpected.
We worked a few exercises that the men hadn’t seen in a while – kept everybody moving so there was little standing around.  I was glad to hear the mumblechatter this morning…
See you Saturday for the Convergence at the Asylum 7am!