F3 Knoxville

Counting Stars

AO: the-farm
Q: Choir Boy
PAX: Aladdin, School Zone (Michael Shope), Mayberry, Choir Boy
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Some stretching, imperial walkers, tempo merkins, plank jacks, and tempo squats

THE THANG: BLIMPS around the basketball court – 6 stations. Burpees x5 at each. Wait on the 6. Rinse and repeat with: Lunges x10 (5 each leg), Imperial walkers x15 (single count), Merkins x20, Plank jacks x25, Squats x30.

50 dips on the benches

Mosey 1 lap around without stopping

Fellowship mosey to the AO

MARY: Flutter kicks x20 (4 ct), LBCs x 20, box cutters x10 (4 ct)


COT: “You should always go through life working on the assumption that the other guy might be right.” – Howard Baker, Jr.

A Morning to Remember

AO: dogpound
Q: La-Z-Boy (Zac Smith) , Doubtfire (Nick Bond)
PAX: Aladdin, Earmuffs (Dan Studt), Woodshack (Dave Carter, Mayberry, Choir Boy, ExciteBike (Micah Stair)
FNGs: None

SSH IC x 20
BA Circ FWD & BWD IC x 5
Merkins 4ct IC x 10
Plank Jack’s 4ct IC x 10
Plank Work
Tempo Squats IC x 10
Cherry Pickers IC x 5
Grab a couple of Softball Pee Rocks
Mosey – Walk and Curl
Walk and Tricep Extension

Baby Everest-
7’s – Thrusters and Merkins

Kory Hill-
Battle Buddies
Partner A – Smurf Jax w/ Rocks
Partner B – Merkins x 15
3x each

Lap around Small island

Handoff to Doubtfire

Visit Dwayne for Shoulder Taps

Mosey to matterhorn

Reverse Lunge and Burney

5 pull ups on the back bone

To the pav-a-lon

5 Pull ups

20 Squats

Mosey to the back bone

3 pull ups

Back to the AO

COT: September is Suicide Awareness Month
Earmuffs dropped a impactful message before jetting off. Anxiety and communication is contagious. It’s more of you thinking of yourself and the conversation versus how God wants to use you in this conversation.

The obstacle is the way

AO: the-farm
Q: Trunk (Seth Knisley)
PAX: Mayberry, Driftwood (Gary Bloom), Choir Boy (Kenny Saffles), I-Beam (Ryan Gerken), Earmuffs (Dan Studt), Trunk (Seth Knisley)
FNGs: None
A healthy dose of static stretches followed by a warmup tabata-like routine:
– 4 rounds of each, 30 seconds on / 15 seconds off: Side Straddle Hops | Reverse Lunges | Front-Jacks | Squat Jumps

Mosey to the hilltop for the following:
1 – 10 min E.M.O.M consisting of: 10 high steppers | 10 imperial walkers | 10 mountain climbers
all on a 2-count

2 – 8 round double E.M.O.M (every 2nd minute on the 2nd minute) consisting of: 10 merkins | 10 squats | 10 V-ups

MARY: no time
ANNOUNCEMENTS: none spoken
COT: C.H. Spurgeon’s quote from his sermon about the Israelites’ hesitancy to take their inheritance (linked below). Pay attention to Resistance in your life, and assess whether or not the internal and external obstacles you face might actually be lighting your way.


13th Palindromic Birthday

AO: dogpound
Q: Waxjob (Josh Brady)
PAX: Tank (Chris DeFranco), Aladdin (Mansour Hasan), Google(Tim Dugas), I-Beam (Ryan Gerken), Mayberry
FNGs: None
Conditions: Just finished up drizzling. Plenty muggy.
13x SSH IC
9 Burpees OYO
4 Tempo Squats
8 Burpees OYO
4 Imperial Walkers IC
7 Burpees OYO
4 Windmills IC
6 Burpees OYO
4 Squats IC
5 Burpees OYO (you get the picture, down to 2 for total of 44)
Mosey up to the Backbone:
4 Pullups
44 yard Mosey up the Matterhorn
4 V-ups,
44 yard mosey back down
R&R for a total of 11 rounds
Take the long way back to the flag, stopping for:
11 Squats
11 Merkins
11 Squat Jumps
11 BBS
Not much time for such tomfoolery this morning.
COT: My son Shuttlecock just found out yesterday that he leaves for Basic this Monday instead of next Monday. He’s now trying to cram in a lot of things that he thought he had more time for. A small reminder that we all may not have as much time as we think. Live so that if you ran out of time tomorrow you would not have regrets.

Smile for the Camera

AO: the-farm
Q: Trash Panda
PAX: Aladdin (Mansour Hasan), Sharpie (Gary Mitchell), School Zone (Michael Shope), Mayberry, I-Beam (Ryan Gerken), Monstar (Josh Sparrow), Trash Panda
FNGs: None
Mosey down the road to find a nice spot to WOR – SSH, WMH & runner stretch, BAC, BAC-BAC, a few good mornings and we are off!

1. 3x(10 dips, irkins, derkins, merkins w/ 50 Spicollis (calf raises)) mosey to next pain station w/ a little bear crawling down the stairs
2. Parking Lot Work:
-lunge, lunge, broadjump (some variation of Lt Dans) x 2
-alligator merkins
-inch worms
mosey to the right section of hill for next speed bump
3. 40s w/ merkins at the bottom and squats at the top, MOT = politician up (bernie’s?) bearcrawl down

50 LBCs (during the Thang)
13 burpees
13 Leg raises
13 windmills (2 is one)
20 Suzanne Sommers (3 positions per leg)

F3 in the nude coming up – check slack

I appreciate everyone being so hospitable since I’ve moved to Knoxville. F3 Community is strong here and I am excited to join. Challenge to PAX is to make sure that this mentality is present in other aspects of our life as it applies to greater impact to our community. A smile and a kind word goes a long way to build a stronger community.