F3 Knoxville

Half ‘a Dog Biscuit

The Scene: Chilly with a hint of “Fever” and a last-minute Q change!

F3 Disclaimer and Welcome

15x SSH
15x Mountain Climbers
Mosey to 1/3 mile loop

The Thang:
Seabiscuit workout!  (normally a 1hr + workout)
1 Lap – 10x Burpees, 20x BBS, 30x Squats
2 Laps – 10x Burpees, 20x BBS, 30x Squats
3 Laps – 10x Burpees, 20x BBS, 30x Squats
4 Laps – 10x Burpees, 20x BBS, 30x Squats (I think this is where the “audible” was called and the PAX re-collected to return to the AO)
3 Laps – 10x Burpees, 20x BBS, 30x Squats
2 Laps – 10x Burpees, 20x BBS, 30x Squats
1 Lap – 10x Burpees, 20x BBS, 30x Squats
Mosey back to AO

20x Hello Dolly
20x Flutter Kick

Well, today (Valentine’s Day!) was supposed to be Swirlie’s VQ. He had some big plans for sleds, tires and all kinds of pain for the PAX. The man upstairs stepped in with a little Fever and Sore throat to keep the PAX alive (we prayed for Swirlie’s health to improve). Seriously, Swirlie – the next time you might want to plan something “the average man” can do – none of this 24yr old “I’m a monster athlete” stuff…

Anyway, there was little mumblechatter (I mean almost NONE) this morning during the introduction of most of the PAX to the P-Nut classic “Sutherland Seabiscuit” workout at #TheDogPound. Some of these HIMs had done it before and knew what to expect, but WOW did it smoke the PAX. Maybe we shouldn’t do it on a 1/3 mile loop…but as-intended next time on a 400 yard track.


It’ll be back for sure!

Welcome to the JUCO

The Scene: 40 degrees.  Clear and breezy

Welcome and Disclaimer

The THANG: Welcome to the JUCO


  • Side Straddle Hop X 20 (IC)
  • Burpees X 10 (OYO)
  • Imperial Walkers x 15 (IC)
  • Baby Arm Circles x 10 each way (IC)
  • Copperhead Squats x 20 (IC)
  • Merkins x 20 (OYO)

Mosey to East Campus

  • Burpees X 10 (OYO)

Mosey to “The Dawn Wall”

  • Burpees X 10 (OYO)

11’s: BBS on bottom, Merkins up top, Summit when you’re done!

Mosey to The Steps and run up/down x 3

Mosey to “The Sophomore”

  • Burpees X 10 (OYO)
  • Run to the top
  • Squats X 40 (IC)
  • Run to the bottom

Mosey to “The Courtyard” and stop at the walls

  • Dips X 20 (OYO)

Mosey back to the AO



BOM: Growth

From Toto:

It was a great pleasure to lead the 11 HIMs that posted with me at the first PAX at the JUCO this morning.  I am truly humbled by the excitement and energy demonstrated by this group.  We took a quick tour of the campus and tried out a few features. This AO has much to offer,  The mission of F3 is to plant, grow, and serve small workout groups for the invigoration of male community leadership. From the first workout January 1, 2011, F3 has continued to grow in numbers and in strength.  The launch of the JUCO in Hardin Valley is another seed being planted.  Let’s reach out into our community and grow this PAX.

On and individual basis, F3 provides opportunity for each of us to grow spiritually, physically, emotionally, and mentally.  If you were to take a catfish and put it in a small aquarium, that fish would only grow to be maybe a foot long and it might weigh a quarter of a pound.  But, if you took the identical catfish and placed it into a pond, it might grow to be three feet long and weigh over 50 pounds.  Make a commitment to remove your barriers and challenge yourself to be Big Fish.

It’s BO Time!

The Scene: 36 degrees windy with light misty rain/snow blizzard stuff

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

SSH x20
Baby arm circles x 10 F&B
Rocketts 10 3count
10x ‘merkins

Tha Thang:
Mosey to Cory Hill w/CMU
10x ‘merkins on CMU
– Bear crawl up hill and down
10x squats w/CMU
– Bear crawl up hill and down
10x presses
– Bearcrawls up and down
Plank till ‘6 catches up

Mosey to Little Everest w/CMU
Partner up:
one takes CMU to top does 15 burpees, while partner continuously squat presses CMU at base.  Partner runs down (w/o CMU)and switches.
Rd2: 25x ‘merkins/tricep presses switch
Rd3: 20x curls/lunges switch
Rd4: 5x burpees, 5x merkin, 5x curls/squats switch and recover
Both mosey to parking lot at top.

CMU suicides
Start at line. Run with CMU to cone (50 yards) do 5 burpees. Run back to start and do 20 curls, take it to second cone (30 yds)do 5 burpees, back do 20 curls. Run to third cone (20yds) 5 burpees back 20 curls.
Repeat-o with CMU but w/o burps-curls

Mosey to AO w/CMU
Get out box of Bojangles “biscuits”

Circle of fire
Al Gore shuffle w/CMU in circle as a group.
Each PAX yells out an exercise and number. Circle rotates opposite direction each call out.

Stained glass
As people, we are broken scratched, beat up. We were perfect smooth glass when created in the garden but sin entered our lives and broke everything. We are nothing but a pile of broken glass.

But Christ through his sacrifice took our brokenness, perfectly put us back together in a way that we are even more beautiful. Where his light shines thru us and others will see his glory.

F3 Dads and 2.0 Super Bowl Shuffle

2.0 kids workout The Super Bowl Shuffle

The Scene: McFee Park perfect weather

Warm up:
SSH x 10
30 seconds of billy white shoes Johnson
Mericans 1/2 your age or more
Baby arm circles


Split into two teams
Start course-zig zag w/brick “football”.
1) Burpees 1/2 your age
3 laps around turtle
2)Go to shade area-Hopscotch course
Zig zag again
At orange pole
3) 1/2 age mericans, squats, sit ups
Three laps around green pole then back to start where you squat or plank till 6 catches

Mosey to sign at top of hill w/brick
“Falcon” run down the hill and “Patriot charge” back up. Repeat.

Mosey to steps
Bear crawl steps in to top. Falcon run down hill and Patriot charge up. Repeat.

Falcon run to the soccer field
Team vs. team
One team has to get from one side of field to the other without being tagged. Switch.

5 players on each team does their best TD dance one at a time.

Patriot charge to AO
Supermans 10 seconds rest/repeat
One push up
Imperial walkers
One push up

BOM&K (Ball of Man & Kids)
Forgive others
“Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.”
‭‭Colossians‬ ‭3:13‬

Think of a book full of everything you have done in your life. The good pages, the bad pages and the ugly pages. Now think of what Jesus does for us as believers. He tears each one of those bad and ugly pages and burns them up never to be seen again. He forgets our sin, our shortcomings our selfishness.

How can we receive this gift and not do the same for others?

If someone has done something to you that you are still mad about, forgive them and move forward.

Resolution Restart

The Scene: 45 and no rain (some stench?!)

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer  (…at the Boat as we had to move the COP because Tank brought a skunk for show and tell)

11 IC Cherry Pickers
30 IC Side Straddle Hops
15 OYO Merkins

Mosey to Sign
– 15 OYO Merkins
Mosey to top of Matterhorn
– 15 OYO Squats
Mosey to Pavilon for a “Christmas party”

  • Round 1: 5 pullups, 20 stair steppers, then run back up to the top and touch the gate and return back. (Rinse and repeat for 7 minutes)
  • Round 2: 5 decline push-ups, 10 squats, then run back up to the top and touch the gate and return back. (Rinse and repeat for 7 minutes)
  • Round 3: 5 hanging knee raises, 10 dips, then run up to the top and touch gate and return back (Rinse and repeat for 7 minutes)

Mosey back up to the top of Matterhorn

15 OYO Squats
– Mosey to Sign
10 Merkins
– Mosey to Boat
10 OYO Merkins
– Mosey to AO

14 IC Flutter Kicks
Dealers Choice:
– IC Marge/Homers 1minute
– 20 IC American Hammers
– OYO Death by Burpees 3 Minutes

BOM:  “Resolution Restart”- learning how to restart after failing. LIFE- Learn, Integrate, Fail, Evaluate (Rinse and repeat)!

Moleskin:  So I show up with some of the PAX already there a few minutes early as you might expect.  I notice the skunk smell.  I say something.  I think Bartman points out to me that Tank parked his car far…and I mean FAR away from his normal parking spot.  “Tank hit a skunk on the way in this morning”.

Not only did Tank hit a skunk, but the STENCH really stuck with the car.  He must have squeezed that thing with a tire at just the right angle…it was enough to make you gag, repeatedly.  Tank’s nickname for the workout was “STANK”.  I’m wondering how many car-washes he’ll need to make it “go away”…  How is he going to roll up in a suit for work, with a car that smells like Skunk?

Ok, enough of that – Doubtfire’s VQ was excellent!  Good planning, great variety and he kept the PAX engaged and even added a little creativity! (Nice extra effort with the Christmas lights!)  TCLAPS!