F3 Knoxville

Irish Buddy System

THE SCENE: Cloudy & cool, low 50’s

SSH, Mike Tyson’s, Alt Rockette’s, Squat jumps w/ ground touch, Alt Superman’s w/ holds, IT band static stretch, Child pose into Cobra, Cherry Pickers, Baby Arm Circles/Adult Arm Circles, Rotator Cuffs, Neck Rolls
Continuous Irish squats in circle, while one PAX performs 5 four-count mountain climber burpees.  Each PAX performs a set of MC burpees and passes the buck to the next PAX, in clockwise fashion.

Irish trivia (no fact checking) thrown out at random by the Q, as follows (correct answer = rest, incorrect answer = purgatory) :

  • <10% people in Ireland have natural red hair  Yay
  • The Jacks is slang for the bathroom  Yay
  • The Irish are the 3rd biggest tea drinkers in the world  Nay
  • Ireland has only 2 known species of snakes  Nay
  • May is generally the driest month in Ireland  Yay
  • Fluthered is slang for being stumped  Nay
  • Ireland sells the most Guinness in the world  Nay
  • Halloween was invented in Ireland  Yay
  • Craic is an Irish dessert  Nay
  • The boot is slang for a trunk of a car  Yay
  • A village is named Hospital after its historic medical facility  Nay
  • A mineral is slang for a soda  Yay
  • The press is slang for an iron  Nay
  • Donkey’s years is a reference to time  Yay
  • A jumper is slang for an anxious person  Nay
  • Shuck is slang for corn  Nay
  • Originally, St. Patrick’s colors were light blue  Yay
  • A nagging & a shoulder are measurements  Yay
  • The Irish Flu is a bona fide medical disease  Nay
  • May your coffee be strong & Monday be short is an Irish proverb  Yay

Grab partner and mosey to Station 1.

Station 1: Merkin Midsection Melee

P1 (Player 1) starts with 15 diamond merkins, then bear crawls up the wheel chair ramp, and finishes w/ 15 diamond merkins.  When complete, swap with P2.

P2 (Player 2) performs continuous 4-leaf clover crunches until P1 relieves them of duty.

This back and forth circuit (same reps) continues through the following list until both P1 & P2 complete all exercises, as follows:


  • Fist merkins & crab crawl
  • Narrow merkins & bear “
  • Regular merkins & crab “
  • Wide merkins & bear “


  • Alternating flutter kicks & scissors
  • American Hammers
  • Heels to Heaven (Gas Pumps)
  • Elevated Planks

Walking lunges performed until all tandems finish.  Mosey to Station 2.

Station 2: Over the Hill and Far Away

P1 – 15 SSH, mosey down hill, 5 sec fast feet into “hit the deck” (chest to ground) x 5, sprint up hill

P2 – 20 yd sprints w/ alternating return of side shuffle, backpedal, & karaoke until P1 relieves them of duty

Ran out of time at this point…however Station 4 was performed by several PAX in our OT session.

Station 3: CMU Lucky 7’s

1 CMU per Pax. Form 2 lines with P1 & P2 facing each other.

P1 performs 7 regular curls, while P2 performs isometric hold mid-curl.  Then, P2 performs 7 regular curls while P1 performs isometric hold mid-curl.  This duel continues as reps decline 6,5,4…etc.

Circuit repeats with following exercises:

  • 7’s CMU overhead press & isometric rifle carry hold
  • 7’s CMU close grip bicep curls & isometric mid-curl hold
  • 7’s CMU front raises & isometric front hold (feel the burn)

Finisher (aka The Mint)  —–> P1 7 reps of blockee’s, while P2 7 reps of CMU bench presses into feet raised iso ab hold with CMU outstretched iso hold until P1 relieves them of duty

Return CMU’s and mosey to Station 4.

Station 4: Leaping Leprechauns 

P1 – broad jumps to the Pot O’ Gold (approx 20 yds) then Spiderman crawls back, performing 5 dive bomber merkins every 5 yds (total of 20 db merkins).  Swap with P2.

P2 – Brick pillar wall squat w/ good form until P1 relieves them of duty.

Complete (endure) 3 sets.  Mosey back to flag.

Ran out of time after Station 2.  No complaints, however.
14 PAX’s (many nicely repping F3 Shamrock tees)
When times get tough, Romans 8:18 ESV comes to mind.  “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us.”

  • This life is a temporary existence, with greater things to come above 😃
  • Lean on our brothers in Christ through trials and tribulations
  • The Lord does not want us to do this all alone
  • Don’t let pride be a stumbling block
  • Reach out (phone calls, video chats, lunch, bible studies, weekend projects/workouts etc.)

There are so many in this pandemic who are in need of the love the Lord speaks of in his greatest command!  We can provide this, if we search for opportunities to be a blessing to others!

Prayers for Curry’s family, Pringle’s father, Dr. A & family (Commission), & Boulder Colorado victims/families.
Thank you all!  Or in Irish, go raibh maith agat!

The Bermuda Triangle

  • Welcome: 45 degrees.
  • Warmup:
    • SSH, Cherry Pickers,  Circle Bear Crawl, reverse bear crawl, crab walk, reverse crab walk, lunge, bernie.
  • Workout:  
    • 50 dips & 10 Hand Stand Pushups at the cone beginning then
    • Bernie to first cone
    • Crab walk to next cone
    • Reverse Crab Walk to next cone
    • Lunge to next cone
    • Inchworm to next cone
    • Bernie to next cone
    • Teams of two – Sprint to next cone
    • Bear Crawl to next cone
    • Reverse Bear Crawl to next cone
    • Broad Jump to next cone
    • Lunge to next cone.
    • Mosey back to beginning.
    • Repeat the above loop around the cone parking lot but then add in some stationary exercises (25 4ct flutter kicks, 25 LBCs, 25 Big boys, 25 Parker Climbers 4ct)
    • Then repeat the above loop around the cones with the CMU.
    • This workout was going to shape into a nice loop around the parking lot, which would have been a sort of triangle – hense the name “Bermuda Triangle” , however they started construction on site and so our triangle morphed into a pretty ugly shape..
  • Wrap-up:
    • Verse of the Day from the Bible App ” Ephesians 4:31 Let all bitterness and wrath and anger and clamor and slander be put away from you, along with all malice. Be kind to one another, tender-hearted, forgiving each other, just as God in Christ also has forgiven you.”


THE SCENE: 50s and breezy

SSH x25
Cherry Pickers x5
TN Rocking Chair x15
Failure to Launch x10
Crabettes x15
I forget what else…

Today’s workout is all about the journey. All exercises are movements:
Mosey to the CMU pile
Lunge across CMU parking lot back down to the road
Bear crawl across opposite parking lot to the curb
Duck walk back to the road
Mosey past the construction barriers
Inchworm Merkins across parking lot to covered walkway
Carioca the full length of the double parking lot, switch sides halfway
Burpee Broad Jump half the double lot
Bernie all the way to the Cedar Bluff entrance
Crawl bear from speed bump to speed bump
Side lunge half the double lot
Crab walk back
Broad jump back again
Gorilla Shuffle half the double lot, switch sides halfway
Heading back toward the AO, Rev. Lunge from speedbump to speedbump
Fluffy Bunnies (Murder Bunnies with no CMU) to the next speed bump
Jailbreak back to the AO!

Out of time today!
9 including Honeydew’s 2.0: Paintbrush
Repeat BOM from Asylum last week:
Psalm 37:23, “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and he delighteth in his way.”
The way is the thing. Of course, the destination is good, but the way is how we get to know Him. Sometimes it seems the way sucks. Sometimes we won’t get to understand, sometimes we won’t get to see why. Sometimes it seems we’re moving backward. But that’s OK, because the one who is ordering our steps knows best.
Good to have Pringle back in the gloom this morning!
This month: Donating paper napkins, copy paper, and paper 55 gallon trash bags for Street Hope Tennessee!

ST Patricks Day Pyramid


Cloudy Temperature Humidity Feels like Wind Speed Wind Direction
52 ℉ 93% 52 ℉ 2.1 mi/h SSW

I am not a professional.


15 – Grady Corns
5 – Cherry Pickers
1 min – Irish Jig
Shuffle – Using parking lines shuffle around rectangles.

Mosey to CMU pile and have everyone grab one. There are 5 stations basically set up in a circle. Stations are arranged clockwise in this order: #1, #5, #3, #2, then #4. Leave CMUs at station #2.

Mosey to station #1. Perform all the workouts at the station. Then Mosey to station #2. Do all exercises. Then to #3, #4, and finally #5. So, you are not running around in the circle but directly from one station to the next. Stations 2 and 4 require CMUs so proximity is nice.
Station exercises are:
#1 50 SSH, 40 Jump Squats, 30 Speed Skaters, 20 Plank Jacks, and 10 Burpees.
#2 50 Merkins, 40 Dips, 30 Upright Rows, 20 Shoulder Press, and 10 Renegade Rows.
#3 50 High Knees, 40 Rocky Balboas, 30 Jump Squats, 20 Mountain Climbers, and 10 Burpees.
#4 50 Squats with CMU, 40 Alternating Leg Lung Kicks, 30 Single Leg Deadlifts (15 each leg), 20 Kettlebell Swings, and 10 Single Leg Squats (5 each leg).
#5 50 LBC, 40 Should Taps, 30 Freddie Mercurys, 20 Flutter Kicks, and 10 V-Ups.
Do as many stations as time allows. Starting over after #5.

After putting up CMUs, 3 rounds of Pure Burn. Look it up. It sucks.

Then Mosey back to AO.

Get the PAX into the circle.
20 – Prime Time Merkins
15 – Lucky Horseshoe Abs (Windshield wipers but reversed so that legs form a horseshoe. On your six. Legs start at 2 o’clock and then to 6 then to 10 o’clock)
20 – Pickle Pointers
10 – Big Boys

13 Irishmen.

“For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them.”


For the kids struggling with issues at school.  For the elderly. For our brothers battling illness.


11 for 11’s


THE SCENE: 50 degrees, windy, and wet from the rain overnight

Motivators from 7
Cherry Pickers (5)
Tempo Squats (10)
Tempo Merkins (10)
Thai Fighters (10 each leg)

2 rounds of 11’s at the eastern corner of Powell High School
Round 1
wall e’s (single count) and elevated plank jacks (4 ct)
Round 2
Elevated shoulder taps (4 ct) and the dirty hookup (4 ct)

Each PAX called an ab exercise, which we followed with 10 merkins (70 total).  We made it through 7 PAX.  These were the Ab exercises in cadence.
Pickle Pounders (10)
Little Baby Crunches (15)
Freddie Mercury (10)
Hello Dollies (10)
Gas Pumps (10)
Flutter Kicks (10)
American Hammers (10)


Today is 3/16 and we discussed John 3:16.  The world was broken in that time period like it is broken now.  God loved the world enough to send his Son to die so that we could be saved.  He was sent to save the world, not condemn the world.  The world is broken today too, God still cares and still loves us.  Take some time to show his love, and lead with kindness in this broken world.