F3 Knoxville

Unofficial CPR Training. I’m Still Not A Professional.

THE SCENE: Clear, brisk morning. Temperatures around mid to upper 40’s

Windmills in on a 4-count x 15

Baby Arm Circles forward 4-count x 10

Baby Arm Circles Backward 4-count x 10

Rockettes 4-count x 20

Merkins 4-count x 10

Cherry Pickers x 5

Some upper body stretching

Mosey to the CMU pile. we did 2 sets of 21’s arm curls, then 10 Over head presses


Upon leaving the CMU pile we encountered an FNG with no arms and legs unresponsive on the ground. This workout is centered on know some basic CPR skills and first responder actions to take in a case of an emergency. With thanks to the Fort Sanders Regional Medical Center for allowing me to use a CPR mannequin to demonstrate and show how to perform proper and effective chest compressions.

Everyone was split into partners as one partner was performing chest compressions with me observing and guiding the other was doing squats. The rest of the group one partner was dragginh CMU to the end of the parking lot to perform 5 star jacks to symbolize flagging down the ambulance. The other partner was performing the following exercising while waiting for that partner to return.

  • LBC’S
  • Jungle Boi Squat jumps
  • Rockettes

Each person got to practice 1 minute of doing 30 compression and imitating 2 breaths, or mouth to mouth. Once everyone had a chance to complete at least one minute of compressions we went on a mosey to the entrance of the AO and performed money humpers to help alert the ambulance as to where to pull in.

We returned to the CMU’S and performed 20 windshield wipers. Returned the CMU’s and headed back to the AO.

Flutter Kicks x 20

Mermaids (side crunches) 10 on each side

Pickle Pounders x 20

Held Plank for 30 seconds

  •  Mermaid
  •  Pom-Pom
  •  Betty
  •  Dumpster Dive
  •  Jenner
  •  Smelly Cat
  •  Base Salary
  •  Baby Boomer
  •  Honeydew

The term “Good Samaritan” comes from “The Parable of the Good Samaritan.” Luke 10:25-37. Jesus speaks of a traveler from Jerusalem on his way to Jericho, who was attacked by thieves. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him severely and left him to die right there by the road. Several people saw the man and walked past him because of how dangerous of an area this part of the road was. Some of the people that walked past the man in need were a priest and a Levite. The only person to stop and help the person was a Samaritan who took pity on the man, cared for the man and even escorted him to an inn where he helped the man recover from his injuries.

Jesus used this man a test to find a good man. The reasons the Levite and the priest did not stop to lend was because of how dangerous the road was, and they thought “If I stop to help this man, what will happen to me?’ But… the good Samaritan reversed the question and asked, “If I do not stop to help this man, what will happen to him?”- Martin Luther King, Jr.
Remember to be an effective HIM it requires us to help our fellow man. By dragging our CMU’s it symbolized dragging a person from a dangerous situation to help render aid. The “Good Samaritan” Law is in place to protect you if you are to render CPR to someone and keeps you from being sued in case ribs are fractured while rendering CPR. We should never be afraid to help based on what could happen to us but think what would happen to them if I don’t act.

Brolympics will be returning at Asylum on November 5th.

Shamrock F3 vs. FiA Workout

  • THE SCENE: Shamrock. Weather high 30’s clear morning
  • 20 X SSH
  • 10 X Merkins
  • 15 X Forward Baby Arm Circles
  • 16 X Reverse Baby Arm Circles (apparently I lost count)
  • 10 X Tempo Squats

The workout was a Tabata Timed workout with :40 seconds of workout at :20 seconds of rest 3 sets of each exercise.  The exercises listed below were a mixture of FiA workouts “borrowed” from my wife “Rapking,” and F3 staples. I had a random list of music playing so that when a song mentions men we would do a workout from the F3 side. When the music mentions women in the song we did a FiA workout. The only exception was Aerosmiths “Dude Looks Like a Lady” this song was the wild card and you could pick any exercise to complete. Some of the songs were “Man I feel Like a Woman,” “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun,” and “Watta Man.”

F3 List

  • Merkins
  • Curls
  • Overhead Press
  • Big Boy Sit-up
  • Snow Angels
  • Tricep Press

FiA List

  • Goblet Squats
  • Freddy Mercury
  • Plank
  • Flutter Kicks
  • Calf Raises
  • Lunges


10 X Little Baby Crunches

The message in the workout is to not assume that a female workout is less intense or not as effective as a male workout. This message should be carried over in common life as well, and to never take for granted the importance of your partners role in a relationship. A relationship should not be dominated by one person and instead needs to be a team effort with equal input and contribution. Also today is the start of Lent for most faiths and is practiced by many. Always remember to never take the women in your life for granted and to treat them with the utmost respect just as a HIM should, but also don’t assume that the females are the weaker sex, the workout should be an indication of just how strong most women in our lives can be.

We did say a prayer for Mermaid’s and Anchorman’s friends who are both going through major medical issues in their life. We prayed to keep them and their family strong during this very stressful time in their life.

Shamrock Getting “Tire”d

THE SCENE: Shamrock. about 65 with some on and off sprinkles

15 Baby Arm Circles Forward and Back

5 Cherry Pickers

15 Rockettes

The work out involved 1 HIM flipping a giant tire while the rest of the PAX spun a wheel and randomly selected 1 of the 8 workouts below. When the PAX completed each exercise they then would pick of the person flipping the tire and then another member would begin flipping such tire and it was rinse and repeat

  1. Big Boy Sit Up (15)
  2. Merkins (15)
  3. Squats (15)
  4. Side Straddle Hops (15- 4 count)
  5. Flutter Kicks (15 – 4 count)
  6. Mountain Climbers (10 – 4 count)
  7. LBC’s (15 – 4 count)
  8. Burpees (10)

We then gather round and used the song “Flower” by Moby and when the word “down” was said in the song you held an Al Gore and could not stand up until the word “up” was said in the song.

Gathered back at the AO and did Box Cutters, Freddie Mercury’s, Merkins, and Flutter Kicks
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
During the workout a variety of different songs were played. Anything from hip hop, to classic rock, and even country. All the songs had a similar theme though and it was about tires, traveling, wheels etc. One point to take away is that just like the variety of songs F3 is a variety of different men who come together for one thing and that is to get better as men together.  Also the tire represents the fact that alot of us are “tire”d of something right now whether it be mandates, job loss, family issues or anything. Just like at a workout we all need to know that we will get through what ever we are tired of and will be stronger for it.


Fellowship and TMI from Cheatsheet

THE SCENE: Shamrock. Clear warm morning

Tie Fighters forward x15, Tie Fighters Backward x15, Cherry Pickers X5, Bear Plank ~ :45, Imperial Walkers X15, 8 Burpees

Mosey to CMU pile to get a CMU

3 Set of 21’s (CMU curls)


Tabata Timer style workout

:40 Exercise :30 Rest

  • Merkins
  • Big Boys
  • Lunges (with CMU)
  • Bear Plank
  • Curls
  • Flutter Kick
  • Bench Press
  • LBC’s
  • Alpos

Talked about one of my best friends, best man at my wedding and fraternity brother who committed suicide almost 8 years ago. Christopher “Bull” Greenlief would have turned 39 this Saturday but due to mental health issues had his life end too soon. I encourage every HIM in this group to not ignore signs and symptoms of mental health and to seek treatment and/or advice from any fellow HIM. The National Suicide Prevention Hotline number is 1-800-273-8255. We should not think of ourselves as weak for seeking help with depression or anxiety. Just like someone with heart disease, cancer, or even a fracture there are options for treatment from many forms of mental health issues.

One view of suicide in regards to the bible is that some say suicide cannot be forgiven because the person who did it could not have repented of doing it. But all of us commit sins that we are too spiritually cloddish to recognize for the sins that they are. And we will die with sins not named and repented.

If anyone needs someone to talk to and is feeling depressed or overwhelmed please don’t hesitate to reach out to me on slack, facebook or even text me (865) 384-6432.

VQ for Honeydew

THE SCENE: Clear morning, low humidity, temp in the mid 60’s

I’m not a professional

Modify your workout for your injuries

Keep social distancing in mind during the COVID pandemic

It’s my first Q so bear with me.

20-Side-straddle-hops IC

15-Baby Arm Circles forward IC

15-Baby Arm Circles Backwards IC

5 Cherry Pickers IC

20 Merkins IC

Mosey over to the CMU pile near the buses. Each person grabbed 1 CMU and proceeded to the adjacent parking lot. 4 stations were set up and a speaker was in place to begin a time using the Tabata Timer App. 3 exercises at each station. the first exercise was done for :45 seconds with a :10 second rest x 3 sets then moved to the next station and repeated :45 seconds of work :10 second rest for 3 sets for all stations. CMU is carried to each station and.

  • Station 1
    • Decline Merkins
    • Vertical Press (From Iron PAX video)
    • Overhead Press
  • Station 2
    • Goblet Squats
    • Rocky Balboas
    • Lunges
  • Station 3
    • Curls
    • Alpos (From Iron PAX video)
    • Dips
  • Station 4
    • Big Boys
    • Plank
    • Freddie Mercury

MARY:American Hammers 4 Count x 15 back at the AO

Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
CIRCLE OF TRUST/BOM: Treat others with respect and lead by example. I would not be where I am today without a positive role model in my life. By being good examples and role models we can help end racism, sexism, and hate.
Being raised in home with 2 working parents in a small town in southern West Virginia my parents didn’t have resources like a daycare, YMCA, Boys and Girls Club or anything like that.  My parents relied on a a baby sitter, a black lady named Lucille. This lady was a woman of God and very religious and treated me as one of her own children and I often referred to her as my other mother. She was a leader in her church and when I met her family everyone knew who I was because she kept up with my achievements in the paper and would continue to guide me long after being my babysitter.  When Lucille passed away I was unable to attend the funeral but discovered through her obituary that she had made me one of her God Children. My parents weren’t even aware of this fact, but we took it as an honor and privilege. For this reason I never thought someone was different because of their color, heritage, or religious belief. This role model never told me to not hate she showed my how to be good to people and how to treat people with respect. When my daughter was born I was so happy and honored to that my wife agreed and allowed my daughter to be named Lucille, because my wife could see how much love I had for this great lady. Sorry if this is too long again my first time doing this, but thanks again for giving me the opportunity to lead today and thanks for all the guys to push me to lead this workout today