F3 Knoxville

Rise of the Merdipkin

The Scene: 46 and chilly wet

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Tha Thang:
SSH 10x IC
Cherry Pickers 10x IC
20 Merkins oyo
LBAC 10 forward 10 reverse IC
Michael Phelps 5x
Little some o’ this/that

Mosey to little Everest –
Partner Merdipkin 11’s

Dora – pole to pole

Route 66 – to the base of the Matterhorn
Drydocks & Squats

To the pavilon
Alternating 12 Merkins/ 10 table-ups

Mosey back to the AO

“And as Jesus passed on from there, two blind men followed him, crying aloud, “Have mercy on us, Son of David.” When he entered the house, the blind men came to him, and Jesus said to them, “Do you believe that I am able to do this?” They said to him, “Yes, Lord.” Then he touched their eyes, saying, “According to your faith be it done to you.””
‭‭Matthew‬ ‭9:27-29‬ ‭ESV‬‬
Why would anyone ask God to do something and not believe He could do it? Why would Jesus ask them that question? He was standing right in front of them, they knew He had healed others, why wouldn’t they believe that He was able to do it?

How does this play out with us? We just don’t bother asking. We go about life doing our own thing. We all know the scripture “God helps those who help themselves,” right? Except that’s not a scripture, it’s an old Greek teaching popularized by Ben Franklin. Start inviting Him into your daily decision making…and see what happens. When you come up against a big one, and you hear the question echo through your mind, “do you believe I can do this”…lean in
The Merdipkin 11’s were brutal, but the men hammered it out…just about left me in the dust. The hard work in the cool with a storm threatening the entire time was the definition of working in the gloom.

Circle of Pain

The Scene:  54 and perfect

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer


SSH IC x 10

Around the worlds

Figure 8s

OYO arm & leg stretches

Tha Thang:

8 cones set up in a circle.  Pick a cone as a starting point.  Complete the exercise listed at the cone then run a lap around the outside of the circle & proceed to the next cone.   Rinse & repeat until 2 circuits of cone exercises are complete.

Circuit #1 Circuit #2
KB Turkish Getups x 20 Burpees x 20
Gas Can Carry to grass & back Gas Can Carry to grass &back
Double Burpees x 20 Bear Crawl to grass & back
KB Side Lunge x 30 KB Merkin x 25
KB American Swings x 50 KB Russian Swings x 50
OH Press with rock x 50 Curls with rock x 50
CMU Squat x 50 CMU Calf Raises x 50
Jump Rope x 100 Jump Rope x 100


Channel Changers

J-Lo IC x 20-ish

Box Cutters IC x 20

V-up roll up OYO x 10

Count off and name-o-rama


Control the controllables.    It’s an overused term these days.  Many use it to skip out on responsibility.  The Bible definitely speaks to making good choices and controlling the struggle with inner longings (lust, anger, your tongue, etc.).  There’s also a practical side.  You control what you eat, how much sleep you get, whether or not you beat the fartsack each day, how you teach your children, whether or not you go to church on Sunday, and so on and so forth.   To me, when you roll all of this up it comes down to a message that we all need to be living intentionally.  We need to put one foot in front of the other each day, with eyes wide open to our surroundings and realize that we will have important choices which we can control and we will also deal with circumstances we cannot control.   The goal is to make positive choices when given the opportunity.  Conversely, the goal is also to not beat yourself up when something is truly out of your control….even when you’ve made a good choice but don’t achieve the result you were wanting.  We should never use situations that are out of our control as a cop-out, but rather learn from them and grow so that we will make better choices when acting in areas where we do have greater control.

Celebrate the Filthy 50

Scene: Clear and 45

Welcome and disclaimer

10 OYO Burpees
10 IC Cherry pickers
20 IC Merkins

MOSEY to outhouse
50 OYO box jumps
50 IC mtn climbers
50 OYO lunges up Matterhorn, each leg
50 OYO pull ups/aka upper body squats
50 IC squats
50 IC Merkins

Wind sprint races between the light poles with Merkins. All start at the same time.
10×17 poles of Merkins 170
10×6 poles of CCD 60


Batman has 9 abs
10 IC Dive bombers
10 IC cowgirls
20 IC pickle pounders
50 4ct LBCs


I think we all know the story of the prodigal son, but just in case…

A father has two sons and he has promised than part of an inheritance. One son tells his father he is leaving and wants his part of the money. The son gets the money runs alway and spends it on hookers, booze, and wild parties. He thought he had it all, the money, the women, and tons of friends. But when the money dried up, and the women were gone, so were his “friends”. He found himself working as a pig farmer, but unable to even eat the food the pigs were eating. Wearing rags and living off pig scraps he decided to return to his father and beg for a job.

And we all know that he got there and he had sinned and asked for forgiveness the father celebrated and gave home sandals, a robe, a ring, and a feast. And they celebrate. The image being that God celebrates whenever we are lost from him and we return.

Celebrate being able to get up in the morning to come to F3, celebrate our jobs, celebrate or wives, celebrate our children. Celebrate the love God has for us and share that love as we go out today.

Luke 15:11

Prayer requests
– Handbell’s wife to give birth to a healthy baby girl….SOON
– Pogo and his family safe travels to see the Mouse
– Judge Samurai as he kicks cancer in the face!

Chalk Games

The Scene: 40 and clear

F3 welcome and disclaimer

10 IC forward arm circles
10 IC reverse arm circles
20 IC x 4ct Merkins
Mosey to hockey rink and BB up

1st round
1 partner does 20 SSH and 20 LBC while other completes the burpee hopscotch
When both finish take a lap

2nd round
Carolina dry docks/bear crawl
Domo squats
When both finish take a lap

Mosey to Pee Rocks
20 x Clean and press
20 x Squats
20 x Curls
20 x Tris
While partner sprints across the parking spots

3 rounds of Pinwheels (aka shuffle press in a circle)
Partner does Rocky Balboa until Pinwheel is complete

Pickle pounders
American Hammers


This past fall I read a book by John Eldridge called “Fathered by God” and it spoke of how many men seek their strength from a woman instead of seeking it from God. By doing this it leads us to begin to resent the woman because the strength we as men need is not something we can obtain from her. That is something we must obtain from God. I’m sure I was partially doing this to my wife as well, but ever since reading that I have been trying to get my strength from God, F3 being a part of that, and providing my strength to her. You know what? It has helped our relationship and our family.

Tomorrow my wife goes in for surgery, and the last time she went in for surgery was about 4 years ago when she had an unplanned operation for an eptopic pregnancy. I didn’t realize the severity of the operation until the doctor came out and said “ok the chances she won’t make it, or that there will be complications are slim, but there is a possibility she could not return”. As I sat in the waiting room my mind raced, we had a 2 year old son at home, she was a stay at home mom, which means she did everything for him and me, and at that time the woman I had been gaining my strength from might not come back to me. I was freaked the fudge out, and I was a weak weak man.

As we approach this surgery tomorrow, I know we are in a different place, I’m giving her my strength instead of taking my strength from here and I know in my heart God is watching over her. However, I’m still a weak man. We now have 2 wonderful children and a 9 week old puppy at the house, her recovery time is 4-6 weeks and I’m scared of the wheels falling off the bus . I don’t struggle with the thought of losing my wife on this one, because that is in God’s hands. But daily I struggle with not being the husband she needs or the father my kids need.

I also know all of us here are all struggling with something or another, injuries, illness, divorce, death of a loved one, depression, loss of a job, possible move, etc. What we need to do is turn it to God. This is when God wants us to turn it to Him. It says so in:

2 Corinthians 12:8-10

“Three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away from me. But He said to me “My grace is sufficient for you for my power is made perfect in weakness” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses so that Christ power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong”

I am a weak man. But I am strong because I know God is with me, and my M. I know he will watch over her, protect her, and bring her out of this better than before.

Sweet Sixteens

The Scene: 53 and clear skies
F3 Intro and Disclaimer
Around the Worlds
Figure 8s
American Swing
Sets of 16, AMRAP
– American Swings – Suicide Run + 16 ‘Merkins
– Goblet Squats – Jump rope 50x
– Burpee facing KB – Suicide Run + 16 ‘Merkins
– Sumo High Pulls – Jump rope 50x
20x Toe Touches
20x Rockettes
20x Knee Holds
Shoulder Blasters!
Sit-Ups / V-Ups
Q Shared a story about a member of the PAX needing someone to just listen.  You don’t always need to solve a problem, sometimes listening is the right thing to do.
Tweet-E was back and the mublechatter was rich!  Three new guys to Ropes & Bells, and they put out!  Good to have you guys and we’ll see ya tomorrow!