F3 Knoxville

Word to Ya Moms

THE SCENE: Mid 60’s and humid

SSH x 20
Arm circles x 10 each way
Hillbillies x 10
Burpees x 5
Lunges x 5
Merkins x 5
BBS x 5
Squats x 5
Drop BOMBS on this side the park.
5 targets on the loop. Run and drop BOMBS. Run and drop BOMBS. Etc.
B Burpee 10
O Lunges 15
M Merkins 20
B BBS 25
S Squats 30
14 including 2 FNGs Kipper and 3Rivers
The bombs in our lives fall on our heads and attempt to blow us to pieces. We here at the Bomb Shelter have an circle of protection from the destruction. Through our bond of sweat and pain we support each man and lift them out of the ashes when it all becomes too much.


THE SCENE: 67 degrees F, 90% humidity, sprinkles turning to partly cloudy.

SSH, Overhead Claps, Cherry Pickers, Imperial Squat Walkers


With a CMU, run to the first light pole and perform 12 exercises indicated

Light Pole (LP) #1:  Floor Press (leave CMU at light pole)

Run back to starting point, run to LP #2 (pick up CMU on the way)

LP #2:  Floor Press, Bent Rows (leave CMU at LP #2)

Run back to starting point, run to LP #3 (pick up CMU on the way)

LP #3:  Floor Press, Bent Rows, Curls

Repeat above sequence until all listed exercises are completed.

LP #4:  Floor Press, Bent Rows, Curls, Lawn Mowers

LP #5:  Floor Press, Bent Rows, Curls, Lawn Mowers, Triceps Extensions

LP #6:  Bent Rows, Curls, Lawn Mowers, Triceps Extensions, Incline Merkins

LP #6:Curls, Lawn Mowers, Triceps Extensions, Incline Merkins, On The Shelf

LP #5:  Lawn Mowers, Triceps Extensions, Incline Merkins, On The Shelf, Upright Rows

LP # 4:  Triceps Extensions, Incline Merkins, On The Shelf, Upright Rows, CMU Swings

LP #3:  Incline Merkins, On The Shelf, Upright Rows, CMU Swings, Squat Press

LP #2:  On The Shelf, Upright Rows, CMU Swings, Squat Press, Blockees

LP #1:  Upright Rows, CMU Swings, Squat Press, Blockees, Decline Merkins

Box Cutters, Protractors, LBCs

11 HIMs plus Lactose and Pigpen
The small group I’m in with my church had a Zoom meeting last week with Petra and Tom Damms of Dignity International in Prague, Czech Republic.  They provide Christian ministry services to refugees detained in an area camp.  Most are seeking political asylum and some are escaping imprisonment and/or death.  The goal for the majority is to reach Germany but the Czech Republic is in the way and that government is not too sympathetic to their plight.  Some are granted visas but most are turned back and deported.  The whole process can take as long as three years for each refugee to learn their fate.

During the conversation, Tom and Petra were asked what kept them going physically and emotionally.  Part of the answer was anticipated.  Part was not.  Faith in God and the desire to be the hands and feet of Jesus was the obvious.  “Surrender” was not, yet proved the be the most convicting to me.  Petra said she used to pray for wisdom and to know God’s will.  Now she prays for surrender.  She believes she knows God’s will for her and that He has given her the wisdom to determine what her response is to be.  She now prays that she surrenders herself fully to God to carry on His mission.

What a powerful thought!  I looked up what that should look like to those who believe in God and what that should mean.  This is what I found.

Surrender means to yield ownership, to relinquish control over what we consider ours: our property, our time, our “rights.” When we surrender to God, we are simply acknowledging that what we “own” actually belongs to Him. He is the giver of all good things. We are responsible to care for what God has given us, as stewards of His property, but by surrendering to God, we admit that He is ultimately in control of everything, including our present circumstances. Surrendering to God helps us to let go of whatever has been holding us back from God’s best for our lives. By surrendering to God, we let go of whatever has kept us from wanting God’s ways first.

Please God, help me surrender to You.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.



SSHx30, squats x10, round the clock merkin, v ups, sundial big boys

The Count down – Complete each exercise is succession.  When completed do 25 Box jumps or run the hill.   PAX choice!  Remove the bottom exercise after completing each set.  Rinse and repeat

  • 11 Rows
  • 10 Burpees
  • 9 Sun Dial to Big Boy
  • 8 Plank jack tucks
  • 7 Squats
  • 6 V ups
  • 5 Iron mikes (each leg)
  • 4 mountain Climbers (4 Count)
  • 3 Around the clock merkins (12 total)
  • 2 Super star jacks
  • 1 Body builder

Flutter kicks

iron cross, the power T( flutter kicks while holding iron cross)
20 pax including pigskin and lactose (not tagged yet)

Capn crunch sent to me in a group text w a few others and really like it so I wanted to share the following ;

For a small amount of perspective at this moment, imagine you were an American born in 1900. When you are 14, World War I starts, and ends on your 18th birthday with 22 million people killed. Later in the year, a Spanish Flu epidemic hits the planet and runs until you are 20. Fifty million people die from it in those two years. Yes, 50 million.

When you’re 29, the Great Depression begins. Unemployment hits 25%, global GDP drops 27%. That runs until you are 33. The country nearly collapses along with the world economy. When you turn 39, World War II starts. You aren’t even over the hill yet.

When you’re 41, the United States is fully pulled into WWII. Between your 39th and 45th birthday, 75 million people perish in the war and the Holocaust kills six million. At 52, the Korean War starts and five million perish.

At 64 the Vietnam War begins, and it doesn’t end for many years. Four million people die in that conflict. Approaching your 62nd birthday you have the Cuban Missile Crisis, a tipping point in the Cold War. Life on our planet, as we know it, could well have ended. Great leaders prevented that from happening.

As you turn 75, the Vietnam War finally ends. Think of everyone on the planet born in 1900. How do you survive all of that? A kid in 1985 didn’t think their 85 year old grandparent understood how hard school was. Yet those grandparents (and now great grandparents) survived through everything listed above.

Perspective is an amazing art. Let’s try and keep things in perspective. Let’s be smart, help each other out, and we will get through all of this. In the history of the world, there has never been a storm that lasted. This too, shall pass.

Not to say there isn’t any suffering out there today but overall, our generation has been blessed.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Turn Your Eyes

THE SCENE: 62 degrees F, with soaking rain

SSH, Knees to Chest, Cross Arm Swings, Quad Stretch, Reverse Lunge, Imperial Squat Walkers

Run to AO end and back to pavilion

Bernie to AO end

Skip back to pavilion


Tabata 60 seconds/20 seconds – 2 Rounds

Incline merkins

Flutter kicks


Box cutters

Tempo Squats


WWII Sit-ups

Bulgarian Split Squat

Shoulder Taps

Step Ups


Run to AO end and back to pavilion

Bernie to AO end

Skip back to pavilion

Freddie Mercury, LBCs, ABCs

12 Total, no FNGs but Lactose joined us


Most of you have probably heard about Advocare, a dietary supplement company.  You may know that this multi-level marketing company was determined by the U.S. Federal Trade Commission to be operating as a pyramid scheme. Subsequently, Advocare switched from multi-level marketing to single-level direct selling.  Many highly compensated Advocare employees were released in July 2019.  Julie and I knew a few of those impacted and it could have been a devastating  blow to their well being.  Suddenly $30,000 to $60,000 per month income was gone.  Think about that.  Yes, that’s more money than most of us imagine to ever earn on a regular basis but losing it would certainly be traumatic.

I remember talking to one of those involved and I will always remember her words, “You know there’s a reason the windshield is bigger than the rear view mirror.  You need to focus your attention on what’s ahead of you … not what’s behind you.”

Those words fit very well with a present I bought Julie for her birthday last year.  In black script letters, printed on a white 20″ x 30″ canvas poster are the chorus lyrics from a 1922 hymn by Helen Lemmel.

“Turn your eyes upon Jesus

Look full in His wonderful face

And the things of earth will grow strangely dim

in the light of His glory and grace.”

Prayers for Taylor, Snorkels niece.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Spin Fun Knowin’ Ya

THE SCENE: 60 an Sunny

Seal Claps
Overhead Claps
Michael Phelps
Cherry Pickers
Temp Squats
Hand Release Tempo Merkins

Kraken at the Elementary School Including Mt. SuckMore. Once Pax Complete the Movement Run Around Kraken and up SuckMore for 10 Incline/Decline Merkins Before Coming Back Down and Completing Loop to Next Movement.

  • 20 V-Ups
  • 20 BBS
  • 20 X’s & O’s
  • 20 American Hammers (2 ct.)
  • 20 Pickle Pointers
  • 20 Iron Mikes
  • 20 Tempo Squat Jumps
  • 20 Monkey Humpers (4 ct.)

Pax Roulette with LBC Cash Out.
9 Hims
Times are tough and people are finding themselves in foreign places. Don’t fall away from the circle, but lean in and find the shoulder of the HIM to your right/left. Reach out, open up and be honest…your not in this alone, I promise.

Was great to see Rain Check back to the grind this morning.
Shout out to Fins getting nearly 8 miles in this morning! Amazing Brother, Stick with it!

Movin’ To Slack for Communication.