F3 Knoxville

Thanksgiving Pi

THE SCENE: Mid 60s. On the first day of November. Really?

In honor of the first day of Thanksgiving season, today’s beatdown is brought to you by the number “pi”…
4 Cherry Pickers IC
15 Crabettes IC
9 Failure to Launch IC
26 Mtn Climbers IC
5 8-Ct Body Builders IC

Head to the scrapyard for a 3-exercise circuit:
3 Pullups
5 Dips (full weight on parallel bars)
8 Merkins
9 Repeats

793 yard Indian Run through the park and around the fountain to the base of Mt Crumpet
Pair up for Dora-style. One partner exercises, other runs up the hill, around the tree, and back.
23 Burpees
84 BBS
62 Iron Mike
64 8-ct Body Builders

338 yard easy mosey back to the grinder

3 cycles of Row your Boat
27 Pickle Pounders
15 PAX this morning.
As you know, pi is a number whose decimal representation has infinite digits. Today’s beatdown worked through just 32 of them, but it’s been calculated out to over 22 trillion digits and of course it just keeps on going. Just as we could never work out through the entire representation of pi, we could never comprehend or experience the entire fullness of God’s love and grace toward us. If you get a little twinge of sore muscles at some point today, let that remind you to be thankful we didn’t go to 22 trillion digits, but even more to be thankful for His infinite goodness.
Apologies to Squiggly and Moses… I didn’t feel on my game much this morning and they did just about all the Dora reps. Hopefully just coming down off the Halloween sugar high.
F3 Olympics/anniversary. Also, check GroupMe for service project info. Weekend of 11/17, Habitat project: demo and rebuild a deck.

Ancient Path, September 25

THE SCENE: Cloudy and began to rain

  1. Side straddle hops x 20
  2. Tempo squat x 10 (3 count down)
  3. Tempo push up
  4. Tempo Good mornings


Tha-Thang #1

Mosey to the wooden bridge

  • Stride (75%) to next bridge
  • 1st bridge: 20 Dry Docks (hold plank)
  • Stride to next bridge (all run together)
  • 2nd bridge: 30 diamond Merkins (hold squat)
  • Stride to the road
  • 3rd bridge: 40 lunges (20 each leg) (fire hydrant)
  • Stride to fountain
  • Fountain: 50 squats (Big boys)

Indian Run back to the grinder

Tha-Thang #2

Kraken reps of 20:

  1. Pullups
  2. Goblet Squat
  3. Diamond Merkin/Plyo pushup
  4. Sumo DL high pull
  5. Mr. Spectacular
  6. Swings
  7. Dips
  8. Good mornings


  • V ups x 15 
  • American Hammers x 20

Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
Several years ago I started to pray, very innocently and ignorantly, that God would remove anything that comes between he and I. I prayed that he would take this decade of my life and tear me down to the foundation if he needed to.  He has since and is still dismantling me and humbling me and teaching me and at times it is down right painful. Asking him to show me my agreements (lies that come out of my hurts and woundings) is one way he is teaching me. Another is through images that he gives us in scripture.  I like to hunt and be in the woods so this image I have been given lately that I can’t get out of mind takes place perhaps in the wilderness. Iit comes from Jeremiah 6:16 “Stand by the roads, and look, and ask for the ancient paths, where the good way is and walk in it”. In my mind I am looking around and I am so busy that I can’t see what is right in front of me, what has been there the whole time.  I can’t see this slightly hidden but well beaten path unless I slow down and take my time, unless I engage, unless I remove the unnecessary things from my life. I am reminded that there are no short cuts. I have to push back the agreement that I make that says, “You are 35 and what do you have to show for it. Work harder, worry more, prove yourself” and believe that this time in my life is a time to take the low seat at the table. To purposefully choose what sometimes looks backwards to the world because I am not fighting for the top spot at the table. I am in search of the narrow gate Matthew 7:13 “Enter by the narrow gate. For the the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads to destruction, and those who enter by it are many.  For the gate is narrow and the way is hard that leads to life, and those who find it are few”. I want to find and take the ancient path to the narrow gate. I want to be led to life. There is a way that has been made for me. I am pleased and honored to be on this path with you.

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.


THE SCENE: Pre-Hurricanish  Approx. 72 F


SSH X 15

Arm Circles Front/Back X 10 each

Cherry Pickers X 10

Mosey to Mt. Krumpet

At Mt. Krumpet

At the base – 5 Bur-bees, 20 Merkins, 20 BB setups

Sprint to top of Krumpet, Jog back

5 Bur-bees, 20 Merkins, 20 BB setups

Bernie to top of Krumpet, Jog back

5 Bur-bees, 20 Merkins, 20 BB setups

Bear Crawl to top of Krumpet, Jog back

Mosey to Grinder and divide into 3 teams

Sprint to Station #1

10 pullups

20 Decline Merkins

20 Box Jumps

Sprint to Station #2

20 CMU Curls

20 CMU Presses

20 CMU Goblet Squats

Sprint to Station #3         5

20 inclined Merkins

20 Step ups each leg

20 Dips

Repeat circuit and if a team catches any group on station they do Bur-bees until that team is done.


Flutter kicks X 15

Box Cutters X 15

18 Strong one FNG, AO is growing!


Six Ethics of Life

  • Before you Pray – Believe

It means not lose sight of the true meaning of worship and prayer.  To many people treat church as a form of entertainment not a means to improve one’s faith and relationship with God.

  • Before you Speak – Listen

To me it is especially important to listen, especially when the conversation is confrontational.  Try to listen to the issue before allowing emotion to take over.

  • Before you Spend – Earn

Avoid burdensome dept or burrowing from others if possible. For me this is not leaving beyond your means.

  • Before you Write – Think

Never write anything you wouldn’t want your mother to read.  Be careful with what you say on social media. Things never go away.

  • Before you Quit – Try

I think we have all got this one.  We wouldn’t be here if we didn’t.

  • Before you Die – Live

Don’t forget to spend time with your friends, family, take time to doing things you enjoy!

Feeling Lazy ?


LBAC, imperial walkers, imp squat walkers, merkins, monkey humpers , all 15-20 IC

Partner Up for Lazy Doras (no running)

Lazy Doras

100 merkins -One partner does 10 reps while the other planks, then switch

200 LBC-P1 20 LBC while P2 holds legs 6 inches off the ground

300 squats-P1 25 squats while P2 holds Al Gore

super 11s

1 cmu curl, 1 cmu triceps extension  over head , 2 cmu curl , 2 tri extension overhead , keep going till you get to 11 reps of each

11s, 1 big boy sit up , beat crawl 15 yards, 10 body builders , lunge back , 2 big boys, best crawl 9 body builders, etc…. until done

Hello dolly x10 ic

slutter kicks x 10 ic

lbc x 10 ic

alterbatikg superman x 20 ic

madonnas x 10 ic
15 pax
Success doesn’t come from what you do occasionally but what you do consistently
Simplt put, be comsistent in everything you do. Keep pushing, keep coming out to F3, keep reaching out to sad clowns!  Keep on keeping on!
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

HIIT Me Baby One More Time

THE SCENE: IDK, 70’s and pleasant



Suicide with burpee at each cone on hill before each round

5 rounds 30 seconds on, 10 seconds off

  • CMU OH press
  • Mtn climbers
  • Plank
  • CMU Goblet squat
  • Box jumps
  • Wall sit
  • CMU chest press
  • Hand release merkins
  • Low wide plank
  • CMU hammer
  • Single leg climbers alt every 5
  • Touch the sky


Bear crawl suicide with merkin at each cone on hill
9 Men, including Steer who I couldn’t find a tag for.


Formula for Living:

Live beneath your means

Return everything you borrow

Stop blaming other people

Admit it when you make a mistake

Give clothes not worn to charity

Do something nice and try not to get caught

Listen more; talk less

Every day take a 30 min walk

Strive for excellence, not perfection

Be on time, don’t make excuses

Don’t argue, get organized

Be kind to unkind people

Let someone cut ahead of you in line

Take time to be alone

Cultivate good manners

Be humble

Realize and accept life isn’t fair

Know when to keep your mouth shut

Go an entire day without criticizing anyone

Learn from the past, plan for the future

Live in the present

Don’t sweat the small stuff

It’s all small stuff