F3 Knoxville

Are you ready for me? ‘Cuz I’m ready for you!

THE SCENE: Just about 33 degrees.  A hair above freezing.
Welcome Eric Rice!
Grab some CMUs, then a pretty standard warmup.
15x normal speed SSH IC
10x more high speed SSH IC
High knees for a while
7x Al Gore Tucks (new record!)
10x Hindurkins IC
Round-the-clock Merkins (circle up, one merkin on each CMU, plank shuffle right to next CMU)

Mosey with CMU to the Grinder
Cone lines set up 35yd apart, split into 2 teams. Half the CMUs at each line.
Disciple playlist on the Jambox:

During each song, do 15 reps of corresponding exercise, then travel by specified mode to other line and steal one CMU.
When track changes, switch to next exercise:

Track Exercise Travel
Game On Burpees Bear
Battle Lines Iron Mike carioca
Rise Up BBS sprint
Wait over Tuck jumps Bernie
Worth the Pain Ranger Merkins Gorilla
Unstoppable American hammers 4ct carioca
Worth it all Monkey Humpers 4ct Rev Bear

One more track:  Lay My Burdens.  Mosey around the park with CMUs.  During chorus, lay your burden down, and lay your body down.  While laying down, do BBS.

Just a little time for Mary:
Row Your Boat (balanced on CMU) – 6x through song
Slutter Kicks x20 IC
One minute left! Cash out with LBC OYO
14 PAX Strong! Welcome to FNG Squatter (Eric Rice)
A lot of the music in the Q today has to do with standing strong, persevering, and fighting because it’s worth it. But we need to make sure we are fighting the real enemy. Sometimes that might seem like a coworker who’s always trying to undermine you, and disagreeable neighbor, someone who’s wronged you, even sometimes your spouse or kids. But Eph 6:12 tells us, “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” Remember who we’re fighting, who we’re fighting for, and ultimately where our power comes from – the One who has already won the war!
The Jambox speaker sounds a lot louder in the house than out on the Grinder. PAX could barely hear the track change. Time to update the Christmas list…
3rd F this Saturday. Carpool from the Bomb Shelter following beatdown!

All The Things Go On The Shelf

THE SCENE: Low 50’s, quite pleasant for December

  • SSH x 20
  • Imperial Squat Walker x 15
  • Single Leg Burpees x 10 each leg
  • Cherry Pickers x 10


Mosey to Waxjob’s hill. Last PAX 5 Diamond Merkin, other PAX Heel-up lunges, Last PAX Sprint to front. Indian style.

4 rounds, 3 exercises,  12 4 count reps IC. Jailbreak down hill and Bear Crawl back up after each exercise.

1)Tempo Merkin, Single Leg Squat-Touch rt, Flutter Kicks,

2)Wide Tempo Merkin, Single Leg Squat-Touch lt, Roll up V ups,

3)Tempo Military Merkin, Double Step Heisman, In and outs,

4)Tempo Plange Merkin, Smurf Jacks, Bicycles.

Mosey to Grinder

CMU set 4 rounds:

1)Pick it up and put it on the shelf with CMU x 20 IC alternate sides each round

2)Reverse curls with CMU x 20 OYO

3)Side Tri Rise x 20 OYO alternate sides each round


  • Dr. W x 15
  • Scissors x 25 on Q
  • Big Boy Situps x 20
  • Superman/Banana

13 PAX and no FNGs

The Leader and Stress

Have you discovered the difference between problems and facts? Problems are things we can do something about; we can solve problems. Facts are things we can do nothing about; therefore we do well not to worry about them. We apply energy only to those things we can change. We can feel peace and act with poise, because we no longer beat our heads against an unbreakable wall.

Psalm 23 reminds us of what God alone can control and what we can control. It distinguishes between problems and facts. It defines God as…

  • our possession (v. 1)
  • our provision (v. 1)
  • our peace (v. 2)
  • our pardon (v. 3)
  • our partner (v. 4)
  • our preparation (v. 5)
  • our praise (v. 5)
  • our paradise (v. 6)

Psalm 23

A psalm of David.

The Lord is my shepherd;
I have all that I need.
He lets me rest in green meadows;
he leads me beside peaceful streams.
    He renews my strength.
He guides me along right paths,
bringing honor to his name.
Even when I walk
through the darkest valley,[a]
I will not be afraid,
for you are close beside me.
Your rod and your staff
protect and comfort me.
You prepare a feast for me
in the presence of my enemies.
You honor me by anointing my head with oil.
My cup overflows with blessings.
Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me
all the days of my life,
and I will live in the house of the Lord


3rd F event this Saturday 8:30 at the Outlook behind Stefano’s on the strip. G-6 Wardaddy has a word to share. Breakfast provided but bring a few bucks to chip in. We can carpool up from the Bomb Shelter for anyone interested.

Great day at the 1st F3 Knoxville Inner-City Kids Workout

God blessed us today with beautiful weather for F3 Knoxville  to come downtown and hold a kids workout for kids that need male leadership in their lives. 18 F3 HIMs came out to bond with 21 of their kid partners and crush the workout. We also had 8 F3 2.0s in attendance as well as an adult FNG or two that need to come out again!

During the BOM, We shared the importance of leaning on each other in tough times, keeping each other out of bad situations and trusting God to help us through those difficulties. At the end, Christmas came a little early as men brought a small gift for each of the kids. They were very happy and had a great time. Several were asking when F3 would come back again….This may be the start of a good relationship with these kids as we can plan other activities as well. Praise God for the opportunity to be with these awesome kids today. A special thanks to @Tinder (program director at WH) for getting the kids together and allowing us this opportunity to serve theses kids. He is a true HIM!


Confucius Say…..

  • THE SCENE: Dark n stuff and what not
  • Jog across parking lot x2, High Knee Skip x2, butt kicks x2, Karaoke x2
  • Squats IC x20, Hillbillies IC x20, SSH IC x20, Merkins IC x10, Burpos x10 oyo
  • HAIRBURNERS!!. 10 minutes of Pushing plates back and forth. At one end PI is doing curls with CMU, The other end P2 is doing Bent over rows with the CMU, P3 is pushing plates between cones and alternated out pushing plates with P1 and 2 for 10 minutes. AMRAP on the reps of Curls and BOR, once smoked on the reps, switched up to triceps and/or presses with the CMU. PAX did not like doing it for 10 minutes straight so we stopped for a moment of Clarity to find out WHY we are out here trying to get better. We got motivated again and pushed through the last few minutes! GREAT WORK PAX!!
  • After the Hair burners, we needed a break so we did CAPN THOR. Actually not much of a break but a great AB smoker! We did all the way to 10 BBS: 40 American hammers. PAX killed it!
  • Mosey to Mount Crumpit! 7’s on Mt Crumpit. Merkins and BBS
  • Mosey back for some Mary/Abs. POWER T flutter IC x10, Iron Cross, Hello Dolly ICx10, Never Cross Dolly IC x10, JLO’s x10 IC, Hold Plank.
  • PAX CHOICE! Music or Cones? For some reason PAX always choose Music and they think it sounds easier than cones?? The word cones must relate to pain and suffering…Actually, Music is just as bad, they just did not know it! 🙂 PAX chose music so we did CUMBAWUMBA, I get knocked down song. SSH the whole song and when they say I get knocked down, do a Burpee. About 33 burpees and is a great Smoker/Cash out for the end of a workout! Again, the PAX killed it!
  • About 2 minutes left. FINS has not q’d yet so he lead us in some Boxcutters IC x20. He did awesome and now is ready to Q!!
    15 including FNG(SLUMLORD) Hugh Ladd
    Confucius Say……Better a diamond with Flaw than a pebble with out, The gem cannot be polished with out friction, NOR man perfected with out trials. You get it, IRON SHARPENS IRON!
    I love silly quotes, Confucius quotes, simple words of wisdom.etc..What is comes down to is that we are not perfect but if you think you are or you think you will never be, you will NEVER grow and get better as a man! A man with out Fault will never grow so don’t be afraid to fail. Last week, I asked the guys to think about their WHY? Why are you coming out to a free workout early in the morning? When it gets tough, what motivates us to push through the suck? WELL, Fins came up to me today after the workout and shared his WHY with me. I was grateful to hear his WHY. I just met FINS and he came to me an opened up to me. That means a lot to me and is what I love about F3. Being a part of F3, we all know and have an unconditional bond with one another, even if we don’t know each other(YET). I believe we all have a similar WHY. Thank you FINs for sharing with me and I look forward to getting to know you more.
  • 2.0 workout tomorrow with TANK. Paying it forward with young men that do not have Fathers or Male role models in their life. Contact TANK for details.

Bomb Shelter meets the Kraken

THE SCENE: low 40’s…warm enough for shorts, but still cool & clear



  • SSH IC x 20
  • Tempo Squat IC x 10
  • 4ct Merkins IC x 10
  • LBAC forward/backward x 10
  • this/that stretch


Unleash the Kraken!  8 cones in a circle…exercises written at each cone.  Run a lap around the circle before advancing to the next cone.  This Kraken was On The Rocks so CMUs go wherever you go.  Exercises as follows:

Lap 1

  • Overhead Press x 50
  • Tricep Press x 50
  • Nose Wipers x 25
  • CMU Lunge 25 out & back
  • Goblet Squat x 50
  • Curls x 50
  • Diamond Burpee x 25
  • Bear Crawl around the circle

Lap 2

  • Mountain Climber x 50
  • Double Burpee x 25
  • Thrust Merkins x 25
  • Sumo Squat Press x 50
  • Hand Release Burpee x 25
  • Mr. Spectacular x 25
  • Ranger Merkin x 25
  • Squat Jump x 50


  • Boat/canoe
  • Captain Thors

12 PAX including an FNG:  Flash, Snorkel, Drifter, Fins, Butterfingers, Raincheck, Hammy, Napster (fng), Mr. Rogers, Moses, Iceman, Bartman


Apostasy:  The abandonment or renunciation of a religious or political belief.   I’ve been thinking about this term since hearing a sermon about it recently and have been using this to challenge the root of my decision making.  I’m not an Apostate, however when I know what Christ would have me do and I deliberately choose to do something differently I feel like there is an Apostic nature to my decision.  As a man who claims Christ as my savior I need to be keenly aware of this…often my areas of greatest disobedience are in my decision making.   My challenge to the PAX this morning was to be aware of the seed of Apostasy and prevent it from showing up in the decisions we make.

Great first trip to the Bomb Shelter for me.   Next time I’ll use the parking lot entrance rather than the sidewalk to drive in.

Inner City 2.0 workout coming up December 3rd.  The workout will be held at The Wesley House (1719 Reynolds Street) at 2:00.  Tank has more information if you want to reach out to him.