F3 Knoxville

Truck Stop Convergence

THE SCENE: 40 and clear….perfect



  • Side Straddle Hop x 25
  • Tempo Merkins x 15
  • Tempo Squats x 15
  • Grady Corns x 31
  • Crabettes x 10


  • Mosey to the concrete bleachers (Bartman)
    • 11’s on the hill – squat jumps at the bottom / carolina dry docks at the top
  • Mosey to the end of the soccer field (Waxjob)
    • 50% run across the field
    • 75% run back the other direction across the field
    • 100% run across the field 25 v-ups at the other end
    • 100% run back – 25 big boy situps at the other end
    • Tunnel of love
  • Mosey to the bottom soccer field (Bartman)
    • Kraken style run around 6 cones.  Start with 5 burpees, 5 merkins, 5 squats at the first cone, then increase by 5 reps after each lap around the cones.  When you get to the last cone you’ll be doing 30 burpees, 30 merkins, 30 squats.  Time ran out, had to cut this short.
  • String of pearls mosey back to the AO (Waxjob)
    • Monkey humpers facing the road
    • Freddie Mercury by the outhouse
    • Pledge of Allegiance by the flagpole

MARY:  (Waxjob)

  • Boat/canoe while singing row, row, row your boat

41 strong!   Snorkel, Waxjob, Brick, Mr. Jinxy, Driftwood, Woodshack, Kickflip, Drive Thru, Curveball, Herbie, Bagman, Mustard, Snitch, Swimmies, Full House, Choir Boy, Gibbler, Tweet-E, Swanson, Cosmo, MC Hammer, Tank, Face Plant, Manilow, Abscess, Cavalier, Poyo, Mermaid, Mailbox, Slag (FNG), Guardrail, Lillydipper, Pele, Butters, Frosty, Sparkler, Moses, Steam, Rosetta, Hammy, Bartman

2019 has been a tough year among our F3 brotherhood – we have dealt with illness, injury, death.  In light of that and also in light of the Christmas season I decided to share several scriptures of encouragement to remind us that GOD is ultimately in control and we can find our rest in him.

It’s always fun to have a big group together for a convergence workout – today was not different.   It was great to see many faces I hadn’t seen in a long time.

3rd F immediately after the workout at Two Rivers church

Driftwood VQ – Catchin the Tail

THE SCENE: 33F and calm, dark and overcast – not as cold as yesterday!


Also included Tony Cozy (A-di-das) but he is not registered on site

  1. SSH (Side-Straddle-Hop) 15×3 in cadence
    • 1 Burpee on your own
  2. Imperial Walkers 15X3 in cadence
    • 2 Burpee on your own
  3. Cherry Pickers 5×3 in cadence
    • 3 Burpee on your own
  4. Baby Arm Circle 15×3 in cadence forward and backwards
    • 4 Burpee on your own
  5. 15 Air squats 15×3 in cadence
    • 5 Burpee on your own


[PAX mosey’s to stop sign at parking lot split] (0.18 miles)

  1. 15’s at stop sign 3X each exercise
    • 5 Burpee on your own
    • 5 air squat on your own
    • 5 Merkin on your own

[Pax mosey to parking lot and split into teams of 3-4 people] (0.13 miles)

  1. Catch the tail – 4 loops (0.56 miles) – run circle of outside parking spaces at Lakeside parking lot
  2. Parking lot 4 corners X 3 times Double row parking with handicap (0.21 miles)
    1. Corner 1 start
      • 15 shoulder taps (both shoulders =1)
      • 20 big boy sit up
    2. Bear Crawl to Corner 2
      • 15 hand release merkins
      • 20 hello dollies
    3. Sprint to corner 3 – full speed give it everything
      • 20 Overhead press
      • 10 squat jumps
    4. Lunge to Corner 4
      • 15 side crunches left
      • 15 side crunches right
    5. Sprint to Corner 1
  3. Mosey to grass hill – directly across from restaurant facing house X 3 times 120 length of grass (0.13 mi)
    1. 15 Dry docks using curb at top of grass hill
      • Run down the hill
    2. 15 Star jack at bottom
      • Bear Crawl to top
    3. Pax return to AO (0.23 miles)
    4. Suicides in tennis court
      1. Suicide 1 (down and back)
        • 15 big boy sit ups
      2. Suicide 2 (down and back)
        • 15 side crunch left and 15 side crunch right
      3. Suicide 3 (down and back)

ABSCESS – 10 Merkins OYO



Positive Thinking / Positivity is a current leadership trend and buzz word.  If you take it serious and not as Pollyanna (“an excessively or blindly optimistic person”) there are great habits and leadership skills that can be learned. Don’t just be positive, when life is easy. If you stay positive when life is hard it’s not Pollyanna. It’s about trusting God, overcoming obstacles, finding a way forward, and believing the best is yet to come!  Many COT’s provided by F3 HIM’s will give you fuel to stay positive.  The one thing that has really helped me to create a positive environment with my family is to Pray Continuously – what that means is that when you know it is about to erupt – stop for 2 seconds and say a prayer – pray for words, humility, and patience, it works – I always wondered how to Pray Continuously and by starting when I knew things might erupt I learned.

I encourage you (this means it’s really for me!) to take a 23 day challenge up to Christmas (this is practice for the Woodshack eating challenge), you don’t have to commit to eating better just try to do one “Positive” thing for the next 23 days … Truly Spread the Spirit of Christmas, Smile first, say thank you more, open the door for everyone, choose faith and not fear – Pray Continuously.

Special thanks to Mr Jinky for getting me into F3 (it took persistence, but I am forever grateful) and Abscess the “fake gloomers” that got me hooked on F3 and for coming all the way out to the Dog Pound (my AO home) in the early morning hours.  Only true friends/HIMs do this for their fellow brother.

Also, special thanks for La-Z-Boy for putting on the Q101 a few weeks ago, that was an EH for me to step up to the Q plate.  For those that have not Q’d yet, do it sooner rather then later, you’ll be glad you did.  And don’t worry you won’t remember most of the work-out, you will only remember the great support of F3 HIM!

3rd F convergence at the Truck Stop – Saturday at 7AM Workout followed by 3rd F at Two Rivers Church

The Burpily Feud

THE SCENE: Shorts Weather, but for real

Those tricky SSHs where we do the last 20 in silence to see if everybody can count and stay focused. We came close, but it was 10 burpees for those of us who showed up on time (looking at you High Heels and Cheatsheet). Cherry Picker stay-downs, more baby arm circles than anybody wanted.
We moseyed low and slow, like Pele after Beaujolais. QIC stole a trick from the Lillydipper hisself and did some nickel-dime-quarters all the way to the Area 51 dropoff. Everest is for the kind of people who like wet feet and shaky legs; we were not those people.

Whatever else happens today, one thing went just right: 10 PAX came up on 10 CMUs up by the Esplanade construction. PAX choice CMU AMRAP. Question: where’s the only place Cheatsheet’s going to find singles? Answer: Wendy’s. Mans hits the double count every time. Don’t cheat yourself. Fist emoji.

Catch me if you can to the Cloud – thank you Curveball for not catching me the second time.

The Burpily Feud! No uhs, ums, pauses, or repeats.

Have a Nice Day on the 2 count.

My old college roommate Jack Webb showed up. I hate that guy.

Up the Little Hill and yours truly was shot.

Who Mary?
10 good ones. Lillydipper, Rooney, Curveball, Choirboy, Abscess, High Heels, Mr Jinxy, Goober, and Cheatsheet, plus YHC.

Sic transit gloria mundi.
Thanks men, for getting me out there again. I would not do any of it without you.
Convergence next week!


THE SCENE: Clear and 34*.

10 burpees in Cadence, imperial squat walkersx10, 9 Burpees in Cadence, Tempo Merkins in Cadence x 10, Temp BBSx 10

grab a weight or hammer and mosey to Everest

  • Everest Suicides- first cone start w 10 Burpees run up to next cone 20 Merkins back down to first cone 10 burpees run to next cone 20 Merkins next cone 30 Star Jacks, back down to first cone 10 burpees, second cone 20 Merkins, third cone 30 Star Jacks , last cone 40 Squats
  • Mosey to Space Station- Dora Trifecta( 100 Curls, Triceps, Presses while Battle Buddy Runs to the top)
  • Bo Knows- Battle Buddy holds weight in squat position while partner does High Knees x 100 or so, switch then RR
  • BEAR CRAWL 360- bear crawl in cadence x 10 w 3 Burpees, sideways Bear Crawl in cadence x 10 w 3 Burpees, Crawl Bear x 10 in cadence w 3 Burpees, sideways bear crawl x 10 w 3 Burpees
  • Mosey Back to AO

BBS tempo style x 10, dead bug four count x 20, box Cutter x 15, leg lifts 90*, 45*, 6 “ alternating three rounds, box cutter x 15, Plank right knee to left elbow hold 10 sec, left knee to right hold 10 sec

Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these note
10 Strong 💪🏻
Happy Thanksgiving! Be Thankful for the people throughout your life that helped you survive. Pray for Hands’ son, Cheatsheets daughter, Pinto, and Woodshack’s Father In Law
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

God Hears our Laments

THE SCENE: Nice evening, temps in 50’s.

20 Side Straddle Hops, 10 Tempo Squats, 10 Tempo Merkins, 10 Windmills, 10 Rockettes, 10 Shin Lifts on Curb of parking lot.
Mosey to Southern Ball Fields Parking Lot.  We will do suicides running to each of five cones in parking lot.  At end of suicide run each man will do following exercises:

  • 15 Shoulder Taps (both shoulders = 1)
  • 20 Big Boy Sit Ups
  • 15 Hand Release Merkins
  • 20 Hello Dollies (four count)
  • Rinse and Repeat exercises only.

Mosey to perimeter trail just past Southern Ball Fields Pavilion.  We will run for ten lights and stop to do the following exercises after each ten lights:

  • 5 Hand Release Merkins
  • 10 Squat Jumps
  • 20 Big Boys
  • 30 Squats

When we reach Serpentine Sidewalk we will stop.  We then will do 14’s on Serpentine Sidewalk, bear crawling one light and running for four, repeating that pattern until we get to roadway.

Mosey to CMU Pile.  Each man grabs CMU.  We will do 20 Overhead Presses, 20 Curls and 20 Rows in Cadence.

Mosey to AO.

12 men, no FNGs.

Psalm 142:  1-2
1 With my voice I cry out to the LORD; with my voice I plead for mercy to the LORD. 
2 I pour out my complaint before him; I tell my trouble before him. 

In our lives we need to guard against being overly negative.  We should have grateful hearts and be thankful for what God has given us.  But that does not mean that God doesn’t want us to complain to him.  He is our loving father.  Just as each of us who are fathers want to hear from our children if they are troubled, God wants to hear from us when we are sad, angry, confused, bitter, disappointed, overwhelmed, or desolated.  Go ahead and complain to God.  For goodness sake, about a third of the Psalms in the bible are laments!  In fact, just go to the Psalms if you want to learn how to complain.  Life presents us with challenges that are difficult to overcome.  God gives us life. Go ahead and complain to the Big Guy when you are upset with him and want to complain about the doggone life he has created.  I think of that great scene from Forest Gump when Lieutenant Dan, who lost his legs in the war of Vietnam, curses and screams at God, facing the storm on Forest’s boat, Bubba Gump.  Here are some of Lieutenant Dan’s words to God: “You think this is a storm!  C’mon you Son of a Bitch.  It’s time for a show down.  You and me.  Come and get me!”  Lieutenant Dan was certainly being open with God in that scene.  He was angry, bitter, desolated.  But Lieutenant Dan changes after that incredible scene.  He is kinder, tender even.  We see him thank Forest for hanging in there with him and ask for his forgiveness.  We see the lieutenant jump with joy into the same ocean that had presented the terrible storm only days before.  In Forrest Gump’s words, “He never said so.  But, I think Lieutenant Dan made his peace with God.”

If you want to see how to complain to God, look at the Psalms.  You will see complaints about being forsaken, about feeling abandoned, about feeling destitute.  You will also see recognition that God is there through it all, to protect, comfort and assist.  And so, David, who in various Psalms complains of the Lord forsaking him can also say in Psalm 22:

2 The LORD is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer, my God, my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield, and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. 
3 I call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised, and I am saved from my enemies. 
4 The cords of death encompassed me; the torrents of destruction assailed me; 
5 the cords of Sheol entangled me; the snares of death confronted me. 
6 In my distress I called upon the LORD; to my God I cried for help. From his temple he heard my voice, and my cry to him reached his ears. 
When in trouble, when overwhelmed, look to the Psalms.  Read them while you talk to the Lord of your own tribulations.  Go ahead and complain to Him.  But also listen closely for His answer.

Prayers for Sparkler’s friend, Randy, who died on Sunday, and for his family.  Prayers for Butter’s sister.  Prayers for Pinto who will have back surgery in early December.
Convergence at Truck Stop and 3rd F at Two Rivers Church on December 7.