F3 Knoxville

[lostpearls] St. Patrick’s Foul Poles

AO: lostpearls
Q: flyball
PAX: Bail Bonds, Mathlete, Biohack, Matt Slone, Gmail, Natty, Colonel (Alex Wallace), Borg, flyball, 30 second warning, Double-Dip
FNGs: None
SSH x 21
Ti fighters forward/reverse x 15
Cherry pickers x 10
Tempo squats x 10

17’s in honor of St. Patrick (3/17) on the big softball field foul pole to foul pole. Burpees on one side and curb tricep dips on the other

No time

Escape from Haw Ridge

St. Patrick was a British saint who was enslaved by the Irish at a young age. God gave him a vision one day of how and when to escape so he did fleeing back to Britain and devoting his life to the Lord.

You might ask why St. Patrick is revered in Irish folklore, well he got another vision to go back to Ireland and evangelize the Pagans that lived there. He is considered the reason Christianity was brought to Ireland in the first place.

What stands out to me about St. Patrick was his willingness to obey the calling God placed on his life.

While we’re not all called to convert thousands by preaching the gospel, God has a calling for each one of us. Maybe our calling is to be a good dad, husband, brother, son, etc. or maybe God is calling you to get outside of your comfort zone. Maybe you’re living your calling or maybe we need to make some sort of adjustment to be in better alignment with His calling. One thing is clear, we’ve each been given today as a gift.

Let’s all take one step further down the path of obedience today, just like St. Patrick did with his captors. He loved others and loved God so much that he was willing to go back to those who imprisoned him to save them. Let’s choose obedience this day.

March Madness

AO: brickyard
Q: Natty
PAX: Gordie, Spellcheck, Switchgrass (Stacy Clark), fast-n-easy (Nate Votta), Otis, Bail Bonds, Natty, Jim Norris, DoorKicker (Jud), Sugar Smacks
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Boogaloop, Good Morning Abbeys, shoulder taps, Moroccan night clubs, army cherry pickers, tempo sqts, Thai fighters, windmills, cherry pickers, 21’s with 10 penalty burpees

THE THANG: run to bank and do 25 mogul curb hops then bear crawl around ATM, mosey to coffee shop lot and perform 10 man makers IC, run to Norms Hill do 20 big boys at base, sprint to top do 25 mkns, repeat x 2 then squats at top of hill until 6 is up. Run to back high school lot and partner up. One grabs two bricks whilst the other grabs a basketball. Bball dude dribbles down the lot and back while the brick man does OH press, exchange until 400 oh presses complete. Then run to track and do one lap. Hit the end zone and bear crawl to the 50 yd line, then broad jump 25 yds and lunge the last 25 yds. 6 performs flutters, Bruce lees and Tuesday mornings until last man arrives. Mosey to bleachers and run them, go through tunnel and hit the wall for some Australian nut knockers. Return almost to AO and hop on top a bollard. Do 50 elevated monkey humpers, then 25 fast-n-easy (Nate Votta) cherry pickers, then do some elevated gas pumps. Hit the wall for a one min walk sit

MARY: captain thors, Bruce Lees, crawl up leg sit ups, flutter 8’s

ANNOUNCEMENTS:haw ridge on 3/28 sign up!

COT: Life is a one time offer, use it well

[lostpearls] Ruck and Work

AO: lostpearls
Q: Bail Bonds
PAX: flyball, Natty, Otis, Squatch, Matt Slone, Bail Bonds, Sutton (Wild Thing) 2.0
FNGs: 1 Sutton (Wild Thing) 2.0
Tempo Squats and Tempo Merkins

Ruck to 1st Baptist Hill and do 2 count lunges at the top, run down. Merkins at the bottom, burnee up. Doing 7 repa top and bottom, working down to 1 rep.
Ruck to the gazebo for 11s of dips and cactus jump squats.
Ruck back to AO.


3/28 Escape Haw Ridge, sign up now and let everyone know on here if you want to ruck or run.

Discipline equals freedom.

Life keeps moving forward. It doesn’t slow down. We’ll miss it if we aren’t intentional. Set goals. We are responsible for our decisions and how we spend our time. Do it wisely keep God in the center of it all.

James 4:13-16

Positive Altitudes

AO: brickyard
Q: Natty
PAX: Natty, DUCKHUNT2005, Herbie, Bail Bonds, Simmons, Chuck
FNGs: None
WARMUP: Toy Soldiers, TN rocking chairs, Sumo sqts w/leg flails, chinooks, fwd arm circles, seal claps, OH press, OH claps

THE THANG: run to coffee house and do 20 Bobby Hurleys. Then up brickyard hill…hill 1 perform 10 8ct man makers, run to hill #2 and do 25 HR mkns, hill #3 Apollo Ono’s then back down, hill 2 plank jacks, hill 1 IMP sqt walkers, RR tracks 25 Mtn climbers, then coffee shop for the famed Aussie Nut Knockers. Run to planters for 11’s of derkins and box jumps, lastly some wall high leaps.

MARY: no time


COT:your attitude, not your aptitude, determines your altitude

The Super Set

AO: thequacken
Q: DoorKicker (Jud)
PAX: Natty
FNGs: None
WARMUP: SSH, Squat Benders, Michael Phelps, stretch on our own

THE THANG: Super Sets x5

Exercise for 5 minutes straight
1 min = Jump roper
1 min = Merkins
1 min = Squats
1 min = LBCs
1 min = Cobras

2 min rest in between each set.

MARY: Lunges for 2 mins


COT: Don’t let Pride overcome you. When you do something great, remember it’s because of God.