F3 Knoxville

Lords of the Rings

THE SCENE: 66 degrees and a calm and beautiful morning

Karate Jacks, Imperial Squawkers, Tempo Merkins, Bird Dogs, Knoxville Cherry-Pickers, Moroccan Night Clubs, Stretch on your own


Ruggers Run: modified Indian run with a rugby ball – pass it back, last man sprints it back to the front of the line.

The mission: Gather the required hash (tally) marks for each exercise group.  Most hash marks required multiple reps to count, and approved modifications to earn a tally were included.

  • Karate Jacks (4 count)
    1 hash = 20 KJ’s
    40 hash marks required
  • Rings Pull-ups
    2 Inverted Rows : 1 PU
    1 hash = 5 PU*10 IR
    40 hash marks required
  • Running Laps
    1 hash = 1 lap**
    30 hash marks required
  • Imperial Squawkers (4 count)
    1.5 squats : 1 IS
    1 hash = 20 IS30 squats
    40 hash marks required
  • Bird Dogs (4 count)
    1 Big Boy : 1 BD
    3 LBC : 1 BD
    1 hash = 20 BD, 20 BB, 60 LBC
    40 hash marks required
  • Derkins
    1 merkins : 1 Dk
    3 incline merkins : 1 Dk
    1 hash = 15 Dk, 30 Mk, 45 IM
    40 hash marks required

* A rather heavy towing chain was present.  Any that did pull-ups wearing the chain got to put a bonus hash mark in any category.

** A 45 lb weight vest was present.  Any that ran the lap wearing the vest got to put a bonus hash mark anywhere they wanted.

Mission was accomplished with time to spare.  Outstanding effort, HIMs!

Mosey back to the flag.

Shoulder burn to finish out the day!  Grady Corns into Moroccan Night Clubs into Little Baby Arm Circles (both ways) – high reps with no breaks in between!.

“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God – not by works, so that no one can boast.” (Ephesians 2:8-9, NIV)

Four Approaches to Salvation.  What saves us?  How is salvation accomplished?  Some people believe that you are saved by subtraction.  You just need to stop doing certain bad things and you will be right with God.  Others believe that you are saved by service.  If you just do enough good things, go to church, be nice, get baptized, and give enough, you will qualify for salvation.  Still others believe in salvation by comparison.  In comparison to really bad people, they are justified before God.  None of those options work.  None of those will make you “righteous” or right with God.  You can’t earn it, and you’ll never deserve it.  We are saved by grace – God’s grace!  Salvation has nothing to do with what we can do.  It’s all about what Jesus has already done!

A record turnout for me and a huge welcome to Rocket’s father and triple respect: “Keating”!  We hope to see you come out again soon!
Hardship Hill is almost here!  Flag handoff this Friday at Rampart.

5/11 Moving Weight

THE SCENE: 61 F, Cloudy and Dry

Projectivator, Tempo Squats, Tempo Merkins, Arm Circles (forward and backwards)
Divided into groups of 3 with 4 stations.  Each station had 3 exercises, but only one had a count.  Each person takes an exercise.  When the guy with the exercise with the count finishes, then the station rotates around the exercises.  About every five minutes call for the groups to rotate stations.

Station 1 – Deadlifts x 12, Figure 8 (Hold a weight at full arm extension and move it in a figure 8), Curls

Station 2 – Suitcase Squat (Hold a weight in one arm to make you off balance and squat) x 10, Fly, Dips

Station 3 – Heavy Lunge x 10 ea., Row, Derkin

Station 4 – Single Leg Pickle Pointer x 12 ea., Weighted Arm Circles, Overhead Press

Got back in time for some Mary, including Basilisks, Boxcutters, Hello Dollys, Imperial Squawkers.
Had a guest Peffercorn from F3 Spring Hill who was coming through town for work
Recounted a conversation with my sister on my 40th birthday.  We talked about the story of the Vinegar Tasters from the Tao of Pooh.  Three figure represent Buddha, Confucius and Laozi.  Each are drinking from a pot that is understood to be life.  Confucius finds it bitter, because in Confucianism life is not understandable and all you can do is follow tradition.  Buddha is indifferent since Buddhism teaches non-attachment, so you are not supposed to care about how it is.  Laozi looks to be enjoying it since life is sweet.

As we grow older, we are often told that it gets worse from here.  Things hurt more.  You can’t do the things you once could. The point from the story is that this is perspective.  The same circumstance can be viewed from a positive or negative light.  If you hurt more after exercise, you can also be happy that you CAN exercise.  If you are struggling with your family, then you can be grateful you have family you like enough to worry over.
If I did a similar workout again, I would probably try to switch around the groups some to allow people to interact with different people throughout the work out.
Talked about upcoming Hardship Hill

Improv Rain Murph Prep

THE SCENE: Raging storm at the beginning, tapering into drippy wet, 60s

Projectivator, TN Rocking Chairs, Tempo Merkins, Grady Corn, Newton’s cradle

  • Mosey to the back porch and do 3 sets of modified Murph reps
    • 15 pole rows
    • 10 merkins
    • 15 squats
  • Then 2 sets of another pair, followed by 2 sets of Murph reps then a lap around the building
    • 10 Iron Mikes and 10 BttW shoulder taps
    • 10 Hand Release Merkins and 10 Flutter-Dollys
    • 10 Derkins and 10 Box cutters
  • By this point, rain had pretty much cleared, so we moseyd to the pool wall
    • 2 sets of 10 Wall-ups and 10 Bobby Hurleys
  • Mosey to playground and do 1 true Murph rep set including pull ups
  • RTF

I think we did some…

“The Big Lie in the church today is that you are nothing more than ‘a sinner saved by grace’. – John Eldredge

C.S. Lewis cautions us against the words “just” or “merely”, because they serve to exclude other possibility. To be ‘just’ saved by grace is to remain a helpless infant. You are purposed to be much more. Humanity was created in the image of God so that we would become rulers of creation. To be saved is to gain access to the energizing Spirit of the Creator of heaven and earth, but it does you no good if you don’t choose to draw from it. And the Lord delights when you rely on Him for your power.

If I fail to use my chance to grow strong from the Source, I am the least of those who suffer because of it. There is no one to fill your place in the battle line. Every man who chooses comfort or apathy or fear is a gap in the bulwark. Will the enemy win because of my lack? We are certain the answer is a resounding “NO”. But the Lord does not coddle us with irresponsibility. He respects our agency by allowing real consequences. So be assured that your choice will be respected, and all that comes with it.
Not a huge divergence from my original plan, but definitely a little tricky to adapt to the weather, which totally surprised me.
Hardship Hill, Dragon Boat, Flag handoff at Juco May 19th, Rampart May 27th.

Forg3 2023 Registration is LIVE

 Forg3 2023

A weekend retreat created for F3 men, by F3 men. 

Men of F3 Knoxville! With a full heart I am pumped to announce that we are rolling out our first F3 Knoxville men’s retreat this fall – Forg3! Forg3 was created with F3 men in mind – to strengthen the bonds we have with each other and our Creator, over the course of a weekend retreat.

Please see below for all of the preliminary information about this year’s retreat, as registration goes LIVE today!

Forge (v.) – to shape and mold into a new condition, by heating in a fire / to move forward gradually and steadily.

Forg3 (n.) an invigorating 40-hour weekend retreat to challenge and encourage F3 men in their pursuit of high impact manhood. You can expect to engage with other men in 1st, 2nd, and 3rd F sessions, to better understand who you are, whose you are, and the High Impact Man God has called you to be. You’ll have opportunities throughout the weekend to seek adventure, to rest, and to sharpen iron with other F3 men physically, mentally, emotionally, relationally, and spiritually. 

If you love adventure of the heart, mind, body, and soul – Forg3 is for you. Forg3 was created for F3 men, by F3 men, as a way to engage together for a purposeful and relationally-driven weekend to step further into the men God has called us to be.

Here are the fast facts about Forg3 2023:
  • Dates: Friday, September 22nd (7pm) – Sunday, September 24th (11am)
  • Location: Doe River Gorge (Hampton, TN)
    • Situated in the F3 Northeast TN region up near Johnson City and Elizabethton, Doe River Gorge’s campus is tucked into the side of a mountain and offers incredible beauty, very clean and comfortable cabins by the river, and miles and miles of adventures to be had.
    • From Knoxville: only around 1.5 – 2 hour drive
  • Cost: $110 (Covers all of your lodging, meals, and retreat materials for the weekend)
    • Via Venmo or cash to Waxjob

How To Register/Get Connected

Our team has created a user-friendly and comprehensive registration process – all through Google Forms. Please see below for how to register, get connected, and where to send any questions you may have. We look forward to seeing you at Forg3 2023 this year!

How To Get Involved

Want to get involved or be a part of Forg3 2023? If you have any interest in serving on our planning team, in any capacity, we’d love to connect! Shoot an email over to [email protected], or DM Steam (Dan Henson) on the F3 Knoxville Slack workspace.

Iron Sharpens Iron!


Fire in the Hole!

THE SCENE:  47 and clear.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER:  Administered.

Down/up dog
Tempo merkins
Parker merkins
Tempo squat
Squat jump 180


Mosey to the fountain.  Grab a spot on the benches.  10 Derkins. 9 Carolina dry docks. 8 shoulder taps. 7 hand lease derkins.  6 newton’s cradle.  5 Derkins. 4 Carolina dry docks. 3 shoulder taps. 2 hand lease derkins.  1 newton’s cradle.

Short mosey to the civic offices.

Split into 2 teams.  One die with numbers 1,2,3.

Team 1 rolls the die, then runs that number of laps.

While Team 1 runs, Team 2 works through the exercises until laps are completed.

When first man from Team 1 returns from laps, other team rolls.

When list is complete, knock down a cone and start again.

Repeato until one team knocks down 3 cones.


  • 10 Monkey Humpers (4-count)
  • 15 Mountain climbers (4-count)
  • 10 Iron Mikes (10 each leg)
  • 15 Side crunches (15 each side)
  • 15 Squat jump 180s
  • 15 BBS
  • 10 Parker Merkins
  • 15 Star jacks
  • 15 Carolina dry docks
  • 20 LBCs


Mosey back to the flag.  Play the song “Turn it Up” by Oh the Larceny.  SSH in rhythm with the music – burpee each time they sing “Turn it Up!”


11 men, including FNG “Fire in the Hole”


1 Samuel 10.  Then Samuel sent all the people away, each one to his home.  Saul also went to his home at Gibeah, and with him went men of valor whose hearts God had touched.

By God’s grace, I would love for that to describe each of us.  A man of valor, whose heart God has touched.

Valor – “strength of mind or spirit that enables a person to encounter danger with firmness – courage and decisiveness”.

Men of Valor are elusive in a world that’s lost its moral compass, yet every man should strive to be one.

We can aspire to be the men God calls us to be – men of integrity and honor.

What makes a man a HIM?  Attending F3 workouts?  No!  A man is a HIM only if he is living a life of high-impact.  (hat tip to Archie).  Do, rather than seek to seem.  BE a HIM!


Prayers of praise for Rex and Mr. Platfoot.  Prayers of supplication for Tuba, Feeny’s church, Ms. Ocho.

Welcome FNG “Fire in the Hole!”

Favorite quote of the morning, “What kind of coffee is this?  Guatemalan?!?”