F3 Knoxville

The Fantastic 4 & Their Joint Custody of a 30lb baby

THE SCENE: 33 degrees, patches of snow & some isolated ice around AO, cloudy

“Welcome to F3 – Fitness -Fellowship – & Faith. My name is Steam and for the next 60 minutes I’ll be your Q in charge. I am not a professional – you are here on your own volition – which means I don’t know any injuries you may or may not have so if you need to modify any of the exercises we do this morning feel free to do so but we will all push each other to give 100%”

1. Side-Straddle Hop (SSH): 25 x 4 in cadence

2. Cherry-Picker: 12 x 4 in cadence

3. Big Ass Baby Arm Circles: Forward: 10 x 4 in cadence & Backward: 10 x 4 in cadence

4. High Knees: 15 x 4 in cadence

5. Forward Lunge: 12 –> hold for 3 seconds in the lunge position

**PAX put keys/phones in Steam’s ruck** ——– **introduced the 30lb ruck plate = baby

  • Established battle buddies for the duration of the Q before stepping off
  • Mosey to Big Ball amphitheater with baby (American Indian run formation/style)
  • Super Stadium Steppers
    • (1) Battle-buddy teams sprint to top of amphitheater stairs
    • (2) Execute 5 pull-ups (overhand or underhand) individually
    • (3) Sprint Back down –> hold incline Merkin position until PAX recovers
    • (4) All PAX American-Indian runs with baby around Big Ball pond perimeter
      • halfway point = each PAX executes 5 squats with baby
    • (5) After completion of perimeter mosey –> PAX members execute 20 x 4 Big Boy Sit-Ups (BBSs) and/or 20 x 4 Little Baby Crunches (LBCs)
      • Last Round = 10 overhand pull-ups, battle buddy teams carried baby between them for 30 seconds on/30 seconds off, 5 squats with baby AND 5 baby chest presses
  • Mosey American Indian run style past AO start point –> under bridge by STEM Academy.
    • PAX lined up against bridge wall in wall-sit formation
    • From L –> R
      • (1) Execute 5 merkins (next PAX member holds baby during wall-sit)
      • (2) Rinse & Repeat 3x
  • Mosey back to AO start-point
    • 30 seconds on/10 seconds off
    • (1) American Hammers
    • (2) Leg extensions –> Up (vertically) & out (horizontally)
    • (3) Flutter Kicks
    • (4) Hello Dollys (Happy Birthday Dolly —- yesterday)
  • ATMs
    • Merkin plank position
    • 15 x 4 shoulder taps
    • 10 slow cadence merkins
    • 10 fast paced merkins

Heavy breathing, cursing of the 30lb baby – moral sustained 🙂
Pax Count: 4

Quarantine – Red Writer – Operation – Steam

Q shared his working thesis for the year: “It’s not about me” & “Allowing myself to fully understand and accept God’s grace”

When you look back at this upcoming year –> will you be able to say that you listened to God?

Focus in on where God is calling you this year & think about what your thesis or theses is for this year as you go back to your families, relationships, marriages, work, as High Impact Men of character.

Just Keep Moving

THE SCENE: 27 degrees.  Cloudy.  Snow on the way (hopefully)

SSH x 25

Baby arm circles 12 forward, 12 back

Tempo Squat x 10

SSH x 25

Tempo Merkin x 10


  • Mosey to UT parking garage
  • Dora 1-2-3:  Partner up.  Cumulative 100 merkins, 200 LBC’s, 300 squats between partners.  While one partner performs exercise, other partner Bernie Sanders up the ramp, touches the wall and runs back.  Jack rabbits help slower PAX finish reps.
  • Burpee Dans:  1 burpee then 4 lunges across garage, turn around and repeat with 2 burpees and 4 lunges back.  Repeat with 3:4, and 4:4 ratios.
  • Four Corners:  10 BBS first corner, run to 2nd corner and complete 10 flutter kick (4 count), run to 3rd corner and 10 American hammers (4 count), run to 4th corner and 10 Hello Dollys (4 count).
  • Mosey back to AO

La La Leggy:  20 squats, 20 lunges (10 each leg), 20 drop lunges (10 each leg), 20 jump squats, 20 calf raises

16 strong.  No FNGs.  Ponder was also in attendance, but I could not find his tag.

Just keep moving.  We have applied this to our workouts the last several weeks due to the cold weather.  If we don’t, our bodies shut down, hypothermia begins, and left unchecked we die.  We can apply this to our personal and spiritual lives as well.  If we are not moving forward we are stagnant at best and more likely than not regressing.  What areas of your life have become stagnant?  What have you neglected or given up on?  What can you change or do to take action in these areas of your life?

Hebrew 12:1 Therefore since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfector of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.

Encouragement to sign up for open Qs

going to see the General

THE SCENE: 25* and slightly windy, luckily the AO was clear of ice

SSH x25 IC
Tempo squats x10 IC
SSH x20 IC
Tempo merkins x25 IC


Four cones are set up at each corner of the sidewalk that runs around the perimeter of the grass lawn at world’s fair park.  Each cone represents a stop point along the way for an exercise.  Move on to the next making your way back to the beginning.  Exercises are merkins, jump squats, WWII sit ups, Carolina dry docks.  PAX start at 10 reps of each exercise, decreasing to 9 reps on the second, lap, 8 reps on the third lap, etc.  PAX halt after completing lap with 6 reps of each exercise.

Mosey up and across pedestrian bridge beside 11th St parking garage, up and around the hill and down beside the Alumni Memorial Building to the amphitheater.  Going up amphitheater steps, PAX must bunny hop on flat areas and box jump up to the next level.  Once reaching the top, perform 5 squats.  Turn around, and bear crawl down the steps, once reaching the bottom perform 5 derkins.  Repeat this routine for 3 rounds.  Once all PAX complete, take a 5 count break and line up at the base again.  In the style of Growruck 05, PAX perform the same routine, only this time we make all movements together as a team going up and back down.  We did this as a physical representation of “no man left behind”.

Mosey up the hill beside Neyland Stadium to see the General.  PAX pair up, one partner jumping rope with the general while the other sprints up the Vol walk to the power T and performs 25 incline merkins.  Sprint back down to your partner and flapjack.  Second round repeat the same, only perform 25 decline merkins.  At this point Detention looked like he was shot out of a cannon as he was running faster going uphill than me sprinting downhill.

No real recovery after this routine, PAX had to head back to SP.  Taking same route back, jackrabbits stopped for rounds of squats and SSHs while waiting on the 6 to catch up.  Continue mosey back to the SP, jailbreak on the last straight of the worlds fair lawn to empty the tanks.

Pickle pounders and boat/canoes
10 PAX strong on a cold, windy morning including one FNG.  Quarantine, Rousey (FNG), Detention, Proton, Rusty, Amazon, Operation, Swanson, Pfeiffer, Abort
Pfeiffer spoke of trying to be positive and always finding the great things in the people around us.  Proverbs 11:27 – “Anyone can find the dirt in someone.  Be the one that finds the gold.”

Coffeeteeria at Pete’s right after

Stairs and Pain

THE SCENE: Crisp and comfortable

-SSH X25 IC, -Tempo Squat x10 IC, -BAC x10 (Forward/Reverse) IC, Tempo Squat x10 IC, SSH x25 IC

PAX form two lines and mosey around area to identify each station…

AMRAP (12 minutes)

As many rounds as possible for 12 minutes the PAX completed 10 reps at three stations of the following…

  • Pull-ups at the Big Ball Beams
  • Box Jumps at the TN Amphitheater Stage
  • Burpees at the Bridge

Abort gave us a 10 count…

Mountain of Pain

PAX sprinted to the top of the Big Ball Steps and did the following:

  • Hand-release Merkins 10-1 (10 at top of steps, 9 at bottom, 8 at top, rinse repeat to 1 rep at the bottom)
  • When finished PAX did Flutter Kicks x20 IC, American Hammers x20 IC until the six was up.

Preacher gave the PAX a 10 count…

PAX sprinted to the flat area (for time purposes) instead of to the very top of BB Steps and did the following:

  • Same 10-1 repetition as the Hand-Release Merkins but this time WW2 Big Boy Sit-Ups were completed.

PAX re-formed their two lines again and moseyed to AO starting point.

CASH OUT with ATM’s (15 4 count shoulder taps IC, 10 tempo merkins on a single count IC, 10 speed merkins x10 IC)
19 PAX (1 FNG!)
Spoke about intentional leadership on my NYE Q.  The same is true now.  If we are not moving forward, we are being stagnant.  If we are being stagnant then we are being left behind.  The downtown AO has unlimited potential and if we want to see it grow we must cultivate it and that happens from stepping outside our comfort zones and intentionally leading here.  Challenge this AO to two VQ’s next week at the Big Ball AO.  If guys have questions, get with any of us who have Q experience as a resource or even as a Co-Q.
Prayer request were made.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

pushing the cold out

THE SCENE: 11 degrees and clear. Oh, and it was a little chilly

2 capri laps, SSH x20, Squats x20


  • Mosey to the dragins tail for 11’s. Burpees and Big boys
  • Hair burners/Grinders for 10 minutes. 3 Pax at each station. Each station had a plate that is pushed from Point A to B. As plate is being pushed , Pax 1 at point A is doing merkins and Pax 2 is at point B doing froggie squats. As Pax 3 pushes the plat to pint B, Pax 2 poushes the plate back to Point A. Pax 1 pushes plate back, rinse and repeat
  • Bench pull ups to Sally at the PAVALON
  • Mosey to the top trail for Protonic Suicides. Run to 1st light , 5 burps, run back to start, run to 1st light 5 burps, run to next light, 10 squat jumps…..always running back to the start and repeating the exercises…5 burpees, 10 sq jumps, 15 supermans, 20 merkins, 25 squats, 30 dry docks, etc…

Hello Dolly x10, Iron cross, then Power T flutter, Box cutters by Crawdad
18 Pax including 1 FNG John Thurman PIPE WRENCH
FISH ON! As we grow, its about getting more FNGs out to join F3. That does not mean your all over the sadclown with lots of pessure to join us. Sometimes, its just throwing the line out from time to time, let the sadclown swim around the bait for a while. Eventually a sadclown gets hungry and takes the bait! Once hooked, reel them in and keep them!
Keep Fishing
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.