F3 Knoxville

HHOCR warm up

THE SCENE: The Asylum, breezy and warm 71degrees

Took a mosey tour of the course
Pair I and do as many laps around course as possible until time is called.O do as many laps as possible in 45 minutes (took off a couple stations above for time)

#1 10 burpees
#2 Sprint up hill
#3 Mosey to the last benches and back
# 4 30 dry docks
#5 10 frog jumps
#6 squat walks (20 yards)
#7 20 shoulder taps merkins
#8 20 Lunges
#9 zig zag cone course
#10 Calf raises x30
#11 balance along curb run
#12 Bear crawl (20 yds)
#13 4 round the clock merkins

#14 5 clapping or hard release burpees

#15 20 box jumps
#16 Climb around rope obstacle
#17 5 inch worms
#18 20 rows on picnic tables
#19 CMU presses
#20 Side shuffle (30yds)

Flutters till everyone got back to AO., box cutters x26, planks with leg lifts, LBCs.

25 in attendance, rooney and mater there but not tagged in system
We talked about the Hardship Hill race and how it is important for us to serve our veterans and be a part of this great opportunity.

I gave an example of a African minister who was able to grow his church to huge numbers.  When American missionaries came to help they were astonished on how many people were coming to Christ through his church. They asked him how he was able to draw in so many people, he replied by saying that in America people study God‘s word and Bible studies at church and other areas, here they live in God’s word by serving others and people see that and want to be a part of a movement.  Then they study. We have it backwards here. We need to serve others and live for Christ not just study his Word.
This old man was paired up with a 16 yr old cross country athlete (Jenny) . Good motivation for me to keep going. I heard lots of encouragement this morning to others.

Hooker’s Q?


The Scene:

48 and clear

F3 Welcome & Disclaimer

The Thang

Warmup: SSH x20 (IC), This right here, that right there, Michael Phelps x10, Merkins x10 (4-count IC)

Number off in 1’s & 2’s

Mosey to coupon pile: grab two coupons or one CMU

Mosey to Pavillion w/ coupon/CMU: 1’s on wall sits, 2’s on rows @ picnic tables for 1min.; switch; rinse & repeat

Mosey to dugouts w/out coupon/CMU: 1min. of pullups

Grab coupons and mosey to Cardiac Hill: Arm Circuit: Curls x10, Bent over rows x10, Overhead Press x10

To first switchback: Weighted Squats x25

To 2nd switchback: Jumpsquats x25

To the top: Arm Circuit



Return coupons

Abs: BBS x20, Pickle Pounders x20, Lance Armstrong x20

Suicides: each parking lot line to other curb, plank until all done

Circle up: dealer’s choice: Playpen – Hello Dolly x20


Number off & Name-O-Rama


As we move into the holiday season, let’s think about how blessed we are and not get caught up in how we are going to “provide” the silly things for the ones we love. Bless those around you, in your community. Use whatever resources you have, do not be selfish — time, finances, talent, etc. Give back this Christmas season!


It was a great morning, covering a good deal of ground and carrying plenty of extra weight. Great to have Patty join the PAX, and to see High Tide check out a Knoxville AO! Looking forward to giving back to the community in the name of F3 this December!