F3 Knoxville

Good Morning Dora!

34 degrees, damp but clear

SSH x 30 IC
– Imperial Squat Walkers x 20 IC
– Shoulder touch Merkin x 15 IC
– Good mornings x 10 OYO
– Jungle Climbers x 25 IC (New Lexicon? Similar to it’s cousin, “The Mountain Climber” but you swing your feet up on the outside up to your hands, working the abs and stretching your groin/hip flexors simultaneously)

No FNG’s so we hopped right into an Indian Run (2 lines) mosey .4-.5 miles to the lower sloped parking lot next to the marina, setting ourselves up for a nice workout with our friend, Dora.

Doras with a partner, making sure we “sprint” up the hill, really working out our leg workout reps.
– 100 w/ partner x Jump Squats
– 150 w/ partner x Lunges
– 200 w/ partner x Squats

Audible on round two of Chest of Doras. Extra mosey caused for extra time, so we took a mosey back to the COP for a nice 10 min killer ab/core workout.

COP – Abs
– Fifer scissors x 20 IC on the Q’s count
– Oblique raises x 15 each side IC
– Flutter kicks x 25 IC
– Starfish Crunch x 15 IC
– Heels to Heavens x 30 IC


As the famous Greek parable goes: “The fox knows many things, but the hedgehog knows one big thing.”

The fox spends his days, crafting up a devious, sly plan to attack the hedgehog daily. Always testing out every complex decision. The hedgehog goes about his every day activity of gathering food to provide for his family.

The hedgehog crosses into the foxes path and the fox attempts to attack, the hedgehog thinks to itself, “Here we go again,” and he curls up into a tiny ball, putting out his thorns and spikes on his back, protecting him. The hedgehog wins, every time.

We desire to live life like the hedgehog, but spend most of our time acting like the fox.

Foxes pursue many ends at the same time and see the world in all its complexity. they are “scattered or diffused, moving on many levels, never integrating their thinking into one overall concept or unifying decision.”

Hedgehogs, on the other hand, simplify a complex world into a single organizing idea, a basic principle or concept that unifies and guides everything. Anything that does not somehow relate to the hedgehog idea holds no relevance.

Call to action on discovering your core values:
1 – Listen (Psalm 46:10) – Step out of the traffic!” Take a long, loving look at me, your High God, above politics, above everything.”
2 – Look out, not in. When our focus is on ourselves, our problems, living for ourselves, we will not understand the meaning of our lives.

Habakkuk 3:17-19

18 anxious PAX ventured to the Dog Pound this morning, hungry for a good workout due to the postponed Monday workout because of frozen rain and ice.  We were ready to get after it, no standing around!  As always the PAX brought their A-game…getting better together!

Edit (submitted by Cap’n Crunch)

Peaks, Valleys and the Long Mosey

The Theme: A Tour of Lakeshore’s Peaks and Valleys

The Scene: 27 degrees, clear with a hint of Gloom!  After a great call by Cap’n Crunch to call off the Saturday workout due to snow, the men of F3 Knoxville were in withdrawals for 2 days. We wanted to get better together so 60, yes 60 men showed up this morning for a leg day beat down! Spirits were high, mumble chatter was loud!

Disclaimer straight into a 60 man 2.5 mile mosey with stops along the way…AYE!

1st Stop
At Mt. Everest. IC and timed Imperial Squat Walkers.
Continue run, but backwards up a short straight hill, then forward mosey.

2nd Stop
Back Lot parking lot for some Duck Walk mixed in with Frog Jumps.
Continue the mosey mixing in some Lunge Walks and Backward Lunges mixed in.

3rd Stop
Right before Cardiac Hill, 2 minutes of as many Big Boy Sit ups as you can.
Cardiac Hill was next but not without going up the hill backwards halfway for a good thigh burn.

Mosey Back to the AO, total travel 2.5 miles!

Boxcutters x15 (IC)
Reverse Pickle Pounders x 20 (IC)

Name O Rama: 60 PAX with 8 FNGs

Choices and Consequence: Everyday, we make choices, big or small. With Choices you have consequences, good or bad. With F3, I made a choice to get up early, be with my F3 brothers and work hard. The consequence became much greater than fitness. It has given me fellowship with men that I would probably have never met if not for F3 and has taught me to challenge myself more in all facets of life, including faith. What do you choose?

Rocky Balboa

The scene: The PAX entered the gloom at a balmy 23 degrees and falling snow. Spirits were high as 34 men arrived in full HYPE MODE and generating lots of positive mumblechatter.

The theme of the morning was the All-American movie “Rocky.”  The tone, however, was set when Bandwagon enthusiastically smashed his cinderblock upon arrival at the frozen AO. It was- as the kids say…“ON!”

Side saddle hops x20 (IC)
Squats x20 (IC)
Imperial Walkers x10 (IC)
Big Boy Situps x10 (IC)
Forward arm circles x10 (IC)
Reverse arm circles x10 (IC)

Quick mosey to the brick pile to get coupons.  Each member of the PAX settled into a parking space in the AO.  This then became their own personal, virtual boxing ring.

12 rounds with Apollo Creed
Each exercise OYO for 60 seconds with 10 second break between sets:
1. Mercians
2. Weighted squats
3. Weighted uppercuts w/ coupons
4. Overhead press w/ coupons
5. Mountain climbers
6. Depth-charge squats

Bear crawl across parking lot, back to virtual boxing ring…

7. Mercians
8. Depth-charge squats
9. Mountain climbers
10. Weighted overhead press w/coupons
11. Weighted uppercuts w/coupons
12. Weighted squats

Quick mosey back to the brick pile to return coupons. Mosey over to “cardiac hill” at the backside of Lakeshore Park.

Running the Steps with Rocky
PAX sprinted ½ up cardiac hill and stopped to do 15 mercians. Continued to top of hill and did 15 jumps while pumping fists overhead (a la Rocky). Ran back down the hill and performed a plank sequence.

Mosey back to the AO.

Dealer’s choice for core work, including:
– American Hammer x30 (IC) led by Dimples
– Hello Dolly x25 (IC) led by Cap’n Crunch
– Pickle Pounders x30 (IC) led by Pickle (the birthday boy)

Name-O-Rama: 34 brave souls, including 4 FNG’s.

P-nut reminded everyone that becoming a HIM requires preparation and work. Look around at the PAX and see what qualities you want to emulate in your own life. Reach out to your PAX for leadership, help and advice…we get better together. AYE.

Reminded FNG’s that we meet at the AO four mornings a week (M, W, F and Sat) and also on Thursday afternoon. The Farragut/West Knoxville launch will initiate next week (Tuesday and Thursday). No sadclown in Knox County will be safe.

Good to be with everyone on this first snow of 2016. God bless and keep you today.


Submitted by Cap’n Crunch (on behalf of P-nut)

Suicides and Mt. Everest…just a typical F3 Saturday!

Conditions: 40 and Clear

Intro and Disclaimer

2 Laps around Parking Lot
Imperial Walkers x15 (IC)
Arm Circles Forward x15 (IC)
Arm Circles Reverse x15 (IC)
Merkins x15 (IC)

Line up on one side of the parking lot and partner up

Heavy Suicides
Bandwagon put the PAX through a little basketball drill, will a little extra of course…this is F3!  Suicides the length of the parking lot with cinder blocks while doing exercises at four spots.

Runners: 3 Rounds, 1st = x15 each, 2nd = x10 each, 3rd = x5 each

  • Free Throw Line (1/4 way down) – CB Curls
  • Half-court Line (1/2 way down) – CB Clean and Press
  • Far Free Throw Line (3/4 way down) – CB Tricep Presses
  • Far Baseline (all the way down) – CB Hops (hop over cinder block side to side)

Non-runners: Do the following exercise as a group until all runners are done

  • First Run – Department Stores (On Q lead)
  • Second Run – Big Boy Sit Ups (IC)
  • Third Run – Flutter Kicks (IC)

Indian trot to the front field

COP #2
American Hammers x15 (IC)
Mountain Climbers x20 (IC)
Side Straddle Hops x15 (IC)

Mosey to “Everest” large hill in front of the park

Partner DORAS
One partner does exercise while the other takes on “Everest”

  • Merkins x100
  • Little Baby Crunches x200
  • Squats x300

Once a team has finished start (but cut number of reps in half) until everyone is done (1 Team!)

Partner up in groups of 6 and relay hand-offs back to base (person in back hands stick to person in front and so on.  When the person in front gets the stick he drops it and they man in back picks it up and the fun starts all over again.)

Dealers Choice


Nam-0-Rama – Barbie




The PAX came ready for a beatdown on Saturday morning and did not leave disappointed. After doing some “heavy suicides” in the parking lot with cinder blocks the PAX gathered for a short mosey to uncharted grounds of our beautiful AO. We named it Everest, in honor of every 10 year old (and some adults (P-Nut)) that sleds down this massive hill during a good snowstorm. Check it out when it snows, it won’t disappoint. The PAX did some of the toughest DORA’s of this young PAX career. Hopeful that this PAX continues to grow and push each other physically, mentally, and spiritually.


Barbie and Bandwagon (submitted by Cap’n Crunch)

We don’t stop when we’re tired, we stop when we’re done!

Conditions – 48 and clear

Side Straddle Hops – x20
Dive Bombers – x10
Imperial Walkers – x20
Arm Circles Forward – x10
Arm Circles Reverse – x10
2 Laps around the parking lot

Mosey to sidewalk along the long side of the parking lot

Suicides (done the long length of the parking lot)
Run to first cone – x10 Diamond Merkins
Run to second cone – x10 Reverse Lunges (each leg)
Run to Third cone – x10 BBS
Rinse and repeat for 10 minutes non-stop

Mosey to softball field and bleachers

Step up to the first step and perform an air squat, then to the next step and perform an air squat and so on all the way to the top. Turn around and step down and perform an air squat with each step all the way down.  At the bottom, 5 jump squats.  Rinse and repeat for 5 minutes non-stop.

Mosey over to parking lot

Countdowns: 10 to 5 to 10
Start with 10 merkins then roll over and do 10 4 ct. flutter kicks.  Roll over to your stomach and do 9 merkins then roll over for 9 4ct. flutter kicks all the way to 5 reps each.  After 5 reps, do 6 merkins, then 6 4ct. flutter kicks increasing one rep back up to 10.

Abs: Dealers Choice
Department Stores (2nd floor = full plank, 1st floor = 6 in plank, Basemen = chest on the ground, arms and legs up) – Ratchet at his discretion
Froggy Crunches – x15 – Quickbooks
Throwdowns – x10 each – Tea Party
Hello Dollys – x15 – Roadshow

3 FNGS – Boulder, Extraction and I-Beam

YHC shared a reflection on Psalm 90:12, “teach us to count our days.”  We are passing away, but the impact we can have on those we love, our neighborhood and city is eternal!

Inspired! That’s how YHC feels leaving #TheAsylum every morning.  Just over a month ago most of these men didn’t know each other, and to now see and hear them pushing and encouraging each other to get better…what other word can I use but inspired.

The PAX in Knoxville came out this morning and a crushed a non-stop 45 minute workout and a few even stayed after for an OTB 2 mile run. Each man gives his all for the man to his left and to his right, and that’s what it’s all about. Knoxville will never be the same!

Strength and Honor,
Cap’n Crunch