F3 Knoxville

Loopy Guardrails

THE SCENE: 70 degrees, clear, dark and muggy just how we like it

Moroccan Night club | Newton’s Cradle | Cherry Pickers | Mountain climbers
Count off into groups of 3 for a Railroad Run the the bottom of the parking lot by the duck pond

Parking Lot Hill Loop

  • Bernie Sanders & Wheel Barrows (or bear walk if solo)
  • Lunge Walk & Crawl Bear down
  • Sprint and Frog Jump Back up

Guard Rail Loop – 3 stations (2 on guardrails on the East side of campus)

  • Station 1: Derkins x20, Guardrail hops x20
  • Station 2: Tricep Dips x20, Guardrail climbs x20 (Plank on ground perpendicular to guardrail, climb to hands on top of guardrail plank)
  • Station 3: 4 count Flutter kick x20, One leg Turkish Get ups x20 (10 each leg)

Mosey back to AO Flag: 10 Burpies, 10 Cross climbers

19 HIM’s for the Thang, 1 FNG, Welcome Mailbox.

6 HIM’s did a long run.

Eph 5:15-16 Look carefully how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of time because the days are evil.  Therefore, do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is

Discerning the will of the Lord for your life and your behavior takes some personal rules.  They apply to you and are a little different for everyone, but you should have some guardrails in your life to keep you safe.  1 yr ago this past Sunday was my biking accident and I learned two things about guardrails
1) They are hard so don’t hit them but what is on the other side is worse

2) If you are by something that needs a guardrail, don’t go alone
Guardrails protect and direct
Personal Standard of behavior – Keeps you from doing spiritual damage to your life and those you love (Borrowed this definition from Andy Stanley)
* Simple but hard example: Alcohol – if you are getting drunk or more than one person mentioned your drinking as a problem, that’s a problem; that is sin.  Set some boundaries and hold to them.  Zero drinking for some, accountability for all.
* Harder to measure but way more common: Work-a-holic or crippling financial debt – get some guard rails up.  Set some spending limits, make lifestyle changes that put God and family first and work and money in the back seat.  Get a firm stop time on work and respect family time.
* Hardest thing for most men: Sexual sin.  How are you protecting your family from your sex drive crashing your marriage into the ditch?  Make some guardrails, yes rules.  Hitting a guardrail hurts, but learn to like them being there and then don’t hit them- don’t even get close.  They are there to protect you.
 * Even something as good as Fitness may need a guardrail – we can get so into F1 that we neglect other areas – we skip devotional times to post better times or more workouts.  Have guardrails to keep fitness from becoming an idol. Fitness is good but get some guardrails to direct you to the best thing in life – a life lived for Jesus Christ.

Learn to love the guardrails – it’s not a restriction to hate but protections that show God is moving in your life.

Put up some guardrails in your life, share them with a brother – don’t go alone where the danger is high and keep your life on the most God glorifying path.

Keeping mind that guard rails are personalized and not prescriptive for all: share in the group me some of the guardrails that you have in your life that have protected you and that you would want some brothers to hold you too if you were getting too close or over the guard rail.
Prayers for a fellow HIM’s wife’s cancer diagnosis, Poolboy and Judge Judy & fam.

Recruit some FNG’s…. business cards available to help with that but your personal invite will work best!

blimps at the river

THE SCENE: Upper 60s and still not awful on humidity

Shoulder taps
Crunchy twists
Three count merkin
Tempo lunge

Mosey out of start point in the direction of the amphitheater, Bernie the uphill portion then turn and continue down.  Continue mosey across railroad tracks and down the ramp behind the Min Kao building on campus.  Stop at the bottom of the ramp for a round of blimps.

  • Burpees x5
  • Lunges x10
  • Imperial walkers x15
  • Merkins x20
  • Plank jacks x25
  • Squats x30

Back up and continue mosey out towards Neyland drive, crossing over near the campus boathouse and making a left down the greenway.  Stop and get another round of blimps at the set of benches along the greenway and continue to Calhoun’s and volunteer landing.

Pair up for some Dora action.  Partner not doing reps of exercise runs from the bathrooms down to the greenway bottleneck and back.  The other partner does:

  • Merkins x150
  • American hammers x100 (on 4-ct)
  • Lunges x100

Grab a rock from next to the rest room (or two rocks…) and get ready for next circuit at Volunteer landing.

  • Curls x20
  • Dips x15
  • Inverted rows on hand rails x10
  • Run the three levels of stairs to the pedestrian bridge and come back (have to touch every stair, no skipping stairs)

On third and final round, both feet have to touch each stair going up (can stutter step or bunny hop, or combination of both)

Return rocks to the pile and climb back up the stairs to the pedestrian bridge.  Bear crawl across, rotating 90 degrees for every anchor point on the bridge.  Once across, everyone randomly gave an all you got up Walnut.  Mosey back to start point.


Hello to heaven (experimental 8 count, didn’t go so well)
Flutter kicks

7 Strong: Amazon, Duggar, Snorkel, Magic Mike, Pfeiffer, Swanson, Abort

Tending the garden v2

THE SCENE: 60-65* no sure exactly, but loving the cool weather

Shouler taps x20 IC
Imperial walkers x10 IC
Plank merkins x10 IC
Bend and reach x10 IC
SSH x19 IC (see if we’re paying attention)
Mosey out of AO and stop under first bridge we come to for a few more quick exercises.

  • Dirty hookups x20 IC (from plank position, put left hand up on wall, right hand on wall, left back down, right back down)
  • Wall sit Indian run
  • Hand release merkin x15 OYO
  • Wall sit OH claps x20 IC

Mosey on, Bernie up the hill behind the amphitheater then turn and continue mosey towards campus.  Stop on bridge that crosses Cumberland Ave for 20 box cutters and 20 BBSUs.  Up and continue mosey to C15 parking lot along Neyland Drive.  Grab a boulder and make it heavy.
Perform exercise, then drop your rock, run across pedestrian bridge, up the stairs next to engineering building and back down and return to your rock and move on to next exercise.

  • Brickyard manmakers x5
  • Curls x20
  • OH press x20
    Plank up until everyone finishes.  Then rest from rocks with seven 8 count bodybuilders together.  After our rest, repeat the same routine except increase reps by 5 for each exercise.

Get another rest with another round of bodybuilders and change up exercises and routine just a touch.  Instead of running all the way up the stairs, just have to go to the far end of the pedestrian bridge and back.  But you have to tote your rock this round. Exercises:

  • Hand swap merkins x10 (one hand on rock, one on ground, merkin, then swap hands)
  • BBSUs with rock x20
  • Curls again x25 (it is summer…)

Cash out with 20 hand swap merkins before returning the boulder back to its home.  Begin mosey back, going the way we came.  Bernie halfway up the ramp beside S7 parking lot.  Stop again at the bridge over Cumberland Ave for 15 box cutters and 15 BBSUs.  Up and mosey, passing amphitheater and make a left turn throwing everyone off who thought we were done.

Stop at the grass hill beside Clinch Ave bridge.  Crawl bear up the grass hill, then do 5 burpee box jumps on the World’s Fair Park marker at the top and mosey back down.  Only had time to do one iteration, but we’ll revisit at a later date.  Mosey back to start point for Mary.

Flutter kicks x20 IC
Side crunches left x10 IC
Side crunches right x10 IC
Flutter kicks x20 IC
6 Strong: Pfeiffer, Magic Mike, Duggar, Carrot, Swanson, Abort
Around a year ago when I had Q on Saturday, I’d spoke about tending the garden.  Just the simple of idea of making sure you take the time necessary to give all the things in your life the attention that they need.  Sometimes we don’t think we have the time, but we have to make sure we make it for everything to thrive.

Today I wanted to just add that when our garden performs well and we have a bounty, to share that surplus with those whose gardens are struggling.  Make sure we’re giving away what we have an abundance of.

High Fidelity

THE SCENE: Clear and Comfortable

Baby Arm Circles Forward and Backward x10 IC
4 Rounds of 26 reps (Civilian Cadence Count) of: Merkins , Flutters (13 x 4 IC), Squats, Mt Climbers. Inidian Run by the PAX around the track in between each round.

Sandbag Carry:

-Each member of the PAX had their turn carrying an 80# sandbag around the parking lot loop by the “splash pad” while one person carried it the other PAX members held 10 second squat then did 10 reps of squats/monkey humpers sprinted to the other end of the parking lot and held variations of plank for 10 seconds followed by 10 merkins.

PAX went to playground and did dead hangs for 30 seconds, followed by 13, 4 ct American Hammers IC, dead hangs for 40 seconds followed by 13, 4 ct Hello Dolly IC, finished up by a 42 second dead hang (In honor of Belding) and 13 BBS OYO

ATM cash out and boat/canoe
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
Start your week off right by attacking the day with fidelity. Do not slack off to begin the week. This Monday is a precious gift from our Lord.
Remember our city and our own prayer requests and needs of our brothers.
Hardship Hill

Feeling Gumpish!

THE SCENE: Dark and splendid!

19 SSH’s
This workout was all about getting distance!  Every exercise was performed moving forward 20 yards then medium sprint around the track, those that arrived back quickly would go back to get the 6!

☆ Bear Crawls

☆ Baby Arm Circle

☆ Imperial Walkers

☆ Broad Jumps

☆ High Skips

☆ Duck Walk

☆ Backwards sprint

☆ Butt Kickers

☆ High Knees

After completing our 5k, we all had fun at the playground.  We split into 2 groups.  Group 1 Crab Walked around the playground while Group 2 did Pullups, BBS, or Stepups OYO.  Then switched, we completed 2 rounds!

20 LBC OYO, then roll over to high plank and hold for 20, then low plank for 20, then 10 Merkins. 2 rounds as well!
Also had Schnitzel visiting from Hilton Head!

Life is constantly moving forward and continually speeding up.  Make sure to do your best to slow down and make memories.  I have been overwhelmed with work and have not made time for my family & friends like I should.  However, I needed to work until dark on Tuesday and instead dropped everything and took the family to the TN Baseball game.  I knew deep down later in life I would not regret getting those extra 4 hours of work in, but I knew that I would regret not making wonderful memories with my family…
I must say it is a small world after all!  Too cool that Schnitzel was at my Q.  Last Summer, I was on vacation in Hilton Head and worked out with F3 there on a Saturday and was invited to the 2nd F on the following Sunday.  Their 2nd F was taking 5 or 6 boats to a sand bar with family and friends gathered for some phenomenal fellowship.  This is where I met Schnitzel and his son as we talked on the boat ride over and on the way back.  He had let me dig into his cooler of wings too!  Get out there and make memories!
We prayed for Knoxville and its youth, we also prayed for a high school and college friend that was missing for 24hours that suffers from Huntington’s disease.  He has been located and is ok!  Thank you for the prayers!