F3 Knoxville

And Now For Something Completely Different

THE SCENE: Mid 30’s

We got right to work

3 teams. Until all teams have done each.

1)Chair pose – hold until last sprinter returns

2)Decline plank – hold until last sprinter returns

3)Sprint length of grinder and back

11’s. Called it at 7.

Decline Merkins 4-count

Crab Walk to restroom

Finger tip Merkins 4-count

Mosey to field for Slugger.

Run diamond, 20 Diamond Merkins

Run diamond, 20 Low Side to Side Merkins

Run diamond, 20 Carolina Dry Docks

40 Years in the Wilderness.

BBS x 40

Side Tri Rise 20 each side


Scissors x 25 on Q

Leg climbers x 15 each side

Side V x 25 each side

Single Leg Boat on Q

14 PAX & no FNG

Man was a hunter. Had an active lifestyle. Moved to live. Would rest during the warmer part of the day. Ok to rest after gotten activity in. Ok to take in some calories if you moved for the day “hunted”. Where man fails today is he leads a sedentary lifestyle but still consumes high calories.

We can gain individual strength in our struggles through accountability with our brothers.
Woodshack is collecting $5 from each Alcoa man to get Pinnochio’s wife a little something for exercising her design skills for our shirt.

Also, big thanks to Woodshack for leading the inaugural Bomb Shelter ruck!

CMU Later

THE SCENE: Pretty warm and a perfect morning for a beat down!

SSH x25 IC
Imperial Walker x15 IC
Run in place, lunge when Q calls it out
Little Baby Arm Circles x20 IC
Mosey over to a lamp post, then do the following exercises between each lamp post:

  • Lunges
  • Crab Walk
  • Squat Jump

Mosey to another lamp post on the other side and do bear crawls, but don’t stop at the next lamp post! Going for two. Mosey over to grinder with CMU.

Do 2 reps of the following Exercises. After doing each exercise twice, run to the corner and do two double military merkin burpees. Repeat for time, increasing each exercise by 2 until Q calls time (2, 4, 6, 8…).

  • Braced Squats (Holding CMU straight out while squatting)
  • Curl, Press, Tri with CMU
  • CMU Merkin row (merkin w/ hand on CMU, then row)
  • Dips
  • Pull-ups


  • Louganis
  • Plank on your six holding CMU
  • Boxcutter
  • Guantanamo
  • Snorkel suggestion, Pass the CMU

13 Pax this morning with no FNGs: Hammy, Woodshack, Moses, Drifter, Butterfingers, Flash, Pinnocchio, Snorkel, Raincheck, Slumlord, Mr Rogers, Waxjob, Fins
We as men are expected to be courageous, but I don’t think that a lot of men know what that means. Someone once explained it to me like this: Imagine that you are afraid of snakes and there is a child next to you that is not afraid of snakes. If the child picks up a snake, that does not show courage. But if you pick up a snake, it is courageous. Courage is not the lack of fear, it is overcoming fear. Look at men in the military. My cousin earned a bronze star as a platoon leader in Iraq in 2003. One of his men got shot and my cousin ran across the road, threw the guy over his shoulder, and ran back shooting his M16 with one hand. He did not go get that guy because he thought it was a good opportunity to earn a bronze star. He got that guy because that guy is his brother and the fellowship that they have was enough for my cousin to overcome his fear of running through a street full of flying bullets. The first day that I came to F3, I came to get in better shape and to make myself better. I was scared to do my VQ, but today I showed up for the men who came. I showed up to make them better. That is why F3 works so well, because of that 2nd F and being able to push each other and work with each other to overcome our fears and show courage.


  • Saturday, December 30 meet at Alcoa municipal building
  • February 24 CSAUP

The Burden of Men

THE SCENE: 30’s White and Warm!



Imperial Squat Walkers (ICx15)
Cadre Dan’s Cherry Pickers (ICx65)
Overhead Claps (ICx15)
Little of This / Little of That
Some of These / Some of Those
Iron Mike’s Lt. Dan’s (Ratio = 1 Squat; 4 Iron Mikes. Worked up to 5 Squats; 20 Iron Mikes)
Merkin Rolls
Howling Monkeys (Ring of Fire)

Bataan Death March (2 Burpees) To The Educator!

Teams of Three, One member working at bottom of hill (roll dice for movement), One member burden carry two 5gal. buckets up or down the path of the hill. One member working at top of hill (roll dice for movement). Once the bucket gets to the top, replace team member, the team member that rolled the dice and was working out is now carrying the bucket down the hill and will replace team member at the bottom. Continue for time.

Bottom of the hill (Roll the Dice) Movements:

  • 1. Hill Sprints
  • 2. Decline Merkins
  • 3. Incline BBS
  • 4. Squats
  • 5. Bernie Up Hill
  • 6. Flutter Kicks

Top of the Hill (Roll the Dice) Movements:

  • 1. Walking Lunges
  • 2. Suicides
  • 3. Squat Tuck Jumps
  • 4. Run Laps
  • 5. Single Leg Curb Dips
  • 6. Merkin Curb Walk

PAX were unaware that each bucket was filled with 11″ of water and a small mark was made inside the bucket of where the water was when started.

For every inch of water lost = 1 Round of:

  1. Bucket Shoulder Shrugs (x10)
  2. Reverse Bear Crawl Up Hill

11 PAX

As men we tend to take on a heavy load. We are confident in our broad shoulders and feel as though we can take on more responsibilities. (This is like the full buckets, the beginning of the workout, when we are fresh and eager to achieve). For some of us it might feel more difficult to say no or admit we can’t take on any more (tasks, responsibilities, job functions, people to manage) whatever it may be (in your life).

As we take on more weight, we become sloppy, we don’t focus as intently because we are spread thin trying to please several different people or complete several tasks that each one individually require and expect a substantial amount of effort, time, love, thought, care and so on…(This is the middle of the workout, now we begin focusing on other tasks, losing sight of the amount of attention required or expected of the original task; now we are concentrating with wondering what workout will I do at the top or bottom of the hill, losing focus on the buckets and beginning to spill more water).

Things outside our control will happen, we don’t know what, or when, but life will get in the way and throw a curve ball once in a while. (This is the dice; we don’t know what life is going to throw at us). Because we have now lost the concentration required to achieve our original task; we are penalized. We had to force ourselves to stop all other tasks in order to focus all of our time, attention, resources, and thoughts on how to make up for being sloppy and losing our concentration. (This is the penalty; 10 shoulder shrugs and reverse bear crawls, this was the required effort needed to complete and make up for the lack of concentration during the duration of the task.

Highly enjoy getting out in the gloom with these men and this wonderful AO. I can’t get enough. Thank you all for being the HIMs that you are, and pushing forward every day!

Saturday the 30th beatdown will be held at the Alcoa Municipal Building (223 Associates Blvd, Alcoa, TN 37701)
Alcoa CSAUP February 24th 2018!

Are you ready for me? ‘Cuz I’m ready for you!

THE SCENE: Just about 33 degrees.  A hair above freezing.
Welcome Eric Rice!
Grab some CMUs, then a pretty standard warmup.
15x normal speed SSH IC
10x more high speed SSH IC
High knees for a while
7x Al Gore Tucks (new record!)
10x Hindurkins IC
Round-the-clock Merkins (circle up, one merkin on each CMU, plank shuffle right to next CMU)

Mosey with CMU to the Grinder
Cone lines set up 35yd apart, split into 2 teams. Half the CMUs at each line.
Disciple playlist on the Jambox:

During each song, do 15 reps of corresponding exercise, then travel by specified mode to other line and steal one CMU.
When track changes, switch to next exercise:

Track Exercise Travel
Game On Burpees Bear
Battle Lines Iron Mike carioca
Rise Up BBS sprint
Wait over Tuck jumps Bernie
Worth the Pain Ranger Merkins Gorilla
Unstoppable American hammers 4ct carioca
Worth it all Monkey Humpers 4ct Rev Bear

One more track:  Lay My Burdens.  Mosey around the park with CMUs.  During chorus, lay your burden down, and lay your body down.  While laying down, do BBS.

Just a little time for Mary:
Row Your Boat (balanced on CMU) – 6x through song
Slutter Kicks x20 IC
One minute left! Cash out with LBC OYO
14 PAX Strong! Welcome to FNG Squatter (Eric Rice)
A lot of the music in the Q today has to do with standing strong, persevering, and fighting because it’s worth it. But we need to make sure we are fighting the real enemy. Sometimes that might seem like a coworker who’s always trying to undermine you, and disagreeable neighbor, someone who’s wronged you, even sometimes your spouse or kids. But Eph 6:12 tells us, “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.” Remember who we’re fighting, who we’re fighting for, and ultimately where our power comes from – the One who has already won the war!
The Jambox speaker sounds a lot louder in the house than out on the Grinder. PAX could barely hear the track change. Time to update the Christmas list…
3rd F this Saturday. Carpool from the Bomb Shelter following beatdown!

All The Things Go On The Shelf

THE SCENE: Low 50’s, quite pleasant for December

  • SSH x 20
  • Imperial Squat Walker x 15
  • Single Leg Burpees x 10 each leg
  • Cherry Pickers x 10


Mosey to Waxjob’s hill. Last PAX 5 Diamond Merkin, other PAX Heel-up lunges, Last PAX Sprint to front. Indian style.

4 rounds, 3 exercises,  12 4 count reps IC. Jailbreak down hill and Bear Crawl back up after each exercise.

1)Tempo Merkin, Single Leg Squat-Touch rt, Flutter Kicks,

2)Wide Tempo Merkin, Single Leg Squat-Touch lt, Roll up V ups,

3)Tempo Military Merkin, Double Step Heisman, In and outs,

4)Tempo Plange Merkin, Smurf Jacks, Bicycles.

Mosey to Grinder

CMU set 4 rounds:

1)Pick it up and put it on the shelf with CMU x 20 IC alternate sides each round

2)Reverse curls with CMU x 20 OYO

3)Side Tri Rise x 20 OYO alternate sides each round


  • Dr. W x 15
  • Scissors x 25 on Q
  • Big Boy Situps x 20
  • Superman/Banana

13 PAX and no FNGs

The Leader and Stress

Have you discovered the difference between problems and facts? Problems are things we can do something about; we can solve problems. Facts are things we can do nothing about; therefore we do well not to worry about them. We apply energy only to those things we can change. We can feel peace and act with poise, because we no longer beat our heads against an unbreakable wall.

Psalm 23 reminds us of what God alone can control and what we can control. It distinguishes between problems and facts. It defines God as…

  • our possession (v. 1)
  • our provision (v. 1)
  • our peace (v. 2)
  • our pardon (v. 3)
  • our partner (v. 4)
  • our preparation (v. 5)
  • our praise (v. 5)
  • our paradise (v. 6)

Psalm 23

A psalm of David.

The Lord is my shepherd;
I have all that I need.
He lets me rest in green meadows;
he leads me beside peaceful streams.
    He renews my strength.
He guides me along right paths,
bringing honor to his name.
Even when I walk
through the darkest valley,[a]
I will not be afraid,
for you are close beside me.
Your rod and your staff
protect and comfort me.
You prepare a feast for me
in the presence of my enemies.
You honor me by anointing my head with oil.
My cup overflows with blessings.
Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me
all the days of my life,
and I will live in the house of the Lord


3rd F event this Saturday 8:30 at the Outlook behind Stefano’s on the strip. G-6 Wardaddy has a word to share. Breakfast provided but bring a few bucks to chip in. We can carpool up from the Bomb Shelter for anyone interested.