F3 Knoxville

CMU Later

Bomb Shelter

THE SCENE: Pretty warm and a perfect morning for a beat down!

SSH x25 IC
Imperial Walker x15 IC
Run in place, lunge when Q calls it out
Little Baby Arm Circles x20 IC
Mosey over to a lamp post, then do the following exercises between each lamp post:

  • Lunges
  • Crab Walk
  • Squat Jump

Mosey to another lamp post on the other side and do bear crawls, but don’t stop at the next lamp post! Going for two. Mosey over to grinder with CMU.

Do 2 reps of the following Exercises. After doing each exercise twice, run to the corner and do two double military merkin burpees. Repeat for time, increasing each exercise by 2 until Q calls time (2, 4, 6, 8…).

  • Braced Squats (Holding CMU straight out while squatting)
  • Curl, Press, Tri with CMU
  • CMU Merkin row (merkin w/ hand on CMU, then row)
  • Dips
  • Pull-ups


  • Louganis
  • Plank on your six holding CMU
  • Boxcutter
  • Guantanamo
  • Snorkel suggestion, Pass the CMU

13 Pax this morning with no FNGs: Hammy, Woodshack, Moses, Drifter, Butterfingers, Flash, Pinnocchio, Snorkel, Raincheck, Slumlord, Mr Rogers, Waxjob, Fins
We as men are expected to be courageous, but I don’t think that a lot of men know what that means. Someone once explained it to me like this: Imagine that you are afraid of snakes and there is a child next to you that is not afraid of snakes. If the child picks up a snake, that does not show courage. But if you pick up a snake, it is courageous. Courage is not the lack of fear, it is overcoming fear. Look at men in the military. My cousin earned a bronze star as a platoon leader in Iraq in 2003. One of his men got shot and my cousin ran across the road, threw the guy over his shoulder, and ran back shooting his M16 with one hand. He did not go get that guy because he thought it was a good opportunity to earn a bronze star. He got that guy because that guy is his brother and the fellowship that they have was enough for my cousin to overcome his fear of running through a street full of flying bullets. The first day that I came to F3, I came to get in better shape and to make myself better. I was scared to do my VQ, but today I showed up for the men who came. I showed up to make them better. That is why F3 works so well, because of that 2nd F and being able to push each other and work with each other to overcome our fears and show courage.


  • Saturday, December 30 meet at Alcoa municipal building
  • February 24 CSAUP


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