F3 Knoxville

Foggy Coverage

THE SCENE: Fog, 34 degrees, which felt hot after last week.

T-Plank Arm Circles x 10 ED IC

Imperial Squat Walker x 20 IC

SSH x 30 IC

10 Burpee OYO
The Gross: 12 Reps of each exercise with CMU then run lap around parking lot. Total of 4 rounds.

  • Curls
  • Bent over rows
  • Overhead press
  • Blockin
  • Tricep Extension
  • Swings

4 Corners: 10 to 1 Exercise. Two groups. Run between stations at corners of parking lot.

  • BBS with CMU
  • Burpee
  • CDD
  • Overhead Press with CMU

Six enjoyed the warm weather and got better.
1 Peter 5: 8-9: Stay alert. Stay safe. Do not go where you know you will be tempted or join in conversations that are not pleasing to God. Be attentive to what you watch, look at, read, and say. The devil is looking to trip you up.
Natty VQ on Thursday!!

Sugar Cookie Shake Down

THE SCENE: Clear, cold, and awesome

Arm circles x 10 ED IC

Mtn Climbers x 20 (4ct) IC

SSH x 25 IC

Tempo merkin x 20 IC


Mosey to large parking lot

Dora 1-2-3: Partner up.

P1 begins exercise while P2 runs 75 yards. Flap jack and P2 picks up count of exercise.

100 merkin, 200 LBCs, 300 Squats

Bearway to Heaven: 7 cones at extending distances. Bear crawl to cones and run back to start. At each cone begin with 7 burpees, run back, bear crawl to next cone for 6 burpees. Continue until cones and burpees are completed.

Mosey back to AO

7s: Step-ups and Incline merkins

10 box jumps, 30 flutter kicks

If you are going to make a New Years resolution, make it something you can work towards or manage. All these resolutions that are made and not completed cause people to feel like failures. Set your goal on something that you really want to accomplish and that you can put you heart and mind behind. Don’t start something that you know will end up in failure and cause you to feel like a failure.

CMU Christmas!

THE SCENE: Dark, damp, 50 degrees
Arm Circles x 15 (4 ct) ED IC

“Some of these”

Tempo Squat x 20 (4 ct) IC

4x4s – 4 Rounds

CMUs: Curls x 20, Tricep extension x 20, Bent over rows x 20, over head press x 20. Three rounds with lap around parking lot between each round.

Hot Potato: Partner up, on 6 with ankles locked. P1 does BBS with CMU starting on ground over head. Hands CMU to P2 at top of BBS and P2 goes down and touches CMU to ground over head. AMRAP

Greta 1,2,3,4: P1 runs with CMU to end of parking lot and leaves CMU for P2 and runs back. P2 begins exercises with CMU at start point. Running count of reps between partners.

  • Lion King (100 reps), Curls (150 reps), Incline merkin on CMU (150 reps), Military press (200 reps)

Flutters with CMU over head x 30 (4ct) IC

American Hammers with CMU x 15 (4ct) IC
FNG: Mike Teasley (Stiffler)

Mr. Weggie

PAX leadership and grabbing Q slots at Brickyard for 2018! Leadership!
Pray for Robert as he heads to Ft Benning for basic on 12/27.

What goes up…must come down.

THE SCENE: Awesome and 39 degrees

  • Baby arm circles x10 each direction IC
  • High knees x 20 IC
  • Windmills x 10 IC
  • SSH x 25 IC
  • Global Warming: Get in circle and rotate while in Al Gore until exercise is called out. When exercise is done continue rotating until next exercise is called out. (10 merkins, 10 jump squats, 5 burpees)


7s: Dips and box jumps

Escalator: Five locations spaced across AO. Carry each exercise from each location until reaching last location. Upon completion of five locations repeat exercise at each location in reverse, dropping an exercise at each location until arriving back at start.

  • 10 Burpees
  • 20 Merkins
  • 30 Mtn Climbers
  • 40 Squat
  • 50 Lunge Walks

Flutter kicks


“we are swept along in a powerful stream, and as long as we drift with the current we don’t feel its power. Most people drift along in little groups, focusing only on each other, but some of us look at the banks of the river, and notice that we are being swept away to an unfamiliar landscape far from our home. We plant our feet on the bottom and try to grab hold of the people we care about, but immediately we feel the enormous power of the current, and it is all we can do to resist. Meanwhile our friends just think we’re acting very strangely indeed, and making things very unpleasant for ourselves and for them. It’s so much more pleasant to drift, you see, especially when everyone else is — and as soon as we put our feet down on the bottom everyone else is suddenly moving away with the current. (To them, it seems as if we are moving backward.)

…I seek out people who are also resisting the current. They are out there, and it is important to know that they are out there.

I refuse to be broken. I am blessed with reason and intelligence and wisdom, and I will not lay them aside. I will believe in myself, and I will be faithful to myself.

I have friends who respect my intelligence. I try to show them a living example of someone who doubts and questions and denies their secular religion, and who is yet still a friend they can respect. This is, I think, the most effective thing I can do: to show them that a decent, intelligent man of firm moral principles can question the things they take for granted and not be struck by lightning.

I want to make them doubt, even just a little, even just for a moment, the unholy doctrine of this new secular religion. If I can do that, if I can make that tiny crack in the wall, the flowing power of Truth will do the rest. I will believe that Truth is real, that it is mighty, and that it will prevail.”

Keep your feet planted where you are in life. Hold tight to what you believe. The current will get stronger and the water deeper.

Brickyard BOMBS

THE SCENE: Clear 34 degrees with an overwhelming sense of awesome.

  • Imperial Squat Walker x 10 IC
  • Merkin 4ct IC
  • SSH x 25 IC
  • 5 Burpees OYO
  • BOMBS- partner up with someone you have not partnered with. Partner 1 runs set distance while Partner 2 begins numbered reps.

50 Burpees, 100 Overhead claps, 150 merkins, 200 BBS, 250 Squat

Mosey back to AO

  • Wheel barrow merkins- Partner up. P1 holds feet of P2. At each parking stall add 2 merkin until smoked. P2 then hold feet of P1 and work back to start.
  • Cap’n Thor- 1 BBS:4 American Hammers, 2:8, 3:12, 4:16
  • Lil’ Baby Flutter Crunches- On six in flutter position. Count crunches, not flutters. x 15 IC

AYG- Sprint parking lot down and back

We are called to be leaders where we are. Don’t always be looking for a leadership position we wish we had. We are responsible for the position we currently have. Be a leader in your home, marriage, job, etc. You have been placed there for a reason.
3rd F at the Outlook. Saturday 12/9 08:30-09:15. The Outlook behind Stephanos Pizza on the strip.