F3 Knoxville

Basic Piston Gloom Sess

THE SCENE: 43 degrees at 5:15. Very little wind. Nice morning.

15x of SSH, Willie Mays Hayes, Mountain Climbers, Tempo Merkins, Tempo Squats, LBAC forward and back, Moroccan Night Clubs, Hallelujahs, and finished with Knoxville Cherry Pickers and Projectovators
Mosey to amphitheater

  • 50-40-30-20-10 of
  • Merkins
  • Air Squats

Between each round do 5 box jumps and run around theatre (approximately 100 meters)

  • Each PAX completes 3 pull-ups while the others do backward lunges until all PAX complete.
  • Finish as a group with 5 reps of merkins, squats, jump and run at amphitheater

Mosey back to circle for Mary

25x of fire hydrants (per side), Undertakers, leg raises, hand release merkins, wheel barrel merkins, and big boy sit-ups.
Acts 20:24 reads, ““But I consider my life of no value to myself; my purpose is to finish my course and the ministry I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify to the gospel of God’s grace.”

So many times we strive to “find God’s will” which is good, but we miss the point of doing His purpose now…no matter how hard of a grind that may be. God put us where we are now for a reason. Do the hard things and fulfill your purpose in the here and now.

Prayer requests for Lucille’s wife, Ride Along’s dad, Foghorn’s leg, and Cheeburger’s back. Praying for Bobbit and his safe travels. Praying for teachers and students the week before spring break. Praying for Wilbur’s wife and upcoming birth.
Cardinal’s Wife house project on March 18. Upcoming CSOPs at other AOs and Hardship Hill.

Spider-man 1

  • THE SCENE: warm 54 degrees
    F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER: Was given. 

Mosey to the picnic shelter, PAX did 20 forward little baby arm circle. Then 10 Chattanooga Cherry pickers. Them 20 front little baby arm circle,  and 10 front Chattanooga Cherry pickers.  Then 20 backwards little baby arm circle,  Phelps it out. Mosey to playground

3 rounds:

Pullups: 3,5,7.  15 dips, 15 big Boys.

2 rounds

  • 25 box jumps
  • 25 CMU swings
  • 10 spider-man merkins
  • 30 America hammer
  • 25 burpees
  • 25 big boys
  • 4 count 10 Freddie mercury
  • 25 CMU swings
  • Then rifle carry to the bleachers and did 5 dips to each step to the bottom  then bearcrawl up the Big hill× 2
  • Then farmer carry to picnic table to repeat spider man

Cupid shuffle

We all have a song that hits our soul… like to share this song https://youtu.be/OkSCTxKNG5Q

Remember that part of how We saturate the gospel is by meditating on spiritual songs
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Add to

THE SCENE: Drizzle and 51 with a cool breeze from the river.

SSH x 10; Willie Mays Hays x 6; Tempo Squats x 10; Tempo Merkins x 6; LBAC x 10 (forward and backward); Seal Claps x 6; Overhead Claps X 10; Chattanooga Cherry Pickers x 6; Drummers x 10; Knoxville Cherry Pickers x 6

Workout is called “Add to” building on the base exercise.  As a group, do the following and build each round as time permits:

  • 10 Burpees (Run up the hill to the fort)
  • 20 Merkins; 10 Burpees (repeat run)
  • 30 Flutter Kicks; 20 Merkins; 10 Burpees (repeat run)
  • 40 Bench Dips; 30 Flutter Kicks; 20 Merkins; 10 Burpees (repeat run)
  • 50 Squats; 40 Dips; 30 Flutter Kicks; 20 Merkins; 10 Burpees (repeat run)
  • 60 LBCs; 50 Squats; 40 Dips; 30 Flutter kicks; 20 Merkins; 10 burpees (repeat run)
  • 70 Toe Merkins; 60 LBCs; 50 Squats; 40 Dips; 30 Flutter Kicks; 20 Merkins; 10 burpees (repeat run)
  • 80 Monkey Humpers; 70 Toe Merkins; 60 LBCs; 50 Squats; 40 Dips; 30 Flutters; 20 Merkins; 10 burpees (repeat run)

No time for Mary.
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
2 Peter 1:5 – 8

But also for this very reason, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue, to virtue knowledge, 6 to knowledge self-control, to self-control perseverance, to perseverance godliness, 7 to godliness brotherly kindness, and to brotherly kindness love. 8 For if these things are yours and abound, you will be neither barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Just as adding exercises helps build your fitness, adding virtue, knowledge, self-control, perseverance, godliness, brotherly kindness, and love will help you be fruitful in your walk with Christ Jesus.

Peter also reminds us in 1:12-15:

12 For this reason I will not be negligent to remind you always of these things, though you know and are established in the present truth. 13 Yes, I think it is right, as long as I am in this tent, to stir you up by reminding you, 14 knowing that shortly I must put off my tent, just as our Lord Jesus Christ showed me. 15 Moreover I will be careful to ensure that you always have a reminder of these things after my decease.

Peter adds narrative to the imperative here.  He reminds them that he didn’t start out with all these things.  As a matter of fact, he reminds them of his death that Jesus himself told him he would face because he battled impulsiveness, racism, and narcissistic tendency.  If he can grow from those, we can grow from our baseline.
Praying for continued healing from sickness and for Bobbit’s travel.
Painting at Cardinal’s M’s house on March 18th.  FBC Kingston to also assist with something in the yard or additional cleaning.  Claps for fitness test.

Strongman Medley

THE SCENE: 28, clear skies, thankfully not windy and mostly dry.

SSH x 10, CMU shoulder press x 5, Willy Mays x 6, Derkins x 5, Seated cross over toe touches? x 6 LBAC x 10, Reverse LBAC x 12, Night Clubs x 10, Hallelujahs x 10, Tempo Squats x 5 long hold on last.
Mosey down to the Medley area. Split into teams of two. Assign six exercises to the corresponding faces of a dice block. Each group will complete the entire Medley alternating turns. Before beginning roll dice block to determine line work. After team mate 1 is back from a run 2 picks up and does the same run. When the team ahead is on the third lift the next group can start. Everyone waiting is on the line doing whichever exercise was assigned to the number on the rolled dice block for the duration of the medley.

  • Farmers carry CMU’s with pinch grip down and back to first set of cones.
  • Heavy bag carry Zercher/ Hussafel to first set of cones. 20#,60#,120#
  • Kettle bag Circus press x 3 each arm. 35# 53#
  • Load sled and push full length to farthest cones. Unburdened teammate runs down and pushes the distance back and unloads the sled.
  • Dice exercises included: Merkins, awkward turltes, squats, monkey humpers, hold plank, flutter kicks.


  • After two full rounds meet up in the circle of pain. Each man leads a short burst exercise of their own choosing until time is up.


Lucille, Bobbitt, Skeletor, Piston, Stetson, Airborne, GoDaddy, Hasselhoff, Spielberg, Feeny, Runaway Bride, Ride Along, Bazinga, Candy Crush, Chicken Wing, Daniel Son, Tarantula

17 including 2 young FNG’s
John 21. Jesus is waiting on the shore for us to come back to Him.
Great VQ, learned a lot about organizing and leading a group in something new, and will improve for the next Q.
Painting for Mrs. Cardinal soon. Potential order of Rampart merch.

Poker Run at Rampart

THE SCENE: Rain shower had just passed before workout. Temp was just right.


Jumping jacks

Tempo squats

Willie Mays Hayes

Knoxville cherry pickers


Morrocan night club



The PAX moseyed to the track with CMU’s in hand.  Upon arrival they played the house in poker.  If the house won, we ran.  If the PAX won, we did stationary exercises with and without CMU’s.

1st hand  PAX won  continuous 40 flutter kicks, 40 scissors kicks, 30 seconds holding leg raise

2nd hand  PAX won  50 heavy squats

3rd hand House won  1/4 mile hill run ( half up, half down)

4th hand PAX won  10 eight count body builders

5th hand  PAX won  20 heavy curls, 20 heavy triceps extensions

6th hand  PAX won  30 crunches, 40 cross crunches

7th hand  PAX won  continuous 40 flutter kicks, 40 scissor kicks, 30 second leg extension

8th hand PAX won  50 heavy squats

9th hand House won  1/4 mile hill run

10th hand House won  1/4 mile lap on track


8 HIM’s present. VQ Ride Along, Wilber, Bobbitt, Piston, Feeny, Run Away Bride, Lucille, Binks


Psalms 118:24. This is the Day that the Lord has made I will rejoice and be glad in it.  I wake up most mornings saying this verse in my head. I teach it to my grandchildren but some days I think, how can I rejoice when I’m facing what I’m facing. Sickness, death, loss of a job, anything that causes sadness, fear, grief, hatred?  I recently realized the key word to this verse is the last word.  IT.  I rejoice in the day the Lord has made!  That day is perfect. Man’s sin introduced the part of my day that can put me in a prison of grief, hate, fear, lust, ect.  With that thought I turn to Ephesians 6:10-20. We all know it, the armor of God. That is what we use to fight these battles. Belt of Truth, Breastplate of Righteousness, Sandals fitted and ready to go, Shield of Faith, Helmet of Salvation and the Sword of Truth.  The one piece of KIT that I think gets overlooked is the last part of the verses about praying in all things and for the Saints. I encourage you to visualize prayer as you do the rest of the Armor, a physical piece of KIT that you can physically use. John Bunyan called it the key of AllPrayer in his book The Pilgrim’s Progress. AllPrayer was a key that the Christian wore around his neck. When he was trapped in the dungeon of the giant named Despair, he was able to use the key to open the lock and escape. We also have that key with us at all time. When we find ourselves in the prison of grief, fear, hate, ect we need to remember that we have the key to open the door of the prison and escape. We just have to use it, AllPrayer opens all prison doors.  Don’t stay trapped when you have the key!


Volunteer work at Cardinals house this Saturday. Sign up and help if you can.