F3 Knoxville

Big Mac Burner

THE SCENE: 34 degrees with a bit of fog.  A beautiful Thanksgiving morning.

Started with 25 SSH on 4ct, to the curb for tie fighters x10 4ct left and right sides, mosey down to other end for tempo mericans x10 and mountain climbers x10, mosey back for 4ct imperial walkers x10, mosey back down parking lot for 10 burpees OYO
Start at the pavilion for 3 rounds of 20 table rows, 20 dips, and 20 standing calf raises

Mosey to poles next to circus maximus for 5 OH Claps, 5 squats, and 5 Monkey humpers at every pole (10 poles) 4ct flutters waiting on 6

Mosey to Cardiac for 4 cones up and down (2 times) with 5 4ct flutters at every cone

Mosey to front of Asylum for 3 burpees at every other light pole to crosswalk.  Tempo mericans wait on 6 then perform 5 burpees OYO because Cheatsheet was late. Mosey up stairs towards overlook.

At overlook partner up for: Partner 1 runs loop while Partner 2 does AMRAP Mericans.  Same process for LBC’S

Split in 2 groups for 5 squats at every tree ad lunge in between

Mosey back and circle up.



Insert the WORD here.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

You Are Already There

THE SCENE: You Are Already There

Jog around the lot, 20 Side-Straddle Hops, 15 Shoulder Taps, 10 Rockettes, 5 Cherry Pickers, 5 Windmills, Michael Phelps, A Little of This and That
Men split up into teams of two.  We will go to parking lot across the street.  Each team gets two bricks.  Mosey with bricks to the Caribbean parking lot.

Team runs together around parking lot stopping at every two islands.  At each island each partner does five mini-man-makers with bricks.  While one partner does the five mini-man-makers the other partner does five shoulder taps (both shoulders = 1).

Next, we will do Doras with the bricks.  While one partner runs to the cone which is about 40 yards away, the other does the exercises with the bricks.  Then partners switch.  Each team does the following exercises:

  • 100 Overhead Presses
  • 100 Curls
  • 100 Rows
  • 100 Punches with each hand
  • 100 Wings Up
  • 100 Wings Out
  • 100 Winds Down

Mosey back to the shaded parking lot to drop off the bricks.

Mosey up Mini-Cardiac and then go on perimeter trail to the stop sign at road that lead to Admin Bldg. We will do 20 American Hammers in cadence.

Mosey to bottom of Mt. Everest.  We will do the following exercises before running to the top of the Space Needle, then back to the portion of the road in front of the Admin Bldg Parking Lot.

  • 20 Hello Dollies
  • 20 Flutter Kicks
  • 40 Little Baby Crunches

Mosey from Admin Parking Lot to Front Porch of Admin Bldg.  We will do 20 Calf Raises on steps then run counter-clockwise on loop that goes through Coliseum Area.  On the benches in that area we will do 20 Bench Lifts.  Then we will continue to run counter-clockwise around the loop and go back to porch.  Rinse and Repeat.

Mosey to AO

Bernie and Skip Around the Parking Lot.  Ten Jump Squats.
17 Men with one FNG whom we dubbed, “Britches.”
You Are Already There

“Though we are incomplete, God loves us completely. Though we are imperfect, He loves us perfectly. Though we may feel lost and without compass, God’s love encompasses us completely. … He loves every one of us, even those who are flawed, rejected, awkward, sorrowful, or broken.”
― Dieter F. Uchtdorf

Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. It is not irritable, and it keeps no record of being wronged. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith, is always hopeful, and endures through every circumstance. (1 Corinthians 13:4-7)

Life is a journey.  In that journey, men tend to live it like a quest.  The quest is the prize and we are always yearning for something more.  And, we tend to tie our self-concept into it.  That quest can be a good thing.  We tend to grow along the way.  But if that quest is not for God, we fall short.  We get that worldly thing but will always yearn for something more.  More money, a better job, a bigger home, a faster car.  Further, if we tie our self-concepts into that quest, we are deceived.  Are egos grow too big if we attain the worldly goal or we look at ourselves as failures if we don’t attain it.

Stop to think about life’s purpose.  What are we living for?  What is it that we are supposed to attain in this life.  Brothers, what if we are already there?  What if God loves us completely, just as we are.  What if we don’t have to win the prize, set the high mark, achieve some kind of standard to have God love us to the very depth of our being?  God loves us despite our flaws.  God keeps no record of being wronged by us.  God is patient, is kind, and never gives up in us, is always hopeful for us, enduring every one of our circumstances and human failures.

If we have that kind of love, we can be satisfied with what we have and who we are.  I don’t need the fast car, the mansion on the hill, to eat at the best restaurants.

Having that kind of love, knowing that whatever I do, that I am always favored by God and I am never seen as a failure in his eyes – that gives me the confidence to go out and take risks.  Knowing that should give us brothers the confidence to try, fail, and try again.  For we may fail, but we are not failures.  God is with us.  He loves us to the end.  We may never achieve our worldly quests.  We may fall short of getting that job we want, buying the house we hope for, earning the type of money to give our wives and children the things we long to give them.  But we have already attained our heavenly quest.  God is there with us already.  And if we trust in that, even if we die tomorrow, we have achieved our prize.

Praise for Swimmies who has a daughter due to be born and house about to be closed on for the same day.  Prayers for those who are ill or shut in, including Steam’s mother who recently contracted Covid.  Fortunately, she is doing well.  Prayers for all those who are traveling at Thanksgiving.
Christmas Party at Judge Judy’s home on December 11.  Thanksgiving workout at Asylum will be at 7 am this Thursday.  Asylum and Asylum PM will combine for that workout.

Farewell Q

THE SCENE: 54F, drizzling

Welcome to F3, Fitness, Fellowship and Faith. F3 is a free workout program designed to improve fitness, share some camaraderie, and foster male leadership in the community. I’m Jetlag and I will be your Q today.  I am not a professional, and I do not know your fitness level or injury history.  Please push yourself, but modify the workout as necessary to avoid making any existing injuries worse.  The goal is to get better together!


Motivators starting at 5

Box jumps + run around pavillon

High knees

Plank jacks

Mountain climbers


Pyramid: 20 reps

  1. Merkins
  2. Merkins – shoulder press
  3. Merkins – shoulder press – curls – table pulls/cmu rows
  4. Merkins – shoulder press – curls – tp – squat jumps
  5. Merkins – shoulder press – curls – tp – squat jumps – step overs
  6. Intermission break: run around pavilion twice or burpees (F3 names, F3 workouts, F3 AOs, F3 Hospital Names)
  7. Shoulder press – curls – TP – squat jumps – step overs
  8. Curls – TP – squat jumps – step overs
  9. TP – squat jumps
  10. Squat Jumps
  11. Burpees



5min yoga stretching

16 HIMs in attendance.

There will be times in your life that you may question God and His plans for you. These times are usually when you struggle, lose someone, or uncertainties in life. But, I tell you this – God’s plan is perfect. He’s timing is always right. It may not seem like it but have faith that God is working His ways for the better of you.
My brothers, as I host my last Q (at least for this year) I am truly grateful and honored to be part of such an amazing brotherhood that we have here in F3. I was supposed to stay for only 6 weeks here in the US and that 6 weeks turned into a year. And you guys made it truly memorable for me and my family. You have made a huge impact on my life and my family’s. So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you and until next time! I love you, brothers!


Coat Drive – Coats donation still on going. You can give out your old coats to Rainbow.

A yellow jacket is predatory social wasp of the genera Vespula and Dolichovespula

Four hours and seventeen minutes ago our F3 brothers brought forth upon this county park, a Saturday Q, conceived on an index card the previous night, and dedicated to the proposition that sweating ourselves down to a lower weight class is not just for high school wrestlers.

We became engaged in a great natural war, testing whether that Saturday pax, or any pax that goes to Area 51 by the back way can long endure. We were met on a great battle-field of that war. I have come to dedicate a portion of this backblast, as a final resting place for those who there gave their lower calves, and their miserable waspy stingers, that that pax might continue on to meet Jack Webb. It is altogether fitting and proper that we should do this.

But in a larger sense, we can not kill all the wasps – we can not drink enough diphenhydramine – we can not send Abcess out there with a can of RAID like we did at the Space Ship.  The brave men and wasps, and their stingers and calves who struggled there, have consecrated it, far beyond our poor power to add or detract. Google will little note, nor long direct internet traffic to what we say here, but Scoreboard will probably never forget the new words he heard yelled by Pele. It is for us the sore and sweaty, rather, to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought there have thus far so nobly advanced. From these honored wasps and calves we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion – that we here highly resolve that this pax, under Lilydipper, shall drink a bunch of Benadryl. And that Saturday Nap of the pax, by the pax, and for the pax, shall happen this afternoon.


Impromptu Q

THE SCENE: A little thick.  Nice and balmy.

Started out with SSH’s 20 on 4ct, Baby arm circles back forward and overhead claps all on 4ct x10. Tempo merkins x10, 4ct mountain climbers x10, a little down and back jog with some rocky balboas
Mosey from parking lot up little everest to front part of the park.  At every 2nd light pole do 2 burpees all the way to cross walk.  At Crosswalk grab a rock for 20 curls, 20 tricep extensions, 20 gobblet squats all picked out by the pax. Then mosey to bottom of the escalator for 20 merkins and 20 4ct LBC’s then ride the escalator up 40 squats and 20 merkins at top as well.  Rinse and repeat.  When done mosey to overlook for an ab session of 4ct flutters, freddies, box cutters, and LBC’S all at 20 reps.  Working way back to AO we did two squats at every tree on side of overlook and lunged in between trees.

Mosey back to AO but still had time to go grab rocks for one last session of 20 curls, 20 tri’s, and 20 goblet squats. Then 6:15 and time to circle up.


Talked about Christ’s charge to us to lead. “As my father has sent me, so I am sending you”.  We can’t wait for things to happen or someone to step up.  We must be men of action.