F3 Knoxville

Hot evening for Superocho

THE SCENE: Hot and humid, temps close to 90

20 Side-Straddle Hops, 10 Burpees, 10 Bottle openers, 10 Windmills, Little of This, Little of That
Mosey to parking lot across the street and a little north of playground.  We will do the following exercises at each corner of the parking lot:

  • Southwest corner:  20 Merkins, then bear crawl to next corner.
  • Southeast corner:  20 Big Boys, then sprint to next corner.
  • Northeast corner:  20 Jump Squats, then bear crawl to next corner.
  • Northwest corner:  20 Squat, then sprint to next corner.

Rinse and repeat above but do Bernie Sanders instead of sprint.

Mosey to playground.  We will do the following exercises and run to the areas where exercises are to be performed:

  • Benches on playground:  20 Bench Jumps
  • Dugouts at ball field:  20 knees to chest while handing from overhead rafter in dugout.
  • Picnic tables in pavilion:  20 Picnic Table Pull-ups
  • Flag just north of pavilion:  20 Carolina Dry Docks

Mosey short distance to pavilion.  We will, with our backs to wall, do one minute squat.

Mosey to serpentine sidewalk that is south of parking lot located south of playground.  We will do “14’s” where we lunge to first light, run past next four lights, lung to next light, run past next four, etc. all the way to the perimeter trail.

Mosey to shaded area on perimeter trail just south of Cardiac Hill.  Do 20 American Hammers.  We will then run up Cardiac Hill, stopping to do the following exercises at the turns in the trail:

  • Turn one:  20 Flutter Kicks (four count)
  • Turn two:  20 Bicycle Kicks (four count)
  • Turn three:  20 Decline Merkins
  • Turn four:  20 Bench Lifts

Mosey to shaded area by stop sign at northeast corner of admin bldg.  20 Hello Dollies.

Mosey to AO.

Boat Canoe.
14 men.  We picked up a Flying EH who was our FNG.  He is Brian Pitstick whom we named “Sparkler.”
God made us.  We stand naked before God.  He knows every inch of us and knows everything about us.  So, why hide information from God?  When you pray, when you talk to God, reveal it all, everything.  He sees it anyway but wants a relationship with you and wants you to talk to Him about it.  He is there for you.  He understands you.  He loves you.  You need not hide from Him.

Hot and Heavy

THE SCENE:  Sunny and hot, temp in upper 80’s.

20 Side-straddle hops, 10 Mountain Climbers, 10 Windmills, 20 Calf Raises, Little of This and Little of That
Mosey to stop sign at northeast corner of Admin Bldg.  20 Merkins.  20 Box Cutters.

Mosey to little road/driveway that leads to northern side of Admin Bldg.  Partner up.  Doras with partner running to end of driveway and back while other partner does exercises.  Then partners switch.  We will do these exercises:

  • 200 Baby Crunches
  • 150 Squats
  • 100 Diamond Merkins
  • 100 Big Boys

Mosey to bottom of dragon tail.  We will do Route 66 up the dragon tail until we reach area where trail meets other trail.  The first to top sweeps others back to bottom.  These will be the exercises we do:

  •  Carolina Drydocks
  •  Imperial Walkers (4 count)
  •  Plank Reaches (reaching with each hand)
  •  Dive Bombers

Mosey to stop sign at northeast corner of Admin Bldg.  20 Hello Dollies in cadence.

Mosey to AO.

Ten men including an FNG who we brought in as a Flying EH:  Bill Barton whom we named “Ticker.”

Henry Nouwen in his book, Gracias, states that there is “a ministry that I keep losing, although I am constantly called back to it.  It is the vision that ministry means first of all searching for God where people are lost, confused, broken and poor.  Often I have gone to such people to bring them back to God, to the sacraments, to the church.  But that is acting and living as if God is where I am, and as if my first task is to bring others to my place.  When, however, God is with the poor and marginalized, then I have to dare to go there, live there, and find them there.  I now realize that I can be with people without having to make them think my thoughts and say my words.  I can be free to listen and slowly to discern where God shows his merciful face to me.”

We, as believers in God, in our attempt to “save” others are sometimes guilty of trying to convince people to think our thoughts, to live as we do.  We need to realize that God is already there with these people, already working with them.  We need to see God in them.  By being with them, joining them, finding God in them, they will not only see God in us but God within themselves.  Then they can more fully believe in God as we desire them to do.


Preacher is Back!

THE SCENE: Clear and cold.

20 Side Straddle Hops, 10 Burpees, 10 Windmills, Twists to Stretch Back, Michael Phelps
Mosey to parking lot next to serpentine sidewalk.  We will do the following exercises in four separate corners of the parking lot.  We will bear crawl from corner one to corner two, run to all other corners.

  • Corner one:  20 American Hammers
  • Corner two:  20 Jump Squats
  • Corner three:  20 Hello Dollies (two count)
  • Corner four:  20 Smurf Jacks
  • Rinse and Repeat

Mosey to outdoor chapel.  We will do elevens, starting with 10 Mountain Climbers at one end of chapel and 1 Decline Merkin at the stage end of the chapel.

Mosey to start of Serpentine Sidewalk.  We will hop to first light, run next four, hop to sixth light, run next four, etc. in increments of five lights until we reach the park perimeter trail.  We will then do 20 Box Cutters as a group.

Mosey to start of Cardiac Hill.  We wild do the following, running up hill to reach each exercise:

  • 15 Big Boy Sit Ups at start of Cardiac Hill
  • 30 Baby Crunches at first turn
  • 15 Decline Merkins at second turn
  • 30 Bench Raises

Mosey back to AO.


Five men.
Discussed contemplative prayer.  It is different than prayer that we might otherwise practice.  Words may not be said, but instead we focus on God, thinking of perhaps just one thing, such as His power, glory or grace.  We may also repeat one prayer thought during the day as we go about our business of living.  An example might be saying silently to oneself, “God, thank you for your loving grace” occasionally throughout the day.  In this way, we are more likely to experience God throughout the day, not forgetting His presence in our lives.

Preacher is back!!  His Achilles is improving and he joined us for his first workout in quite a few months.

The Beer is the Carrot

THE SCENE: Cloudy, good weather for fellowship after the beat down to sip beer together at Abridged Beer Garden.

20 Side Straddle Hops, 15 Mountain Climbers, 10 Windmills, 10 Cherry Pickers


Mosey to Ballpark Parking Lot Across the Street from AO

Buddy up on end of parking lot closest to street.  There will be sets of bricks there.  One buddy runs with bricks to other end of parking lot and does 10 mini-manmakers, then runs back.  Meanwhile the other buddy is working on the exercises listed below.  Buddies take turns running and doing the manmakers until the team has finished the exercises.  The exercises are:

  • 100 Merkens
  • 100 Big Boy Situps
  • 100 Squats
  • 200 Baby Crunches

Mosey to Flag Pole by the Pavillion

We will be running to different posts.  The posts and exercises we will do there are as follows:

  • Flag Pole:  20 Box Cutters
  • Benches:  20 Bench Jumps
  • Dug Outs:  As many pull ups as possible in 20 seconds, hanging for the remaining time
  • Picnic Tables:  20 Decline Merkens
  • Repeat Above

Mosey to Sidewalk Between Playground and Chapel

Bear Crawl to First Light, Run four more light.  Then repeat this pattern every five lights until one gets to end of sidewalk where it hits the park perimeter trail.  Do baby crunches until everyone finishes.  Mosey back to start.

Next, lunge to first light, run four more lights.  Repeat until at end of sidewalk.  Plank until everyone finishes.

Mosey back to AO

Seven attended.
Reading from Bible:  Luke 8:  40-48.  Story of woman who has been having hemorrhages for many years who grasped for the cloak of Jesus and was healed when she touched his cloak.
What are each of us grasping for?  We may grasp for money, popularity, fame, power, for the answer to life in the love of another person.  Are we grasping for God?  Are we placing our relationship with God as a priority?  Are we seeking Him?  Grasping for worldly things leaves us empty or wanting for more.  Grasp for God – in Him, find fulfillment.
3rd F on December 11.  The workout for those who meet at the Asylum or Big Ball will be a joint session at the Big Ball.  We will end the workout at the Outlook where 3rd F event will be held.

Hot Pinto Beans on a Cold Night

The Scene: Low 20’s and cold

SSH x 15
Windmills x 10
Cherry Pickers x 10
180 Jump Squats x 10 in each direction
Merkins x 20

The Thang
Mosey to football field
Full Field Suicides x 5
Go 1/4 way and reverse, 1/2 and reverse and to the end at end do 10 burpees at the beginning do 10 jump squats
50 burpees and 50 jump squats total

Mosey to playground with coupon (paver)

20 Big Boy Sit-ups with paver
20 Bicycle
20 Plank to Dolphin
20 Jack Knife Sit-Ups
20 American Hammer
20 InchWorm Pushups
20 Flutter Kicks
20 Hello Dolly
20 Canoe/Boat

20 Dips 20 Decline Merkins
15 Dips 15 Decline Merkins
10 Dips 10 Decline Merkins

Mosey to Pull-Ups in the Dugout
10 Pullups x 2

Mosey back to AO

BOM- Isaiah 53:5

But he was pierced for our transgressions,
he was crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brought us peace was on him,
and by his wounds we are healed.

In this assurance that we know without a doubt that our wounds have been healed through His death on the cross. This brings us the ultimate peace and gives us comfort in knowing that He has done it all for us.

It was a great night out with Pinto really crushing our core. Included 3 grizzly veterans with three 50+ respecters showing everyone who is boss.