F3 Knoxville

4/5 Ain’t Bad

AO: Asylum PM

5:45pm — 6:30pm

Meeting at the morning AO parking lot

[ The Scene ]

  • Probably cold(ish)
  • Probably dark(ish)

[ Welcome/Disclaimer ]

(1) Welcome to F3: Fitness, Fellowship, Faith

(2) My name is Steam and I’ll be your Q this evening

(3) A few things before we begin:

  • Contrary to popular belief, I’m not a professional
  • You are here on your own volition
  • If you need to modify anything we do this evening, feel free to do so, but push yourself and the men around you. They deserve it and so do you.

(4) FNGs?

Coat Collection: “We will take any and all coats to be donated and count them before the Warm-o-Rama

– Less than 5 coats = 100 man-makers (8-count body builder) throughout the Q

– More than 10 coats = no burpees or man-makers throughout the Q”

We had 4 coats.

[ Warm o Rama ]

  • Windmill: 10×4 IC
  • Imperial Walker: 10×4 IC
  • Baby Arm Circles: 10×4 F + 10×4 B
  • Rockette: 10×4 IC
  • SSH: 50 (1-count)

[ The Thang ]

(Mosey to the parking lot leading down into the pavilion)

(1) 4 Corners, 3 POCs

  • 4 rounds of PT and focus on 1 corner at a time
  • We’ll do an exercise at one of the corners (POC 1), run to the Pavilion and do an exercise (POC 2), then run to the playground and do an exercise (POC 3), and then come back to this parking lot to rinse and repeat with the other 3 corners
  • Corner 1 (POC 1)
    • 10 man-makers OR 10×4 Mountain climbers
    • Mosey to POC 2
      • 10 burpees OR 10×4 dips
    • Mosey to POC 3
      • 10 man-makers OR 10 box jumps
    • Mosey back to AO lot
  • Corner 2 (POC 1)
    • 10 man-makers OR 10×4 squats
    • Mosey to POC 2
      • 10 burpees OR 10×4 incline merkins
    • Mosey to POC 3
      • 10 man-makers OR 10×4 flutter kicks
    • Mosey back to AO lot

Buyout Option — Q entertained the buyout option for PAX to sprint up Baby Cardiac, do one slow merkin, run back down to POC 1-3 and do 20×4 squats, instead of of more man-makers/burpees. We chose the buyout option.

(Mosey to the light path entrance below the AO parking lot)

(2) Route 66

  • Each light is going to be 5 reps of an exercise (all on a 1-count)
  • Once you finish all 3 sets of lights, go to the next light and pick one exercise from each set of lights you just did and execute 25 reps of each X. We consolidated the below into all 3 Xs at one light, for 3 lights, and at the top light, choosing 1 X from the 3 at each light, to do together. 
  • 1st 3 lights — Upper
    • Wide merkins (1)
    • Carolina Dry Docks (2)
    • Dive Bombers (3)
  • 2nd 3 lights — Lower
    • Sumo squat (4)
    • Bobby Hurleys (5)
    • Iron Mikes (6)
  • 3rd 3 lights — Core
    • BBS (7)
    • Toe Touches (8)
    • Up & Outs (9)

[ Mary ]

ATMs (15×4 shoulder taps, 10×4 slow merkins, 10 quick merkins OYO.)

[ COT ]

  • # off
  • Name o Rama
  • FNGs
  • BOM

“When you don’t know how to identify a win, you will start mislabeling victories.” — Jerry Flowers

9 Ways You Can Identify Wins for the Rest of 2021

1 — Focus on the process, not the results

2 — Develop an aptitude (natural ability to do something) for gratitude

3 — Ask for feedback

4 — Mentally buy-in to the idea of incremental growth.

5 — Evaluation by documentation

    • sticky notes, journaling, documenting your incremental growth

6 — Don’t focus on just 1, but the many

    • A lot of people want to experience this really huge, identifiable, sexy win, when in reality, it’s about the hundreds of small wins along the way that aren’t as huge or public or sexy

7 — Encourage someone

8 — Use the “Share My Location” and “Find My iPhone” setting on your phone in real life

9 — Initiate the Matthew 7:7 model

    • ““Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.”
    • ‭‭Matthew‬ ‭7:7‬ ‭ESV‬‬ — https://bible.com/bible/59/mat.7.7.ESV

Farewell to Everest

THE SCENE: Getting chilly and dark.  Winter is coming.


-20 Side Straddle Hops (4-ct), in cadence

– 10 Imperial Squat Walkers (4-ct, in cadence)

– 10 windmills (4-ct, in cadence)

– 20 Grady Corns (4-ct, in cadence)


Mosey to EVEREST.  FAREWELL TO EVEREST!!  We’ll be switching our meeting place to the opposite side of the park for winter, so we might not see Everest again for awhile.  We shall pay our respects before we leave…


Up and back to tree stumps/trees. Every time you get to the bottom, do 10 reps of an exercise, which will change for each Suicide.   At end of each suicide, hold a plank until 6 catches up.


  1. Plank Jacks
  2. Monkey Humpers
  3. Squats
  4. Merkins
  5. Stargazers (you’re welcome)

Mosey to flat area at base of the Summit.

Partner UP.  One partner, run to bottom of the Roadshow Run stairs, do 10 SSH, run back.  Other Partner BEAR CRAWL to tree, do 10 Merkins, and Bear Crawl back. Meet back at starting point, do 5 Patty-cake merkins, and switch.  Rinse and repeat

STOMACH BUSTER! 20 Am. Hammers, 20 flutter kicks (both 4-ct IC).

AYG up the summit and to the AO

No time for her.

9 HIMs


THE LANGUAGE OF GOD PART DEUX: Things that make you go Hmmm…

Continuing on with my Words about The Language of God by Francis Collins, I just wanted to share some of the observations he makes regarding Life, the Universe, and Everything when contemplating his Christian views and how they aren’t incompatible with his rigid and extensive training as a scientist.  [DISCLAIMER ABOUT BELIEFS].  His observations have helped me, as a scientist, understand how the origins of Creation can have a supernatural, Godly origin yet still obey the laws of science.  There are an amazing number of incredible coincidences that have led to where we are today, standing in a park, on a planet we call Earth.  Consider for example…

  • In the early moments of the universe, following the BIG BANG, matter and antimatter were created in almost equivalent amounts.   But there was one part per billion more subatomic matter particles than anti matter.  If there was pure symmetry, or more dark matter, the universe would have devolved into pure radiation.  But that tiny bit of extra matter is what forms all the mass in the universe.
  • The way the universe expanded following the Big Bang depended critically on how much total mass and energy the universe had and the strength of the gravitational constant. If this constant was smaller by even one part in 100 thousand million, million, the universe would have collapsed before it reached its current size.  If it had been GREATER by just 1 part per million, stars and planets could not have formed.
  • And there are at least 15 other physical constants whose values are impossible to predict how they came to be what they are. And yet they are exactly the values they need to be to have a stable universe capable of sustaining complex life forms.  As it happens, the existence of a universe as we know it rests upon a knife edge of improbability.  Is this really an accident?…. Are we just really, really lucky to be here today?  HMMM…


Prayers for Abscess’ MRI, prayers for Jetlag’s return journey
Coat Drive still going on for another week; Sign up for Brovember challenge; we’ll move our meeting spot to the parking lot across the street from where AM meets starting next week after the time change.

Jetlag Comes Full Circle

THE SCENE: Pretty chilly. However, the lack of Doubtfire’s Action Slacks and Trunk’s Equalizer Tank suggest otherwise.

F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER Did this. It went well


SSH IC x15; LBAC each way IC x10; Windmills IC x10; Tempo Squats IC x10; Mosey to Splash Pad


Tabata workout: eight 20-second rounds of an exercise with a 10-second rest between rounds. Short mosey between exercises as rain allows.


  • Step-ups/Box Jumps
    • To the Bathhouse for Pull-ups x5
  • LBCs
    • To the Dock for CCD x15 
  • Squats
    • To the Stonehenge for Burpees x5 
  • BBS
    • To the Playground for BodyBuilders+ x5
  • Dips
    • A short lap around Splash Pad to start of parking spaces for Bear Crawls the length of the spaces 
  • What started out as a Fellowship Mosey ended up being a lap around The Equalizer track the long way


Fire of Ring → Starting with 1 merkin around, up to three 


15 HIMs; 0 FNGs … With the exception of the flag handoff in April, this is the most posting at the Equalizer in recent memory. 


1Pet1:13-16 – So prepare your minds for action and exercise self-control. Put all your hope in the gracious salvation that will come to you when Jesus Christ is revealed to the world. So you must live as God’s obedient children. Don’t slip back into your old ways of living to satisfy your own desires. You didn’t know any better then. But now you must be holy in everything you do, just as God who chose you is holy. For the Scriptures say, “You must be holy because I am holy.”

This BOM and (most of) the workout was from Jetlag’s first post back in November of 2020. I wanted to honor his time here with us by going back to where F3 started for him. It is appropriate that this passage from 1st Peter was chosen by Stripped for Jetlag’s first posting, and even more appropriate as he returns to the Philippines. 


Coats for the Cold, donate to AOs now through Nov. 13th

Brovember Challenge starts today. Look for a link to track your progress in the #brovember2021 Slack channel around Wednesday. 

Farewell Q

THE SCENE: 54F, drizzling

Welcome to F3, Fitness, Fellowship and Faith. F3 is a free workout program designed to improve fitness, share some camaraderie, and foster male leadership in the community. I’m Jetlag and I will be your Q today.  I am not a professional, and I do not know your fitness level or injury history.  Please push yourself, but modify the workout as necessary to avoid making any existing injuries worse.  The goal is to get better together!


Motivators starting at 5

Box jumps + run around pavillon

High knees

Plank jacks

Mountain climbers


Pyramid: 20 reps

  1. Merkins
  2. Merkins – shoulder press
  3. Merkins – shoulder press – curls – table pulls/cmu rows
  4. Merkins – shoulder press – curls – tp – squat jumps
  5. Merkins – shoulder press – curls – tp – squat jumps – step overs
  6. Intermission break: run around pavilion twice or burpees (F3 names, F3 workouts, F3 AOs, F3 Hospital Names)
  7. Shoulder press – curls – TP – squat jumps – step overs
  8. Curls – TP – squat jumps – step overs
  9. TP – squat jumps
  10. Squat Jumps
  11. Burpees



5min yoga stretching

16 HIMs in attendance.

There will be times in your life that you may question God and His plans for you. These times are usually when you struggle, lose someone, or uncertainties in life. But, I tell you this – God’s plan is perfect. He’s timing is always right. It may not seem like it but have faith that God is working His ways for the better of you.
My brothers, as I host my last Q (at least for this year) I am truly grateful and honored to be part of such an amazing brotherhood that we have here in F3. I was supposed to stay for only 6 weeks here in the US and that 6 weeks turned into a year. And you guys made it truly memorable for me and my family. You have made a huge impact on my life and my family’s. So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you and until next time! I love you, brothers!


Coat Drive – Coats donation still on going. You can give out your old coats to Rainbow.


20 Side-Straddle Hops, 10 Plank Jacks, 10 Imperial Walkers, 10 Tempo Squats, 10 Windmills, 5 Full Body Twists, Little of This and That

Mosey to Stop Sign at Southeastern Corner of Admin Bldg.  Do 20 Hello Dollies, 4 ct.

Mosey to parking lot that has steps leading up to Coliseum.  We will do Doras.  While Partner 1 runs up steps, runs south, then comes back to end of the parking lot, Partner 2 starts exercises.  Then, partners switch.  The exercises that each partnered team performs are:

  • 150 Squat Jumps
  • 150 Bicycle Kicks, 4 ct
  • 150 Iron Mikes, 4 ct
  • 150 Flutter Kicks, 4 ct

Mosey to Parking Lot that semi-circles past the soccer fields.  Men run 10 gate poles, do 2 burpees, then continue 10 more gate poles, do 2 more burpees, and repeat the pattern to the end of the semi-circle.  Those arriving at the end of the semi-circle do Big Boy Sit-ups until all men arrive.

Mosey to what was formerly the southern ball field parking lot.  We will do suicides by starting at southern curb, running to each light pole, run back and then do 10 Little Baby Crunches.  Then go to next light pole, come back and do 10 more LBCs.  Repeat this pattern until the curb at other end of parking lot is reached.

Mosey back to Parking Lot that semi-circles past the soccer fields.  We will run 10 poles, then lunge 5 poles and continue that pattern all the way to the other end of the semi-circle.

Mosey to stop sign at southeastern corner of Admin Bldg.  Do 20 American Hammers.

Mosey to AO.

Ten men, no FNGs.

1 John 1: 8-10

If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins, God is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. If we claim we have not sinned, we make him out to be a liar and his word is not in us.

I am a Christian.  Some people think that Christians claim they are not sinners – that because they go to church or read the bible or believe in God that they are somehow better, cleaner, purer than others.  That is just not true.  Christians aren’t those who have no sin.  They are those who confess their sin.

I am a Christian.  I am also a screw up.  I may say I’m going to be nicer the next time, that I am going to stop cussing at other drivers on the road, that I am never going to drink too much alcohol again, that I am going to treat my body better because it is a vessel of Christ, that I am going to stop thinking such vulgar thoughts, that I am going to stop coveting what others have that I don’t.  I may say it, but I find myself screwing up again and again.  As the Apostle Paul said of himself in the Bible:

For the good that I will to do, I do not do; but the evil I will not to do, that I practice (Romans 7:19).

Christians aren’t those who have no sin.  They are those who confess their sin.  I know that I have a God who loves me.  I give myself up to him.  I know he forgives me, even died for me, and that makes all the difference.  I take joy in knowing that the creator of this world is a God of Love and forgives my sin.  Does this mean that I go out and boldly sin, knowing God will forgive me?  No.  It means that because God loves me, I will try to carry that love forward, doing as He would want me to do, living His will.  And so, despite my sinful nature, I will try to do good for others, often failing, but also doing good as I strive to live for God.

Prayers of praise for Cheatsheet getting his stolen truck back, for Drum Major’s daughter being able to start running again after her injury, and for Jet Lag and his family being able to go back to the Philippines. Prayers for Pusher, his wife, and his children who will miss Jet Leg and Jet Lag’s family.  Prayers for us who will also miss Jet Lag!  Prayers of praise for Pusher’s daughter getting her driver’s license and for Pusher and his wife who will naturally worry about her driving. Prayers for The King James during this lonely time but time when he can get closer to God.