F3 Knoxville

Leaders Eat Last

THE SCENE: 92 and full of sunshine

15x Side Straddle Hops, 10x Imperial Walkers, 5x Cherry Pickers, A little bit of this, little bit of that, 10x Rockettes


Four Corners

CORNER ONE:  Round 1: 25X CMU Curls, Round 2: 25X CMU Bench Press, Round 3: 20x of Both

CORNER TWO:  Round 1: 20X Freddy Mercury’s (4-count), Round 2: 20X Rocky Balboas, Round 3: 10x of Both

CORNER THREE:  Round 1: 25X CMU Good Mornings, Round 2: 25X CMU Rows, Round 3: 20x of Both

CORNER FOUR:  Round 1: 20X Box Cutters, Round 2: 20X LBCs, Round 3: 10x of Both

With COVID rules, we can’t share CMUs.  So…you get to take it with you.

Mosey to the winding hill. At light pole #1, 10x incline Big Boys, at light pole #2, 10x decline Merkins, alternate to the top, rinse and repeat

Mosey towards the AO. 10x bear crawl, 10x lunges, rise and repeat, empty the tank sprint to the bat box.


Freddy Mercury’s,H ello Dollies, American Hammers, Plank


Obviously the world has a lot of things going on these days.  A lot of bad things.  A lot of the things people want to see changed.  But, a lot of people want to just snap their fingers and have it all fixed. They want to go to bed one night in a world full of problems, then wake up the next morning with all those problems solved.

This got me thinking about leading during troubled times and one of my favorite books, “Leaders Eat Last”, by Simon Sinek.  In his book he writes:

“Good leadership is like exercise.  We do not see any improvement to our bodies with day-to-day comparisons.  In fact, if we only compare the way our bodies look on a given day to how it looked on the previous day we would think our efforts had been wasted.  It’s only when we compare pictures of ourselves over a period of weeks or months that we can see a stark difference.  The impact of leadership is best judged over time.”

This resonates with me right now.  Because right now the world needs SUSTAINED leadership.  Not quick fix leadership.  Not a few leaders focusing on the next news cycle.  Not a few leaders saying, “Look what I did”   Right now we need millions of leaders.  Leaders who are more concerned with making an impact than they are with making headlines.  Leaders who are focused on making a difference and improving the lives of our fellow human beings.

Sometimes we all want to see a more immediate impact from our efforts.  But, sometimes that’s just not the timeline the world is on.  More often than not we’re part of the timeline where we’re pushing a giant boulder up a mountain.  It’s actually rare to be the one who pushes it over the top.  With it being unlikely that we will get any recognition for our efforts it becomes imperative to remember why we are pushing that boulder up that mountain.

And, to remember that when results come slowly that we cannot give up.  That our efforts have not been wasted.  And, that our leadership is best judged over time.  We have to remember why we are serving as leaders.  We have to remember it’s all to make the world a better place for our fellow human beings.

“Leadership is not a license to do less.  It’s a responsibility to do more.  Leadership takes work.  It takes time and energy.  The effects are not always easily measured and they are not always immediate.  But, leadership is always a commitment to human beings.”  ~ Simon Sinek

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
GROW School / Q101 at AsylumPM Thursday.  CSAUP on Saturday.  Title9’s last post before leaving to Oregon will be July 21st.  We plan to set an AsylumPM attendance record for him.

The Lord Is In This Place Although We May Not Know It

THE SCENE: Thunderstorms initially but clearing after we got started

We met at Northern Ball Fields Pavilion instead of Admin Bldg parking lot due to the initial thunderstorm.  We started with:  20 Side-Straddle Hops, 10 Pinto Twists, 10 Picnic Table Pull-ups, 10 Bench Dips, 10 Tempo Merkins, 10 Cherry Pickers, Arm Swings, Little of This and That
Mosey to parking lot with islands in it that is south of northern ball fields.  Stop to do 20 American Hammers.  Mosey to CMU Pile.  Each man grabs one CMU.  There will be cones placed in the CMU Pile parking lot and the shady parking lot directly across the street.  We will make the circuit of cones four times.  These are the exercises at each cone:

  • Cone 1:  (with CMUs) 1. 25 Overhead Presses  2. 25 Curls  3. 25 Squats  4. 25 Rows  (Bernie to Cone 2 )
  • Cone 2:  1. 20 Curb Jumps  2. 10 Burpees  3. 20 Squat Jumps  4. 20 Bobby Hurleys  (Run to Cone 3)
  • Cone 3:  1. 20 Hello Dollies (4 ct)  2. 20 Flutter Kicks (4 ct)  3. 20 Box Cutters  4. 20 Bicycle Kicks (4 ct) (Bear Crawl to Cone 4)
  • Cone 4:  1. 20 Iron Mikes (both legs = 1) 2. 20 Mountain Climbers (both legs = 1)  3. 10 Burpees 4. 20 Plank Jacks (High Knees to Cone 5)
  • Cone 5:  1. 10 Hand Release Merkins 2. 20 Merkins 3. 20 Big Boys 4. 15 Shoulder Taps (both shoulders = 1) (Lunge to Cone 6.)
  • Cone 6. 1. 10 Burpees.  40 Baby Crunches.  3. 20 Diamond Merkins.  4. 20 Carolina Dry Docks.  (Butt Kick to Cone 7).
  • Cone 7:  1. Run to top of Mini Cardiac (to the crosswalk) and then run back to Cone 1.  2, 3 and 4.  Same as above.

Go back to CMUs that are at Cone 1.  Do the following exercises with CMUs, running to curb at other side of parking lot and back after each exercise:

  • 25 Overhead Presses
  • 25 Curls
  • 25 Squats
  • 25 Rows

Replace CMUs.

We had 13 men with no FNGs.

Examining What We Take For Granted

In our lives we need to take a close look, more often than what we usually do, at the things we take for granted.  This Coronavirus Epidemic has been a reminder to me, and I know it has to you as well, of things that we take for granted.  Hugging our friends.  Standing together for a picture.  For me, going to Coffeeteria with my buddies.  Watching Current sporting events on television.  Going to a good old crowded restaurant, even if you have to wait to be seated. Feeling the jostle and enthusiasm of sitting with fans at a sporting event.  Going to a live music concert.  For some of us, staying in a hotel.  Going up to greet a neighbor without having to stand a social distance away from them.  Dropping your kids off at school without worrying about what the school will look like, how your children will keep their masks on, whether they may be exposed to Covid-19, or whether school might have to close again.  Finding what you want at a grocery store.  Helping out an old man or lady without scaring them because you might expose them to “you know what.”  The fact is, we are blessed with so much that we rarely take a close look at.  It sometimes takes awful events, tragedy or pandemics to make us truly see.  I know Pinto always loved coming to F3 workouts but I guarantee he thinks on it more poignantly because he is suffering Multiple Myeloma.  I know Filter will yearn for F3 now that he tore his Achilles.  I know Thunderstruck has always loved his mother but I think now of how he relishes the days with her knowing she has cancer.  My wife’s breast cancer has certainly brought home the idea of how much she means to me.

Even in this difficult year of 2020 we can look to see the ways we are blessed.  In those awful days in late March and April when I couldn’t work out with you guys, it sure helped me to just sit on my porch and watch the birds.  To see the flowering trees and bushes.  We may not be able to go to movie theaters or watch live sporting events but we can certainly spend meaningful time with our families.  The mountain, the stars, the cool breeze on a hot summer day, the blue sky, the smell or rain, the wandering animals, even the tiny little crawling insects are still there for us to observe or experience.  I encourage you to just take some time now and then to be thankful for it.  And, thank our Lord for it.  He is still there, he is still Majestic, even in 2020.
Prayers for Crispr’s father who just had total knee replacement surgery; for Thunderstruck’s mom as she continues with chemotherapy and for Lillydipper’s wife as she continues with chemotherapy.
We will have Q101 at Asylum PM on Thursday, June 16.  Don’t forget CSAUP at Dog Pound on June 18.


THE SCENE: Insert info about the weather, etc.


  • Welcome to F3: Fitness/Fellowship/Faith
  • My name is Steam and I’m honored to be your Q this evening. And welcome to #2ForTuesday
  • ANy FNGs?
  • Couple things before we begin:
    • I’m not a professional
    • You’re here on your own volition – aka you’re here on purpose.
    • I don’t know any injuries you may or may not have – so if you need to modify anything we do this evening feel free to do it, but push yourself and the men around you! They deserve it and so do you.
    • I do have water and medical gear in my pack just so everypone is aware – and I will have my phone on me for the duration of the Q.
    • If at any point in time you feel dizzy or overheated – let someone know immediately. We’re gonna watch each other’s 6 and push each other, but safety is #1.
    • And I know that this point has been driven in time and time again – but if you’re not hydrating before you come out here and try and do an intense workout, ideally the day before at the latest, there’s potential that you’re going to be a liability and risk to no other’s safety. So hydrate. This heat doesn’t mess around.



  • SSH: 20 x 4 IC
    • #2FT
  • Squat: 15 x 4 IC
    • #2FT
  • Imperial Walker: 10 x 4 IC
    • #2FT
  • Man-Maker: 5 x 4 IC
    • #2FT
  • 10 Motivators (All on a 4 count – except the final count/hops)
    • (1) SSH
    • (2) Half SSH
    • (3) Legs only SSH
    • (4) Hops (1 count)
    • Finished at 2 – killer


(mosey to CMU pile)

—Lightpost trail by Pickett’s Charge—

  • Every lightpost for 8 total lightposts = 1 Man-Maker
  • When you get done with your 8th Man-Maker – execute Plank-Ups on a 4 count
  • #2FT –> back up the hill for 8 lightposts – do the same thing

(mosey to CMU pile down the hill)

—CMU Pile—

  • Grab a CMU each
  • Quarter Pounder
    • 25 Curls
      • Sprint to the flag by the pavilion = 1 burpee
      • sprint back
  • 25 chest presses
    • sprint to the flag by the pavilion = 1 burpee
    • sprint back
  • 25 swings
    • sprint to the flag by the pavilion = 1 burpee
    • sprint back
  • 25 1-handed merkins (rotate hands)
    • sprint to the flag by the pavilion = 1 burpee
    • sprint back
  • PAX executes 25 x 4 flutter kicks (x2 for #2FT)
  • PAX executes 10 SSHs on a 4 count

(mosey across the street to Pickett’s Charge hill)

  • 2 lines going all the way up the hill – American Indian run style.


  • At the very top – PAX is halted and reminded of “No Man Left Behind – No Man Left the Same” — 10 up/down merkins
  • Mosey back to the AO


6 Minutes in Heaven

  • SSH
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Final 4 minutes = work on recovering/breathing/stretching techniques


25 PAX



  • “Expiration Dates”
    • This is something I want to share because this is a lesson I’ve learned before – I’ve just mislabled it. But I’m going through it right now again and have been able to use discernment to better understand what’s really happening.
    • When you think of an expiration date, let’s say on something in your fridge for example – it’s a prophecy of what’s to come. On this date – this will no longer be in your best interest or be good for you to consume. They’re pretty self explanatory right?
    • The reason for the expiration date is so that it can be removed so something else can take it’s place. Not just anything else – but something that’s good, something that is new and fresh. If I keep milk that’s past it’s expiration date in my fridge, it’s only existing to take up space in my fridge, instead of being replaced with something that’s more lifegiving. And you know what happens when you keep something that’s past it’s expiration date in your fridge? It starts to spread an aroma or an unpleasant smell – thus making the fridge and anyone who opens the fridge that much more aware that something expired is still being housed.
    • But what happens when things don’t have a nice, printed out expiration date right on the front? What do you do then?
    • There are things in life that will become expired without you even knowing it. There are things in your life that will have an expiration date that at the time of purchase you never thought would have an expiration date. But the producer and supplier did.
    • And that’s a hard thing to acknowledge sometimes – when there’s something in your life that’s past it’s expiration date and you can tell. How can you tell? Because of it’s aroma and the way it is affecting other things in your metaphorical fridge (your life). These could be things that are good! These could be things that you don’t want to have an expiration date and you’re looking up at the producer asking why did this have to expire?
    • Because the producer knows something else is coming. The producer knows that sometimes things that we wanted to keep in our fridge had an expiration date from the very beginning and just because they were in our fridge at one point doesn’t mean they were designed to stay there forever.
    • Let me back this up with what I think being a responsible fridge owner that seeks wisdom and discernment looks like – or as we refer to – High Impact Men
    • 1 Corinthians 13:11 — “When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put the ways of childhood behind me.”
    • It’s hard to recognize some things in your life might have an expiration date. It is. I’ve been there. I’m there right now. But until you remove what has become expired, it’s gonna be really hard for the producer to take you higher.

Oh my Quad! or What the Quad? Take your pick

THE SCENE: 70 degrees with 95% humidity
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER : Standard welcome with COVID recommendations

SSH x 20 IC, Tempo Squat X 10 IC, LB Arm Circles x 10 IC both directions, This ‘n That, 20 High Knees x 2 Count OYO

Mosey to bottom of AO parking lot for Bearicides. PAX does Bear Crawl to first parking spot line and sprint back to start. Rinse & Repeat for all lines (9 or 10 I think). Hold Plank until 6 finishes.

Mosey to Flag Pole for 11’s with Jump Squats and Dips as exercises. (Used benches for dips)

Mosey by way of winding past Out Houses up to Splash Pad for Lungicides. PAX does lunges to first parking spot line and sprint back to start. Rinse & Repeat for all lines (15 or 16 I think). Hold Plank until 6 finishes.

Mosey around Splash Pad to Picnic side for 11’s with BBS and Merkins as exercises.

Mosey by way of winding past Out Houses back down to Tennis Courts. PAX held Wall Sit & Plank to failure.

Only had about 30 seconds left so we did Flutter Kicks x 20 IC 4 Count


Today’s workout was about the value of making Trade-offs in life. We all have opportunities to make a change and need to know when to do so. Recently I had a Trade-off given to me when I unexpectedly lost my job. This caused me to evaluate my life and recognize the things that have kept me from reaching my potential and to see where I need to make some additional Trade-offs. I reminded the PAX of what they may have felt while doing the workout today. At first during the Bearicides it may not have seemed like a big deal to trade the crawl for the sprint, but on the longer crawls they were happy to get to stop and sprint back. The same was true later on with the Lungicides and that part of the workout was also a lot like the mundane monotony of life that we get used to and do it at the same pace as those around us. Even the 11’s brought Trade-offs that appeared to be good, but sometimes making a change for the sake of a change can wear you out. So the idea is to know and understand when we need to make Trade-offs and what are good Trade-offs to make. The perfect example of a great Trade-off is how these HIMs trade the early morning sleep to be in the Gloom with the PAX to grow and get better! What a way to start the day! The challenge this week is to evaluate your life and see if and/or where you can make some Trade-offs that will allow you to reach your potential.
Pray for Sargent Slaughter’s wife’s family. They lost Grandfather and need wisdom for taking care of Grandmother with Dementia. Also, pray for my wife as she had a strange Vertigo incident yesterday.
CSAUP July 18th at the Dog Pound. Reminder about Saturday morning workouts at the Truck Stop.

Slow to Judge, Quick to Listen

THE SCENE: Windy, temp about 70 degrees

20 Side Straddle Hops.  10 Pinto Twists.  40 Grady Corns.  10 Windmills.  10 Tempo Squats.  Little of This and That.

Mosey to northeast corner of Admin Bldg.  From Cone 1 we will run to Cone 2 atend of sidewalk.  From Cone 2, bear crawl to the Cone 3 positioned at sidewalk going to steps of admin bldg.  At Cone 4, on steps do 40 Shin Lifts and 40 Bench Dips.  Then run back on sidewalk to Cone 5 on street.  At Cone 5 do 20 Merkins.  Then Bernie to Cone 6 by stop sign.  At that cone, do 20 Big Boys.  Then go back to Cone 1.  Rinse and repeat two more times.

Mosey on roadway and through parking lot to CMU pile.  Each man takes CMU.  Do 25 each of the following exercises but also sprint to end of parking lot and back after each exercise.  Here are the exercises:

  • Overhead presses
  • Curls
  • Squats
  • Rows

Mosey on grass past dugouts to bottom of Cardiac Hill.  We will go up hill stopping at corners and benches to do exercises.  Here are the exercises:

  • Corner 1:  20 American Hammers (four count)
  • Corner 2:  20 Hello Dollies (four count)
  • Corner 3:  20 Decline Merkins
  • Benches:  20 Bench Dips

Mosey to shady area by northeastern corner of Admin Bldg.  We will do 20 Flutter Kicks and 20 Bicycle Kicks.

Mosey to AO.

26 men that included four FNGs:  Sparty (Tony Burkhart), Hermes (Mason Burkhart), Orphan Annie (Dylan Berry) and a Flying EH, Couch Potato (Reginald Williams).
Slow to Judge and Quick to Listen

Our current society is very quick to judge.  A politician makes a statement and the other party immediately attacks it, often taking the statement completely out of context.  Even news stations, which are supposed to give us the truth, are quick to judge.  CNN quickly pounces upon anything Trump says.  Fox News is sure to badmouth Biden.  It is difficult for any public figure to say anything without being judged.  Athletes are considered anti-American for taking the knee during the Pledge of Allegiance or racist for saying they will not join others in taking the knee.  We ourselves tend to blame the “other side” for the “state of affairs” whether that state be the declining economy, the coronavirus numbers, or good ol traffic on the way to our jobs.  We join with friends who are similar in opinion to us so that we can find support and comfort in our criticism of the other side.

The problem is, where does this get us?  How do parties resolve anything when they are so sure to attack and so unlikely to listen?  We cannot give an inch to reasonable comments from the other side because we feel that, in doing so, we would somehow admit that we are wrong.  Well, maybe WE are a little wrong.  Maybe THEY are a little right.  But we refuse to even look to see.  And we lose love and grace in the process.

Doubtfire gave a great message several weeks ago about Forgiveness. He said we need to learn to forgive even if we dislike what the other person has done.  Jesus talked about turning the other cheek to our enemies.  I get the idea that Jesus would also say we should be willing to listen to our enemies.  What do they have to say?  Is there anything reasonable in what they are saying.  And, if it doesn’t seem reasonable, what has happened in that person’s life that leads to their perspective?

Maybe it is too personal to look at the behavior of another human.  Let’s look at the behavior of an animal, a dog. Some of you may have read the book “White Fang” by Jack London.  In the book, a man meets up with a dog that is vicious toward humans.  People have used and abused the dog.  The dog, indeed, is mean.  The man finds the dog when it has been so badly mistreated that it is near to death.  He feeds the dog, talks kindly to it.  He cannot initially get close to the dog because the dog would attack him.  But he slowly, after many weeks, gets closer and finally, touches the dog.  The dog initially reacts with a biting move.  The man is patient.  Many days later he tries again.  The dog growls a low growl while the man keeps his hand there.  The dog both dislikes the touch but also thinks it good.  And as he learns to love the man, he learns to cherish the touch.  The dog gradually changes.  And, because of the love that the man shows him, he finally sees the man as his “Love God.”  An incredible bond forms between the man and this dog that once hated humans.  And, toward the end of the book, the dog saves the lives of the man and his family.

We must learn to listen to others, even our enemies.  We must learn to be quick to listen and slow to judge.  We must hold our tongue with others.  Try to see the perspective of the other.  Maybe there is some truth in what they say, particularly if you see things from their perspective.  You don’t have to fully agree.  But you may find some commonality.  You may find that the “enemy” has hopes, hurts, and dreams just like you.  As Sting once said in a song he wrote, “Maybe the Russians love their children too.”


Prayers for Crispr’s coworker and her husband.  Her husband has a terminal illness and will likely die soon.  Prayer of praise for the birth of Crispr’s niece.  Prayers for family member of Swimmies and Octomom as she has been in labor for over 24 hours and their is concern for the baby.  Prayers for David, a friend of Brick, Sparty and Hermes.  David’s son has been diagnosed with Melanoma.  Prayers for Pusher and his family, particularly his father as the one year anniversary of the death of Pusher’s mother will be this Friday.  Prayer of praise for Title 9 who has been coping with angst regarding an upcoming move to Oregon.  After reporting this last week he has had a sense of calm come over him.