F3 Knoxville

It’s High Heels in the End Zone

THE SCENE: If there was a nicer Saturday morning to work out in, I don’t want to know about it
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER Cap’n was there, so I think that covers us

Archie and Cap’n were in cooldown mode after 3 rucking miles…Pusher and Crawdad were pulling in…

10 Windmills IC while waiting for Crawdad and Pusher

25 SSH, but only 5 IC. The other 20 we were supposed to do in our heads. We did not all end at the same time. Could’ve been Q’s fault. 10 Burpees OYO.

BAC forward and reverse, OHCs in between


Little Mosey over to the base of Spaceship Hill. Catch Me If You Can with 10 LBCs to the stop sign on the far side.

Another mosey down to Area 51, which has missed us, and which also had an unidentified structure. We took it apart and did some CMU Doras. Pusher found a hole that was hiding, but recovered on the mosey like the badass that he is. 

Indian run over to the FiA parking lot, where Abcess had already delivered baloons. We presented them with a birthday present, candle, and we sang Happy Birthday. Q started us off about two octaves too high but he is not paid for his beautiful singing voice.

Down to the soccer fields to meet Jack Webb! Back in college we used to play Ultimate Frisbee, so we played in Jack’s honor. 2 burpees for everyone if the frisbee touches the ground, 5 merkins for a team that gets scored on. High Heels got the Golden Glove Award.

Mary Schmary



Rats and roaches live by competition under the laws of supply and demand; it is the privilege of human beings to live under the laws of justice and mercy.”
― Wendell Berry



That Skunk Was Ready For Us

THE SCENE: Kinda humid

SSH x 45. You can’t get anything past Catgut; he knew what was up.

15 Baby Arm Circles + 15 Overhead Claps + 15 Reverse Arm Circles


A lap and a half

CMUs felt abandoned after Tuesday’s CMU-free workout, so we gave them some love.

45 reps of anything Q could think of, followed by a little run, 2 burpees, and a Bernie back. Lots of sweating.

Mini-mosey to The Cloud, where we did 3 rounds of Box Baby Boxes, 15 reps each. Once again, Catgut knew what it all added up to.

Our unwelcome guest Jack Webb showed up again today.

3 rounds of 45 second wall sits. 15 PAX, 3 rounds…it all just kind of fell into place today. Must’ve been destiny.

We were headed to Cardiac when Eagle Eye Hands spotted our little striped friend waiting to ruin our week. Skunks do not keep us from Cardiac. We took a more scenic route. Up Cardiac just one time, and back to the AO.

Who has time for Mary when Jack Webb visits?
15 men and one uppity skunk.
For a man turning a year older, an excerpt from Wendell Berry: “Every day you have less reason not to give yourself away.”
Deep thanks to all the men of F3 for Qing us and for showing up every morning. What a great gift.
Maybe only young guys should take birthday Qs.

Introducing the Iron Cheatsheet

THE SCENE: Upper 60s and muggy

SSH x 25; This n That; Cherry Pickers x10; Imperial Squat Walkers x 25

Go to the baseline: karaoke to the other side; karaoke back; high skip, jog back; butt kickers.
1.  Grab a CMU from the pile and carry to bottom of the hill;

2.  25s:  20 Iron Cheatsheets (Iron Mikes and moving CMU in time back and forth off chest), run hill, 5 squat jumps.  Back down hill for 15 ICs, up hill for 10 SJs, etc. until done

3.  Mosey to back parking lot.  10 merkins transitioning immediately into a sprint for the distance of the parking lot, transitioning immediately to 10 burpees.  Recovery mosey back to the start.  Repeat 2 more times.

4.  Mosey to Pavalon for 25s:  Table rows and calf raises (4ct)

Mosey back to AO for:

Grab your CMU and on your 6.  Modified Ring of Fire.  PAX takes turn doing 5 Am. Hammers with CMU (4ct) around the circle.  When not doing AHs, PAX to assume “boat” position, holding CMU so it doesn’t touch body.

Jesus teaches us that we are to love even our enemies. “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven” Matthew 5:43-45.  This is as much for us as it is for those who do us harm.  Hate is a poison.  But it’s not easy.  God knows that.  We just have to keep trying to be better so we can bring glory to Him.
Prayers for Rusty and his wife, Cheatsheet’s family, especially his Mom, and Pusher’s family and Mom.
Forgot to mention this, but in case you read it before Memorial Day, don’t forget about the convergence at 5:30 for an hour, with a focus on remembering our fallen soldiers who made the ultimate sacrifice so we could have F3.

Side of Backen please

THE SCENE: Low 50s , great weather !



Bac x 10 each way ic

tempo squats x10 ic

lunge around the world x 4

tempo merkin x 10

alternating superman x 20 ic

KRAKEN with a side of BACKEN

  • 8 cones spread out over .37 mile loop. Each cone has an exercise to do
  • Once you complete first cone exercise , pax line up and Indian run the loop and advance to the next cone and do that exercise
  • pax stayed together and Indian ran each lap.
  • Every time you run by the playground , pull off to the side and do 5 pull ups at the playground
  • Total of 40 pull ups were completed
  • Exercises were , merkins, LBC, lunges , dry docks, power T flutters ,alternating Superman’s , monkey humpers, bodybuilders
  • total of 8 laps, 2.5 miles

Side tri ride x 5 each side

not so lazy boys then while being lazy , we changed the channel and watched 007, James. Bond
12 pax crushed it !

I have read this before but always good to share . And, thanks to Cap’n Crunch for sharing this with me !

“A band of brothers, in the sense that we use the words in this book, is not a meeting, a club, a therapy group, or a self-help society. It is the group of men we do life with. It is the team of brothers committed with us to the cause of great manhood. It is the band of men with whom we build a manly culture of inspiration and achievement.” – Stephen Mansfield, “Building Your Band of Brothers”

As we start new AOs , let’s band together like brothers and spread the love and be the leaders we were meant to be.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Ranger Beatdown

THE SCENE: 59 degrees F with plentiful rain
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER  Hammy did the welcome and disclaimer before turning it over to Spook (Travis Elkins) for the Ranger Beatdown.

10 thoracic spine rotations/side
10 scap pushups
10 pushups
Plank rotations
Inch worms
10 bend and reach
10 Windmills
10 Squats
10 Side lunges
10 Walking knee hug
10 Walking glute stretch
10 Quad stretch with RDL
10 side step overs/leg
10 yards worlds greatest stretch (forward lunge w/side rotation, hamstring stretch, hip flexor stretch)
75 yard jog warmup


3 sets (15 mins)
⁃       1x Leg Blaster = 20x air squats +
20x in-place lunges (10x each leg) +
20x jumping lunges (10x each leg) +
10x squat jumps

⁃       Inchworm alligator clapping push-up x 5
⁃       Single leg RDL 10/leg

3 sets 
⁃       Pull-up ladder 5-1 x 3
⁃       Pike pushup ladder 5-1 x 3

Anaerobic conditioning (10 mins)
⁃       Run 75 meters and walk back

3 sets
⁃       Curls 21s w/block
⁃       Tricep extensions w/block x 20
⁃       Dead Bug leg lifts w/block x 15

3 sets
⁃       Single arm rows w/block x 15/arm
⁃       Glute Marching x 15/leg
⁃       Side star plank leg raise x 10/leg

9 PAX, 1 guest Q (Spook – Travis Elkins), 1 FNG (Doghouse – Kevin Stephens)

1 Timothy 4:7-8Have nothing to do with irreverent, silly myths.  Rather train yourself for godliness, for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.

It is biblical that we should take care of our physical bodies and well being.  A strong body helps us to develop a strong mind.  F3 supports that aspect in the first F.  In the passage, the Apostle Paul, challenges that training in godliness of far greater value because it prepares us for the life to come, the everlasting life.  We should exercise the third F as it is of value in every way.  Holding ourselves accountable through the second F helps us progress in our third F.

Thanks to Travis Elkins for joining us and for the leadership gift he provided this morning.  Rangers Lead the Way!
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.