F3 Knoxville

No Running

THE SCENE: 32 crisp & clear


Standard stuff – no FNGs today


  • SSH x 10 IC
  • Tempo Squats x10 IC
  • Tempo Merkins x10 IC
  • LBAC fwd/bckwd
  • OYO stretches for 20-30 seconds


  1. Lunge across parking lot to the outhouse
    • PAX choice:  30 normal box jumps on the low wall or 10 box jumps on the high section of the wall
    • Plank when finished
  2. Move to road & Forward Crab Walk up the hill to the speed bump
    • 25 Diamond Merkins at the speed bump
    • Ab work until 6 finishes (alternate 10 crunch, 10 flutter kick)
  3. Burpee Broad Jump up the remainder of the hill to the Do Not Enter sign
    • 50 Calf Raises at the sign
    • Ab work until 6 finishes broad jumps – same as above
  4. Bear Crawl parking spaces to the parked Jeep.  Paula Abdul style (2 fwd, 1 back).  5 Carolina Dry Docks each time you stop to change directions.
    • Abs until the 6 finishes
  5. Duck Walk back to where we started the bear crawls
    • 50 Squat Jumps
    • Abs until 6 finishes
  6. Inchworm Merkin down the hill to the speed bump
    • 25 Superman Swims
    • Abs until 6 finishes
  7. Groucho Walk down remainder of hill to the parking lot turn in
    • No exercise here….mosey back to AO & circle up for count off

No formal MARY – plenty of abs during workout

16 strong!  La-Z-Boy, Frosty, Butters, Pusher, Flute Loop, Scooter, Pogo, Snitch, Boones, Deadhead, Smoker, Shooter, Sparky, Mayberry, Abacus, Bartman

Simple question:  Do you obey what God tells you to do?  If not, why not?

Today was tough…everything we did was a long, slow grind.  PAX did an awesome job pushing themselves.  Great time today and glad to oblige Mayberry with a workout he could do while his foot heals up.

Hardship Hill coming up 5/19


54 and slight drizzle



SSH x25 IC
4ct Squat x15 IC
4ct Imperial Walkers x15 IC

Count off into teams of 5 and then mosey to the top of the hill next to the parking lot.

Bumper Circuit
One group at Stations 1-3, two groups at Station 4. When Q says “go” one team at Station 4 makes the loop to cone 1.  All other groups do the exercise at the cones, alternating between the exercises.  When the group running gets to Station 1 all the groups shift and the group at Station 4 runs the loop. Rinse and repeat.  All exercise are done in either x10, x15 or x20 rep sequences based on physical ability.

  • Station 1 (at new retaining wall on the trail)
    • Box Jumps & Dips
  • Station 2 (front parking lot)
    • Dry Docks &
  • Station 3 (side parking lot)
    • Wide Merkins &
  • Station 4 (Top parking lot)


38 PAX



A rainy Monday can’t get you down!

THE SCENE: 9 PAX pushed hard to get better on a Rainy Monday.   Rainy days and Monday’s can g keep us down


  • 25 x Side Straddle Hop
  • 25 x Imperial Squat Walkers
  • 15 x Baby Arm cirles each way
  • 25 x Squats
  • Mosey to the first overhang

THA-THANG: Partner up and mosey to the first covered area with picnic tables

  •  20 Dips partner 1, 20 steps ups partners 2.  X 3
  • War – Split up into two teams and play the card game war.    Each team pics a card and the loser has to do the highest card show in Burpees.   Other team does step ups.   6 Rounds

Mosey to the next dry spot

  • QuarterPounder
    • 10 yards and back x 10 Burpees
    • 20 yards and back x 25 merkins
    • 50 yards and back x 50 Squats
    • 75 yards and back x 75 Mtn Climbers
    • 100 yards and back x 100 SSH

52 Cards Pick-up

  • Each PAX picks a card. 2 Rounds of 9.
    • Diamnonds = Merins
    • Hearts = Dry Docks
    • Spades = Burpess
    • Clovers = Star Jacks

Race to the next dry spot close to the AO

25 Flutter Kick

25 Peter Parker

WAR at the Asylum

THE SCENE: Gloomy and War like! Nah, pretty good weather.

Jog across PL, High Knee skip PL, karaoke PL, ALL x2

With 43 Pax, we must divide and conquer so we played a game of WAR!

  • Split into 2 groups
  • Taking turns, a man from group 1 and a man from group 2 sit down and play the game war with the provided deck of cards.
  • You loose, Your Whole group does 10 burpees
  • You win, man that turns the winning card leads his group IC in 10 SSH 4 ct
  • When 2 cards end the same, 3 cards are pulled from each side and laid down, the 4th card is turned up to reveal the winner. LOOSING group does 20 burps, the winning group takes a victory lap. Each group actually lost to war once, but one group definitely did more burps!
  • repeat until all cards are played.
  • Mosey back to the AO for DORACIDES, Partner up for 100 merkins, 200 BBS, and 300 squats

Plank holds, then 5 merkins IC

Hello dolly x10 IC

Iron cross for 10 seconds

Never cross dolly x 10 IC

FLutter kicks x20 IC by the FNG “Dog Bite” Great job FNG!!
43 Pax inc 1 FNG Not tagged but there…. Sleep over, Ponder, and Dog Bite. Dog bite is registered but its not tagging, the other 2 are not registered….FYI
DISPOSITION=A persons inherent qualities of mind and character. F3 has a great disposition and the men of F3 have rubbed off on me and made me a better man. Still a LONG WAY to go for me but I am greatful and hopefully F3’s Disposition will affect other men in our community and make us better. Lets GOOOOOO! AYE!
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.

Listening in the Rain

THE SCENE: 50 degrees and raining



SSH IC x 25

Cherry Pickers IC x 10

Tempo Squats IC x 10

25% Jog across the parking lot, 50% Jog, high knees, butt kickers, 75% Jog


Circuit Workout on the Grinder inspired by a workout Frenchie Q’d a couple months back.

Total of 4 stations (one at each of the corners) and then 5 Burpees at the top of Little Baby Hill:

  • Station 1: Superman Swims, 4 ct. American Hammers
  • Station 2: Merkins, Dry Docks
  • Station 3: Iron Mikes, Squat Jumps
  • Station 4: Box Cutters, 4 ct. Flutter Kicks

Pick a Battle Buddy and disburse evenly to the four stations. Pick whichever one of the exercises you feel like doing at each station (most people just alternated between the 2 exercises each round). Start with 20 reps of the chosen exercise at each station and complete the circuit. Next round decrease to 18 reps, 16 reps, 14 reps, etc.

When finished at Station 3, Bear Crawl to Station 4 (I forgot to Bear Crawl on the very first round even after making “fancy” signs but thankfully Proton was there to gently remind me).  After Station 4, run up Little Baby Hill and do 5 Burpees at the top. Mosey back down to Station 1. Rinse and repeat the circuit until time.


Hello Dolly IC x 20

30 seconds AMRAP LBC’s to finish


24 strong on a rainy morning – no FNG’s today


We can be good at talking with God, but how much are we listening? My prayer life has grown tremendously in the course of the past year, but I do a really poor job of allowing God to respond. I pray and then rush on to the next activity in the day. Sometimes those are really good activities like reading Scripture or reading a devotional, but without taking a pause and listening for God’s response, I’m not allowing room for Him to do His work in me.

I-Beam shared this piece of his devotional with me a couple weeks back, and it really resonated with me:

“Suppose I go to the doctor and say, ‘Doctor, I have a lot of problems: I twisted my knee….my eyes itch…my finger is swollen…I have a backache….’ Then, having gotten through my list of complaints, I look at my watch and say, ‘Goodness me, time is getting on. I must be off.’ The doctor might want to say, ‘Hang on a second, do you not want to hear what I have to say?’

If we only speak to God and never take time to listen, we make the same mistake. We do all the talking, and we don’t actually listen to Him. But our relationship with God is meant to be a two-way conversation.


The fine people at Abridged Beer Company have agreed to host a 2nd F “Fellowship” on February 15th at 6:30pm. $2 for every beverage will be donated by Abridged to our selected charity. This month…Operation Enduring Warrior. Come out, have some fellowship, and do good! See you all there!!