F3 Knoxville

Gold Stars for Everybody

THE SCENE: Mid 50’s and windy


  • Ssh x 15
  • Arm circles little/big on Q
  • Squat Jacks x 30
  • Cherry pickers x 8


Pyramid at Waxjob Hill

Find a battle buddy

P1 at bottom doing exercise 5, 10, 15, 20, 15, 10, 5

P2 doing alternating Burpees/BBS on Top until P1 tags


  • Rd 1 – Werkins
  • Rd 2 – Star Jacks
  • Rd 3 – Dry Docks
  • Rd 4 – Deadlift squat


Captain Thor 5:20

Superman press (superman then lift core up and hold)


14 Men and no FNGs


Proverbs 17:28

Even a fool who keeps silent is considered wise;
when he closes his lips, he is deemed intelligent.

We all need to think before we speak.

As Hammy put it: Better to be silent and let them think you a fool than to open your mouth and confirm it.


Fireteam Drills and Running in Squares

THE SCENE: 34 Chilly spring degrees

Windmills IC x 10, LBAC IC Thumbs Up x 10, Thumbs Down x 10, Tempo Squats IC x 10, SSH IC x 10

Mosey to One Tree Hill and assemble PAX at the bottom.  Q explained fireteam movement (stand, run to the cadence of “I’m up they see me I’m down, get on the ground).  PAX took the hill using that cadence and performing 3 rounds of exercises while down.  Round 1: 5 Merkins, Round 2: 5 BBS, Round 3: Carolina Dry Docks.  At the end of R3, stay at the top of the hill.  Each PAX grabbed a CMU and moseyed to the baseball field where 4 cones were set up in a square.  PAX divided into groups of 3 (or 4 where appropriate) and began with the first exercise on the list.  They then ran clockwise to the next cone and repeated the exercise, continuing to each cone until they reached their starting point.  Once back at the starting point, they moved to the next exercise on the list and proceeded clockwise until returning to their original spot.  If all of the exercises were completed, they started again at the top.  The exercises were as follows:

Merkins x 10

Overhead CMU press x 10

Burpees x 10

Squat Jumps x 10

Iron Mikes x 10

SSH x 10

Goblet Squat x 10

Clean and Press x 10

With 3 minutes of work time left, PAX went all in with Absolution OYO until time expired.

One of the techniques that Marines are taught in basic training is counterintuitive to human nature.  That technique is to run toward the threat rather than away from it, thereby lessening our exposure to risk.  If we are ambushed and turn to run, we increase the amount of time the enemy has to get us sighted in.  Often times in life we face challenges that we want to run from, to avoid or to ignore.  We see many examples in the Bible where God calls his people to face the enemy and know that He is in control.  My challenge to the PAX (and myself) is to be strong and present in the face of attack and know that God has my six.  It can be really difficult for me to see how my suffering is for the greater good, especially at that moment, but I know that God is good and I can trust Him to provide the strength I need to face adversity head-on.

Hardship Hill is coming up in about a month.  Opportunities are out there to join a team or volunteer.

This seemed easier in my head

THE SCENE: Clear skies and mid 60s

  • SSH x 20
  • Cherry Pickers x 10
  • LBC Forwards x 15
  • LBC Backwards x 15
  • Tempo Squats x 10

Mosey over to Rainchecks car to get him then mosey over to The Educator for some Sevens

  • At  bottom  Merkins
  • At top Bobby Hurleys

Mosey to the football field for a circuit

  • At goal line: Burpees x 5
  • Bear crawl to the 20
  • At 20: Dry Docks x 10
  • Broad Jump to 40
  • At 40: Merkins x 15
  • Bear crawl to opposite 40
  • At opposite 40: Jump Squats x 20
  • Broad jump to opposite 20
  • At Opposite 20: BBS x 25
  • Bear Crawl to opposite goal line
  • At opposite goal line: Mountain Climbers x 30
  • Bernie back to first goal line
  • Rinse and repeat for time

Mosey back to Church parking lot for Thunderstuck

  • AL Gore while the song plays
  • Everytime Thunder is said do a burpee
  • Everytime Thunderstruck is said do a tuck jump
  • Everytime Q says Thunder or Thunderstruck do that associated move

Lead by Wax Job

  • LBC 4ct IC x 20
  • Gas Pump 4ct IC x 15
  • Pickle Pounders 4ct x 15
  • Monkey Humpers 4ct x 20
  • 2 rounds of Row your Boat
  • Side Crunch 4ct each side x 15
  • Ring Of Fire Leg Lifts
  • Side Plank Raise each side x 10
  • Cash Out Flutter Kicks
    12 PAX
    Starting F3 I was the stereotypical Sad Clown, I had hit a rut in life and was in desperate need of a way out. I had been asked to come to an Knoxville AO but I used the excuse that it was to far and to early. Once I was told the AO in Alcoa was opening up I really had no excuse anymore so I figured I should try. I was very worried about where I was physically and not being able to keep up or accepted into the group. While I was right about not being able to keep up completely this great group of guys that formed here never left me behind and always pushed me to do the best I could do. I can’t imagine doing this with any better of a group of guys. I appreciate each and every one of you and look forward to continue getting better together.
    Hardship Hill coming up in a little over a month. If you haven’t joined a team yet then I encourage you to, should be a great time

Bring It On Down to Burpee Town

THE SCENE: 40’s and clear



  • SSH x 15 IC
  • Tempo Squats x 10 IC
  • Cherry Pickers x 10 IC

Mosey over to The Educator, quick stop for 10 warmup burpees

  • At bottom of the Educator – 10 burpees
  • Bernie up hill
  • Lunge from cone to cone, bear crawl back, sprint it out to end of parking lot
  • 10 BBS, 10 Merkins, 10 Squats
  • Head back down to bottom of hill – increase burpee count by 2 each lap
  • Mosey back to AO, quick stop for 5 cool down burpees


  • Protractors
  • LBC’s until time

14 PAX
We all have our bad days, but at the end of the day we get to come home to our families and friends and sleep in our beds. We have men and women fighting for us overseas right now who don’t get that same privilege. They’re mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, sons, and daughters who don’t know what the next day holds for them. Comfort is not a thing they get to experience. Some are missing the births of their children, deaths in the family, and other important moments so that they can serve our country. Some don’t ever return home at all. Be thankful that our lives as civilians are protected by them. Remember what some others are going through when you’ve had a rough day at work. Next time you see a solider in uniform, thank them for all they have done for us and make us proud to be Americans.

Hardship Hill approaching

Park at church for beatdown Saturday 4/14 due to event in Springbrook


THE SCENE: 40’s and Clear

Atlas Stretch
Rocky Balboa
Jog Half / High Knees
Jog Half / Butt Kickers
Groin Stretch Half / Jog
Side Shuffle Half / Jog
Other Side Shuffle Half / Jog
5 Merkins / Jog / 2 Burpees / Jog / 5 Merkins

Mosey to Barricade area, picking up coupons along the way…


3 Reps at every light post around the greenway (aprox: 1/2 mile each lap)
*33 walking lunges along the grinder every lap*

  • Merkins
  • Squats
  • CMU or Sand Bag Overhead Press
  • Big Boy Sit-ups
  • Plank Jacks
  • CMU or Sand Bag Burpees

We ran out of time with most pax members completing the 33 lunges of their 3rd lap (CMU/Sand Bag Overhead Press)

Several variations of Planks, including merkins and finished with LBC cash out!

16 pax became better today….3 reps at a time!

Three words that motivate and give reason to me.

Strength: I see this as the physical side of things. The strength to accomplish something you have always wanted to do or the ability to help someone in need. Used an example of a burning building and having the strength to help pull someone out or carry them from danger. or the physical strength to hike the Grand Canyon. Whatever the situation or surrounding you find yourself in, will you be ready for it physically?

Courage: Will you have to courage to do such things? It will take courage to help someone else in a fire if your in the same danger. It takes courage to sign up for and event like goruck or the barkley marathons, or whatever that great event or place might be for you.

Wisdom: None of the prior will matter if you do not have the wisdom needed to know and understand the situation your in. Being intelligent about your surroundings, like the burning building, or the weather conditions when hiking the grand canyon. We must be smart and seek the intelligence / wisdom to educate ourselves to make the right decisions.