F3 Knoxville

Cooper X 2

THE SCENE: 50’s and overcast but a beautiful sunrise at 645!



SSH x 20, BAC x 10 each, Cherry Pickers x 12

Stretching – Chicken Wing, Little bit of this and that, hammies, runner stretch

The Cooper – Do 10 each of burpees, squats, and merkins then run to trail T then back. Continue with 9 each and run until you reach 1.

Second dose of Cooper – 10 Flutter Kicks, bear crawl up hill, 10 Big Boys, come back down, passing the sandbag down the line each run up to the next person. Continue with 9 on down to 1.



Trousers, Rep Sleepy, Streaker, Pennies, Halfday, Dodger, and Down Range from SC Jeter!

Been thinking this week about being pulled in too many directions and unable to accomplish much at all. The devil is good at getting us distracted from our true purpose. I am frustrated with life right now and desiring for many changes to happen within my family. My relationship with God is unsteady, and I am feeling unfaithful because I have been. My prayer life and Bible reading are meager at best. Sometimes I think I am mad at God, unrightfully so. I have looked for a steady job but nothing has come through yet, but I see Him taking care of me and my family. This may be due to many factors, but I have faith that God’s word is true, and He is working good for me in my life that will lead to His glory. I had a day this week where it just seemed like everything was pressing in on me at once. I was discouraged and depressed. I opened up to my wife about my struggles that day and sought comfort from her, which is hard for me. I don’t like talking about my feelings or myself in general. I’m a very private person. The Holy Spirit sent me here – Psalm 37:23-26. Proverbs 3:3-8. It’s hard to forsake our own understanding! We think we are wise sometimes, but we end up foolish. In the waiting, He is directing my steps and preparing me for what lies ahead. He has never forsaken me or left me to drown. He will not leave me behind or leave me where He found me. I can already see Him using my children to be a blessing to others, and oh how that makes my heart glad! He really is good!
We are collecting pre-lit Christmas trees for Emerald Youth Foundation. Donations are accepted as well. See Pennies for details.

Smiling’s My Favorite

THE SCENE: Glorious.  Mid-50s and the sky was clear along with the lunar eclipse which was awesome.  The grass being wet was not awesome.

SSH x20 IC, LBACs x10 IC, SSH x10 IC for Pennies sake, Cherry Pickers x5, Bataan Death March (i.e., single file run, last man does 3 burpees, runs to catch up with group and tags last man in line to do burpees then continues running to the front of the line)
7 of Diamonds.  Cones set up approximately 20 yards apart in a diamond/square.  Each round consists of the same exercise at all 4 cones with varying methods of getting to the next cone.  Rep count changes too.

  • Round 1, 7 burpees at each of the 4 corners, bear crawl between cones
  • Round 2, 14 4-ct flutter kicks at each of the 4 corners, crab walk between cones
  • Round 3, 21 merkins at each of the 4 corners, reverse lunge between cones
  • Round 4, 28 squats at each of the 4 corners, crawl bear between cones
  • Round 5, 21 Peter Parker at each of the 4 corners, reverse lunge between cones
  • Round 6, 14 Freddie Mercury at each of the 4 corners, crab walk between cones
  • Round 7, 7 Star Jacks at each of the 4 corners, bear crawl between cones

Outhouse, Cow Patty, Streaker, Doppelganger, Doctor, Shenanigans, Locker Room, Rep Sleepy, Pennies, Shoelaces, Halfday, Grouch
Time is a precious commodity.  Use it wisely and always remember to take time to spend with your Heavenly Father.
Donate a Christmas Tree for Emerald Youth supported families in Montgomery Village.  Drop off at 4339 Woodlawn Pike, South Knoxville (Woodlawn Christian Church) between 11/28 and 12/2.

Consider a leadership role in the new region – F3 Smokies.  See Smuggler for more details.

Follow The Leader

THE SCENE: Low 50s and clear, absolutely perfect for a beatdown



Motivators 7 to 1; Tempo Merkins x10 IC; Mountain Man Pooper x10 IC

Mosey around upper parking lot and to the Outhouse for Monkey Humpers x20 IC, Pickle Pounders x20 IC, Pickle Pointers x20 IC, Monkey Humpers x15 IC, Pickle Pounders x10 IC, and Pickle Pointers x10 IC. Mosey down to the pull bars and Bernie back to the Outhouse. We stopped for 10 more Monkey Humpers IC since everyone enjoyed them so much. Mosey to stairs leading to lower soccer fields and ran down and u  on them 4x then on to soccer field. Lined up across the sideline then 5 Burpees followed by Bear Crawl across the field, 5 Burpees followed by Crawl Bear across the field, 5 Burpees followed by Duck Walk across the field, 5 Burpees followed by Duck Walk across the field, and Burpee Broad Jump across the field. Mosey to the Playground for Step Ups x40 IC, Bulgarian Split Squats x15 per leg IC, Irkins x10 IC, Derkins x5 IC, Irkins x10 IC, and Derkins x5 IC. Took a victory lap around the church and included a Bernie up TV Studio Hill just for fun.

Flutter Kicks x20 IC; Hello Dolly x10 IC; Rosalita x10 IC; LBCs for time



Who is your leader?

F3 has a stated mission to “plant, grow, and serve small workout groups for the invigoration of male community leadership.” You have heard that said at almost every workout you attended since joining F3. This is great, but begs the question, “who is your leader?” How can we grow as men and leaders if we don’t have someone to follow. I know that way to often I end up following my  own thoughts and desires. This leads to nothing but being stagnant or moving backwards. The Bible says in Proverbs 3:5-7 –

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord, and turn away from evil.”

The challenge I want to make to you men today is to let God take the lead in your life. Sometimes, just like this morning, it means you need to be ready for whatever comes next even if you feel unprepared. Trust God, lean on Him, and follow His lead so that you can lead your family and others around you well.

Pray for Pennies and his M as they deal with the declining health of her mother

Brolympics is this Saturday, clown car from Speedway will leave at 6am

Bring a pre lit Christmas tree or money to go towards purchasing them to beatdowns to support Emerald Youth Foundation

Pay the Price

THE SCENE: Nice warmer morning for a beatdown.

A little mosey, Cherry pickers, little arm circles, big arm circles and some other static stretching

Pay the Price

  • 25 pull-ups
  • 50 Burpees
  • 100 Merkens
  • 200 Air Squats
  • 400 Big Boys

*Every time you stop moving or break a movement, you have to go for a 150m run.

8 HIMs for a good beatdown

2 Corinthians 10:2-5 reminds us amongst other things to take every thought captive.  As we worked out, there was a penalty for every time you stopped working.  In your thought life, there is always a penalty when you don’t control what’s going in.  Sometimes you don’t see that penalty right away, but there are always consequences, so protect what you put into your brain and control what thoughts you allow to remain.  Let even every thought you have be for the glory of God.

Brolympics is THIS Saturday and you can start bringing artificial Christmas trees or donations to help support Emerald Youth Foundation.

Life Is All About Choices

THE SCENE: Cool, crisp morning in the gloom!


  • Cherry Pickers IC x10
  • SSH IC (sorta) x10
  • Windmills IC (Rep Sleepy) x?
  • Little bit of “this” & little bit of “that” stretching

Mosey down to Nair’s favorite bench / table…


  • Partner workout – PAX 1 rolls the dice, runs to the corresponding station, completes the workout & runs back to the starting point (bench / table). Simultaneously, PAX 2 is performing step-ups on the bench.
  1. B-Ball Court #1 – Slides across sideline (5 – single count)
  2. B-Ball Court #2 – OH Press w/CMU (x20)
  3. Parking Lot – Merkins (x20)
  4. Bridge – WWIIs
  5. Pavilion – Wall-Sits (30 sec hold)
  6. Field next to grindstone – Dry Docks (x20)

If any PAX rolled the same number twice in a row, then his partner had to forego step-ups and run to the station with him and complete the exercise again.


– Flutter kicks for time

@Baby Weight, @Cropdust, @Don J, @Halfday, @Hot Squat, @Rep Sleepy, @Shrimp Net, @Walt

“Desire is the key to motivation, but its’s determination and commitment to unrelenting pursuit of your goal.” Life is all about choices. Make them wisely.