F3 Knoxville

The Very Nice List

THE SCENE: Spring in December. Mid 60s. Very windy.

20 SSH, 10 tempo merkins, 10 tempo squats, 5 arm circles both ways, warm up lap.
We were going to go to church parking lot when, lo and behold, there was a Christmas note slipped into my CMU and it said that Santa 🎅  had left us a gift under the tree! So we ran to Crumpit to see what might be there.

We found the gift, opened it, and there was a brand new deck of cards and another note! How exciting! The note had the following details.

Nice List

  • ♦️ burpees
  • ❤ original burpees with a tuck jump
  • ♣️ Mr spectaculars
  • ♠️ blockees
  • 1-4 = Trips up the hill
  • Face = 10
  • Ace = 20

So we drew cards for around 50 min and had so much fun!
20 box cutters, 20 scissors, merkin block pull through for time (rearrange the presents under the tree, took a lot of tries because no Ms were there for guidance lol)
8 HIMs and 1 2.0 for a total of 9 PAX! Good job guys!
Got a lot of flack recently for not doing the Santa thing with my kids. I’m not against other folks doing it and teach my kids to be respectful of this big, fun “game” everyone plays with their kids each year. However, like many other aspects of Christmas, these things really lose their meaning and significance when pulled apart from the crazy, reality bending truth of the fact that we are celebrating the incarnation of the most powerful diety we’ve ever known! This separation of the spiritual from our everyday stuff is not true! God made Himself man. The significance of this is astounding when you really meditate on it. For me, this significance was highlighted when a friend and I examined my recent moral failing using Jeff Vanderstelt’s fruit to root exercise. At the end of it, I realized at the root of my sin was a false belief and denial of the incarnation. I had tried to pull out the spiritual significance of giving into my fleshly desires. At least, that is how my false belief had manifested itself in that moment of weakness. So, I’m not saying to get rid of Santa. If anything, I’m trying to enhance that fun “game” by getting it back into the larger and more significant context of Christ truly coming to be with us.
Dec 18 ugly Christmas sweater walk about.

Look Forward

THE SCENE: 30 degree F, partly cloudy skies.


SSH, Windmills, Overhead claps, Skip the length of the Grinder, Bernie back.

4 – 8 – 12 – 16

Mosey (a real short one) to the start of the trail with a CMU.  Count off (one through nine) to determine starting order.  Perform suicide run involving the next four light poles.  4 reps at Pole 1, 8 reps at Pole 2, 12 reps at Pole 3, and 16 reps at Pole 4.  Runner 1 starts and the rest of the PAX begin the CMU exercise at the starting point.  When runner 1 gets to Pole 1 he yells “go” and runner 2 starts.  The remaining PAX continue the CMU exercise until their time to start the suicide run.  Runners completing the suicide run continue to perform the CMU exercise until all runners return to the start.  Continue until all 9 circuits are completed or recover is called.

Exercise at Start        Exercise at Poles

                                        1 to 4

  1. Bent Rows                Bobby Hurleys
  2. Curls                        WWII’s
  3. Swings                     Merkins
  4. Lawn Mowers            Iron Mikes
  5. Thrusters                  Flutter Kicks
  6. Upright Rows            Dry Docks
  7. Triceps Ext                Squats
  8. On the Shelf              Box Cutters
  9. Floor Press                 Burpees

Recover was called during circuit 7.

Ab work included in the 9 circuits.  No time for a special session.
9 HIM’s
January 6th is a special day in the life of Christ and is known as Epiphany.  It is a special day in my life as it is the day I met my future wife on a blind date – in a month, it will be 49 years ago.  It is very special day even though we didn’t see each other for almost 6 months after that epiphany. This got me to thinking about how things have a way of working out.  I don’t believe in coincidence – to me it is divine, pre-destined.  Thinking about the past, I sometimes catch myself wanting a previous outcome to be different.  If only this or that; if only I would have done or not done this or that.  But I don’t do that much anymore.  It is because of the past that I am where I am now.  It is because of my past (with all of my experiences and actions) and the past of those I cherish (with all of their experiences and actions) that I am here and now, and able to enjoy the many blessings of being surrounded with a spouse, family, and friends that bring so much joy.  The future is built upon the past and there is so much to look forward to.

Prayers for healing of Genevieve (Drifter’s daughter) from her fever.  Prayers for Hotsquat’s Uncle Freddie as he battles Stage 3 prostate cancer.
Breakfast at Drifter’s December 11th following beatdown.

All I Want for Christmas Walkabout on December 18th.  Sign up on Slack.

Hot Mile Redux

THE SCENE: Strangely warm for December. 60⁰

Arm circles X15

High Knees and Butt Kicks down and back to 2nd (or 4th) baseline
Mosey with CMU to the Oval Office

Blockees, Curls, Climb ups, Thrusters, run a lap

Pyramind Style 5, 10, 15, 20

Work back down to 10 and repeat until 6 finishes

Mosey back to the AO and Shoulder taps for time
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
You have to enjoy the process before you can enjoy success
I’ve been sick with the flu for the last week, and it has slowed down my cardio. Enjoying the process is what kept me going
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Revenge of the EMOM

THE SCENE: A bit unseasonably warm

Warm up lap to pavilion and back

Partner workout, Dora style. One partner does the work, the other runs to opposite side of grindstone and back, then switch out. 1 minute EMOM timer going the whole time. 3 burpees for whole PAX when timer goes off

  • 100 Thrusters
  • 200 Iron Mikes
  • 300 Gorilla Humpers
  • 400 mountain climbers

Rinse and repeat when done

No time
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
“If it is to be, it’s up to me”

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Breakfast at Drifters 12/11. Brew ruck about 12/18


THE SCENE: Low 50s

  • Warm up Lap
  • Windmills IC x7
  • Cherry Pickers IC x7
  • Side Straddle Hops IC Like 13ish or something…Q got sidetracked
  • The Rockettes IC Until the Group Got Uncomfortable … Woodshack gone missing again 🙁
  • Practice Round Tha-Thang Togheter


  • Start with Froggie Hopps and work your way through exercises ending with stair runs. Each round will increase the rep count by (2) at each exercise with the stair runs decreasing by 1 each round.

Round 1:

  • (2) Froggie Hopps
  • (2) Crucible Merkins
  • (2) Big Boys
    • Suicide Run
  • (2) Burpees
    • Suicide Run
  • (2) Jump Squats
  • (2) Peter Parkers
    • Run back to top
  • (10) Stair Runs

Round 2:

  • (4) Froggie Hopps
  • (4) Crucible Merkins
  • (4) Big Boys
    • Suicide Run
  • (4) Burpees
    • Suicide Run
  • (4) Jump Squats
  • (4) Peter Parkers
    • Run back to top
  • (9) Stair Runs

Continue With Goal of 10 Rounds
Lead Pax Completed 6 Rounds
Click Here for Beatdown Image

1 Minute 30 Seconds of Variation Planks

7 Pax Found Themselves in the Middle of a Mouth Breather…or at least I did!

Encourage the young men to be self-controlled. In everything set them an example by doing what is good. In your teaching show integrity, seriousness and soundness of speech that cannot be condemned, so that those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us.
Titus 2:6-8
Encourage the men to be and or remain consistent. It’s not easy, and its going to get hard; cold. But life is hard, and people are cold…put yourself at a higher standard, expect more from yourself and be an example to younger men and youth of the next generations to come.
Breakfast at Drifters is back and on track! 12/11/2021. Rated Best Breakfast in Blount County 2019
All I Want for Christmas Ugly Sweater Beer Tour 12/18/2021. Find those babysitters and bring the M for some good ol 2nd F!