F3 Knoxville

Making Biscuits With Aunt Ida

THE SCENE: Fluctuating rain with high humidity.


15x Little Baby Arm Circles, 25x SSH, Little Bit This/ Little Bit That, Free leg stretch


  • Burpee Shuttle Run- run to light poles and curb doing 1x up to 5x burpees and back each time
  • Captain America- 4x lateral jumps to 1x burpee, all the way to doing 5x burpees and 20x lateral jumps
  • 11x’s- Decreasing 10x incline merkins by increasing one Bruce Lee leg lift to 10x
  • Biscuits and Gravy-10x merkin, 10x BBS, 10x Squat, on each round of laps all the way to 4 laps around parking lot

Jane Fonda- 20x 4ct each leg


Why we keep coming back?  Because things difficult to obtain and make men work allow us to covet things in a healthy way.  It can be the difference between work and play for men.  Easy workouts allow F3ers to see it as work, but harder workouts can be problematic not allowing us to grow. At that point the workout is pure drudgery. It requires a balance of searching for hard things to challenge us to be stronger, if it is easy it is just busy work to pass the time.  This makes for soft dull men, making them inert thus making them Sad Clowns.  When your a Sad Clown you are not at your best for the people in your sphere of influence.

From Freed to Lead,  by Dredd and OBT

PMers kicked butt in the rain.

No elevator to success, you must use the stairs

THE SCENE: A little cloudy but humid with a temp of 89F.


Welcome to F3, Fitness, Fellowship and Faith. F3 is a free workout program designed to improve fitness, share some camaraderie, and foster male leadership in the community. I’m Jetlag and I will be your Q today.  I am not a professional, and I do not know your fitness level or injury history.  Please push yourself, but modify the workout as necessary to avoid making any existing injuries worse.  The goal is to get better together!


High knees

Shoulder tap x plank jacks

Grady corns


Imperial squats

Side straddle hops


Workout 1: Space Camp – battle buddy

  1. Stair Burpee: 10x, go all the way up
  2. Skip Jump: all the way up (at least 2 steps)
  3. Grapevine right
  4. Grapevine left
  5. Single log hop (switch foot every 10 steps)
  6. Sprint

Battle buddy: runs around the building 2x then wall sit til partner goes down.

Mosey to colosseum stairs

Workout 2: Colosseum stairs

2 rounds each:

  1. Sprint up
  2. 10x irkins
  3. 10x derkins
  4. Side squats 10x each leg
  5. Split squat 10x each leg

Battle buddy: dealer’s choice: flutter kicks, mountain climbers, or run up the hill

Workout 3: Batcave stairs

Sprint up and down twice

Smurf jacks

Squat ring of fire!

15 HIMs in attendance.

They say that in life “there is no elevator to success, you must take take the stairs”. This is the theme of the workout. In life, we often wish for an easy life or quick success. To reach that goal, we take “steps” and take it one by one. We climb up those steps and all of us have different paths, on different paces and have unique staircases. This is what makes life so beautiful. If we learn to look at only our path and stop comparing it with others, we learn the joy and beauty of the adventure of one’s journey. So take those steps, at your own pace and remember “life is a climb, but the view is great”!

Prayers up for the speedy recovery of Drum Major’s daughter after a successful acl reconstruction surgery.

CSAUP at Dougpound on the 21st

Birthday Q

THE SCENE: Dry and hot 89F weather.


Welcome to F3, Fitness, Fellowship and Faith. F3 is a free workout program designed to improve fitness, share some camaraderie, and foster male leadership in the community. I’m Jetlag and I will be your Q today.  I am not a professional, and I do not know your fitness level or injury history.  Please push yourself, but modify the workout as necessary to avoid making any existing injuries worse.  The goal is to get better together!


Raise the roof
Grady corns
Tempo Squats

Imperial walkers

Tempo Merkins

Plank Jacks


Mosey to bottom of Everest

11 no touch merkins

11 dry docks

11 high knees 4ct

Workout 1:

11 forward lunges

11 burpees

11 bear crawls 2ct

11 side straddle hops at the top

Mosey to bowl:

Workout 2:

Squat jump shots on top 11x

Mountain climbers on the bottom 11x 4ct

Burpee Indian Run up to AO: 2 burpees everytime a person reach in front of you.

Ultimate Basketball: ultimate frisbee rules using basketball. 2 burpees every turnover


19 HIMs.

Age will always just be a number. Don’t let your age define what you can or cannot do. And don’t let it be a base measure of success. All of us are unique and take different paths. Success is relative and should not be compared.

“The greatness of a man is not how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.” – Bob Marley

Prayers for Drum Major’s daughter as she prepares for an acl surgery; Corona weight’s brother has been sober for 3 months now and have been away from trouble.

Steam and Guppy in partnership with heart and soul church will be serving Girls Inc. by painting, cleaning, landscaping, donating and more on August 12 in Oak Ridge.

Seeing Beyond

THE SCENE: Partly cloudy, but lots o’ sunshine, hot, 92 degrees.

Welcome to F3, Fitness, Fellowship and Faith. F3 is a free workout program designed to improve fitness, share some camaraderie, and foster male leadership in the community.  I’m Pele and I will be your Q today.  I am not a professional, and I do not know your fitness level or injury history.  Please push yourself, but modify the workout as necessary to avoid making any existing injuries worse.  The goal is to get better together!


-20 Side Straddle Hops (4-ct), in cadence

– 10 Hillbilly Squats (4-ct), in cadence. (Q is a knucklehead, and screwed up the motion and cadence for this, resulting in a mulligan)

– 10  Windmills (4-ct), in cadence

– 10 LBCs forward and backward (4-ct), in cadence

Little of this and that


AMRAPS Galore! Mosey to Stop Sign to northeast of admin building.  Do 30 seconds of the following 4 exercises.  Rinse and Repeat.

  • Plank Jacks
  • Peter Parkers
  • Mountain Climbers
  • Merkins

Mosey to ROCK pile.  Get a ROCK.  Do 30 seconds of the following exercises.  Rinse and repeat.

  1. Overhead Press
  2. Curls
  3. Rows
  4. Squats

Mosey to Parking lot by Area 51.  Do 30 seconds of the following 4 exercises.  Rinse and Repeat.

  1. Froggie Jumps
  2. Lunges
  3. Bobby Hurleys
  4. Smurf Jacks
  5. We may have done one more leg exercise here?… Q was getting delirious from the heat

PAULA ABDULS in same parking lot.  Burpee Broad Jumps for 2 cones, then El Capitan back 1. I’m not sure High Heels ever figured this pattern out… :))

MOSEY to shaded tree by stop sign south of Admin building. Do 30 seconds of the following 4 exercises.  No Rinse and Repeat due to time.

  1. Big Boy Situps
  2. American Hammers
  3. E2K Left Side
  4. E2K Right Side

MOSEY to Stop Sign to the southwest of admin building.  Finish with CATCH ME IF YOU CAN (Partner 1: BERNIE SANDERS, Partner 2: 5 STAR JUMPS, then sprint to catch up) to AO.

Didn’t have time for ol’ Mary.

10 Strong!

A few years ago there was a video going around the internet.  Viewers were shown a group of people on a basketball court.  Half are in black shirts, half in white shirts.  The viewers were asked to count how many times someone in a white shirt passes to another in a white shirt.  When the video is over, they threw out numbers as guesses.  Then they’re asked, “So… who saw the gorilla on the court?”  There was actually a gorilla in the video that walked into the circle, stood there for a few seconds twirled around, then walked away.  70-85% say they didn’t even see it.  We are trained to see what we are asked to see.  We are clouded by our preconceived notions, expectations, biases, etc.  We don’t see something that’s right in front of us because we aren’t EXPECTING it.  We explain it away.  This happens even more readily in today’s age of science, sophistication and knowledge we tend not to believe in magic, or miracles in the literal sense.  So how do we expand our vision, revisit and put our pre-conceived notions aside so that we can see the miracle of God?  The difference between Biblical Truth and Fact.  The Bible is the Truth.  Some people would argue that some of the FACTS described in it are a bit debatable, but in the end, the Truth is what matters.  For example, whether or not Jonah was swallowed by a great sea creature is immaterial.  But the story has TRUTH.  French have a word, BRECOLLAGE (sp?), which means seeing what is in front of you, but also seeing beyond it. We need to remind ourselves to see not only what is obvious, and also the “beyond”, the workings of God in our everyday lives.  The key to witnessing God in our daily lives is not to demand to see burning bushes or columns of fire, or water bodies dividing in two.  It is to see BEYOND the obvious.  The buddy that calls you right at the moment you need to hear a friendly voice.  The neighbor who brings you dinner when you or someone in your family is sick.  The brothers in F3 who pray for a favorable outcome, like the wonderful turnaround with Corona Weight’s brother.  Are these coincidences?  Are they just random happenings?  Look Beyond.

Prayers for those suffering from COVID, prayers for the Philippines and the people there
CSAUP coming up a week from this Saturday, Snack Drive, Hardship Hill, Iron Pax… busy month for F3!

Sandbaggin’ it

THE SCENE: Muggy. Just muggy. Started sweating just doing Cherry Pickers.

For possibly the first time ever, YHC started out with something other than SSH:
5x Cherry Pickers IC
15x Tn Rocking Chairs IC
10x Tempo Merkins IC
10x Tempo Lunges IC
5x Cobra Burpees OYO

Everyone grab a CMU and mosey over to the Dragon. There are 16 cardboard stations laid out a couple feet apart along the path, with a 90lb sandbag at the end.
Starting at the sandbag, everyone mans a station with no skips, leaving the ones at the end unmanned (YHC was prepared for a crowd…)
First PAX schleps the sandbag straight up the grass hill and back down around the path while everyone else does the exercise at their station AMRAP until he gets back.
He hands the sandbag to the next PAX while everyone moves up a station, and then goes to the last manned station.
Once everyone has done each station and carried the sandbag, everyone goes down to the end where the unmanned stations are, grabs a cardboard, and brings it back where they were. Repeat the AMRAPS/Sandbag carry.
For the third round, there are now two options at each station. Each PAX picks which exercise to do at each station.
Round 1:
Calf Raise
Twist Lunge
Ice Skaters
Squat Thrust

Round 2:
Wood Choppers
Tricep Extensions
Bent Rows
Up/Over Merkins

Round 3:
To each his own.

Bring the blocks back to the AO. Props to Repeat for schlepping the sandbag and Lebowski for doubling up on the CMUs!
8 PAX managed to avoid drowning in the wet air.
My mother in law passed away from Alzheimers about a month ago. As the disease progressed and took more of her mind, she forgot who anyone was. But she never forgot the Lord, and still talked to Him and about Him to all of us. At her Celebration of Life service, we played the old hymn “It Is Well”, because even until the end she knew that it was well with her soul. Ended the COT by singing that hymn.
Thanks to Matlock for calling out the CMUs! The PAX moved a lot of weight today!
Off the Chain coming up August 21st! Sign up! Also sign up for Hardship Hill… This will be year 4 and it’s bigger and better every year!