F3 Knoxville

Mostly burpees. Lots of burpees

THE SCENE: Upper 30s (heat wave after lots of days in the 20s)

SSH x 20 (IC); Imperial Squat Walker x 15 (IC); BAC, forward and reverse x 11 each (IC)
Mosey to the cloud; 100 burpees OYO;

As you finish the burpee challenge, move to the adjacent parking lot for some blackjack, a/k/a 21.  20 merkins, run to other end, 1 BBS, run back for 19 merkins, run to the other end for 2 BBS, so on and so forth.

Cut blackjack short after everybody is done with burpee challenge and mosey to Circus Maximus for Doras.  Partner runs a lap while other partner does reps.  50 CCDs, 200 jump squats, 300 LBCs;

Mosey back to AO

Just enough time for 2 full minutes of elbow plank.

We’ve got a lot of rancor in the world.  So many people are angry.  Let’s be kind, let’s turn the other cheek, especially with those that upset us the most.  The world needs more kindness.
Praises for Cheatsheet’s dad being out of the hospital and on the mend.
The Asylum needs volunteers for the Hardship Hill build team.  Please help. Code Brown is leading.

Motivators Doing Motivators is Motivating

THE SCENE: 50s, sun was setting, Lakeshore Park = empty


– Welcome to F3: Fitness – Fellowship – Faith

– Name is Steam and I’ll be your QIC this evening

– Couple of things before we begin

– I’m not a professional

– You’re here on your own volition

– Modify as you need to but push yourself and those around you


[ Q has ruck with phone, med kit, and CPR kit. Too prepared? Who knows – better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it ]

(PAX mosey right outside Asylum PM parking lot)

[ Light It Up ]

  • PAX mosey towards Haslam rock overlooking Lakeshore park/river
    • Every light post (that was on) – 5 single leg merkins
      • One leg on top of the other
      • 5 reps/light together
      • switch legs each light
  • Sprint up the mini hill to Haslam rock
  • PAX executes 10 x 4 IC V-Ups
  • PAX Rinses & Repeats back down the way they came
    • Every light = 5 reps of a squat + merkin (basically a burpee but with no jump so……..basically a burpee.)
    • Last 2 lights = eeprub = 5 reps of a merkin + squat

(PAX moseys towards chapel(s))

[ Chapel 1 – Level 1 ]

  • 5 pillars in the outdoor pavilion (small chapel)
  • Each set of pillars = 5 Motivators together
  • After 5 motivators are executed:
    • Sprint to a tree 25m to the right = 1 fast burpee
  • Sprint back to outdoor pavilion (small chapel)
  • After 5 motivators are executed at 2nd set of pillars:
    • Sprint to small knoll to the left about 25m away = 1 slow burpee (form is key here)
  • Rinse & Repeat until PAX cleared the other side of the outdoor pavilion (small chapel)

(PAX mosey towards the big outdoor chapel —> occupied —> head to the parking lot to the left of it facing the soccer fields)

[Level 2 – Team on your back suicides]

  • PAX executing various exercises led by Q while 1 by 1, PAX sprint a zig-zagged course between lights the distance of the parking lot and back.
    • Exercises included but where not limited to:
      • SSHs
      • Merkins
      • Cherry-Pickers
      • Shoulder Taps
      • Flutter Kicks
      • Hello Dollys
      • Rockettes
      • LBCs
      • Line jumps
      • Motivators
      • + more but I forgot

(PAX moseys back towards AO parking lot)

Once PAX hits the street —> backwards American Indian Run until the playground next to morning AO —> sprint it out to the PM AO parking lot

[Finish How We Started]

  • 5 Motivators

Heavy breathing, peeing behind dumpsters in the dark, normal F3 stuff.

9 PAX – no FNGs
“You Have to Improve”
From “Free to Lead: F3 and the Unshackling of the Modern Day Warrior” by Dredd and OBT (Founders of F3) —> If you haven’t read this, DO IT. Seriously. Worth the couple bucks on Amazon – lotta good stuff packed in here. Check it out here —> https://www.amazon.com/Freed-Lead-Unshackling-Modern-day-Warrior/dp/0991238109/ref=sr_1_3?keywords=Free+to+LEad&qid=1579834505&sr=8-3

”The Practical Exercise (even if done well) will leave each student with only a working knowledge of the skill being taught. In other words, he will not be an expert but he will be able to get it done. That is how the Army transfers skills from the more experienced soldier to the inexperienced soldier. It provides formal training to get the basic skills across. After that, it’s up to each soldier to improve toward mastery as he performs the skill on the job, and as he seeks to meet the increasingly high standards set for him by his leaders. Thus, an Infantryman with some experience who is performing a task at minimal skill level might hear from his sergeant that he “isn’t in basic training anymore.” In other words, more is expected of you now. You have to improve. It’s an individual soldier’s responsibility to seek constant improvement. It’s the leader’s responsibility to demand that he do so.


  • April 4th, 2020 – Morristown.
    • F3 Morristown is LAUNCHING and it’s going to be epic. We need all the HIM we can muster to go help support this new region because remember, that was once us. More info to come with this, but go ahead and put it on your cal for April. If you know any potential sad clowns and/or HIM that would benefit from F3 (just like you), E.H. MAN, E.H.


  • Saturday, February 29th: 1st ever Truebadours Q101/GrowSchool Convergence.
    • AO: Asylum
    • More info to come.
    • Hit up Abscess or Steam for more info


Keep the Faith & Fight the Good Fight!

Chasing Windmills

THE SCENE: Clear and a little nippier than it seemed, around 50 degrees with a bit of a breeze.
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER Nailed it. I think.  

  • -20 Side Straddle Hops (4-ct), in cadence
  • – 10 Steve Earl’s (4-ct), in cadence
  • – 10 Cherry Pickers (4-ct) in cadence
  • – Little of this, little of that (arm stretches)
  • – 20 Moroccan Nightclubs (4-ct), in cadence
  • Calf Stretches on curb, followed by 20 calf raises, OYO


Mosey to big parking lot southwest of the chapel:

KRAKEN: Six cones in a rectangle. Start at first cone and do 5 Reps of each exercise.  Run around the cones to where you started PLUS ONE Cone, then do 10 Reps of each exercise. Keep adding 5 reps until you’ve returned to where you started.  Last cone will be 30 reps of each exercise.

    • Exercises are: MERKINS/BOBBY HURLEYS/BBS

Mosey to big parking lot east of the chapel. Lines 60 yards apart with X’s about 20 yards apart between lines.  Partner up.  Goal is for Partner 1 to travel to the next X, then do maintenance exercise until Partner 2 (who was doing plank) catches up.  Then Partner 1 starts the next series while Partner 2 does maintenance exercise.  Partner activities (active/maintenance) are:

      • Broad Jumps / Iron Mikes
      • Lunges / Smurf Jacks
      • Bear Crawl / Mountain climbers


  • Mosey to CMU pile. Keep your battle buddy, but everyone gets a CMU
    • One partner runs to end of parking lot with CMU, does 5 Jump over Burpees and runs back while the other starts the exercises. Each pair shall complete the total number:
      • 100 Big Boy sit-ups w/CMU
      • 100 Lunges w/ CMU (both legs = 1)
      • 100 Side to side Merkins
      • 100 Squat Presses w/ CMU

We ran out of time before we finished the lunges.

She was not to be found
11 Strong.

As some of you know, THIS IS A VERY IMPORTANT DAY of CELEBRATION!!  That’s right, on this day, in 1605, Miguel de Cervantes’ El ingenioso hidalgo Don Quixote de la Mancha, better known as Don Quixote, was published. The book is considered by many to be the first modern novel as well as one of the greatest novels of all time.  There’s Chivalry, there’s Romance, there’s dudes charging at Windmills, there’s Delusions of Grandeur… It’s the best book ever.

“It is not the responsibility of knights errant to discover whether the afflicted, the enchained and the oppressed whom they encounter on the road are reduced to these circumstances and suffer this distress for their vices, or for their virtues: the knight’s sole responsibility is to succor them as people in need, having eyes only for their sufferings, not for their misdeeds.”

Some Key Tenets of being a good Christian are contained in this quote…

  • Help others:

Proverbs 19:17: Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed.

1 John 3:17  But if anyone is wealthy and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him?

  • Do not judge:

Matthew 7:1-5 and Luke 6:37: Judge not, and ye shall not be judged:


Please join me in celebrating this great anniversary. I can’t think of any other reasons to celebrate.

OH, wait a second… I guess it’s ALSO our Nan’Tan’s 50th BIRTHDAY!!!

Happy Birthday Abscess!  Way to finally earn our RESPECT! 😉

The Burpily Feud

THE SCENE: Shorts Weather, but for real

Those tricky SSHs where we do the last 20 in silence to see if everybody can count and stay focused. We came close, but it was 10 burpees for those of us who showed up on time (looking at you High Heels and Cheatsheet). Cherry Picker stay-downs, more baby arm circles than anybody wanted.
We moseyed low and slow, like Pele after Beaujolais. QIC stole a trick from the Lillydipper hisself and did some nickel-dime-quarters all the way to the Area 51 dropoff. Everest is for the kind of people who like wet feet and shaky legs; we were not those people.

Whatever else happens today, one thing went just right: 10 PAX came up on 10 CMUs up by the Esplanade construction. PAX choice CMU AMRAP. Question: where’s the only place Cheatsheet’s going to find singles? Answer: Wendy’s. Mans hits the double count every time. Don’t cheat yourself. Fist emoji.

Catch me if you can to the Cloud – thank you Curveball for not catching me the second time.

The Burpily Feud! No uhs, ums, pauses, or repeats.

Have a Nice Day on the 2 count.

My old college roommate Jack Webb showed up. I hate that guy.

Up the Little Hill and yours truly was shot.

Who Mary?
10 good ones. Lillydipper, Rooney, Curveball, Choirboy, Abscess, High Heels, Mr Jinxy, Goober, and Cheatsheet, plus YHC.

Sic transit gloria mundi.
Thanks men, for getting me out there again. I would not do any of it without you.
Convergence next week!

Bare November Days

THE SCENE: Partly cloudy, cool but not cold, mid 40s
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER Check. Still not a professional.

Motivators (7 reps/level)

– Yoga stretches: legs spread, hang straight down, reach to right and left ankle, touch the ground and reach one arm up twisting torso, reverse hands.  There was much inappropriate mumblechatter about bending over and grabbing ankles at this point.

– 10 Baby Arm Circles Forward/ Backward (4-ct, IC), making them wide arm circles half way through.

– 10 Tempo Merkins


Mosey to Chapel parking log, stopping to do a WELSH DRAGON along the way.

In parking lot, cones will be laid out in a rectangle, short/medium/long distance on each side. Pair up.  One partner will get to the cone using various means, does 3 burpees, and returns while partner performs maintenance exercises. Switch.  Do each cone for two minutes. Cones are, counter-clockwise order:

    • Cone 1 (Long): Bear Crawl, partner does Bobby Hurleys
    • Cone 2 (Medium): Broad Jumps, partner does Iron Mikes
    • Cone 3 (Short): Crab Walk, partner does Burpees
    • Cone 4 (Long): Bear Crawl, partner does BBS
    • Cone 5 (Medium): Broad Jump, partner does American Hammers
    • Cone 6 (Short): Crab Walk, partner does Gas Pumps

Mosey to playground, do 7s with dips and bench jumps

Mosey to Baby Cardiac: Bernie to the top.

Mosey to the monument, do a few minutes of BOAT/CANOE.

Mosey back to AO.

Out of time.
11 strong.

My November Guest by Robert Frost is a poem that on its surface is about a person embracing the melancholy feeling that comes with the passing of summer and the beginning of the long winter, with “Sorrow” personified as a woman.  For some, the onset of winter is ominous and unsettling, but there is a different kind of beauty in these shortening days.  But there is more to this poem… it’s about more than just natural beauty the author is referring to.  It’s about opening yourself up and embracing your own personal grief and sorrow, and accepting it as an important and enriching facet of the human condition.

My Sorrow, when she’s here with me,
Thinks these dark days of autumn rain
Are beautiful as days can be;
She loves the bare, the withered tree;
She walks the sodden pasture lane.

Her pleasure will not let me stay.
She talks and I am fain to list:
She’s glad the birds are gone away,
She’s glad her simple worsted grey
Is silver now with clinging mist.

The desolate, deserted trees,
The faded earth, the heavy sky,
The beauties she so truly sees,
She thinks I have no eye for these,
And vexes me for reason why.

Not yesterday I learned to know
The love of bare November days
Before the coming of the snow,
But it were vain to tell her so,
And they are better for her praise.

Many times we feel ashamed of our grief and sadness, we try to bury it, and pretend it doesn’t exist. The author is encouraging us to look at that part of us not with shame or trepidation, but to embrace it as part of our humanity, and to appreciate that part of our emotional spectrum.  For me, this time of year brings back memories of my mother’s illness and passing, and for years I dreaded the onset of November.  But I read this poem and it encourages me to use this time as a period of reflecting on her love and the wonderful times we had while she was on this earth.  “Not yesterday I learned to know the love of bare November days”. Try to learn to know the value of your own sources of sadness and grief.  And know that there’s a God in your life that will never be far from your heart, and seek comfort and refuge in the love of our Almighty Father.

PSALM 34:18: The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.


Third F December 7, with Convergence at the Truck Stop!