F3 Knoxville

Birthday Q

THE SCENE: Beautiful weather, rain held off for us!

SSH x20 IC
Cherry Pickers x6 IC
Windmills x10 IC
Everyone grab a CMU and start by the pavalon. We did an exercise with prescribed reps at each cone down the grinder, then ran the short loop back around. When you get back, take your CMU and bears and blocks all the way back to the start. Rinse and repeat for time.


  • Blockees x5
  • Thrusters x10
  • BBS Hammers x15 (BBS with a twist)
  • Tricep Extensions x20
  • Goblet Squats x25
  • Curls x30

Boxcutters x15
LBCs x20 OYO
Dr. W’s x6
LBCs x10 OYO to end

11 men total including one FNG, Swerve!
“Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier. Be the living expression of God’s kindness: kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile.” – Mother Teresa

When we come in contact with other people, we should be leaving them in a better state than we found them. It is our responsibility to help raise them up, and to make sure that we do not let any negativity bring us down. No man left behind, no man left the same.


Fun Run

THE SCENE: 61 degree, perfect workout weather

SSH x 20 IC
Cherry Pickers x8 IC
Windmills x10 IC
We ran a loop with exercises along the way and repeated until time. Everyone got at least three full laps. The first lap we did together and then everyone went at their own pace after that.

  • Run from the grinder up the troll bridge –  30 squats
  • Run to the road – 10 Burpees
  • Run to Mt. Crumpet – Sprint up the hill
  • Run to the Fountain – 20 BBS
  • Run to the road – 20 Merkins
  • Run back to the grinder – 5 blockees, 10 thrusters, 15 tricep extensions, 20 curls

One round of Guantanamo (or duck, duck, goose)
Boxcutters x 15 IC
LBCs for the final 30 seconds

8 men this morning
“The only person holding you back is you. No more excuses. It’s time to change.” – Tony Robbins

We have the power to change our own lives. There is another quote that says something along the lines of change what you can change and accept what you cannot change. A pet peeve of mine is when some of my employees come in on Monday and start talking about how terrible Mondays are and how they don’t want to be there. Then on Friday, they’re all excited because they don’t have to be at work the next two days and they just can’t wait to get out of there. To me, they need to change jobs if they have that attitude. If you dislike 5 days of your week, then change it. If you’re not willing to change it, then accept it. This is one step on the road to happiness. We need to constantly re-evaluate our situations and how we feel about them and we need to take action in our lives when necessary.


Don’t mess up the pretty dirt

THE SCENE: Cold and a bit frosty

  • Arm Circles x10 IC
  • Cherry Pickers x8 IC
  • 10 Squats, run to other side of parking lot and do 5 merkins and return
    • Repeat with 20 and 30 squats


Indian Run over to the Educator only to find out that there is nice smooth dirt (probably freshly seeded). Woodshack did not want to harm the dirt since he is so nice. So instead, we jogged over to the worse and steeper Mount Suckmore and did 12’s instead of 11’s since time was wasted.

  • Start with 11 Iron Mikes (each leg) at the bottom
  • Start with 1 Inchworm Merkin Broad Jump at the top
  • Bernie up the hill each time (RIP quads)

Indian Run back to AO


  • Hold a plank through the song Thunderstruck
  • Merkin every time “thunder” is said
  • Should taps during solo
  • LBC’s and Heels to Heaven to close out time

13 strong
Kobe Bryant was all over the news and social media this week after his sudden passing in a helicopter crash. One of my favorite quotes I saw by him was:

” I don’t want to be the next Michael Jordan, I only want to be Kobe Bryant”

He spent his life becoming one of the greatest basketball players of all time. He had plenty of people he looked up to, but he was himself and never stopped being himself.

1 Samuel 16:7 – But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look on his appearance or on the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as a man sees: Man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart.”

Be your own person in life. Don’t follow in the footsteps of others. Use them as examples and learning points to form the person you want your friends, family, and children to remember when you’re gone one day. That is what leaving a legacy is all about.


Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

Light poles and lazy Dora


SSH x 20 IC

Plank, then merkins x10 ic , plank, peter parkers x10


super 11s

  • Start and said #1 light pole, do one rep of each, Merkins, Big Boys, and Squats
  • Run 2 light poles, then run back one, do 2 of each above said exercise
  • Keep advancing 2 light poles and running back one until you complete 11 reps of the said exercises
  • once complete, start at 10 reps of each exercise and go back down to one, still advancing 2 light poles and running back on
  • Back at the AO, LAZY Doras, 100 merkins, 200 LBC, 300 Overhead CMU pressess(we got to 200) before time was up)
  • After the 100 merkins and before going onto the LBC, We sprinted or attempted to sprint around a short section of the park before Moses could finish 30 reps of 3 different exercises. (merkins, rows, and big boys)
  • After the LBC, we sprinted down the grinder and back before Moses could complete 20 reps of curls
  • Moses has a bum knee right now, hence the reason he was doing stationary exercises but gave us a reason to run hard for some cardio

Flutters x 10

dollys x10

scissors x10
14 pax
Stress. I just talked about Stress and the role it plays in our lives. yes, there are many things around us that give us stress but ultimately, we bring stress on ourselves. Stress is based on how we deal with things. For me recently, we just brought home 2 puppies! I have 3 young boys, a work schedule that could keep me working 60 hours a week, kids sports, spending time with the M,etc….LOTS of stuff going on right?! Well, I make my bed and I lay in it! Therefore, I could easily be stressed out but I know everything will work itself out so I try not to stress over it. PRAYER HELPS!! 🙂
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

See You on the Other Side

THE SCENE: A balmy 58° or so. Light drizzle, occasional silent pulses of light in the unbroken gray sky are an ominous foreshadowing of things to come. But, no thunder rolls, so we will!

SSH x25 IC
Smurf Jacks x15 IC
Tempo Merkins x15 IC
Cherry Pickers x7 IC
Asphalt Kissers x10 IC
LBAC fwd/back
Failure to Launch x10 IC (must have counted fast…)

Skip over to the base of Mt Crumpet
Battle buddy up. One PAX does exercise while the other runs to the top and around the tree and back. Switch. Dora style except no specified rep count.
After both PAX have done the first exercise, mosey to the fountain. Sideways plank shuffle with feet on the fountain – One CW and one CCW until meeting on the other side.
Mosey back and do the next exercise. R&R.
-Gas Pumpers
-Squat Jumps

Lightning getting closer, so head back to shelter!

Decent time left for some good ab work!
Flutter Kicks x40 IC
LBCs x20 IC
Box Cutters x20 IC
Row your Boat x2

As portended, the heavens opened up and the waters descended with a great roar. But the PAX remained only mostly wet in the shelter of the Pavalon.

11 PAX got it done!
This is something I’ve mentioned before. However, I need a daily focus on it. For those of us who are married, it’s not a 50/50 thing. It’s 100/100. Today we went around the fountain as pairs, each going opposite ways and meeting on the other side. Nobody stopped halfway and waited for their partner. Just kept going until they met. With your spouse, don’t just go halfway. Give it your all. When crap hits the fan in life, be ready to go the full distance.

It’s been a while since I was on ol’ Crumpet… Somebody planted a daggum tree right down near the bottom of the hill. Little spindly sapling thing… I just about ran right over it on my first trip up.
None today