F3 Knoxville

Remember (21)

65 and Foggy

Welcome and Disclaimer

COP [Gus & Cap’n Crunch]
SSH x21 (IC)
Imperial Walkers x21(IC)
Dive Bombers x21 (IC)
Arm Circles Forward x10 (IC) & Backward x11(IC)

Partner up with a Battle Buddy for the duration of the workout.

Mosey to flag pole between the baseball fields.

Team RWB – 21 Guns [Gus]
21 minutes AMRAP
– 400 meter run (from flag pole to far baseball field and back x2)
– 9 Pull-ups (in dugouts)
– 21 pushups (on sidewalk near dugout)
– 21 box jump (on picnic tables under the covered area)
– 15 burpees (at the flag pole)

Mosey to front of Lakeshore Park, first parking lot.

Runs and Rounds [Cap’n Crunch]
Gather in the parking lot. We will do 6 rounds of 1 minute sets of exercises building in a pyramid fashion (i.e R1 = 1min of 1 exercise, R2 =2 min of 2 exercises, R3 = 3min of 3 exercises, etc.). After each round, run to the far tree (app 45 yards) and do a burpee corresponding to the round you are on then run back.

R1: Pikes
R2: Pikes, Narrow Squats
R3: Pikes, Narrow Squats, Lance Armstongs,
R4: Pikes, Narrow Squats, Lance Armstongs, Diamond Merkins,
R5: Pikes, Narrow Squats, Lance Armstongs, Diamond Merkins, Side Lunges
R6: Pikes, Narrow Squats, Lance Armstongs, Diamond Merkins, Side Lunges, 4ct Flutter Kicks

Total time = 21 minutes
Total burpees = 21

Mosey across the street to East Tennessee Veteran’s Memorial Cemetery

Number off & Name-O-Rama

G6 shared about the Tomb of the Unknown Solider.  He then prayed and we ended with Taps.

31 PAX including 1 FNG came out to a gloomy Asylum to get better and honor the men and women who have fallen in battle.  We took on the Team RWB 21 Guns challenge and added some more for good measure (if it doesn’t challenge you it won’t change).  The highlight of the morning was moseying to the East Tennessee Veteran’s Memorial Cemetery.  We made our way to the top of the main hill and circled up for the COT.  Men who have lost friends and family during battle shared their names, branch of service.  We then had our PAX’s own Wardaddy G6, himself retired Air Force, share during the BOM and lead us in prayer.  We ended our time with a moment of silence and the playing of Taps.

It was a great morning.  As men arrived a thick fog settled over the park and it set the mood perfectly.  This was a special morning.  The men went hard and no man was left behind…just as it should be.

Revival at the Asylum

19 degrees, wind gusts and a light snow

F3 disclaimer
Welcome to the FNG’s

COP #1
Side Straddle Hop IC x 10
Calf raises IC x 10
Bobby Hurley OYO x 10
Hillbillies IC x 10
Baby arm circles forward IC x 10
Baby arm circles reverse IC x 10
Burpees OYO x 10

Tour of the parking lot; mosey over to brick pile for two coupons and head to the church

COP #2
Overhead press w/ coupons IC x 10
Arm curls w/ coupons IC x 10
Back flies w coupons IC x 10
Squats IC x 10
Burpees OYO x 10

Bear crawl down the side of the church, lunge across the back, bear crawl back the opposite side and lunge back to the front of the church

COP #3
Elevated merkins on coupons IC x 10
Unbalanced merkin; left side IC x 10
Unbalanced merkin; right side IC x 10
Chest flies with coupons IC x 10
Chest press with coupons IC x 10
Burpees OYO x 10

Mosey back to brick pile to return coupons; mosey to the playground (planks by PAX until all arrive)

Hydraulic squats OYO x 10
Flutter kicks IC x 25 (led by Timberlake)

Tunnel of Love


Scripture focus on Philippians 3:17-21. Be imitators of Christ, and walk with those who want to live faithful lives.

prayer led by P-nut

41 men came ready to bring light to the early morning gloom. Spirited mumblechatter despite a wind chill of 7 degrees and gusty winds. Love this PAX…love this movement in Knoxville.

Strength and Honor,
P-nut (Submitted by Cap’n Crunch)