F3 Knoxville

Sprint work

THE SCENE: Beautiful morning at The Arsenal

Mosey to Oval Office, high knees, butt kicks, Frankensteins down first straight away
Series of sprints followed by 10 BBS and 10 squats. Walk the rest of lap to the next starting line for the next sprint. We got through a 100meter, a 200 meter and a 400 meter. After this we moseyed around the track with stops for sets of exercises


flutter kicks, BBS, LBC, V ups.
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
Had to adapt this week. I injured my hands over the weekend and wasn’t going to be able to make it out to F3 due to inability to grip or put weight through hands. Instead, I took Q and designed a workout to allow me to still be out in the gloom

Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Dog pound CSAUP next week, Arsenal 2.0 workout the following week. Keep an eye out for more information about OTB 2.0 workout with FiA on October 30th

Chariot Dice

THE SCENE: mild. 70s. Not too humid. Good day for a run

20 SSH and a warm up lap with stretches
8 squares with different exercises.

  • Goblet Squats
  • Dips
  • BBS
  • Merkins
  • Bent Rows
  • Box Jumps
  • Flutter Kicks
  • Decline Merkins

Start on a square and roll the dice. Do the number of reps shown and repeat. When you roll doubles, do double reps and then murder bunny to the next square.

8 HIMs and a 2.0
Life can feel pretty random when you’re in the middle of it. My own life was extremely random and chaotic in college. Drifting from place to place. Doing random jobs to make ends meet. But when you look back on life, you can see God’s providence at work. For example, all of my seemingly random work and school experience led to a random encounter for a great job which led to moving out here which led to randomly running in the park and randomly joining F3 and randomly dealing with a deep sin issue in my life. You see my point that it’s not really random. God is in control, and whatever random, chaotic, scary thing is going on, you can trust that God is working it out for your good even if it hurts.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Lots going on.

3rd F type event at Swerve’s Church

Going away party for Avocado

CSAUP at dog pound

All the stuff for Hardship Hill

Feller Patriot

THE SCENE: Partly cloudy, 71 degrees F., 90% humidity

SSH, Baby arm circles, Windmills

Mosey to the Greenway trail just past the Troll Bridge.

Circuit 11’s

(Run to the 1st light pole, do the T-Merkin, run back to the start and do the 10 Box Cutters.  Continue until reaching the 10th light pole.)

1 T-Merkin/10 Box Cutters

2 T-Merkins/9 Box Cutters

Continue sequence until:

10 T-Merkins/1 Box Cutter

Mosey back to the AO via Alcoa Road.


Grinder Kraken using the 11 perimeter benches.

Burpees x10

SSH x12 (4 Cnt)

WWII’s x12

Declined Dry Docks x12

Bench Jumps x12 (or 18 Step Ups)

V-Ups x12

Iron Mikes x12

Inclined Merkins x20

Bulgarian Split Squats (x10 per leg)

Dips x20

Squat Jumps X12


WWII sit-ups, baby crunches
4 HIMs plus Webelo (2.0).  An honor to have Scout from Fort Campbell for a weekend beatdown.
Bob Feller played for the Cleveland Indians (aka Cleveland Guardians).  He bypassed the minors and first pitched in the majors at the ripe age of 17.  During his career he threw three no-hitters and 12 one-hitters. He is the only pitcher to throw a no-hitter on opening day, April 16, 1940.  After his 4th season, Bob was returning to Cleveland from a visit with his terminally ill father to sign what was to be a multi-year, high dollar contract but the day was December 7, 1941.  The next day, rather than signing with the Indians, he signed with the United States Navy and spent the next four years on the USS Alabama.  He chose country over self.

Feller resumed his baseball career with the Indians in 1946 and threw his second no-hitter.  He was a significant factor in the World Series win in 1948 and the American League pennant in 1954.  By the time he retired in 1956 he led the American League in win six times and strikeouts seven times.  He was an eight-time All-Star.

When asked by a reporter toward the end of his career what his most memorable win was, Bob quickly replied, “World War II.”  Again, country over self.

There are still a lot of athletes out there that put their job in proper perspective.  Unfortunately, there are many that don’t.  You may have witnessed both types in the Olympics during the past two weeks.  We have probably all heard the hierarchy of God, others, self.  I think we would all to well to insert “country” in the third spot and move ourselves one notch down the line.

Prayers for Postpones upcoming knee surgery, remembering Daniel (friend of Rep Sleepy) and his children on the death of his wife and their mother.
Drifter speaking at Mt. Olive Baptist Church on August 14th at 9:00 am, CSAUP at the Dog Pound on August 21st, Hardship Hill coming October 4th in Kingston.

800M Bear Crawl Sprint

THE SCENE: 70 with some humidity

SSH IC x 10

LBAC IC forward and reverse x 10

OH claps IC x 20

Temp Squat IC x10
Mosey to track. Bear crawl around track. If you have to stop and stand, 10 squat buy in to return to bear crawl. If injury or can’t bear crawl any longer, lunge it out. Four stations set up around track: flutter kicks 4ct x 20, big boys x20, box cutter x 20, V up x 20. Mosey back to Grindstone.

Hold Iron cross in honor of Woodshack attendance today:

LBAC forward and reverse IC x 8ish

OH claps IC x 10
6 HIMs and Webelo!
It’s not often you read something insightful and motivational on Facebook these days with all the division we have in this world. I read something the other day though that really struck a chord with me.

“For a long time it had seemed to me that life were about to begin- real life. But there was always some obstacle in the way, something to be gotten through first, some unfinished business, time still to be served, some debt to be paid. Then life would begin. At last it dawned on me that these obstacles were my life.”

Alfred D. Souza

“So stop waiting until you lose ten pounds, until you gain ten pounds, until you have kids, until your kids leave the house, until you start work, until you retire, until you get married, until you get divorced, until Friday night, until Sunday morning, until you get a new car or home, until your car or home is paid off, until spring, until summer, until winter, until your song comes on, until you’ve had a drink… there is no better time than right now to be happy.”

Happiness is a journey, not a destination.

Walt tops the podium with Gold!
Drifter speaking on Saturday in a few weeks at Swerve and Rep Sleepy’s church. Please RSVP on Slack so they know how much food to make.

CSAUP coming up- check channels for details.

The Arsenal will need help building obstacle for hardship hill in early October. It will be an upper body climbing obstacle. Look for details coming from Smuggler soon.

Training Day

  • THE SCENE: 67 degrees & the smell of campfire.
  • SSH x15

  • Swimmers x10 IC

  • High knees, side shuffle, bear crawl sidelines of basketball court

  • Tempo Dips x10

    THA-THANG: Q wanted to get some running in to recover from Drifter’s Q as well as train for Hardship Hill.

    Perform set of exercises & then run a lap. Perform exercises then run 2 laps, etc. up to 4 laps then back down.

  • 5 Superman’s  4CT (3 sec hold)

  • 10 Merkins

  • 15 Ab Blasters

  • 20 LBC’s

  • 25 Squats

15 tempo dips & hold on 15

Jim Rohn:

“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.”

It takes 6 people to lift your casket when you die. Make sure your 6 people are lifting you in life.

Ask yourself: Who are the people you most admire? Who do you spend the most time with? Are those two groups of people the same?

We become like the people that we (choose to) expose ourselves to. It follows that you can accelerate your personal growth in whatever direction you desire by spending time with people who already are who you want to become.