F3 Knoxville

Merkins and Burpees at the Asylum

THE SCENE: The Asylum AO, temp in the 50’s

20 SSH, 15 Imperial Walker, 15 mountain climbers, 10 Peter Parker’s, 10 Spidermans (6″ Peter Parkers…newly coined?), 10 windmill
YHC did not devote enough time to planning, so we winged it a little. The basic idea was to focus on upper body with running to each area. We started each pain station with a variety of merkins followed by burpees and then running up a hill. We hit the hill by the launch point first, then cardiac, and finally Everest. We ended with Mucho Chesto before COT: 10 merkins, 10 diamond merkins, 10 wide arm merkins, 10 stagger left merkins, and 10 stagger right merkins.

6 PAX today
The WORD came from 1 John 4:19-21. Forgive and love your fellow man. If can’t do that, how can you say you love God.
Anniversary F3 Knoxville Olympics Saturday, picnic on Sunday, food drive coming in the near future (Sharky to provide more details later).

4th Tuesday In October


Chilly and foggy, about 45 degrees


Started out with 25 SSH (4ct), 10 Tempo Merkin, 10 Tempo Squat

Slowsey to middle parking lot- Cherry Pickers x8 on sidewalk then mosey down to end of parking lot and back with 2 burpees in middle.  Big Arm Circles Front and Back with mosey down to end of parking lot and back with 2 burpees in middle.  Mosey to playground
11’s On the Playground

3 Set’s of 11’s- 1. Box Jumps and Dips 2. Derkins and Incline Merkins 3. Squats and 4ct Flutters

Mosey down to end of parking lot and back with 2 burpees in the middle of parking lot after finishing every set of 11’s

Mosey to Cardiac…

Up cardiac stopping at each bend for 10 CDD’s hold at top.  Once 6 was up knock out 15 American Hammers then back to AO.

Cash out at AO with ATM’S

Spoke about the Tennessee/Alabama game and how Tennessee and it’s team resembles our lives a lot more than Alabama.  That sometimes our hard work doesn’t turn out the way we desired.  That obstacles and hardship don’t mean we’re being punished.  God just asks us to show up and be faithful.  To trust him no matter what is going on at any given time.  That he has a plan and sometimes it doesn’t look the way we wanted or thought might be best for us, but God sees the whole picture.

Jumpin’ Jack Flash Route 66 and Suicides

THE SCENE: 7 am, 42 degrees, humid, partly cloudy

Side straddle hops, cherry pickers, baby arm circles forward and backward, tricep stretches, .
Route 66 – 4 rounds

  1.  Plank jacks (4 ct)
  2. Smurf jacks (4 ct)
  3. Crab jacks (4 ct)
  4. Star jacks (single ct)

Bernie Sanders uphill between rounds 2 and 3

Mosie to dock area

  • 20 decline merkins
  • 20 Hello Dollies (4 ct)
  • 20 Superman swims

Mosie to small hill – crawl bear up hill

Mosie to soccer fields for 3 rounds of suicides:

  1. Apache – run to quarter field, backpedal to baseline, run to mid field, backpedal to baseline, run to 3/4 field, backpedal, run full length, backpedal full length.
  2. Bear crawl to quarter field, lunge to mid field, broad jump to 3/4 field, bear crawl to baseline, run back
  3. Regular running suicide, quarter, mid, 3/4, opposite baseline and back.

Mosie to baseball diamond – 10 pull-ups in dugouts, 1 trip around the bases.

Mosie to pavillion – 20 pull me ups on picnic benches

Mosie to playground – 20 American hammers (4 ct) 20 flutter kicks (4 ct)

Mosie up hill to AO.

See 2 rounds on playground.

With the hearings for Judge Cavinaugh, it had me thinking about my past.  We have an accuser against us every day, bringing up our past, trying to bring us down.  But we also have an advocate.  Jesus stands with us, and says Yes, he does have this in his past, but I paid his debt, and now he is free to be the man, husband, father, leader, etc. that I created him to be.  So walk with that in mind this week that despite our past, Jesus has made a way for us to be HIMs.

F3 3 yr anniversary, F3 Cleveland launch.

Bodybuilders in the rain

THE SCENE: About 70 degrees and some nice steady rain

SSH x20 IC
LB Arm Circles x12 each way IC
Little Michael Phelps
Squats x20
Cherry Pickers x10

Do the following exercises at the pavalon:

  • Bent over rows x10
  • Mr. Spectacular x10
  • CMU Curls x15
  • Goblet Squats x20

Then bear crawl across the whole grinder. If you walk or can’t go any further, do 15 burpees and jog to the end (I believe everyone made the bear crawl). Next, do the following exercises at the scrapyard:

  • Pullups x10
  • BBS x20
  • Dips x15
  • Flutter kicks x15 on 4-count

Run down the path to the road and do 5 bodybuilders, then run back around to the pavalon and rinse and repeat. Instead of the bear crawl, lunge to the far edge of the bathrooms and jog the rest of the grinder.

Box cutters x30
Captain Thor to 5×20
Protractor (Thanks Snorkel!)
Cash out with some LBCs for 30 seconds
11 men strong this morning
Lately I have had failure on my mind. I lost 30 pounds in my first four months of F3, now I’ve gained some of that back and have not hit my goals. So I feel failure. I failed a couple CPA exams already. Failure. I haven’t really prayed much at all in the last year or two. Failure. But the biggest failure came on Tuesday when we had to put our 2 year old cat down. My wife is an animal lover and especially loved this little cat. She has been depressed and crying for two days now. I can’t help but feel like a failure as a husband because I can’t make it better. Nothing that I say or do will make her feel better or stop her from being sad. But I realized that what I need to do is offer it all up to God. I’ve prayed more in the last two days than I have in the last two years. I’ve been praying for peace for my wife and that led to praying about all of the other things that make me feel like I have failed. I encourage you men to turn to God earlier than I did. Anytime you feel like you have failed, offer it up to God and have a conversation with him. We sometimes feel like it is all on us when in reality, all we have to do is turn our eyes to heaven for some help.

Bomb Shelter anniversary Q next Saturday with a “Keep Blount Beautiful” trash pickup on the greenway at 10 for anyone who is available. Also, we have the F3 olympics coming up on November 3rd with a bunch of events that weekend.