F3 Knoxville

Sprints and Legs

THE SCENE: Cool with a light breeze

20 SSH, 15 cherry pickers, 20 tempo squats, baby arm circles, 5 4×4’s

  • mozey to the steps
  • 11’s with derkins and box jumps followed by a wall sit to recover
  • 11’s with incline merkins and jump squats followed by a wall sit to recover
  • 5 4×4’s OYO
  • mozey to the soccer field
  • 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 of each exercise followed by increasing run speeds from 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%
    • Merkins  – BBSU while we wait for the 6
    • squats – plank while we wait for the 6
    • jump squats – American hammer while we wait for the 6
  • 5 4×4’s OYO
  • mozey to the steps for Aiken Legs
    • 20 box jumps
    • 20 squats
    • 20 lunges
    • 20 step ups
    • 20 iron mikes
    • 5 4×4’s OYO
  • Mozey to the soccer fields
    • 10 of each exercise at each stop followed by increasing run speeds from 25%, 50%, 75% and 100% back to the start
      • merkins
      • squats
      • Carolina dry docks
  • 5 4×4’s OYO
  • mozey back to the parking lot
  • boat/canoe
    14 PAX with FNG Hammock
    James 4:6 God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble
    We/I like to think that I’m in control and am pretty awesome most of the time.  In reality, I owe any success to God who has put people/circumstances around me to succeed.  I need to acknowledge God and give him thanks for all.

Bunch o Hunks at the DAWG POUND

THE SCENE: Perfect early morn weather yessirrr


Side straddle hop ~20 IC

Tempo Squats- 10 IC

5 Burpees

Merkins- 10 IC

Short Mosey

5 Burpees

Mosey to the tennis court


  • 4 Count Flutter Kicks x 20
  • Inchworm Half the court
  • 3 burpees
  • Lunge second half
  • 3 burpees
  • Sprint back

Repeat two more times with the other two sets beginning with 20 merkins and 30 reverse crunches

Run Like an Antelope/You Enjoy Myself

Mosey to the track

Partner Section

  • At the entrance to the track, 4 count flutter kicks x 20
  • At the first turn, 20 dips, 10 burpees, 20 reverse crunches
  • Second turn, 10 sundials each leg, 20 merkins

Rinse and Repeat

Heavy Things

Mosey back to the AO for some dealer’s choice

Boat Canoe via Ratchet IC

Pickle Pounders via Mayberry IC

5 Cheeky Burpees at the end
Recently, I have been thinking about the proper way to live life. It has become apparent that life is full of suffering, which is quite depressing, but there is a way to live in which nihilism does not creep. I believe that would be to live life accepting responsibility, which is a sacrifice, but it assigns meaning to life. I think that this is a very powerful idea. If you accept those things, then you will not find yourself hiding from pains and seeking only pleasures, but maybe you can confront the pains and compose something better for you and those around you.

Cain and Abel

I spoke briefly about the story of Cain and Abel. In the first half of the story a few things happen.

Abel is making good sacrifices and is looked upon favorably by God

Cain is making lackluster sacrifices and is not looked upon favorably by God

Abel’s life seems to manifest in an idealistic manner

Cain’s life is full of struggle

Cain becomes resentful and after being told by God to make better sacrifices, he decides to kill Abel (Abel is almost like the embodiment of the ideal, so in a way he is destroying what he could be if he makes the proper sacrifices).

The second half of the story deals with how to respond to an act, but the main points I wanted to convey lie in the first half

  1. You can choose to live a life without sacrifice, but it probably will be a life without meaning i.e. even if you have all the material goods you could ever want, they will not be actually worth anything, since you decided not to make a sacrifice and because of this, there is no meaning in your life.
  2. Making good sacrifices is your best chance to have your life manifest itself as close to the ideal as possible. It will not always work, but when it doesn’t, you just need to reorient your sacrifice. For example, I recently took an exam. I made some silly mistakes that will cost me, even though I restricted things I value (time with friends and family). However, all I need to do is reorient how I used that time and I will likely not make the same mistakes in the future.
  3. Pick the life full of meaning. Be responsible, make sacrifices. You will be forced to confront the unknown, gloom, pain, but you and the others around you will be better.


Deligiannis Memorial Work Out

The Scene – 70’s

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer


Cherry Pickers x 10 (IC)

SSH x 20 (IC)

Tha Thang

Mosey around park to concrete steps behind softball field

Step Ups x 20 (10 each leg)

Dips x 20

Repeat 3x while we wait on Moses and Steam to join from their ruck


Mosey to upper soccer field

4 corners plus 2 “corners” at mid filed = 6 stations around the soccer field perimeter.

  1. 10 Burpees, jog to midfield
  2. 20 squats, sprint to corner
  3. 20 BBS, lunge to corner
  4. 20 merkins, jog to midfield
  5. 20 4 count MTN Climbers, sprint to corner
  6. 20 4 count flutter kicks, bear crawl to corner

Repeat 4 x

Mosey long way back to AO


Ring of Fire 10 merkins

Side Crunches x 15 by Waxjob

American Hammers x 20

Count off and Name – O – Rama


Let God guide your day to day lives instead of being stubborn and insisting on handling things ourselves.

Pee Rock Pyramid

THE SCENE: 69 and foggy

Run in place / high knees ~ 1 min
SSH Burpees IC x 25
Nose Wipers IC x 10
Run Stance Squat Jump IC x 20

Mosey to pee rocks.
1. Grab 2 handheld (brick sized) rocks
a. Iron Squats IC x 20
b. Wonderbra IC x 20
2. Put small rocks back & grab a large rock
a. Hip Thrusters IC x 20

Pyramids with big rock. After each round run across parking lot to the gate & back.

With a single large Pee-Rock (aka Coupon) complete 7 Rounds of exercises, adding a new exercise each round.

  • 5 Burpees
  • 15 Merkins
  • 20 Goblet Squats
  • 25 Curls
  • 30 OH Press
  • 35 Hip Thrusters
  • 40 BBS

Pretzel Crunches IC x 15 each side

BOM:  Showed a quick clip of Penn Jillette (an Atheist) expressing his views on proselytization. His view: if you truly believe something to be true (i.e. heaven/hell, Jesus is the only way to heaven) and don’t share your faith about that item then you are in fact hating your fellow man. He goes on to say that if he truly believes a bus is about to hit someone, then he is eventually going to help that person get out of the way. He says Christians who don’t proselytize are the equivalent of letting that same person get run over by the bus. Honestly, he’s right. This video hits close to home because it is true of many Christians. My challenge to the PAX was to take time to reflect on this. Who do you share your faith with? Do you take your DRP when it comes to sharing your faith and having tough conversations?

Burpee Attack

THE SCENE: 61 degrees and PERFECT




Baby arm circles x20

Mosey around the parking lot

SSH burpees x5

Karate kid burpees x 5

Plank jack burpees x5

Inch worm burpees x5

LBC burpees x5 (5 LBCs in between)


Mosey to soccer field

Diamond burpee x5 (5 diamond merks inbetween)

Donkey kick burpee x5

Superman burpee x5 (5 sec hold)

Rocketts burpee x5 (touch each toe 5 times)


Mosey to the dugout stands

Decline burpee x5

Ratchet squat burpee x5

Box jump burpee x5

Fence cling “30” count

Fence sit “30” count

Balls to the wall “30” count w/ 4 merkins


Bear crawl up hill and mosey to Turf field #1

Candlestick burpee x5

Domo burpee x5

Long jump burpee x5

(Run 10 yards and jump as far as you can, do burpee)


Competition 2 teams of 10;

Two men bear crawl to midline while team high knees with them. Switch every 50 yards until all have crawled.

Then burpees x5

Roll burpees x10 across the field


Competition same teams:

All members Bernie sanders to midline, sprint back, Bernie sanders to other goalline then sprint back (2 burpees on the way)

All do burpee x5


Ring o burpees:

Circle up. While pax member runs around outside we hold al gore and then do burpee on return. Burpee count 20


Reps of 5 three count inbetween

Flutter burpees x5

(122 burpees total + -)


Doing more than what’s required.

One of the things that my wife and her father has taught me is to do things better than needed. It use to drive me crazy that they would be so intense on perfection and doing things exactly right or better than what was asked of them. My thought process was just get it done, get it done right, but just get it done and do it quick.

She has taught me to take my time at things when I can and really look at details and how it can be done the best way not just “done”.

Challenge: the next thing you are tasked to do, do it one to two steps better.


October 6, Trail run with Moses

October 28, Truckin to the Pound

November 4, 2year anniversary of F3 Knoxville