F3 Knoxville

Five rounds

THE SCENE: 60 and cool

Worlds greatest Burpee zero

Worlds greatest Burpee 1X

15 overhead clamps
15 little baby arm circles

15 seal claps

15 little baby arm circles
Run to the tennis court

  • Five rounds of the following list of exercises for time.
  • 40 seconds an exercise with 20 seconds rest in between
  • V-ups
  • Suicides to the end of the court and back
  • Jump squats
  • Merkins
  • Monkey Humpers
  • Squats
  • Lunges to the end of the court and back
  • Pickle pounders

Looking back over my 10 years of being married I have regularly found myself in all of the steadfastness of Christ in our lives. I encourage everyone to look at the steadfastness of Christ in your life and your spouse or significant other or children. I’m thankful for the steadfastness of Christ who stands in her place in front of God the father and beside us pleading in front of the holy seat. Encourage you to look back on your life and see the faithfulness of God!
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.

Looking at putting together a location in downtown Knoxville with some of the kids for the boys and girls club. Look out for an announcement from tank in the slack channels about it. looking at putting together a location in downtown Knoxville with some of the kids for the boys and girls club. Look out for an announcement from tank in the slack channels about it

Episode I was definitely the worst

THE SCENE: 50 degrees and clear

Mosey around the island, SSH, Merkins, squats, plank jacks, tho and that’s and rockettes

mosey to the soccer field for a Star Wars episode workout. 9 episodes. Each episode has an exercise with a qty of 10.  Do exercise and run to other sideline on the field. Repeat 3 times  each episode. Episodes are… (i may be off some)

  • I – burpees (because it was the worst one of all 9 episodes, mainly because of Jar Jar Binks
  • II – Merkins
  • III – inch worms
  • IV – squat jumps
  • IIV – star jacks
  • V – BBS
  • VI – Burpees (because of the Ewoks)
  • VII- Merkins
  • VIII – shoulder tap Merkins
  • IX – ?

we stopped half way and came back to it later as it was getting boring.

Mosey to other side lot and did 7s  with pull-up rows and shoulder tap Merkins.

mosey to bottom field. Jumped over the wooden barrier fence at each post all the way to the end. Balance beam after that for a 1/4 of it.

Mosey to circle on field. Ring of fire. Hold plank as one member of the pax runs around jumping over each other member. Do one Merkin and add one every time you get jumped. Total of 8 rounds.

mosey back and try to finish the episodes till time ends.

Sparky led the group in some Ab exercises and some Peter Parkers
8 pax in attendance

“We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials, for we know that they help us develop endurance. And endurance develops strength of character, and character strengthens our confident hope of salvation.”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭5:3-4‬ ‭

The Q has had a good run without an injury but alas, all good things must come to an end. This Q is writing this backblast with 600mg of ibuprofen and a muscle relaxer in him. I figured out that I would rather do 100 burpees with the pax than watch them work hard sidelined with a back injury. Coffeteria was great with everyone attending. ANNOUNCEMENTS:
New Years Party this Friday.


THE SCENE: Slightly tolerable. Mid to upper 70’s and plenty humid.

40x SSH IC
40x Squats IC
40x LBAC (20 each way)
40x Calf Raises OYO
20x Asphalt Kissers IC

Mosey up to the near field.
4x suicide of 40ft, 40 cubits, 40yd, and 40m. 10x squat jumps between each suicide.
Mosey down the hill to beside the baseball field
40x 4-ct LBCs IC
Trot onto the field, run 40 bases, do 40 8-count body builders. Any order.
(Most everyone did 4 body builders after each lap)
Mosey to the Watt Rd field
Bear crawl 40yd, 5x 4-ct Asphalt Kissers
Crab walk 40yd, 5x 4-ct Asphalt Kissers
Crawl bear 40yd, 5x 4-ct Asphalt Kissers
Walk crab 40yd, 5x 4-ct Asphalt Kissers

Mosey back to the concrete bleachers
Pick up flying EH along the way!
40x Box Jumps OYO

40’s on the hill beside the bleachers… Start with 5 BBS at the bottom, 35 Merkins at the top. Then 10/30, etc.

Ran outta time about halfway through… Wanted to make sure to get in some Mary:

40x 4ct Flutter Kicks
40x 4ct Side Crunch (20 each side)

9 PAX this morning, including flying EH Swayze
Today is my 40th birthday, and there’s no way I’d want to start it other than out getting better with some like-minded HIMs. Looking at the number 40, though, it’s a number that represents testing, trial, or refinement. Jesus spent 40 days and nights in the desert. The Israelites wandered for 40 years in the desert. The flood was 40 days and nights of rain. Most of us are somewhere in the neighborhood of that 40 year mark… If today were the end of your 40 years in the wilderness, would you be found ready to enter the Promised Land?
Great to have Lillydipper and Pele clown car their way over here. And it’s always fun when a flying EH actually lands. Makes for some great mumblechatter between the huffing and puffing!
Convergence next weekend! Everyone at Big Ball 7am sharp! Also, save the date 9/14 for Truckin’ to the Pound. Be on the lookout for more info…

We are not done yet

THE SCENE: Perfect weather

The typical stuff

Mosey around the 1/4 mile track stopping for 10 pull-ups at playground, 20 4-count LBCs at gazebo and Suicides on 8 parking lines doing Bernie Sanders back to first line each time. Add one rep at each line. Lap 1) Merkins, 2) diamond Merkins, 3) wide merkins, 4) eagle merkins

I thought time was up but watch was wrong…….so……

extra lap stopping for 50 4-count shoulder taps, some ab exercise I forgot, another ab exercise I forgot, 10 Batman burpees, some V ups toe touches and combo of both

7 pax plus one future surgeon that ran early but had to leave for Memphis
Opportunity in our lives to spread the good news and be a light unto others. I talked about the opportunity kids have to reach their student classmates. Opportunities to share are in places that we overlook on a daily basis. Seek them and be a light.
Great to see Proton back in the mix. Added Shooter as he was there early for a run and had to leave to go be a doctor
Convergence at big ball.

Boosters Last Stand

THE SCENE: 70 or so in the gloom

  • Cherry Pickers (IC) 4 CT X 10
  • Baby Arm Circles (forwards) & Michael Phelps (OYO)
  • Baby Arm Circles (backwards) & Michael Phelps (OYO)
  • 5 burpees (OYO)
  • 10 Tempo Squats (IC)
  • 10 Hand release merkins (OYO)
  • 20 Side Straddle Hops (IC)
  • 50 Curb Calf Raises (OYO)
  • Karaokes & Sprints
  • Mosey – Double Wide Indian Run


Don’t Act Like A Sophomore on the Hill 

  • Get into groups of 3
  • Partner 1 does AMRAP merkins while Partner 2 runs up Sophomore Hill while partner 3 at the top does AMRAP squats
  • Rotate throughout each position; rinse & repeat
  • Mosey to the junkyard

Be a Junkyard Dog

  • Stay with your same partners, same structure
  • Partner 1 does 10 CMU reps Overhead Press, Triceps extension, Curls & bentover rows as many rounds of the lifts as possible until partner 3 gets down the stairs
  • Partner 2 runs up & replaces Partner 3 who has been doing Big Boy Situps
  • Rinse & Repeat
  • Mosey to big parking lot

Light Pole to Pole

  • 5 burpees & sprint to the next pole, 5 more burpees
  • mosey to AO


Judge Judy led us in 75 (or 500) flutterkicks


26 HIMS and 1 FNG – Nutmeg


Jeremiah 29:11 “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’”

Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

We know these words but do we always believe them or have doubts?  Sure we have doubts.  We’re human.  We have doubts, fears, etc.

I started at JUCO in October 2017.  I weighed about 270 and was out of shape physically and spiritually.  I’ve lost 40 pounds since that time and I’m much stronger physically and spiritually.  While I don’t and never will have all of the answers on this Earth, I know more about myself and how I should live my life because of each of you.  Your witness.  Your love for your families and each other is inspiring.  Your willingness to share, be open and vulnerable out here is awesome.

During my first time or two out here, Bartman had me out here in the pouring rain doing burpees and bear crawls down the stairs.  I thought “what the heck am I doing here.”  I don’t remember his closing BOM that day but I really liked it.  Me, him and Shooter circled up, put our hands on one another and prayed and I promise I felt closer to God in this parking lot than I had in a long time in a church pew.

As some of you know, today is my last day at my job as executive director of a cancer charity.  It’s been an honor to build that charity and help more than 7,000 families over the last 5 years.  But I felt it was a time for a change.  I prayed about it.  Shortly thereafter, a couple of consulting opportunities came up so I turned in a 3-month notice and it was the fastest 3 months of my life.  I’m sad, happy, relived and nervous.

I went to Oklahoma last weekend and had a hard time sleeping.  On Monday, I met Sarah McLean who was diagnosed with breast cancer at 25.  A couple of years later she felt like she should start a charity since she had learned so much and wanted to help others battling breast cancer.  She prayed and God told her no, not now so she continued to work at a church and had 2 kids. She then got breast cancer again.  After she healed, she prayed and God told her she was ready.  She shared her story, her faith journey and she wept as she told me about one of her board members dying in her arms.  I was ugly crying.  It wasn’t pretty.  We stood up and hugged.  At that moment, I knew God put me in the right place to help her charity in addition to the other one I will be leading in Oklahoma City.

While I don’t know exactly what will happen in my life, I know God has it under control and will lead me where I need to be.

Ecclesiastes 3

There is a time for everything,

and a season for every activity under the heavens:

a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot    a time to kill and a time to heal,     a time to tear down and a time to build,

a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance,

5   a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them, a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,

a time to search and a time to give up,   a time to keep and a time to throw away,

a time to tear and a time to mend,    a time to be silent and a time to speak,

a time to love and a time to hate,     a time for war and a time for peace

There’s a time for everything and my time as executive director has come to an end.  When I started at JUCO, we were averaging 2-5 people.  We’ve grown so much but not because of me.  God brought you here for a reason.  I needed F3 and still do.  We all need F3 and there are men out there asleep that should be here right now.  There are men out there worried about their kids, their marriage, their job that could use us in his lives.

Today I’m stepping down as AO Q for JUCO.  I’m going to be travelling quite a bit.  So, I’m proud to say Judge Judy is taking over as AO Q.  He’s a great person, smart, funny, a leader, a lawyer, a husband and father, a great friend and has the coolest name out here.  Abscess is taking over next week as lead of all F3 Knoxville and he’s asked me to help him on some special projects so I’m not going anywhere.  I’ll actually be here all week next week so get ready to wagonwheel to get me at the back!


It’s been an honor to lead JUCO for the last 19 months!  We’re in better hands now with Judge Judy.  Whether you are an FNG or been around for years, we’re all brothers and I want you to know I would do anything for any of you!  Thank each of you for helping me try to become a better person!  God bless each of you and your families!


  • Dunkin
  • Sign up to Q
  • 3rd F Convergence next Saturday on August 10th at 7:00 a.m. at the Big Ball followed by breakfast/testimonials at Redeemer Church