F3 Knoxville


THE SCENE: 45 deg and brisk



Outhouse run

Around the Worlds

Figure 8s


American Swing

Russian Swings

Outhouse run


The spinner made a second visit this week, dishing out one of 16 exercises…20 reps each followed by 50 Jump ropes…

1. American Swing

2. Goblet Squats

3. Bent over rows

4. Turkish-Get-Ups

5. Side lunge swing

6. Merkin KB pull

7. Clean & Press

8. Tricep press

9. Russian swings

10. Merkin on the KB

11. Overhead Press

12. 50 Jump ropes

13. Upright Row

14. Sumo deadlift high pull

15. Curls

16. Calf raises

… Outhouse run when the spinner lands on a line…

Hello Dolly 15x

Flutter kicks 15x

Side crunches 10x each side


Bartman had a great word…he should be the one to tell ya about it!


Burpee Heaven 2.0

THE SCENE: The right amount of cold to where when youre not moving your cold but when exercising youre not cold but miserable from other things


Baby arm circles 10 x both ways Cadence

10 four count Merkins Cadence

10 Tempo Squats Cadence

Side Straddle Hop- x 20 Cadence

Mosey to tha LIGHTSSSSS

  • Run to the magical staircase, but each light requires 5 burpees
  • Pair up, 100 squats, 100 LBC, and 100 burpees between partners. While one is doing exercises the other runs up and down the hill.
  • Mosey to the Matterdome (Matterdon, Masterdome, Mastadon?) hill.
  • 15 four count merks Cadence
  • Run the hill to the PAVALON
  • 70 pullups combined, dips while you wait
  • Mosey back to magic hill where we had two more trips up and down
  • Then Mosey back to the AO

Discipline. Discipline may be your best friend if you can incorporate into your character. Discipline is about doing. Thinking of course is important, but until action is taken, nothing will get done. Personally, I am trying to wake up at 4:30 a.m. every morning, whether or not I am working out. Additionally, I am trying to work ahead of my classes, even if there are no assignments due or open. In the words of Jocko Willink “Do.” If you want to read more about discipline, check out Jocko Willink’s book “Discipline is Freedom” You can also listen to it on iTunes.
I LOVE getting out there with you lads. Even if I am miserable. Let us charge headlong into the winter!! Additionally, let’s keep praying for Proton and his family. Bless up!

Working on them arms

THE SCENE: 50’s, cool, crisp and a little gloomy

SSH x 20

Rockets x 20

Imperial Walkers x 20

Baby Arm Circles x 10 forward and 10 backwards

Merkin Thrusters x 10

Domo Squats x 10
Take coupons to bottom of hill leading to the soccer fields.

4 exercises at the top of the hill

Merkin Thrusters x 10

LBC x 20

CDD x 10

Squats x 20

Start at bottom of hill with 40 curls.  Run to top, do the first exercise and return to bottom of hill for 40 curls.  Repeat until all 4 exercises are completed at the top.

2nd round replace curls with 40 OHP while doing the same 4 exercises at the top

3rd round replace with 40 bent over rows, keep the 4 exercises at the top.

Mosey to walking track.

Perform a squat at each light pole, increasing by one rep at each light pole.  13 or 14 light poles for a total of 91 or 105 squats

Ring of Fire Merkins x 10, repeat three times

Reverse crunches x 20

Peter parkers


When you miss a workout, you have taken something from your brothers.  Even if you are the 6 or never say too much during the workout, your presence makes a difference.   So keep coming.



CMU Classics

THE SCENE:    44 and clear



  • Side Straddle Hops x 10 IC
  • Merkins (4ct) x 10 IC
  • Burpees x 10 OYO
  • Run in place while those without a CMU ran to get a pee rock



Mosey to the hockey rink

  1. Battle buddy for DORA 3-2-1
    • 300 CMU Squats,  200 CMU Merkins (go deep between blocks),  100 CMU Big Boys
    • Battle buddy sprints to far side of rink & performs 10 BBS, stopping each time they cross center court to perform 2 Burpees (4 total per trip across & back).
  2. CMU elevators
    • Work your way up the elevator in the following order.  Then work your way down in reverse order.
    • Corner 1:  20 curls
    • Corner 2:  20 curls; 20 squats
    • Corner 3:  20 curls; 20 squats; 20 front deltoid raises
    • Corner 4:  20 curls; 20 squats; 20 front deltoid raises; 20 calf raises


  • Little Baby Crunches (4ct) x 51 IC
  • Channel Changers

19 total:  Peach Fuzz, Rainfly, Tweet-E, Dinghy, Showcase, Shooter, Flute Loop, Underhand, Beuller, Ribbed, Bowflex, La-Z-Boy, Sharpie, Mayberry, Frosty, Butters, Barnacle, Bartman, Treehugger (FNG)

In 2 Timothy, Paul writes a very familiar passage stating that he has fought the good fight and finished the race.  In relating that to modern day F3 – today was the first cold morning of the fall season.  Long sleeves were out in abundance.  My challenge to the PAX was to not let the upcoming cold season be a barrier to getting better each day.  Keep setting the alarm, keep pressing forward, keep showing up.  Champions are made when it’s cold.  When I am older I want to look back on my life and say I gave it all I had…..that means leaning into the hard situations and dealing with sometimes miserable circumstances.  If we keep leaning in and don’t give up, we will also be able to say that we have indeed fought the good fight and finished the race strong.  Don’t let the winter weather turn you into a Fartsacker!!


Truckin’ to the Pound:  Oct 28th


THE SCENE: clear and cool

10 cherry pickers I.C

10 Merkins I.C

  • 20 SSH I.C
    Mosey to the concrete bleachers 60 reps total w/ partner DIPS, DECLINE MERKINS, BOX JUMP
  • Mosey to the soccer field, 7’s burpees and jump squats to mid field
  • Mosey around the field, 10 square merkins (groups of four)
  • 7’s Merkins and tempo squats to mid field
  • Mosey around the field, two rounds of around the world merkins
  • Mosey back to concrete bleachers, 30 dips, 20 diamond merkins, 2 minute wall sits
  • Mosey back to soccer field, 7’s BBS and 3 ct flutter kicks to mid field
  • Mosey around the field 7’s burpees and jump squats to mid field
  • Mosey around the field and back to AO

Core exercises to finish out: 15 box cutters IC, 25 american hammers IC, 2 minute boat canoe.

Ephesians 6:10-17

In my reading in the book “Wild at Heart” I was pondering how prevalent the enemy is in our daily life and we may not realize it. The idea of Satan fitting into our theology is an easy enough concept but our modern age has a political, psychological, or scientific explanation for almost everything. We can often times read right past some scripture that attributes illness, depression, or misfortune to satanic forces but not really expect to encounter that in our daily life. I encouraged the PAX to understand how badly Satan desires to destroy anything that bares God’s image specifically our marriage. It is imperative that we as men know who we are in God’s eyes, and who our wives are in His eyes as well. if we meditate on this often it will be far less likely for the enemy to gain a foot hold in our lives.
Truckin to the pound Oct. 28th and two year anniversary f3 knoxville Nov 2nd.