F3 Knoxville

Helen’s Twisted Sister Returns

THE SCENE: 80 and sloppy from the start.
Mosey towards Oval Office with warm-up movements along the way.
Hold Air Squat while Veep took his time climbing out of his vehicle that showed up at 5:30

1st Stop – Some SSH While Swerve Figured Out the lights on the new whip
2nd Stop – A few Tempo Squats
3rd Stop – Some Tempo Merkins
4th Stop – Walking Lunges to Stop Sign and Back

Helen’s Twisted F3 Sister:
3 Rounds (for time):

  • 400 Meter Run
  • 30 CMU Swings
  • 15 CMU Thrusters

Abs for the 6:
Rinse & Repeat for the 6

  • 5 V-Ups
  • 10 Peter Parkers
  • 15 BBS
  • 20 Ankle Touches

6 Up Continue Work:
Rinse & Repeat 4 Time:

  • 5 Burpees
  • 5 Jumping Air Squats
  • 5 Walking Lunges
  • Run 200 Meter

Got the Mary in while waiting for the 6 to finish up with Helen
6 Men Put in Full Effort
Always put forth YOUR best. No need to compare to others, you know if your putting in the effort to succeed.
Galatians 6:3-5
If you think you are better than others, when you really aren’t, you are wrong. Do your own work well, and then you have something to be proud of. But don’t compare yourself with others. We each must carry our own load.
AO Q Flag Handoff Saturday 7/30/22 This weekend!
Work Day Cerebral Palsy Center 8/6/22
Men’s Meating on 8/20/22 6pm Mount Olive Baptist Church
Moses Beer Mile 9/10/22

Where’s the mumblechatter

THE SCENE: Classic summer morning

No need for a weak warmup. Grab the CMU and get going
Start at the base of the bridge on the greenway. 20-to-1 using the 10 light poles as markers on where to run. Halfway point between lightpoles also counts as a turnaround point.

Start by running to 20th point and return. Upon return, do 20 double-merkin-burpees and 20 sumo squat good mornings. Run to the 19th turnaround point and return to do 19 of each exercise.. You get the point. The farthest point and back was around 1/3 mile.

Most made it to round 16ish +/- a round.

20 BBS and 20 Flutter kicks (4ct) until time
12 showed up to get in the work
Sometimes you aren’t exhausted because you spent all your time doing something. But instead you realized that you spent no time doing something else and you’re out of time.

Every second you spend doing one thing is a second you also could’ve spent doing something else. Use your time for what’s important and what makes you and other’s around you better.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Insert information about upcoming events, 2nd or 3rd F opportunities, and any other announcements.

The “No Running” Workout

THE SCENE: ~68 degrees; humid, but certainly bearable.

  • Explicitly notated.


  • Motivators from 5 – IC
  • Monkey humpers – IC (10x)
  • Tempo Squat Jumps – IC (5x)
  • A little bit of this & a little bit of that


DORA style workout – Partner up:

  • Pax 1: works through the following exercises 1) 300 CMU curls 2) 250 CMU OH press 3) 200 CMU rows while Pax 2 is completing the following station:
  • Pax 2: CMU OH carry to the cone: 5 burpees, 10 jump squats, 15 SSH; CMU OH carry back to the starting line. Once complete, PAX 1 & 2 alternate and Pax 2 begins with current rep count. Rinse and repeat.


  • Al Gores – 30 second hold + 5 SSH + 30 second hold
  • Flutter Kicks – IC (4 CT – 20x)
  • 10 Big Boys (OYO)
  • Little baby arm circles (for time)


“Learn to take care of your things, and they will always take care of you”. A simple lesson my meticulous father taught me as a young boy. As most teenagers are, I was careless with anything I owned or used. For example, I would use my father’s tools and always failed to put them back where they belong. Then, they would get left outside, rust, and no longer function as desired, OR I could never find them whenever I needed them again.

Although it is a general adage, it is extremely relevant and a great reminder as men and leaders. Whether it is your mental or physical health, your family, your career, your employees, or anything else in life you are responsible for, it is important to take time to give them TLC and be intentional with everything you do. Take time to care for your things in life, and they will always care for you.

– Potential opportunity to serve and work with True Purpose Ministries, an addiction treatment center in Blount County. This is an all-male facility that provides housing, job training, food, clothing, transportation, and bible discipleship training to men recovering from drug and alcohol addiction. This could be a great opportunity to support this organization and our local community.

– Beer Mile @ Moses – September 10th

That Time We Ran Again…

THE SCENE: Warm with a healthy amount of humidity

SSH, little baby arm circles, tempo squats, mosey to oval office
Complete 10 reps of the 3 exercises below then run a lap.  Next do 20 reps and 2 laps.  Then 30 and 3.  Work your way back down after 30 and 3.

  • Merkins
  • Crunchy Frogs
  • Iron Mikes (1c)

Cherry pickers, overhead claps, protractor (each HIM called out a degree), 20 LBCs oyo, Catalina wine mixers, leg stretches on your own until time.
Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
I have been on vacation from work all of July.  Today I go back to work.  I have been dreading going back to work leading up to today but last night I started thinking about how much worse my experience will be if I go into it with a bad attitude.  So I made a conscious decision that I was going go into the day with a positive attitude, claiming that they day would be a good one. Yes, it could still turn out terrible but at least I will start my day off better.  Many of our experiences in life are greatly effected my our attitudes going into them.  Control what you can control.  Make the choice to have a positive attitude.   Do this for yourself and for those around you.
Insert any personal comments, notes, devotion content, etc.
Beer Mile was moved to September. Do it!