F3 Knoxville

Rampart ’23 January/July Metric


  • 15-SSH
  • 10-Tempo Merkins
  • 10-Mtn. Climbers
  • 10-Tempo Squats
  • 10-LBAC Forewards + Backwards
  • 10-Morroccan Night Club
  • 10-Bobbit Pickers
  • 10-Knox. Cherry Pickers
  • 10-Willie Mays Hayes
  • 10-SSH

July Metric from January

150 Curls; 125 Heavy Squats, 100 OHP, 75 CMU Swings, 50 Thrusters, and 25 Blockees. Do 25 reps, run 25 yards, preform 2 burpees and return, Rinse and repeat keeping up with your rep count.

Short mary for time
4 HIMS Crushed last years scores!!
In January Skeletor challenged us to examine our faith and relationship with God. Today I asked the group if we have grown spiritually as we have physically and challenge us to examine ourselves as we continue our day, our relationships, if we are shining through our life more than the lord.

T-Claps to the gentlemen on their progress. Welcome Airborne as Ramparts 2nd F Q. Patch ruck coming up on Saturday in downtown Harriman.

Ruck+: Two X One

THE SCENE: Nice out, rain on the horizon

Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes

SSH, KCP, WMH, TSQ, TMK, LBAC – F & B, ruck to track


ROUND 1 – 21/15 /9




ROUND 2 – 21/15/9





added third round including ruck curls, overhead ruck lunges and merkins

Three rounds of choose your own adventure


The Lord our God hath shewed us his glory.”


God’s great design in all his works is the manifestation of his own glory. Any aim less than this were unworthy of himself. But how shall the glory of God be manifested to such fallen creatures as we are? Man’s eye is not single, he has ever a side glance towards his own honour, has too high an estimate of his own powers, and so is not qualified to behold the glory of the Lord. It is clear, then, that self must stand out of the way, that there may be room for God to be exalted; and this is the reason why he bringeth his people ofttimes into straits and difficulties, that, being made conscious of their own folly and weakness, they may be fitted to behold the majesty of God when he comes forth to work their deliverance. He whose life is one even and smooth path, will see but little of the glory of the Lord, for he has few occasions of self-emptying, and hence, but little fitness for being filled with the revelation of God. They who navigate little streams and shallow creeks, know but little of the God of tempests; but they who “do business in great waters,” these see his “wonders in the deep.” Among the huge Atlantic-waves of bereavement, poverty, temptation, and reproach, we learn the power of Jehovah, because we feel the littleness of man. Thank God, then, if you have been led by a rough road: it is this which has given you your experience of God’s greatness and lovingkindness. Your troubles have enriched you with a wealth of knowledge to be gained by no other means: your trials have been the cleft of the rock in which Jehovah has set you, as he did his servant Moses, that you might behold his glory as it passed by. Praise God that you have not been left to the darkness and ignorance which continued prosperity might have involved, but that in the great fight of affliction, you have been capacitated for the outshinings of his glory in his wonderful dealings with you.

Todays cot was a reminder brought on by Wingman on Monday. He looked back 6 months ago to compare our position and feelings on where we are physically and spiritually. Have we advanced or given up ground. Let’s look beyond the temporary, and to the eternal. Our suffering is for His glory.

– F3 in the Nude, July 29th, 7 AM Concord park

– F3 Dad’s Camp.  Aug 11-13 at YMCA Camp Ocoee.  Time is drawing near if you’re interested.

PAXMiner is coming soon, tentatively July 24th. Videos will be released to show you how to create the Backblast right in slack. Super easy.


THE SCENE: post rain, peak humidity, otherwise gloomy


Hairy rockettes x 10

Knox cherry picker x 5

Imperial squawkers x 10

tempo merkins x 10

curb squats 10

The theme is advance. We will move in pairs. One pax does the challenge, the other does an out and back or run. Must complete the challenge to move on.

challenges and runs

  • From warmup, hold plank, run to sign and back, advance to the sign
  • From the sign, 150 monkey humpers, run to flag and back, switch off as necessary, advance to the new field house
  • From field house undertaker wall sit, run to the flag and back, advance to the playground
  • From playground, 200 merkins, run to the track, up the bleachers switch off as necessary, advance to the track
  • from the track, 300 squats, run 1 lap, switch off as necessary. Advance to the pavillion
  • From the pavilion, 200 dips, and 100 big boys, trade as necessary, when both PAX are finished, 200 incline merkins, advance to the flag
  • Finish!

No time


Let’s play a round of Jeopardy:

Alex, I’ll take, “Things that make the Lord spit for $1000

The clue, having little to no enthusiasm, lacking conviction : half hearted, or moderately warm

The answer, what is Luke-warm.

That’s right the Lord has a severe distaste for luke-warm Christians.

Revelation chapter 3:14-16

““To the angel of the church in Laodicea write: The Amen, the faithful and true Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God, says this: ‘I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot; I wish that you were cold or hot. So because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth.”

Retreat can be dealt with, advance is the desire, but luke-warmness is the enemy.

When we are first saved we have a zeal to share the Gospel. We want everyone we love to be saved, and to have the same enthusiasm we have about Christ. But, time passes, I get stagnant, the new wears off and I settle into this place where I am not running from the Lord, but I am also not running for the Lord. I am mid race sitting on a park bench. I might say as I see a friend headed towards hell, you know, there is an alternative to your pain, but I let them keep walking or I see a brother running for the Lord as he goes by, I might run along for a few moments, just until the next park bench and have a seat. I cannot be counted on when I am Luke-warm.

We can apply this to every area of our lives, how’s your first F? Getting better, getting worse, or just maintaining? How about your second F? Do you seek out your brothers, your wife, or children for fellowship to make sure they are doing good, or just letting them be so you don’t have to deal with their problems? How about your third F? Serving the Lord? Running from him, or sitting on a park bench?

What’s the solution? Run your race, set goals and meet them. Be an encouragement to your loved ones. Re-apply yourself after your failure. We could go on and on but we won’t.

That’s the word.

Prayer requests.

What would it look like for Rampart to advance? What would moving forward as an AO look like in your mind? Welcome FNG  Dr. Philgood!
Great time was had by all at Shamrock convergence. Thanks to Lucille, feeny, Wingman, Piston, go daddy, Spielberg, and Stetson for representing Rampart.

Saturday post beatdown we will move directly to cardinals house to move his family to their new home in Knoxville. Even if you can’t travel with us to unload, please come help us load. There will be some large items which will require multiple men. Many hands make light work.

F3 in the nude 7/7

F3 knox podcast plug.

Blackjack Pick-it-yourself

THE SCENE: Cool but Sticky Gloom

10 SSH, 10 Tempo Squats, 8 Willie mays haze, 5 knoxville cherry picckers, 10 tempo merkins, 10 second side plank stretch, 10 SSH
Mosey to the track for blackjack. Pax and House pick exercise. Winner of each hand gets their workout preformed with card count being rep count.

No time
Fantastic 5!!!

The lord lives within all of us. People in our lives and people we interact with should be able to see his light through us. There should be no question that the lord is in us. As HIMS it is our responsibility to reflect that light into the world around us.
Pray for DR, DL. Praise for Outnumbered and Foghorn knee. Prayers for Outnumbered and Lucille hips.
Convergence Saturday @ Shamrock. Meet @ Rampart at 5 to clown car over for pre-ruck/run. F3 in the nude coming up. Wingam announced as Rampart AO 1st FQ.

Time keeps on ticking!

THE SCENE: We had a little fog with temps around 65

Side Straddle Hop, Tempo Merkins, Willie Mayes Hayes, LBC’s, Moroccan Night Clubs, Knoxville Cherry Pickers and we were ready to go.
Workout area was set up like a clock with each hour of the clock identified with a placard identifying the hour and the exercise to go with it.

12 o’clock- Merkins, 1 o’clock- heavy squats, 2 o’clock- low planks, 3 o’clock – Hello Dollies

4 o’clock- curls, 5 o’clock lunges, 6 o’clock – high planks, 7 o’clock box cutters

8 o’clock- triceps extensions, 9 o’clock 8 count body builders, 10 0clock- mtn climbers, 11 o’clock Freddie Mercury’s

The Q kept the time of 1 minute increments continuously running.  Each HIM was on a different exercise and when the timer was started the first round, each person would do the exercise for 40 seconds and then move to the next exercise within 20 seconds.  This was done until the round was completed (12 minutes) and then time stood still as we ran appx 200 meters.

Once the group was back in position, the Q started the clock and the group repeated the trip around the clock with 50 seconds of exercise and 10 seconds to move to the next exercise.  This was done until the round was completed (12 minutes) and then time stood still and we ran appx 200 meters.

For the 3rd round, we took turns picking out an hour on the clock and doing the same exercise as a group until 6am.

Rampart had 6 HIMs beat the gloom and utilize our time that we were given to strengthen our F3″s
The word came from Luke 13:6-9.  The story of the gardener that took care of the owners fig tree.  The owner comes and sees that the tree once again has not produced fruit (after 3 years) and tells the gardener to cut it down “Why should it use up the soil”!  The gardener asks for another year to fertilize and care for the tree.  It in one years time it has not produced fruit, it will be cut down and replaced with a tree that will produce fruit.

As we emphasized the use of time and the importance of utilizing the limited amount that we are given, we must look at this parable and see that we are given a specific amount of time on this earth to produce fruit.  If we don’t produce the fruit, God will use another to fulfill his will and we will have missed out on the opportunity he has given us.  At the end of our life we will be judged.  We will not enter Heaven by our good works (our fruit) but by the mercy and grace given to us freely by God and the sacrifice of Christ.  It is because of this mercy, grace and sacrifice that we should strive to utilize every second that we have to produce good fruit.  This can be leading people to Christ or just showing the love that Christ showed to others.  Our clock is ticking, utilize every moment.

AED and med kit familiarization on Saturday, July 1.