F3 Knoxville

F3 Quarter Murph Repeats

AO: the-project
Q: Munge
PAX: Erector, Papa Lock, Ocho, OBrother, Tom Tom, Mathlete, slappy, Rocket, Munge
FNGs: None

10 side straddle hops
10 lil baby arm circles, both directions
10 tempo merkins
5 cherry pickers
Execute the F3 Quarter Murph Repeats workout until recovery
Upcoming Christmas party @ Data’s place
Prepping for Haw Ridge event
Walking in the Spirit essential for any meaningful Christian life. The Spirit as embodiment of union between Jesus and His Father, also vital in our union with Christ. Identity of being “in Him” primary focus of the Christian walk.

Deconstructed Suicide Burpees

AO: shamrock
Q: Toretto
PAX: Bed Wetter, Commission, Curveball, Mermaid, Skidmark, slappy, Swifty, Tinker
FNGs: None
SSH in cadence, arm circles, tempo merkins, two-legged mountain climbers, tempo jump squats

25yd sprint, 20 merkins, back to start
50 yd sprint, 20 two-legged mountain climbers, back to start
75 yd sprint, 20 jump squats, back to start
100 yd sprint, 5 burpees, back to start
2 lap Indian run
11’s with dry docks and big boys
Return to field for one more round of DSB’s

Round-Robin, every core exercise known to man


What are you thankful for?
Happy Thanksgiving!

The Princess Bride

AO: the-project
Q: Biohack
PAX: OBrother, Icey Hot, Munge, Mathlete, Ocho, Comfort Zone, slappy, KickFlip, Biohack, Flying Dutchman, Flying Dutchman
FNGs: 1 Flying Dutchman
1. Projectivator
2. Overhead clap
3. Imperial Squalker
4. Tempo merkins
5. Cherry pickers

1. Run to the parallel bars
2. 20 inverse rows as we sail to the Cliffs of Insanity!
3. 10 Wallpies and go over the pool wall.
a. First one over must say the quote (I swear on the soul of my father, Domingo Montoya, you will reach the top alive).
4. Left side plank for 30 sec.
a. Why are you smiling?
b. I know something you don’t know.
c. I’m not left handed
5. Right side plank for 30 sec.
6. My way is not very sportsman-like
a. Hang from the monkey bars for 1 min.
7. Run to the bell.
8. Build immunity to iocane powder.
a. 20 dips
9. Run to K25 hill and to the top.
10. Roll down the hill towards the fire swamp.
11. Run back up and over and leap the fire geyser at the bottom.
12. Ring of fire as we battle rodents of unusual size.
13. Squatting ring of fire as we escape the lightning sand.
14. We are men of action. Lies do not become us.
15. Death march to the bell as we fall into the pit of despair.
16. Not to 50! 50 dips
17. Buddy carry to the playground as we take Westley to Miracle Max
a. Switch out at the parallel bars
18. If only we had a Wheelbarrow
a. Partner wheelbarrow back and forth to the amphitheater
19. Mawage is what bwings us togetwar, today
a. Al Gore while we quote the scene (Wuv, twoo wuv also)
20. The chase! Jail break to the shovel flag. No wammies!
21. My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die.
a. Overhead clap. In cadence. Until it hurts like you’ve been stabbed in the arms.
22. To the pain!
a. Ring of fire.

MARY: A few ab exercises with friends.


“We are men of action. Lies do not become us.”
Who do we lie to? Others? Ourselves? Our God?

One way we lie to all three is by pretending we will live forever.
Think of your legacy. What do you picture? Money? A business? Heirlooms or possessions?
Which of these will survive 10 years? 20 years? 50? 100? Eternity?

Steve Jobs was one of the most influential people in the world while he lived and continues to be. However, within months of his death, Apple released a product he said they’d never make: the iPad Mini.

Do not lie to yourself and pretend that your material work will leave a legacy for your family. The only true legacy we can leave is by passing our values from the Word of God to others in our lives. The disciples we make will outlive us way longer than any work of our hands.

Bday Relay of Misery

AO: shamrock
Q: Base Salary
PAX: Baby Boomer, Anchorman, Brick, slappy, Eliza, Ghost Flag (F3Knoxville), Toretto, Steam, Drum Major, Pusher, Curveball, Nacho Libre, Stitch, LeBling, Base Salary, Band Camp, Jardet, Commission, 2.0 Stiff Arm, 2.0 Stunner
FNGs: None
Baby arm circles IC
Cherry Pickers IC
Downward/Upward Dog
Indigenous people run the field the long way
Groups of 6 relayed through 5 stations.
Starting at the Flag side GoalLine- 50 yard Sprint, 20 yard Bernie, 20 yard mosey, 10 walk—> high plank/ low plank transitions @ far goalin—> Car. dry Docks & Mtn. Climbers @ stairs at bottom of bleachers —> modified stadium run to press box platform—> monkey humpers/imperial Walkers @ pressbox platform —> modified stadium run down ramp—> dips/SSH @ wall—> perfect merkins @ start point —> rinse & Repeat
Ghost flag has been stolen by Asylum PM.
Even since before arriving in the NFL, Deion Sanders had a swagger and arrogance about himself, something that continues to show up in sports headlines today. As a coach he gets more criticism for his comments, but as you look past the flash you see that the comments and actions are calculated and methodical. It’s his confidence coming through and speaking his future into existence.
I find myself desiring that level of confidence too. At a sales conference he said this (paraphrasing) ‘no one saw my biggest plays, because they happened at practice. There were no cameras when I made my biggest plays. I practice like I played, so when I played it was practice.’
Ephesians 6:10 reads “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power” before detailing the armor of God. This is our practice and our confidence. That we trust in, lean on, and follow the guidance of the Lord in all times. We do it during good times and the blessings, so that when we hit trials and struggles we have practiced and are prepared to trust in his mighty power. That is our confidence in Him.
Through all of the braggadocios comments Deion has also been quoted saying this: “I don’t care what they say about me when I’m through with sports. I don’t want to be known as anything else in life but a great father.”

Flag Handoff to Slappy

AO: shamrock
Q: Betty
PAX: Oscar Meyer, Base Salary, Glamper, Nadia (Aaron Jacques), skewer, Jardet, Band Camp, Dumpster Dive, Curveball, Honeydew, Steam, Skidmark, Waxjob, Rocket, Anchorman, Stitch, KickFlip, Toretto, Mathlete, The Situation, Mermaid, Free Fall (Justin Whitaker), Nacho Libre, Tailhook, Econoline, 5K, slappy, Guardrail, Commission, OBrother, Voodoo, Baby Boomer, Eliza, Ribbed, Betty, Dragon Slayer, Thunder
FNGs: None
Disclaimer given
SSH,Merkins,Squats,Curtsey Lunges, Cherry Pickers
Mosey to baseball hill and complete 11’s
Monkey humpers at the top of the hill
Iron Mikes at the bottom
Mosey to the big parking lot with a bernie in the mix and complete the below:
Hub and Spoke Workout
Hub is 5 burpees

Spoke 1- 50 SSH
Spoke 2-50 Shoulder taps
Spoke 3-50 Freddy Mercury’s
Spoke 4- 25 Imperial Walkers
Spoke 5- 20 Lunges (10 each leg)
Hub .
Spoke 6- 25 Merkins

After we finished this we made out way to the FIA parking lot where we completed a shoulder burning exercise consisting of Merkins, Shoulder Taps and Plank jacks without dropping our knees
Mosey to the straightaway back to the AO and did a series of bear crawls and lunges
Back to flag in enough time for 1 burpee
This was a very special day as we passed the shovel flag off to a new leader, Slappy! It is going to be extremely exciting to see what he does in the role and how Shamrock is going to thrive under his leadership.

We have all heard the quote, “Strong men create good time, good times creat weak men, weak men create bad times, bad times create strong men.” I head some commentary on this quote from Nick Freitas on this and says, “Bad times don’t create strong men, strong men are made by the influence of other strong men.” He goes on to talk about how strong men are there through good times and bad, but in the bad times, strong men are once again appreciated for what they contribute to society.
I instantly thought of F3 and the group of strong men that I have the privilege of working out beside every morning. All of you have made me a stronger man in all areas of my life and I am thankful for every one of you.