F3 Knoxville

CZ B-day VQ

AO: the-project
Q: Comfort Zone
PAX: Borg, Mathlete, Biohack, Rocket (dave weston), OBrother, slappy
FNGs: None
-Side Straddle Hops
-Tempo Merkins
-Tempo Squats
-Cherry Pickers

(All reps are 36 for my 36th b-day, unless otherwise noted)
Pool Wall: Big Boys, Wall Ups x 18
Amphitheater: LBC’s, Freddy Mercuries
Mosey to Bridge, Sprint to Bell
Bell: Step-Ups, Dips
Jog to 1st corner of track: Basilisks
Bernie to 2nd corner of track: Imperial Squawkers
Jog to 3rd corner of track: Burpees

6/7 HIMs finished a MARY before 0615

Iron PAX on Thursday
2nd F: Big Eds (or maybe Catholic Church tables) family dinner on Friday
Maybe Ultimate Frisbee on Saturday

Abraham had to leave his ‘comfort zone’ to grow in his faith and become the father of the Israelites. Remember to leave your own comfort zone, whatever that may be, in your fitness, fellowship, faith, and beyond.

Old McDonald’s Walk

AO: shamrock
Q: slappy
PAX: Curveball, Baby Boomer, Commission, Anchorman, Stitch, Mermaid, Skidmark, Bed Wetter, Betty, slappy, Toretto, Base Salary, KickFlip, LeBling, Swifty
FNGs: None
-reach for the sky
-mtn climbers
-tempo merks
-m nightclubs

-7s at the half pipe (hill runs and merkins)
-grab two CMUs and farmer carry the shamrock loop. Stopping at intervals to do various heavy workouts.
-fun was had

-no time

-handoff on Friday

-The enemy wants us to live our life on the sidelines where we have no impact in the game. One of his favorite strategies is apathy. We drift from one thing to the next as if our involvement has no value or consequence and as a result our involvement has no positive value or consequence. So start with choices. Make all your decisions count. If you don’t choose, it will be chosen for you.

IPC Week 3 @ Shamrock

AO: shamrock
Q: Mermaid
PAX: Betty, Eliza, Anchorman, KickFlip, Tailhook, slappy, Bed Wetter, Mermaid, Base Salary, Voodoo, Nacho Libre, Curveball, LeBling, The Situation, Toretto, Paper or Plastic (Bryan Berry), Swiftie
FNGs: None
WARMUP: mosey to the CMU’s
MARY: None
COT: Don’t be afraid to own up to your weaknesses. One of mine is prayer. I have been pondering Job this week, and how even in his anger, he was prayerful and God was pleased with him because he prayed. I know that my prayer life can improve, and that I need to be willing to “talk” to God more. Where are your weaknesses, where can you improve? Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable with this group and seek improvement. Also, when addressing a weakness, start by looking in the mirror, don’t start by blaming others.

Run (1) Walk (2)

AO: shamruck
Q: Betty , Betty
PAX: Mermaid, Eliza, Dumpster Dive, Blindside, Tonka, Toretto, Oscar Meyer, slappy, Betty, Ribbed, Bed Wetter, Glamper
FNGs: None
Run Shuffle (1 min)/Regular Ruck Pace (2 minutes) rotate this way for 1 hour. Ended up with over 4 miles.
“It’s better to be a warrior in a garden, than a gardener in a war.”

True CMUesday

AO: the-project
Q: Mathlete
PAX: Biohack, Tom Tom, Ocho, slappy, 3-Peat (Carlos Rodriguez), Comfort Zone, Fire inthe Hole (Dave Duhamel), Mathlete, Munge (Nathaniel Bond)
FNGs: None
Warm-up: Running drills
Pool wall: 1 BDE burpee, 5 wall-ups, 1 BDE Merkin
Recruiting Center: 2 BDE burpees, 5 pull-ups, 2 BDE Merkins
Grab CMUs and head to theater steps
Travel by farmer carry (left, right) and rifle carry
Run stairs between sets
• 3 BDE Burpees
• 20 Rows L
• 20 Rows R
• 30 Curls
• 3 BDE Merkins
Travel to next set of stairs, same thing
• 4 BDE burpees
• 30 OHP
• 20 Good mornings
• 50 Heavy Freddies
• 4 BDE Merkins
Back to the Recruiting Center: 2 BDE burpees, 5 pull-ups, 2 BDE
Mary: Dealer’s choice – Box cutters, awkward turtles, basilisk, merkins, pickle pointers

Acts 5:1-11
This story isn’t about generosity, it is about lying.
As a young man, I was an avid liar. Never to particularly malicious ends, but always self serving. In spite of warnings about tangled webs, I found myself to be a pretty handy spider. I was lucky enough to have a watershed moment when I was young where I was discovered in a relatively serious lie with nowhere to retreat. This didn’t come close to curing me, but it did strike the first light of awareness. Since, I have given special attention to trying to work on this flaw.
The lie sits deep in the heart of sin itself. Lying, in its essence, is the act of twisting my view of reality to serve my own purposes, functionally placing myself in the seat of God. Every lie, whether of commission or omission, begins with a lie to yourself. A lie is always in conflict with relationship because it intentionally creates a discontinuity between my understanding of reality and yours. How can I possibly remain in relationship with someone with whom I do not share the same reality?
However, I don’t think that abhorring a lie means that I should speak all truth to all people. Most of us have probably witnessed first-hand a vicious personal attack levied from the perceived moral high ground of “I’m just being honest.” Truth, like all goods, must be constantly tempered by that highest good, love. We must also be cautious about the burden of truth that we lay upon others. God, in his wisdom, does not reveal to us the fullness of His Truth because He knows that we are too weak to bear it. Likewise, it is sometimes better for us to moderate, but this is very tricky business. Certainly there are truths that are not helpful for a child. But I must be very cautious of my motives. Am I really protecting them, or am I really protecting me?
What we can be certain of is that if I intend to conform myself to a man who calls himself the way, the truth and the light, every lie is a nonconformity.