F3 Knoxville


THE SCENE:  A steamy 59 degrees



ALL IC: SSH x20, Imperial Walkers x20, American Hammers (4ct) x20, Merkins x15, Mountain Climbers (4ct) x15, Squats x15, Flutter-kicks (4ct) x 20, LBCs (4ct) x20,

Burpees OYO x10

Battle-Buddy up for some Partner Sets. Partner 1 does 10 reps while other holds position; switch and repeat until 100 reps is reached:

  • Merkins (or plank)
  • Squats (or Al Gore)
  • Flutter-Kicks (4ct) (or 6inch)
  • Shoulder Taps (or plank)
  • Jump Squats (or free throw position)
  • LBCs (or knees to chest)
  • Burpees (or stand and catch breath) – for this last one we did sets of 5 until 50 total reps completed.

Mosey to Large Student Parking Lot and rotate between bear crawl and lunges (switching at each parking lane), making our way across the lot (total distance around 120 yards).

100 yard mosey repeats with dealer’s choice exercises at each end.  For practice, Q had three men who had not Q’d yet call the exercises the proper F3 way: Slappy, Nadia and Curveball all did great and are ready to Q!

24 Strong
Fitness is the first “F” for a reason.  Every day you make that decision to get out of bed, you swallow a pill that most men won’t – the Daily Red Pill (DRP). The DRP is the first of many bricks you lay that will solidify and start a process that steam rolls into having an effective day as a dad, a boss, a neighbor, whatever. You cannot effectively lead unless you get your body right first. We come out here and suffer together to get fit. Once our bodies are right, we can then effectively lead in our daily circles.

There is an old saying in F3: “You can’t out-king your queen.”  With The game of Chess as a comparison, the King represents your fitness, the Queen your diet. We all know that in chess while both are important, the Queen is the most valuable player  on the board. You lose your Queen and it’s not long until the game is over. Similarly, you will never be able to out-exercise a bad diet. If you are really serious about becoming a better leader, the First F requires dietary discipline. Find what works for you. For me, it’s Calories in v. Calories out.  I track my food intake and you should too. It can be a real eye-opener for those that never have.  You can’t out-King your Queen! ISI!



Be Bold & Juicy- Make the Best Use of the Time!

THE SCENE: 36°F and gloomy but about to be BOLD and JUICY!
F3 WELCOME & DISCLAIMER Administered + Cell Phone Check (will actually be used for music during Mary… read to the end to find out)

LBACF & R IC x 5ea
Tempo Squat IC x 5
Tempo Merkin IC x 5
Werewolf OYO x 5
Burpee OYO x 5
Imperial Walker IC x 5

Bold & Juicy
Hummingbird Wings (really fast LBACF & R) – IC x 5ea
Squat Jumps OYO x 5
Diamond Merkins IC x 5
Tennessee Rocking Chair IC x 5
Flying Squirrel OYO x 5
Squat Walking Rockette IC x 5

Calf raises x 25

Falling Indian Run (count to 3, do burpees off to the side of the line until the rear of the line reaches you and then fall in) to the Coupon Pile and then over to Freshman Hill. Partner Up and do the following:

DORA on Freshman Hill Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4
Length 4 minutes 3 minutes 4 minutes 4 minutes
Rest 1 minute 1 minute 1 minute 1 minute
Bottom of Hill Squats Goblet







Up Hill Run Bernie Bear Crawl Run
Top of Hill 5x Merkins 5x Jumping


5x Burpees 5 x 4-ct

Flutter Kicks

  • Q called recover and return CMUs to coupon pile, doing a wall sit until the all PAX at on the wall. Guardrail for *SOME STRANGE REASON* did a quicker than normal 10-count.
  • Black Snake back to the AO.

All PAX got in a tight circle while the Q explained what “Thunderstruck” meant and how we were going to modify it to be BOLD & JUICY

Exicon explanation of Thunderstruck: “Q plays “Thunderstruck” by ACDC. PAX complete 1 standard Merkin for every “thunder!” that is heard in the song. Plank during the rest of the song. Awesome way to end a workout and just make sure any juice that’s left is burned away.”

BOLD & JUICY “Thunderstruck” modification:

Start the song with pickle pounders.
When they start saying “thunder” go into plank and do 1 merkin every time it’s said.
Hold plank until at the end of the first verse when he says “thunderstruck.”
For the rest of the song when he says “thunderstruck” do 1 burpee.
After the first thunderstruck, the Q led the following changes to exercises at certain points in the song:
BBS until the first “shaking at the knees”, doing burpees as they say “thunderstruck”
Flutter kicks until the second “shaking at the knees”, doing burpees as they say “thunderstruck”
BBS until the last round of “thunderstruck” starts and do burpees until the end of the song.

PAX were exhausted and the Q *might* have gone over 1-minute on time (my plan even said I was 1-minute over but I was trying to be BOLD & JUICY with what I’d planned for the workout)

21 PAX (2 left early + 19 pictured + 1 Pool Boy behind the camera)

Last week in the JUCO GroupMe @Curveball posted a photo of this beer and asked “Side business @Pool Boy?”. The next comment about the subtext of the IPA from @Anchorman made me decide to absolutely include it in my BOM: “Bold and Juicy”!!!!

I was already thinking about the following passage, but with Leap Day tomorrow (2-29) that we ought to be BOLD and JUICY. What does this mean? Let’s look at Ephesians 5:15-18 to find out what I’m thinking Scripture says:

15 Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, 16 making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. 17 Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is. 18 And do not get drunk with wine, for that is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit,

This passage calls us to be BOLD by walking carefully and making the best use of the time and to be JUICY by drawing people in through understanding what the Lord’s will is and by being filled with the Spirit and not wine [or Pool Boy beer!].

Ways PAX can be BOLD: Sign up for course or a test you need to take (educationally or professionally), train for a marathon, trying to be a HIM day in and day out, have “the talk” with your son/daughter, confessing sin to your wife, serving at your church without being asked, talking to your neighbor who is clearly in need of a friend, and even sign up for your VQ / next Q!

When I think of being JUICY I’m reminded of what Jesus said in Matthew 5:13 “You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its taste, how shall its saltiness be restored? It is no longer good for anything except to be thrown out and trampled under people’s feet.” and what Paul said in Colossians 4:6Let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how you ought to answer each person. We’re called to live in such a way that people should constantly be drawn in to us because of how we’re different in living out our lives not for ourselves but for Christ. That we would emanate His love, grace, and be the aroma of life.

Ways PAX can be JUICY: Talk about Christ with your coworkers and seek to lift them up in prayer in their presence and on your knees when it’s just you and the Lord, immerse yourself in the Bible and let it pour into and out of your soul, spend time praying and fasting asking that God would give you more of a heart for the things He wants you to do, speaking with kindness and compassion to those in need because Christ is your Savior, listening to that one guy who nobody wants to listen to but you know God has put in your life to minister to and love and even as 1 Thessalonians 2:8 says “So, being affectionately desirous of you, we were ready to share with you not only the gospel of God but also our own selves, because you had become very dear to us”, and much more!

Remember, you only have one “today” as Ephesians 5:15-18 reminds us. Walk carefully. Be wise. Don’t get drunk but be BOLD and be JUICY!

Prayer for Cheatsheet & his daughter, Spotter’s & Gump’s mom’s successful surgery & lymph node removal (prayer for no further cancer), prayer for Flashback’s son (lost 1-year old child last year and now has a new 4-month old baby), prayers for Jack, Commission’s friend.
TRUEbadours tomorrow at 7am at the Asylum on Leap Day 2/29

Pull-up bar install tomorrow from 8am at The Dog Pound

OTB Exploratory Workout next Friday, March 6 at Catholic High School led by Waxjob

Irken/Dirken Biscuit


32 degrees, snow flurries at a NEW AO – Name TBD – Finally Named Shamrock




  • 20 SSH
  • 20 Cherry Pickers
  • 20 Mountain Climbers
  • 10 Crab Climbers
  • 20 Mountain Parkers
  • 10 Crab Parkers

The Thang: Irken Dirken Biscuit

Go tour the campus and for every incline do 10 Dips, 10 Dirkens, and 10 Irkens.
The inclines are small hills, benches, and stairs. There were also a few side tracks we took.

The first side track/warmup was a Mtn Climber + Lizard stair climb.

  1. Bear crawl up right beside the stairs
  2. Lizard crawl down the stairs = Stagger Merkins as you progress down the stairs crawling
  3. Lizard crawl UP the stairs = Stagger Merkins as you progress UP the stairs
  4. Reverse bear crawl down right beside the stairs

The second side track was a bear crawl stair loop with 10 Dirkens and 10 Irkens at the stairs.

The third side track was 10 Hill climbs and 10 Dirkens and 10 Irkens after the 10 hill climbs.

Then progressed to the Six picnic tables . For each picnic table do 10 Dips, 10 Dirkens and 10 Irkens.

Then mosey to pull up bar. Al Gore hold while your brothers take turns doing three reps of MAX # of Pull ups.

Almost out of time. Mosey around the campus and do 10 Dips, on the benches and marvel at the infinite workout possibilities on campus.


No time for Mary


Drive a Steak – Read out of Joshua 22 – Acknowledging there is ONLY one God, The Rubenites erected a controversial Alter to honor God. At first it was mis-understood, but then when explained, it brought Glory to God and was accepted. What steaks in the ground are you driving to educate your kids and future generations about what it means to be a Christian. This Catholic school invested heavily (driving a steak for future generations) in the combination of permanent “monuments” in which to teach future generations about Jesus. We are very grateful to have the privilege to be able exercise on this Holy ground and potentially call it the home of a new F3 AO.


Welcome two FNG’s – Chicken Wing (Sam) and Hoopti (Kyle). Please tell your friends about this new locations. Let’s make it a permanent addition to the flourishing F3 Knoxville group.

Death by Squat Thrusters

THE SCENE: A mild, dry, low 50 degree morning.

20 in cadence Bat Wings: Arm circles forward/arm circles backward/seal claps/overhead claps
10 wind mill
10 burpees
10 tempo squats
.25-.5 mile mosey to warm up


150 Squat Thrusters for time
Complete the F3 Knoxville February Challenge
Record times, Mermaid will update all times on the website
Exercises in 4 corners, perform exercise, and rotate until time is called
Corner 1 Around the world Merkins, BBS, Squats
Corner 2 Werkins, LBC’s, Lunges
Corner 3 Diamond Merkins, American Hammers, Calf Raises (40)
Corner 4 Curls, tri ext, OH Press with coupon.
20 of each exercise

No mary, ab exercises were included in the workout.


Paraphrase the Prodigal son
Luke 15:  11-32
God will run to and and take you back even when you squander your opportunity.
He wants a relationship with you, and he will take you with your warts, and transgressions.

Prayer Requests:
Pool Boy-His friend Linda has Lymphoma
Rosetta’s coworker Zachary committed suicide
Spotter & Gump’s mom is having surgery today related to the return of her breast cancer.

Bring food on Friday for the Wesley House.
OTB workout at Catholic High School on Thursday 2/27 5:30 AM
Q 101 workout at the Asylum on Saturday 2/29 7:00AM
Convergence at JUCO 3/28


Pyramid Scheme

THE SCENE: A little drizzle and mid 40s

15 SSH, 10 Morrocan night club, 15 mountain climbers, 10 tempo squats, 10 slow windmill
Mosey the the playground for 11s- start with 1 burpee and 10 pull-ups

Mosey to amphitheatre for:

Pyramid- perform first exercise and make a lap around the creek. Each round add an exercise. The plan was to get to all 8 exercises and then start dropping the first exercise each round.

  • 20 Merkins
  • 20 squats
  • 20 mountain climbers (4-ct)
  • 20 flutter kicks (4-ct)
  • 20 diamond merkins
  • 20 lunges
  • 20 burpees
  • 20 Freddie Mercury (4-ct)

10 burpees OYO, 20 Freddie Mercury IC
Lucky 7 at the Project
“Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves; do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others. Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus, who, although He existed in the form of God, did not regard equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a bond-servant, and being made in the likeness of men. Being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.” – Philippians 2:3‭-‬8 NASB

I challenge you to always regard others as more important than yourselves and see what happens with your life. Even the simplest act of humility can have a major impact. Take a simple example of heavy traffic. When merging, if you provide a little more space between yourself and the car in front of you, someone can merge in without interruption. If everyone is bumper to bumper, someone eventually stops (a good Samaritan, if you will) to let another car in. Everyone else had to stop too…and so on. Find ways to be humble in all that you do.
11s with pull-ups and burpees…not my best plan. The pyramid was highly ambitious too. We got through the diamond Merkins…not even half done! All still got a good workout.
Snacks for Wesley House.