F3 Knoxville

Friday Fun on Top of JUCOManjaro!

THE SCENE: 67 and a little damp

  • Cherry Pickers (IC) 4 CT
  • Baby Arm Circles Forward X 10 & Michael Phelps
  • Baby Arm Circles Backward X 10 & Michael Phelps
  • Side Straddle Hops (IC) 4 CT
  • Squats (IC) 4 CT
  • Hand release Merkins
  • Mosey to JUCOManjaro

1/3 to the top workout – 4 corners for 10 minutes

  • 20 Merkins
  • 15 Big Boy Sit-ups
  • 15 Dri-Docks
  • 10 Superman Swims (4ct)
  • Mosey up – Bernie Sanders-style (Al Gore until the 6 arrives)

2/3 to the top workout

  • 10 Derkins
  • 10 Freedom Twists (4 CT IC)
  • Mosey to the top 

Top of the Hill Workout – Partner Workout for 10 or so minutes

  • 1 partner works while the other runs partially down the hill and back up
  • AMRAP w/ CMUs & Dumbbells of:
  • goblet squats, thrusters, curls, bent over rows,
  • rinse and repeat 10-15 times each
  • Mosey down & back to AO doing farmer carries w/ CMUs & Dumbbells


  • Hello Dolly

6 HIMs – Fast-n-Easy, Iso, Neutron, Rocket, Snaggletooth & Booster


Do not be misled: “Bad company corrupts good character.” 1 Corinthians 15:33

One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. Proverbs 18:24

Walk with the wise and become wise, for a companion of fools suffers harm. Proverbs 13:20

Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor:

If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another. Proverbs 27:17

We have sweated together, been rained on together, bled together, prayed together, played together and got better together.

I want to thank everyone I have met in F3.  We have opened up our hearts and minds to one another.  Even if we don’t know one another that well, I know you care about me and my family just like I care about you and your family.  We lean on one another when we need it…we laugh, we eat, we drink but we also pray for one another and our families.

F3 is good for our heart and soul.  Let’s keep supporting one another whether we’re the fastest or bringing up the 6 like I often do.  Let’s also encourage others to join us.  Lots of men need us just like I need you.  We have impacted each other and I’m certain there are other men that need to get involved with F3 whether it’s for their physical health, their mental health or their spiritual health!

The June JUCO Calender is FULL. Start signing up for July or ask people signed up for June if you can Co-Q if you want in on the action!

Iso needs people with boats and others to volunteer in July to take inner city kids out for a day of boating, etc. More details to follow.

Ring of Fire

THE SCENE: 67 F and Partly Cloudy

-Side straddle hop (IC*15)
-Baby arm circle fwd (IC*10)
-Michael Phelps
-Back (10)
-Cherry picker (IC*10
-Imperial Walker (IC*10)
-Football Sprint in place with random timer. Each beep, burpee, continue Sprint. For 1 minute. 10 countdown

-Ring of Fire:
Seen at Asylum once, wanted to bring it back. PAX will circle up in plank position. Q will start with 10 merkins while PAX holds plank. Next HIM will do 10 merkins while PAX holds plank. Go around circle till finished.
Repeat Ring of Fire with Carolina Dry Docks, holding with arms at 90° instead of plank to engage triceps.

-Indian Run with 5 burpees to maintenance building.

-Behind Maintenance Building
Ring of Fire with goblet squats (use coupons). Use parking lot if needed for space
Ring of Fire with wide merkins

Mosey to Bagwell Building for step ups and dips at 1 minute intervals, 10 second cool down (*2)

-Mosey to AO.
Tubthumping Burpees
Seen at Dog# once and doing it here at JUCO. Will play Chumbawamba Tubthumping song. During song, doing side straddle hop. When the phrase ‘Get knocked down’ is said in chorus, do a burpee, get up and continue side straddle hop.

-Flutter Kicks (IC*15)
-American Hammer (IC*15)

– What it means to be a Romans 12 Christian. Romans 12:2 read and PAX challenged to watch actions throughout the week and make sure it’s glorifying to God, even the small things.

JUCO will NOT meet on Memorial Day. We will be joining Asylum for a Memorial Day Workout

JUCO – Interlaken

THE SCENE: Beautiful sky and temp..  Humidity was cause for a quick sweat.

Praise the Lord for a great event this weekend.

Cherry Pickers, Lunges, Side-straddle-hops, Side toe touches, 4-count merkins

THA-THANG:  Interlaken
Using a FIFO Sprint Train,  inter link (connect) the three lakes on campus.

While one person sprints to the next exercise station, the rest of the group does the current exercise in place.  When one person finishes the sprint he calls out “Go” to the next in line person, who then stops doing the exercise and sprints to the next station.  Upon reaching the next exercise station, begin doing the next exercise until the whole group has reached the current station.  It works best if we all stay in the same order.   Sprints are designed to be mostly on the straight aways and about 100 yards.  Exercises are:

  1. Plank hold.
  2. Leg lift hold.
  3. Squat Hold.
  4. Side Plank Star Hold.
  5. Elbows to Plank.
  6. In place Lunges
  7. Rainbow Drops
  8. Windmills
  9. Burpees
  10. Side-Raises
  11. Sizzor Kicks
  12. Flutter Kicks
  13. Windshield Wipers
  14. Imperial Walkers
  15. Bicycles
  16. Toe Touches
  17. Merkins
  18. Hello Dollys
  19. Squats
  20. Big Boy Situps
  21. Jumping Jacks
  22. Cross Toe Touches


We made it to the third big lake about half way around and ran out of time on #13 Windshield wipers.  Sprint race back to the AO.

Archie, Bartman, Booster, Pink Eye, Snaggletooth, Crotch Rocket, Trolley,
Humility over Pride. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Proverbs+18:12&version=NIV

Humility https://www.biblegateway.com/quicksearch/?quicksearch=humility&version=NASB&resultspp=25


Tee It Up & Swing Away!

THE SCENE: 65, humid but great!

  • Baby Arm Circles Forward X 10 & Michael Phelps
  • Baby Arm Circles Backward X 10 & Michael Phelps
  • Cherry Pickers (IC) 4 CT
  • Side Straddle Hops (IC) 4 CT
  • Squats (IC) 4 CT
  • Hand release Merkins
  • Mosey


AO Parking Lot – Dora & Hills – one partner runs up the hill while the other partner works on

  • 50 Burpees
  • 100 Merkins
  • 150 Squats

AO Parking Lot – Descending Ladder

  • 5 diamond Merkins, big boy sit-ups & Chris Loftons at each corner
  • 4, 3, 2 & 1

Clayton Performing Arts Center Overhang – 12 stations – HIMS went to each 1-2 times

  • 15 dips
  • 15 Carolina Dri-Docks
  • 40 calf raises
  • 10 lunges per leg
  • 10 shoulder taps (4 count)
  • 10 mountain climbers (4 count)
  • 10 box cutters (4 count)
  • 25 lil baby crunches
  • 15 flutter kicks (4 count)
  • 10 superman swim (4 count)
  • 15 curls each side (I brought my 25 lb dumbbells)
  • 20 bent over rows

9 HIMs & 1 Dog – Barnacle, Hawkeye, Neutron, Onesie, Pink Eye, Snaggletooth, Toto, Trolley & Booster

How many of you have hit golf balls at a driving range? When you have all or most of the balls, typically, we just let it rip. However, when the bucket is nearly empty, we start to focus.

We need to be like a soldier, an athlete and a farmer.  A solder is focused and purposeful.  An athlete is disciplined, committed and dedicated. A farmer has faith/hope because they are planting seeds to produce & sustain life.

God didn’t promise us an easy life but a meaningful one if we live through Him

If our life were like a clock and we were born at 7:00 a.m. and died at 11:00 p.m., on average, if you are:

20 years old, it’s 11:43 a.m. in your life

30 years old, it’s 1:17 p.m. in your life

45 years old, it’s 5:00 p.m. in your life

I turned 47 not long ago which means it’s after 5:00 p.m. in my life.

In life, we don’t know which day will be our last so we need to focus today and every day on what is important…make the call to a loved one, teach our kids lessons right away, be the person we want and need to be NOW.

We need to tee up that golf ball that we call life and focus every day or shot like it could be the last of our life!



  • No workout at JUCO on Memorial Day, Monday, May 28 – We will go to the Asylum for a 21 Gun Salute workout that will end at the Veterans Cemetery.  Lakeshore Park is on Orchard Drive, Knoxville, TN 37919
  • Next Friday’s Q, May 26, is open as is the entire month of June – sign up today!


“Egg”- Frank Reynolds

THE SCENE: Polleny, 60s, humid


SSH IC x 20

Merkins IC x 15

Mikael Felps

Kraken Burpees x 10

Imperial Walkers IC x 20


  • Mosey around campus, found us a great “wall” according to Snorkel, did 1/2 Aiken Legs on it yessir
  • Moseyed on over to the hill next to sophomore hill (do we have a name for that one?)
  • While one person in the group ran up and back, one person lead cadence calls for an exercise of their choosing
  • Snorkel chose tempo merkins… Idk how many that man (ghoul) did.
  • Moseyed to a lil spot with some great benches and rails, did us some step ups and seated pullups (20)
  • Moseyed back to parking lot where we got us some sprints in, then we was done and at the AO
  • Kraken burpees and Superman swims were sprankled in there.


8 (Ocho)
I recently gave a friend a call who I knew was having a tough stretch. I found out that his life is more difficult and complex than I thought. It turns out he really (his own words) needed someone to reach out to him. So, be active. Reach out to friends, if they’re fine they will let you know. If not, then listen as much as you can. I encourage you all to make a phone call on your 30 min commute, or maybe while running to the store.
Good work today guys. I am really glad I signed up to Q. If I had not I prolly woulda fartsacked. I am grateful for you all.

Hardship Hill, get yur beverages sorted out