F3 Knoxville

Last IPC 2022 at JUCO

THE SCENE: A little chilly (50sh) and pretty dark at the soccer field.

Warm up was performed OYO.


Round 1

  • 10 BDE Burpees
  • 10 yard Murder Bunny
  • 10 BDE Burpees
  • 10 yard Reverse Murder Bunny

Round 2

  • 20 Thrusters
  • 20 yard Murder Bunny
  • 20 Thrusters
  • 20 yard Reverse Murder Bunny

Round 3

  • 30 Bonnie Blairs (the Hard way)
  • 30 yard Murder Bunny
  • 30 Bonnie Blairs (the Hard way)
  • 30 yard Reverse Murder Bunny

Round 4

  • 40 Jungle Boi Squats (2 Spoonz Style)
  • 20 yard Murder Bunny
  • 40 Jungle Boi Squats (2 Spoonz Style)
  • 20 yard Reverse Murder Bunn

Round 5

  • 50 Merkins
  • 10 yard Murder Bunny
  • 50 Merkins
  • 10 yard Reverse Murder Bunny

There is a timer that is going off every 5 mins. After 5 mins PAX will stop what they are doing and do 5 Kraken Burpees.

10 Chicos Fabulosos!!!
Genesis 2:24 – Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.
Talked about the importance of the love ingredient in the marriage and that love is a verb not a noun, so it needs to be practiced. Plants need water to grow, same way love needs to be executed to flourish in our marriage…let’s practice simple things that we used to do when they were our girlfriends and focus on little details that will change our lives…let’s plan for a romantic diner…why not :)!!!

Passing of the Flag

THE SCENE: Ummm… perfect? low 70s, sunny, awesome.

Done satisfactorily.  Announced that this would be a CO-Q with the one and only STEAM!



– REVERSE Tempo Squats x10, 4-CT, IC

– EL Capitan Lunges x10, 4-CT, IC

– SSH x10, 4-CT, IC

– PRISONER Cell Merkin Burpees x5, OYO

– E2Ks x 10 Left Side, x 10 right side 4-CT, IC

– CHERRY Pickers x5, 4-CT, IC

– TIE FIGHTERS  x5, Forward, x5 Backward 4-CT, IC


Bring CMUs down to bottom of the Summit.  Battle buddy up.

Partner 1 runs the mini-loop.  Partner 2 starts the DORAs.  Switch off.

Exercises, 50x each:

  • CURLS (4-ct)
  • GOBLET SQUATS (single count)
  • BIG BOY SITUPS (single count)
  • OFF SET MERKINS (Both sides =1)


Get in a circle.  Battle buddies without CMUs hold a plank.  Those with CMUs will hold them above their heads, like candles.  These are those annoying fake candles that don’t blow out, though.  Sort of a Birthday cake ring of fire… One PAX will lunge around the inside of the circle, and “blow out” the candles as they pass.  PAX holding CMUs will go down and do one Blockee, PAX doing a plank will do 3 merkins.  PAX switch off holding the CMU and planking every round.

MOSEY up the summit.  One PAX rifle carries CMU, other Bernies next to him.  Switch half way. Return to AO.  HAND OFF TO STEAM, who lead us on the TOWER of POWER

Motivators x 5


When I took over as AOQ on May 25 2021, I wanted us to focus on a few aspects of F3.

  1. Community Service: Coat Drive, Food drive, Cerebral Palsy center
  2. Cheerleaders for each other: Inside and outside the workouts
  3. Re-commitment to the values of F3. Effort, Form, Accountability

I’m really proud of the effort we’ve given to these points of emphasis over the past 16 months.  It has taken a commitment to these values, and we have risen to the occasion.  Well done, men!

But now it’s time to LOOK FORWARD  To a new chapter, both in my life personally as I move on the next half-century, and for the AO. Today, I couldn’t be more proud to hand the flag over to Steam.

To me, Steam is F3 in a bottle.

  • He approaches everything with a positive attitude.  There is no “can’t” in his vocabulary.
  • From constantly picking up Q’s, to taking on numerous leadership positions in F3… Social Media coordinator, Weasel Shaker, Troubadour leader and now AOQ… He leads by example, and it is infectious.
  • How often do you see him circling back to pick up the six? Say “you’re doing great, bro!” or complimenting someone on Slack?  Pretty much all the time…

I’ve never told him this, but working out with him at F3 was one of the things that helped encourage me to fully commit to the organization.  I had been coming sporadically, trying to figure out how much time and effort to put into it… I was cautiously invested in it, you could say.  After a few months, Steam showed up to the Fake Gloom (I think he had been in school for much of the previous few months?) and after working out with him a few times and getting to know him a little better, and seeing what he gave to F3 and what he said F3 gave back to him, well, it was really an inspiration to me that this organization was thought of so highly by a guy who had so many impressive leadership skills and positive outlook at such a young age. So, thank you, Steam, for being such a force of positive inertia for myself, and I’m sure many others.

The pastor at my church recently talked about 1 Timothy verses 2-7, which describes part of the conversations in letters that Paul had with Timothy.  Timothy was a very close pupil of Paul’s, many years his junior, and extremely competent and knowledgeable about the Scriptures, but preaching to his own congregation far from Paul.  The lessons Paul gave weren’t about how to give a great sermon, or what hymns to sing, etc. No.  They emphasized that the number 1 thing to do during your service is to PRAY FOR PEACE.  Big picture stuff, right?  So with Steam, in terms of teaching him how to Q, how to lead, how to inspire, I might as well save my breath.  He doesn’t need to hear one thing to me about any of that. Rather, similar to Paul’s words to Timothy, I would encourage him to maintain the Big Picture stuff.  What is F3 all about?  What makes it so great?  Steam already has everything he needs and more to step into this role, and I have no doubt he will keep the F3 flame at our AO brightly lit.

And as for RESPECT, which we spelled out using the first letter of each of the Warmup exercises (for those paying attention), I guess I get it now according to F3 tradition.  But I don’t want it from you just because it’s a number.  I want to earn it through my effort out here, my support of my brothers, and my commitment to the fundamental principles of F3.  Aye!

Prayers for several members of our PAX, who are recovering from injury or loss.
Let’s Go STEAM!

15 HIMs putting in the work at Asylum

THE SCENE: Overcast and in the mid 80’s with some lingering humidity

SSH IC – 20
Cherry Pickers 15
Arm Circles IC  10 x 2
Michael Phelps a/r
Grady Corn I/C 33
Merkins OYO 10


Mosey down to stop sign
5 forward lunges
5 backwards lunges
5 burpees
Mosey to pathway to the left in front of small parking lot
5, 10 , 25 Nickel dime quarter
Bernie to first light, run to second light – 5 american hammers, 2 CT
Bearcrawl to next light, run to second 10
Side straddle  to first light, run to second 25, sweep back
Bernie to first light, run to second light – 5 Merkins
Bearcrawl to first light, run to second 10
Side straddle  to first light, run to second 25, sweep back
Bernie to first light, run to second light – 5 Freddie Mercuries
Bearcrawl to first light, run to second 10
Side straddle  to first light, run to second 25, sweep back
Mosey to hill side, Find partner
SSH at bottom, partner runs to top Heal Raises (20)
Imperial Walkers at bottom, merkins (20)
Mountain Climbers at bottom, Squats (20)
Back down to walkway at light
Hello Dollies – single count 5, run 2 lights, 10, run 2 lights , 25 sweep back
Shoulder Taps – 2 count 5, 2 count 10, 2 count 25
mosey  up hill directly below bat cave
Top hill with partner
Squats, partner runs to wall to do 20 bench dips
up the stairs to AO, do 3 Merkins OYO

Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!

August 31 is International Overdose Awareness day

North America continues to experience the highest drug-related mortality rate in the world, accounting for one in four drug-related deaths globally, the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime reports.

The US rate is about 90,000 deaths per year

Knox county, there have been 11 deaths so far this year, with year to date deaths at about 291 according to the Knox County Attorney General s office, with about 498 last year and we are on that track this year.

I lost my son Grady due to an accidental overdose caused by Fentanyl in 2018.

The drug-related death report for 2021 from Knox County Regional Forensic Center brings to light some alarming statistics.

  • The five most common drugs identified in drug-related deaths in 2020 were synthetic opioids, methamphetamine, diphenhydramine, alcohol/ethanol, and cocaine.
  • The most frequent cause of drug-related deaths in 2021 was fentanyl and fentanyl analogs, which are structurally similar to fentanyl but are types of synthetic opioids.
  • Over 75% of drug-related deaths were found to be cases of polypharmacy, where more than one drug was responsible for the person’s death.
  • Knox County had a 29% increase in drug-related deaths from 2020 to 2021.
  • People ages 35-40 experienced the most drug deaths in Knox County.
  • The sharpest increase in drug-related groups was in individuals ages 55-64.
  • The presence of anxiety, anti-depressant, and anti-psychotic medication was found in 30 percent of all drug deaths in Knox County.


The drug dealers are lacing everything with fentanyl which is 50 times stronger that heroin and 100 time stronger then morphine – less than a drop of water or the weight of a few grains of sand are lethal. Please talk to your children, teens and make them aware of this risk. Use of naloxone/Narvan can reverse the effects of a drug od.

On Aug 31, from 5-8 pm there will be an event at Volunteer Landing sponsored by the Knoxville Metro Drug Coalition with various speakers. The event will end with a candlelight vigil.

The Metro Drug Coalition is a local resource with a goal is to increase access to evidence-based prevention education, harm reduction programs and recovery support services for anyone desiring to maintain or seek a life free from substance misuse.

The harm reduction aspect of this organization is as follows:

Harm Reduction is a way of preventing disease and promoting health that meets people where they are rather than making judgments about where

Pray for Bluebird (his family and especially his father in law JC) who recently lost his mother in law and for Drum Major’s daughter who is moving into the dorms and all the students who are moving from home for the first time and will be on their own
Welcome FNG Isaac (@Loveboat).

Steam and Brick will be leading a discussion every wednesday about the book “fighting the war inside your head”

Not Hidden

THE SCENE: Partly cloudy, hot but the wind began to cool things off as rainclouds moved by to the west of us.

20 Side-Straddle Hops, 10 Gas Pumps, 10 Mountain Climbers, 10 Cherry Pickers, 10 Tempo Merkins, 33 Grady Corns.
Mosey toward the stop sign located at the Northeastern Corner of the Admin Bldg.  We will stop to do 20 Hello Dollies.  Next we will run on shaded sidewalk toward the Admin Bldg loop.  We will stop in the grass be the shade.  We will split into teams to do Doras.  While one partner does listed exercise, the other partner runs to steps of Admin Bldg, does 15 Calf Raises, and runs back to take over on the exercises his partner was doing.  Here are the exercises that each team of partners will do as a team:

  • 100 Star Jumps
  • 200 Baby Crunches
  • 100 Iron Mikes (both legs = 1)
  • 200 Squats
  • 100 Merkins

Mosey to the shaded area south of the sidewalk loop at the Admin Bldg.  We will do 20 Box Cutters.  Mosey to the stop sign on the Southeastern Corner of the Admin Bldg. Then mosey to the shade of the first tree on the road that semicircles around the Admin Bldg.  We will do 10 Lunges, each leg = 1.

We will so a Bernie/Run combo to the next two shaded areas.  At the first shaded area we will do 20 American Hammers.  At the next shaded area we will do 25 bench dips off the ledge and 25 incline merkin.

Next will will do a combination Bernie and Sprint to the AO.  We will pause two minutes for a water break.

Mosey down Roadshow Run but veer right to the perimeter trail after the second set of steps.  Mosey up the perimeter trail to the shaded area by the large evergreen tree.  We will do 20 Merkins.

Mosey to shaded area near the stop sign at the Northeastern Corner of the Admin Bldg.  From there we will Bernie toward the large tree further up the semi-circle road but run the rest of the way to the tree once we get to the rail on the side of the road.  We will do 20 Diamond Merkins.  Rinse and Repeat.

Mosey back to AO.

Abdominal exercises.
16 men, no FNGs.
1 John 3:1 See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are.

My wife, Jan, is a psychologist who works at East Tennessee Children’s Hospital here in Knoxville.  She has been meeting for about three weeks now with an 8-year-old boy who was in a severe car accident.  The boy suffered extensive damage to his body in the accident and currently cannot walk.  He also lost his mother in the accident.  Jan had to be the person to tell him his mother died.

The boy, initially, didn’t want to talk much about the accident.  But, he has been opening up more to Jan recently.  He told her that he doesn’t feel whole.  He misses his mother so much.  He also feels guilty toward her.  He told Jan that he feels horrible because there were times he lied to his mother or hid matters from her.  He told Jan he felt like he doesn’t deserve his mother’s love.  After saying that, He burst into uncontrollable sobs. Think of that boy, not only losing his mother but thinking he didn’t deserve her love.

Jan gave him time to cry.  Then, calling him by name, she said to him, “Look at me.”  Saying his name again, Jan said, “Your mother knew you lied to her and hid things from her.”  The boy looked shocked but doubtful and asked, “How can you know that?”  Jan said, “Because I am a mother.  All parents know that their children lie and hide things from them. That’s part of being a parent.  Rest assured your mother knew you hid things, but she loved you anyway.”

Those of us who are fathers know that our children sometimes have lied or hid things from us.  It may upset us, but we love them anyway.  That is a special love – the love of parent for child.  And is so good to know that God is our father.  As 1 John 1 proclaims, “See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God.”  God knows we hide things from him.  And like we parents desire our children to be truthful to us, God wants us to be truthful to Him.  Go ahead and confess to him.  He knows what you have done anyway.  You can’t hide from God.  Like Jonah in the mouth of the whale, God sees us.  How good it is to know that He loves us anyway.  He wants what is best for us.  As the great song, “In Christ Alone” states, “For I am His and He is Mine.”  We have an amazing father who is all virtuous, all knowing, and all loving.  Take that in, and freely know that you are loved by your creator.

Prayers for Steam’s fiancé, Megan, and for Brick’s friend, Jason.
Q101 workout this upcoming Thursday at Asylum PM, led by our AO captain, Pele.

chocolate chip


Partly Cloudy Temperature Feels Like Humidity Wind Speed Wind Direction
88 ℉ 96 ℉ 63% 5.6 mi/h SSW

Delivered as desired. I am not a professional.


Stretching with Cherry Pickers, Willie Mays, Neck Rolls.  10 Imperial Walkers.  Mountain Climbers.


On my phone is an app. Tiny Decisions. It is a spinning wheel that randomly selects an exercise and a rep count.

Mostly just run from shaded area to shaded area. Then spin the wheel and do what it says.

We did move along the walking path and do 2 burpees at each lamp post.
We did 11’s at one point that included Merkins and Squats.
And at the top of Cardiac, we used 5 lamp posts to do LBCs. Starting at 5 increasing by 5 at each post. (25 at last post.)

We saw a little silhouetto of a man
Scaramouche, Scaramouche, will you do the Fandango?
Thunderbolt and lightning very, very frightening me
(Galileo) Galileo
(Galileo) Galileo
Galileo Figaro

So we headed back to the flag.

Storm moved away so we did some Mary based on the spinning wheel.
14 Cookie Lovers.

Welcome FNG – Steve-O

For Andrew and his battles to find a better path.  And for all the sick and suffering.  For the unsaid prayers in our hearts.


August 6th workday 7AM – Cerebral Palsy Center.