F3 Knoxville

12 Growing together through the Journey

Asylum AM

THE SCENE:  In the low 40s with rain waining off. heavy clouds

standard disclaimer. no FNGS

Baby Arm Circles 10 IC thumbs up
Baby Arm Circles 10 IC thumbs down
Windmills – 10 IC
Merkins – 5 OYO

Indian Run Mosey up hill to drainage entrance with large rocks
Grab a rock
Curls – 20 IC
Rows – 31 IC
Presses – 42 IC
5 Merkins

Indian Run Mosey back to lot across from AO

4 cones are set up around the parking lot and one in the covered area by the concession stand (adjacent to new playground)

There is one exercise at each station.

  1. Squats, Bernie to 2. Merkins, run to 3, Hello Dollys, run to 4 , bench dips

Complete the exercise at each station – first round is 5 reps, second round is 10 reps, third round is 20, fourth is 10 and fifth is 5

Repeat with second exercise posted at each cone

  1. Lunge, Bernie to 2, 2. Plank Jacks (1ct), run to 3, 3. American Hammers, (2 CT), run to 4, 4. Bench pull ups,

Mosey back to AO after completed

Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
In October, I was in the Phoenix area and was fortunate enough to be able to post at the F3 AO Dog House in Gilbert, so I was added to their slack channel. It was an awesome workout with a great group of HIMs. On the subsequent slack postings, I saw this post from F3 brother @Thrall:

@channel Hey all, just wanted to pop in here and say how grateful I am for this group. I joined the Monday after my wife announced that she wanted to leave me after 7 years of marriage. I think God brought me F3 right when I needed it and he has used the men I have met here to really be an encouragement to me in probably the biggest and toughest season in my life so far. I think it’s why I’m insane enough to get up at 3 and make it time for a great BD or Camelback, every week. It’s because I NEED it. I need the comradery, I need the challenge, I need battle brothers in my corner. It is necessary that I wake up at 3 and drive an hour and a half, and post. It is essentially for my spiritual, physical and mental growth. So thank you to those I’ve met, and thank you for suiting up and showing up. And to all the F3 brothers in this chat, some I’ve met, many I haven’t, and a lot I may never meet… when its hard to drag yourself out of bed, remember that there might be an FNG that’s hurting for community and needs an army to help fight his battles. I know that I did. So again thank you to those I see out there, thank you for the conversations, the care you take to know who I am, the wisdom and for the brotherhood. See you out there in the gloom!
This inspired me. While preparing for my Q this week, I came across the standard F3 website material and it really made me think. So here it is ( I know you have all seen and read this many times)

If the 1st F is what brings a guy to F3, it is the 2nd F that is the “glue” that causes them to stay and stick with it.  It’s easy to get someone out for a free workout. But for most of the F3 guys, the reason they keep coming back — setting their alarm for 5:00 AM three, four or five days a week — is the friendships that are built.

It’s not just about getting better. It’s about getting better together.

At the heart of F3 is a passion to see men grow physically, mentally, relationally and spiritually.
Growth = Challenge + Consistency + Camaraderie
To experience long-term growth, we need to push ourselves intentionally and routinely with the encouragement and support of others on the same journey.

I think the keywords there are Push and Intentional

We all are at different points on that journey, but we are all on the journey. At some points you yourself may not need much support and encouragement, but others might. So its important to be there, to show up and be part of the routine.

