F3 Knoxville

Landline visits Kory Hill

THE SCENE: Dog Pound, early, dry and a nice temp

MOSEY around the outhouse, SSH x20, 10 mericans, 15 SSH ,10 mericans, 15 SSHs, 10 mericans, 15 Mary Catherine gallager type SHH, 10 mericans, then 5 bad ass karate kid kicks!

Mosey to lot next to Matterhorn. 7 spots in a line spaced 10’ apart, across the lot. 7 cones across the lot from them at different lengths (20 to 70 yards ) complete exercise and run around cone across from it and back moving to next exercise. Repeat till the groaning level is sufficient.

  1. SSH x50
  2. Karate kid kicks x10 each leg
  3. squat jumps x25
  4. Merkins x40
  5. CMU curl and press x20
  6. CMU Tris and press x 20
  7. shoulder tap merkins x20

Mosey down Lot around to the docks. Mosey to Cory hill stopping at every other parking line for 1 merkin until reaching hill (20 lines?)

squat walk up Cory Hill, mosey down, Bernie squat up, mosey down, bear crawl up, mosey down …repeat flutter kick till 6 catches

mosey to AO

Landline takes over with some pac-mans, box cutters, Peter Parker’s and side crunches


Hope in God is real. Hope in things, people is nothing. There is hope in Jesus and he has given us the freedom from sin.

Talked about being more intentional with bible reading. Keeping accountability.

had a great picture wearing our shirts for WAgon Wheels friend Bryan who is struggling with a medical issue
Going away party for landline tonight, kickball teams, F3 olympics

More Roll-up V-ups Please

THE SCENE: Low 70s…pretty humid but not too bad



  • Side straddle hops x 20
  • Cherry Pickers x 5
  • This/that stretch
  • Tempo Squats x 10
  • Tempo Merkins x 10


Mosey to Watt Rd parking lot

Descending Ladder.  Work your way down the list until you’ve completed the last exercise, then run a lap around the parking lot.  Rinse/repeat and remove the lowest number exercise each time through until you’ve completed 10 circuits.

  • 10 Burpees
  • 9 Iron Mikes
  • 8 Roll-up, V-up
  • 7 Incline Merkins
  • 6 Squat Jumps
  • 5 WWI
  • 4 Diamond Merkins
  • 3 Side Lunges
  • 2 Jump Knee Tucks
  • 1 Round the Clock Merkin

Soccer field.  6 Cones set up in rectangular shape.  Mosey from cone to cone completing 20 reps of each exercise.

  • Wide Merkin
  • Speed Skater
  • Box Cutter
  • Big Boy Situp
  • Calf Raise
  • Ranger Merkin


Since the Roll-up V-ups were such a crowd pleaser, we ended with 1 minute of these in cadence.

10 total:  Gibbler, Tank, Cosmo, Cornhole, I-Beam, Black Lung, Sparky, Mr. Clean, Wall Ball, Bartman

Just a word about family & extended family.  Love them even though they drive you nuts sometimes!



Run … from … the Bear Attack

THE SCENE: 72 degrees; 100% muggy; 1000% perfect
Single leg swings (first, right; then, left).  Lots of tipsy men.

Touch the toes (or more accurately, touch the air above the toes, or perhaps the shins)

Behind the back standing ankle pulls (first, right; then, left)

Grab a CMU and mosey to the dark side.

Modified Sea Biscuit (again)

  • Round 1: 1 Lap, Exercise 1
  • Round 2: 2 Laps, Exercise 2
  • Round 3: 3 Laps, Exercise 1
  • Round 4: 2 Laps, Exercise 2

Exercise 1: (a) Burkins 5×5 (or whatever you call them) – Burpee down to 5 merkins and up for one rep.; (b) Bear attacks x5 – Cling and press CMU overhead and down; down squat and up to a push press; finish down with CMU on the cement for one rep.

Exercise 2: (a) merkins to exhaustion; (b) Lunging curls x10 each leg –  With CMU in hands, lunge out while bringing CMU to down curl position; lunge back up, curling CMU to up position for one rep.

CMU mosey back to AO.

Total distance:3.5, with a few carrying on to 4 total.

I encourage you brothers to go!  Find an adventure!  Do big what you don’t know or haven’t done before.

Don’t be like me – stuck in the familiar; losing my sense of adventure; forgetting the joy and power adventure brings to life.

Be “Wild at Heart” as John Eldredge describes it.

….and share it (the adventure and your wildness) with your loved ones and kids.

….so they won’t forget – your adventures together and how to be wild at heart themselves.
Be in prayer for @Slide Rule and his family, as the Lord called his mother home this week.
F3 Knoxville Carl Cowen AO staring this Saturday.  Show some love; check out some new terrain.

F3 Dad’s Camp coming up Friday, August 10 – to Sunday, August 12.  A number of F3 Knoxville will be there, including your’s truly.


THE SCENE: Like walking through soup.

@Shooter chose today to settle up for missing his Q on the previous Wednesday. Solid 4 second makeout session with the pee rock painstakingly selected from the pile at the Dog Pound. After that, we got after it:

  • 5 Burpees
  • 10 Cherry Pickers
  • 15 Mericans
  • 20 SSH
  • 25 Imperial Walkers


  • Mosey to running loop and commence Route 66 with Mericans at each light pole, plank til the 6 arrives
  • Continue mosey to baseball field
    • Split into 2 teams and race around the bases (Twice)
    • Home to First: gorilla shuffle, First to Second: sprint, Second to Third: gorilla shuffle, (opposite direction) Third to Home: Sprint (Second lap: sub bear crawl for gorilla shuffle)
  • Mosey to playground
    • 30 Pullups/30 Burpees (However you can get them)
  • Mosey to Upper Parking Lot
    • 8 stations, start at 5 and add 5 at each station, 2 loops
      • 1st loop: Big Boys (5+10+15+20+25+30+35+40=180 Total)
      • 2nd loop: American Hammers (2 count) (5+10+15+20+25+30+35+40=180 Total)
  • Offered 3 options for the next whoopin: 1) Dora 2) Circuit 3) Amazeballs. The PAX chose Amazeballs
  • Mosey to top soccer field, commence Amazeballs:
    • Split into 2 teams, line up on opposing sides of the same baseline
    • PAX plank while one member of each team runs to mid field and retrieves a ball with a workout written on it. Once the ball makes it back to the baseline, the teams complete the workout and one PAX goes to get the next ball. Exercises:
      • 20 Burpees
      • 40 Merkins
      • 50 Big Boys
      • Lunges (Midfield then sprint back)
      • Bear Crawl (Midfield then sprint back)
      • Bernie Sanders (Midfield then sprint back)
  • First Nation run (Indian Run) to AO to complete 1 loop of the truck stop

Popcorn to different PAX: flutter kicks, side crunches and Freddie Mercury’s
One visitor from F3 Memphis: @Goldilocks
Through my transition from individual contributor to a leadership position at work, it has required me to reconsider how I look at my output in order for the team to succeed. It is required for me to anticipate hurdles and roadblocks that may come up for my team members and support them to be successful in spite of these challenges. I encouraged all of the PAX to reach out to others around them and offer support when they are struggling physically and emotionally. #ISI


Almost Independence Day

THE SCENE: Beautiful. 68 degrees and clear as bell.
Cherry Pickers x6

Real Ankle Pulls x10sec

Pike Upx10sec (alternating calf stretch)

Modified Sea Biscuit

  • R1: 1 Lap; Exercise #1
  • R2: 2 Laps; Exercise #2
  • R3: 3 Laps; Exercise #1
  • R4: 3 Laps; Exercise #2

Exercise #1: Lunge-Squat Progression x15 (lunge left, center squate, lunge right = 1rep); Merkins (to exhaustion)

Exercise #2: Squat-Burpee Progression x10 (left facing, touch the ground squat, jump up and turn 180 degrees, down into a burpee, jump up and turn 180 degrees to left facing start = 1rep; LBCs x30

MARY: Nada.

9 in attendance, including “the Gibbler” @Gibbler.  Does this mean that Gibbler posts mileage under Dog Pound or Asylum?

Prompted by Tweet-E’s revelatory insight from the prior night’s power outage at his home (and mine), I was prompted to reflect and pray during Tha-Thang about God’s command to “abide” in Him and “be still.” Of course, it was hard to be still while running, but the point is not “be motionless,” but “be focused on God.”

How rarely I stop, clear my mind,  focus on the greatness, glory, worthiness, omniscience, omnipresence, omnipotence, sovereignty, might, love, etc… of God and just “be still.”  Even in the me-time, I run with headphones in, distracting myself, or bury my face in a screen or page.

If you are like me, I was encouraged to be still even while moving.