F3 Knoxville

Omelette with Merlot

The Scene: 61 and clear with rain looming

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

SSH 20x IC
Chinook x10 IC each direction
Michael Phelps x10 IC
Cherry Pickers x10 IC

Mosey to guardrail
Dips x20
Incline merkins x20
LBC x20
Side straddle hop til 6 is up

Mosey to bottom of Matterhorn
Ladder suicides
Run to second cone and back to cone 1
Run to third cone and back to cone 2
Repeat until you end at top

Burpees until 6 is up

Mosey to pavilion
Partner up for Dora
50 pull-ups
100 merkins
200 dips
5 merkin, 10 dips, 15 squat cycle til 6 is up

Mosey to top of Matterhorn

Ladder Suicide back down Matterhorn

Indian Run back to AO

Flutter kicks x20 IC
Hold feet 6 inches off ground
Hello Dolly’s x20 IC
Hold feet 6 inches off ground
Reverse crunches x10 OYO
Hold feet 6 inches off ground
BBS x20 IC
LBC x20 IC

Count off and Name-o-Rama

This week has been eye opening for me with employee’s family members passing or having sudden major health issues. I’ve listened to me struggle with their emotions as they process through what is happening. I often take for granted my family. I pondered that yesterday as I went home from work.

Remember, life is short and death is looming for us all. Cherish those around you for you don’t know when your time is up.

Piece of Cake

The Scene: 52 degrees and beautiful

F3 Intro and Disclaimer


SSH x 16 IC
High Knees x 16 IC
Merkins x 16
Tempo Squats x 16 IC
BAC x 16 IC
Reverse BAC x 16 IC

Mosey to the Parking lot across from the AO


Piece of Cake Doracides

Partner up. While one partner does the following exercises, the other partner runs suicides in the parking lot. When the first partner returns, the second partner begins running.

10- Burpees
20- Merkins
30- Star Jacks
40- Big Boy Sit Ups
50- Squats

Once the first set is done, start from the bottom and go back up to the top. If that is completed, the numbers switch and would look like this:

50- Burpees
40- Merkins
30- Star Jacks
20- Big Boy Sit Ups
10- Squats

Mosey to the Pavilion

Two sets of the following

Group 1

Pull Ups x 12
Triceps dips x 16
Reverse Lunges x 16

Group 2

Dirkins x 12
Calf Raises x 16
Narrow Squats x 20

Mosey to the AO

Flutter Kicks x 16 IC
Pacman x 20 on each side
LBC x 100 IC


Use your talents for God’s work. 1 Peter 4:10 says “Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in it various forms”. When we take the talent and gifts that God provided us with to benefit others we are fulfilling God’s purpose for our lives. If we float through life and do not use these talents then we are disregarding God’s perfect will for our lives.

Mosey to Dora

THE SCENE: 42 and clear

  • Side Straddle Hops x 20 IC
  • Sumo Squats x 15 IC
  • Burpees x 5


Mosey to boat parking lot
Dora’s – light pole to light pole
Find a Battle Buddy
100 – Donkey Kicks
200 – Hand Release Merkins
300 – Jump Squats
Planks when complete

Mosey one lap around boat parking to driveway hill
Yo-levens (courtesy of F3-Swamp Rabbit)
1 BBS at bottom
Bear crawl up hill
10 Burpees
Crab crawl down hill
Repeat, 2/9, 3/8……
Planks when complete
Mosey back to parking lot


BBS x 20 IC

Flutter kicks x 20 IC

Hello Dolly’s x 20 IC

Heels to sky x 20 IC

1 FNG – FrankNBeans

1 John 1:5 – 2:2 says we should walk in light and admit our sins.  If we admit our sins doesn’t that admit weakness?  What happens when we struggle, have a fight with our wives, get frustrated with our children, have a bad day at work?  Who do we turn too?  How do you attempt to justify the struggle to yourself?  Do you attempt to be better by improving yourself?  

John reminds us to confess our sins and our “advocate” Christ will cleanse us from all unrighteousness.  This my brothers is self-submission.

Goal – “give what God wants from me”

Focus – “changing my heart”

Center of Dependency – “God and His Holy Spirit”

Outcome – “Life”

F3 Davidson – PAXs wife struck and kills by by garage truck. Left behind 4 2.0’s. 

Le Kraken

57 degrees & storms-a-brewin

Welcome & Disclaimer


SSH x 25 IC
High knees across parking lot
Little bit o’ this
Little bit o’ that
Butt kicks back across parking lot

Mosey towards the Kraken; wagon wheel at halfway point for 1 round of circle burp.


8 cones are placed in a circle.
Complete the exercise at one cone and then run around
the circle of cones to the next cone (i.e., one loop +
one cone). Rinse & repeat until you have completed
all exercises.

Dry Docks x 30
Narrow Squats x 30
4ct Flutter Kicks x 20
Star Jacks x 30
4ct Should Taps x 20
Reverse Lunges x 30 (each leg is 1)
4ct Hello Dolly x 20
Smurf Jacks x 30

Super 21s:

Perform 1 situp & sprint to opposite side of parking lot.
Perform 1 merkin & sprint back.
Rinse & repeat, adding 1 rep to each round until you perform 21 sit-ups & 21 merkins. (Total rep count is 231 of each exercise if you finish)

Mosey back to AO for Mary:

Shoulder blasters (1 round)
Box Cutters x 25 IC
Mountain Climbers x 25 IC

Number off & Name-o-Rama


My wife and I were recently discussing the end of our 20s/beginning of our 30s and she commented that quite frankly she’s glad her 20s are over because they honestly didn’t start off very well. I found it to be an interesting note because it is so easy to remember “the good ole days”. We tend to relish in our past glory and forget the pain & angst that may have also been present.

Joshua Fields Milburn, 1/2 of the due known as “The Minimalists”, published an essay about this titled “30 is NOT the new 20”. Below are a few excerpts that echo what I’m getting at here:

“I officially turned 30 today…They say 30 is the new 20, but to be honest I’m glad that’s not true. I’m moving forward, not backwards.  I’m growing and I’m happy to be 30…today marks a new decade for me, a decade of opportunity…I will embrace this life, even though it scares…me at times. It is the only life I have. And I will love my life–a beautiful, terrifying, wonderous life–through the good times and the bad. Here’s to another 30 years, and then another”

(The full essay is here is anyone is interested: http://www.theminimalists.com/30/)

I think we are all guilty of some remorse when crossing into a new decade. Often we are not where we want to be financially or socially or emotionally or physically. It’s easy to think about how much better we could have been over the last decade if we’d only known what we know now. I challenge all of you, myself included, to focus on the present and plan for the future. Instead of looking backwards on what you haven’t done, remember to seize the opportunities that lie ahead and focus on what you CAN do now blessed to wake up and spend some time in the gloom with out brothers. Relish in that, and seize the day. Conquer the Kraken, and then move on the next one. AYE!

Rock Blaster

Scene: 53 and clear

Welcome and Disclaimer


15 IC Cherry Pickers

10 IC  BAC

10 IC Merkins


Mosey to pee rocks

Select 1 big rock, and 2 little rocks

While 2 members of the PAX complete 4 tire pulls each the rest of the PAX completes the following exercises

  • Big rock, arm curls/ overhead tri ext.  6 reps back and forth
  • Little rocks, hold one rock 90 degree, 6 rep curl 6 rep ext.
  • Big rock, press and skull crusher 6 rep press 6 rep ext
  • Little rock, moon curl, kick back 6 and 6
  • Big rock, wood choppers 6 each way
  • End of Round 1, then 10 Burpees OYO
  • Round 2 and then 20 Merkins OYO
  • Round 3 and then 10 Burpees OYO


Dealer’s Choice

50 LBC OYO (Swirlie)

25 IC Flutter kicks (Barney)

20 IC Macerna (Mayberry)

30 IC Box Cutters (Sparky)



I want to challenge you all to be Meek men, Abraham Lincoln said Meekness is not weakness- it is strength under control. Christ said blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the of the earth.
The word meekness always has an association with domesticated animals which I’ve never been crazy about, but when I think about it, an ox hooked to the plow isn’t weak but incredibly powerful because its strength is harnessed for a particular purpose.  
Commit your way to the Lord, trust in him and he will act. There are stories about prisoners in Nazi camps who were made to move heavy boulders from one end of a field to the other, only to carry them back again, many of the men were eventually driven crazy, not by the physical toll on the body but by the futility of the task. The apostle Paul says that in the Lord your labor is not in vain.
Don’t waste your strength aimlessly pushing boulders around the prison yard. Let’s stand strong as brothers for God and see what God can do with our harnessed strength.