F3 Knoxville

ShamRockin’ the Mic

THE SCENE: Cool and dry…

Side straddle hop in cadence 20
Cherry Pickers
10 tempo Merkins
Arm rotations thumbs up in cadence
Reverse thumbs down in cadence
5 burpees on your own
Side straddle hop in cadence

  • Mosey to the coupon pile
  • Partner up, line up on curb
    100 curls while partner bear crawls to the other side and crawl bears back
    100 thrusters while partner Crab walks to the other side and Bernies back
  • Flutter kicks in cadence
  • Mosey to the covered side, line up on curb
    Shaun T’s – step up, knee to opposite elbow,
    Step down, backward lunge and reach to curb.
  • Burpee leap frogs from one speed bump to the other
  • Flutter kicks in cadence
  • Mosey to the track
  • Suicides 20yd, 30yd, 40yd
  • Kick flip’s Mucho Chesto: Diamond, Regular, Wide, and Staggered 10x each
  • Flutter kicks in cadence
  • Walk corners and sprint down the straight away
  • Freddy Mercury in cadence
  • Mosey back to the flag!


  • Cardio Island: Karaokes, High Knees, high heels, skip, side to side low, walking lunges
  • 8 Count Merkins x10

Use the TAGS on right-side to record PAX (BE SURE TO INCLUDE YOURSELF) in attendance. Be sure to select the AO in CATEGORY above TAGS and then delete these notes!
I finished reading the Bible for the first time in my life back in February. This is probably not a feat for you guys… It took me a little more than 2 years to finish a 1 year plan. But I did it! I’ve always been around the Bible and I’ve read bits and pieces, here and there. I made a lot of attempts to read it cover to cover, and i would fizzle somewhere after the creation… If you struggle like I did, I highly recommend a Bible reading plan.

Thank you gentlemen for challenging me! I have nothing but respect for you guys.


Grainger County Christmas Story

THE SCENE: Clear skies, temps in high 20’s.

Run around the parking lot to get warm; 20 Side-Straddle Hops; 10 Burpees; 10 Cherry Pickers; 10 Rockettes; 7 Wide Arm Circles Forward and Backward
Mosey to start of the Dragon Tail.  We will run up dragon tail stopping at every other light to do 10 of the following exercises (one exercise for each run up).  After reaching the top, run on trail to road, back down to lower parking lot, and back to the start of the Dragon Tail to do the next exercise.  Here are the exercises:

  • Iron Mikes (both legs = 1)
  • Big Boy Sit-ups
  • Jump Squats
  • Merkins

Mosey to stop sign that is on the northeastern corner of the admin bldg.  We will be moving in a route with signs giving the directions for exercises along the way and where we go next.  The signs will be numbered and by cones.

  • Cone 1:  Do 10 Burpees.  Then bear crawl on sidewalk heading south to Cone 2.
  • Cone 2:  Do 15 Dive Bombers.  Then lunge on sidewalk south to Cone 3.
  • Cone 3:  Do 10 Shoulder Taps (both shoulders = 1).  Then run to Cone 4 at porch of Admin Bldg.
  • Cone 4:  Do 20 Calf Raises on stairs and 20 Hello Dollies (4 ct.) on porch. Then run south on trail and back north on trail to Cone 5.
  • Cone 5:  Run down steps to parking lot below Coliseum.  Then run south up parking lot, around to southern end of Coliseum and north to Cone 6 which is by marble bench area of Coliseum.
  • Cone 6:  Do 20 Bench Dips.  Then run to Cone 7.
  • Cone 7:  Do 40 Baby Crunches.  Then run to Cone 8 which is on street near to the admin stop sign where we started.
  • Cone 8:  Do 20 Carolina Dry Docks.
  • Rinse and Repeat.

As a group we will take a 30 second gander at Beautiful Eastern TN below us.  Then we will mosey to parking lot with CMUs.

Each man grabs a CMU and teams up with a brother.  We will do Doras. While one man runs to pavilion and does 10 Picnic Table Pull-ups, the other does the exercises with the CMU.  Then partners switch. Each team will do the following exercises:

  • 100 Overhead Presses
  • 100 Curls
  • 100 Rows
  • 100 Squats

Put CMUs back and mosey to start of mini-cardiac.  Bernie up mini-cardiac to park sign, then sprint the rest of the way to the AO.

28 men with one FNG:  John Case.  He is now named Lamont.  He is the father of member Mickey.
In my work as a therapist I heard a mighty fine Christmas story from one of my patients and decided to share it to you here in February.  My patient lives in a mountainous area in Grainger County, Tennessee.  Some of you may have heard of Grainger County tomatoes.  Most are grown in the valley of the county but some areas of the county can be pretty rugged.  Here’s a little demographic news for you in regards to Grainger County.  It is 94% white, 3.3% Hispanic, and probably less than 1% Black.  If you are a black man, you may not want to get stuck alone in Grainger County.  The patient I am talking about is a middle-aged white woman and she would tell you that.

She also told me about an African-American truck driver who was driving on a winding highway through the area she lived in on Christmas Eve.  As you may recall, Christmas Eve is the day we got that snow that gave us all a White Christmas.  The highway the man was driving on was curvy and slick.  Unfortunately, his 18 wheeler went off the side of the road and landed in a deep ditch.  There was no way to get that truck out easily.  It was going to take more than one large wrecker truck to get the truck out.  It being Christmas, that would take well over 24 hours.

The truck had valuable cargo and the driver was required to stay with his truck until it could be towed.  So this African-American truck driver was stuck on Christmas Eve miles from his home – in one of the most rugged areas of “redneck country”.  In Grainger County, if you aren’t driving a pickup truck with a gun rack inside your back window, “you probably ain’t from around these parts.”  The necessary clothing for a man is a pair of jeans with a can of snuff in your back pocket.

News can spread pretty fast in a rural county and the news of the sidelined truck came to my patient quickly.  She was frankly worried about this African-American truckdriver stuck in her neck of the woods.  She was concerned someone might try to start some trouble with him.  She wanted to go out to his truck to check on him but was worried about doing so until her husband got home.  He did later that day and they went out to the area where the truck was located.

What they found was a number of “neighbors” already congregated by the truck.  They also found these same “redneck” neighbors had brought the African-American truckdriver some hot dinner, hot coffee, and baked goods to snack on through the evening.  People from all over were coming to make the driver feel as comfortable as he could.  They even brought blankets but he had those in his cabin which he was able to keep warm through keeping the engine on.  They offered for him to come to their homes but he had to stay with his truck.  By the next morning the driver had hot breakfast and gifts of goodies and Christmas cards.  When the truck was finally pulled out of the ditch, the driver went home with more hot food and goodies that were brought to him at lunch and dinner time on Christmas Day.

My patient went to sleep on Christmas night feeling wonderful about the residents of Grainger County.  Whatever their beliefs and prejudices’, they had made an African-American stranger feel blessed and welcome.  It was a Christmas that I am sure he will never forget.  And, my patient, who has had a difficult year, sang “Joy to the World” a little louder on Christmas day.  The air smelled mighty fresh in Grainger County and the stars shone brighter for the rest of 2020.

Prayers for the disenfranchised; for caregivers who are taking care of others and that they would have patience in that difficult task; for Ribbed and his wife, Sarah, after the surgery to remove the tumor by her spine; for Abacus’ mother who will need surgery on her leg; for those in F3 who have lost loved ones this year.
Reward at Coffeeteria!

A Hill Worth Dying For

THE SCENE: Comfy mid-30’s and extra gloomy


SSH (IC) x 20; Tai Fighters (IC) x 10 per side; Hand Release Merkins (OYO) x 10; Temp Squat Jumps (IC) x 10


Mosey to hill below track; pick battle buddies (COVID-safe); HIM1 sprints to top of hill for hand release merkins (increase amount on each rep to 11); HIM2 does SSH while waiting; flapjack until 11 reached.

Mosey to lot beside baseball field (lunges at first then mosey); Karaoke to far end of lot and return; High knees half way and butt-kicks the rest; line up at hill for next session of fun.

HIM1 runs through trench and over hill to sidewalk along Fox Lonas for monkey humpers (increase amount on each rep to 8); HIM2 does big boy situps while waiting; flapjack until 8 reached.

Mosey to street corner near Weigel’s (lunges in middle of section); Jailbreak sprint to the top of hill at Park Village Rd; SSH at top while waiting for 6 to arrive; mosey back to bottom of hill.

Move into retention area behind baseball outfield fence; HIM1 sprints to top of hill for tree taps (like shoulder taps but tap trees along fence); HIM2 does squat jumps while waiting; flapjack until 8 reached.

Mosey back to lot beside baseball field; High knees half way and butt-kicks the rest; mosey to hill in front of high school drop off area.

Speed round… HIM1 precariously heads to bottom of steep hill and bear crawls back up hill; HIM2 does Rocky Balboas while waiting; flapjack one time.  Mosey back to AO.

@Pom Pom led the group in motivators starting at 10.


19 HIMs plus 1 FNG (Patsy)


COVID, masks, election, school decisions, sports, time with family, and holiday traditions… all relevant topics that can lead to disagreement and arguments.  We need to discern and determine which “hill is worth dying for” when it comes to disagreements.  Romans 12:18 encourages us to live peaceably as much as possible.

Isaiah 9 spoke of a people in darkness who were brought into the light.  A special child was promised to usher in peace and hope.  John 8:12 speaks of this Light of the world – Jesus.

Jesus came to die on a hill for us.  John 3:17  He came to reconcile God and man.  See Hark the Herald Angels carol… “God and sinners reconciled”.

Priorities and Split Squats

The Scene

29 and cold (Perfect for some CMU work according to Mermaid)

F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith, Free, Modify, Not Professional, Own Volition, Social Distance, Phone


BAC F/B/OH (Thia Fighter Style)


Tempo Squat

Curtsey Lunges

Tennessee Rocking Chairs


Mosey to the CMU pile

Split into groups of 3

16 minutes for each group to get max rounds of the following exercises starting with 1 rep and adding a rep each cycle. (Goal is to climb as high on the ladder as you can with your group) Each group will work together and pretend to skip rope until everyone in the group has finished the reps. 

Hand Release Merkins

Split Squat Press (These got really spicy really quick)

Underhanded row

Overhand curls

BBS (Focusing on full range of motion. Hands touch ground behind the head, all the way to a toe touch at the top of the BBS)

When we get to the 16-minute mark groups will tally their total

YHC broke a CMU so we had to break form some penalty burpees

Then groups will proceed to work back down from their max rounds accomplished down the ladder all the way to 1 of each. If the group does not get back down the ladder to 1 there is a 10 burpee penalty. We took our total and subtracted 3 and went back down the ladder with a 10-minute time cap. 

Everyone finished before the 10 minutes so we did 5 burpees just because.

Mosey back to AO


Knee Tucks (2 sets of 30 seconds)


13 High Impact Men 


James 4:14 “Yet you do not know what tomorrow will bring. What is your life? For you are a mist that appears for a little time and then vanishes.”

I have been really convicted in my own life about focusing on things that are not high on the eternal priority list. I have been getting so caught up in eternally low priorities that I am letting the truly important things fall to the waste side. Take the time today and every day going forward to look at your wife in the eyes and ask her how she is doing, when your kids ask you to play with them, even if it’s for 20 minutes, DO IT. Everything else (Work, cleaning, tv, your phone) can wait, the people around you will stop trying to fight for your attention if you keep sending them down the priority list. 

I am thankful for all of the men of F3 around me and the man that I have become since I joined you guys in the gloom back in March, Thank you! 


Many needs presented this morning and some guys going through some tough stuff. Remember to reach out to one another and check in on each other. No man left behind, no man left the same.




The Scene

Perfect Gloom


F3 Welcome and Disclaimer

Fitness, Fellowship, Faith, Free, Modify, Not Professional, Own Volition, Social Distance, Phone



Cherry Pickers

Thai Fighter Arm Circles

Seal claps


Tempo Squats

Bear Crawl F/S/B/S/F




Mosey to track and field hill

13 one heel elevated squats 

Bear crawl to curb, run up hill, recover down and hold plank until everyone returns


Down to 1 by 3’s


Mosey to CMU pile stopping halfway for 10 BBS/Glute bridges


13 exercises – 13 reps – .13 mile run

We only got through exercise 8



CMU Box Jumps

CMU Swings

Overhead Press

CMU lunges

Carolina Dry Docks

Mountain Climber Knee Taps

Freddy Mercury

Curb Dips

CMU Squats


Burpees over CMU


Mosey to AO switching between Bernie and mosey



Imperial Walkers for 45 seconds



17 HIM’s



Joshua 1:9

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” 


Isaiah 41:10

“Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”